Hired To Kill

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Hired To Kill Page 4

by J. L. Beck

  “Well, I am relieved.” She shook his hand firmly and dropped it.

  “Yeah?” he asked as he felt the sudden loss of that warmth in his hand. He was just still trying to get his bearings and a sense of reality when she just popped up in front of him, like this.

  “That you’re not a foreign mute!” She laughed loudly.

  A nervous tickle climbed along his neck at the sound of her tinkling laugh. His body again reacted on its own. Fuck, get a hold of yourself, you dumbass!

  “So, where are you headed?” She placed her hands under her chin.

  Wherever you’re going, I’m sure. He shrugged an answer, and he couldn’t help thinking how she looked so dammed cute. All perched on her seat like this, her hands under her chin, her elbows on the table between them, her focus on him only with a lively interest in her intelligent gaze. He again gave no answer. Like he was fucking tongue tied? No, man, this was so not him.

  “Well, there are only two real destinations, anyways.” She smiled sweetly at him.

  Gen sat immobile at the effect of that dazzling smile. Yes, she was even more stunning than the image of her that was even now burning a hole in his back pocket. “Umm…two?” he asked. If he remembered correctly there was like 20 more to go.

  She shook her head as if her were clueless to the joke. “Well, there’s the stop where you get on, then the one where you get off.”

  He blinked again. Yeah, that was clever. For the first time, he let a genuine smile cross his lips.

  “Can I get you something?” a man spoke from above them.

  Vivian swung her gaze up. “Oh, yes.” Her stunning smile widened. “A pink flamingo with a little umbrella, heavy on the cherries and no chunky ice, please!” Her voice sang with the description of the unusual drink.

  “Um…” The waiter blinked at her with confusion.

  “I’m just kidding.” She rolled her eyes. “I thought I was at the beach already.” She laughed at his befuddled expression.

  The waiter looked relieved at not having to actually get her a drink like that one.

  “Just a white wine, please?” She blinked her eyes innocently at him.

  Awestruck, the waiter stilled like he’d just become breathless or catatonic.

  Gen stilled as the memory of his wet, hard dream came back to him. The beach? She had said she thought… Of course, she was headed to Florida, Lorenzo had informed him. So she meant that beach. “Huh-Mmm…” He cleared his throat, as he really didn’t like the way this guy was ogling her.

  Slowly, the waiter swung his eyes over to him.

  Yeah, dude I AM sitting here too. “I’ll have the same, please,” he added with a dry tone. This fucking guy had gall. The woman was sitting with him and he was nearly hitting on her? Gen tried to control himself. Shit. He was jealous? No fucking way. He simply didn’t like anyone butting in on his…job.

  The waiter glanced back to the lively redhead and paused again to take her in. “Um––yeah, okay.” He turned and made his way down the aisle.

  She giggled mischievously. Like she had some secret joke.

  Damn, he just got hard in his jeans again. He stilled in shock at the girl-like giggle. He could imagine hearing it in other circumstances.

  “I shouldn’t have thrown the poor guy off his game.” She shrugged. “Asking for that drink. Poor guy. It’s just that I am so ready for this vacation.” She sighed as she leaned back, her bare toes reaching out, touching his jean covered knee.

  He jumped. This was the last thing he’d envisioned. He was supposed to seduce this woman, not the other way around. What the fuck was going on here? His body actually flushed at the contact. He needed to get control of this.

  “Oops, sorry.” Her eyes shone bright with amusement as her cheeks reddened with full out blush. “I just bought those heels. I’m breaking them in and well, my toes ache, you know”

  He swallowed heavily and tried to get a grip. A woman who actually blushes. He was mesmerized. Her reaction was entirely genuine too. He knew now she hadn’t meant it like a come-on. He felt both disappointed and relieved at this. Again, if he had to standup right now, everyone would know what he wanted. He’d never had so many hard-ons before. Before her… that is. He took in a calming breath and let it out slow before he spoke, “So, what do you do when you’re not on vacation, Vivian?” He studied her face.

  Her expression suddenly changed as her smile slipped. “Call me Vi, okay? I think Vivian just sounds…” Her voice faded away as she casually leaned back again. Her expression had sobered a bit.

  Just sounds like what? It wasn’t her real name of course. Maybe that was it? He tried to steady himself and focus on the prize here. He also wanted her to be at ease like before so he needed to keep up with the getting acquainted stage. Make her feel better. He caught himself again. Like it was his job to make this woman happy? God dammit, this was a clusterfuck mess.

  “Trinkets,” she added.

  “What?” He’d certainly lost track of this conversation.

  “Old stuff.” She shrugged. “I’m a buyer.”

  Oh, what she did for a living. Man, he wasn’t keeping up here. Lagging behind and acting like a fucking retard.

  The waiter set their drinks down on napkins in front of them.

  “Thanks.” She beamed at him.

  Halting, the young server froze at the smile and grinned at her with his eyes roaming over her.

  She picked up her glass and sipped her wine. Apparently unaware of the man at all.

  Reluctantly, the waiter turned away.

  “I think he’s smitten,” Gen teased while trying to keep his voice light when really he wanted to put his fist through the guy’s face. Knocking that grin the hell off.

  “Uh?” She seemed oblivious to the attraction the waiter had so obviously felt.

  “Never mind.” He took a sip and set his glass down. He needed to keep this light hearted engagement up, not get all violent with some kid waiter. “So, about these trinkets?” He wondered if that was what this whole deal was about? She had something Lorenzo wanted? He paused, she sure as hell had something he himself wanted and it wasn’t some dammed trinket either.

  “Yeah, what about them?” She raised a suspicious brow.

  “I’m just curious.” He sipped at his wine. Staying casual.

  Vi leaned in close. “It’s really a wonderful job. I get to go all over the world to look at the rarest pieces, and decide if they’re authentic.”

  “It sounds great.” He set his glass down. It didn’t at all answer any of his questions, but he needed to just roll with this and not push.

  “And sometimes…” she whispered, her tone secretive as she leaned in with a conspirator type action. Like she had some huge secret.

  He paused. Fuck yeah, she had one. It was a huge one apparently. Wirth at least 200k in his estimation for what he would get for this job. More than curious, Gen leaned a little closer to hear. He caught that scent again and tried not to inhale too deeply so she wouldn’t realize he was reveling in it. Maybe he should try to keep a distance or his attraction would get the better of him.

  “…sometimes, I even get to actually buy something!” Her voice filled with an excited hush as she winked a green eye at him.

  He studied her animated expression. Man, no wonder the poor waiter just fell under her bus. That smile! At the sight of her playful expression, he felt a strong resolve rise up in him. I will enjoy seeing this very look on her face while she is bare beneath me as I play with her. He then caught himself. Focus Gen. He was losing track of what was the prize here. Getting her to trust him and taking her back to face… His gut tightened at the real danger she was in. Didn’t she know she was in danger? She sure as hell acted carefree and unworried.

  “You’ve gone all serious, again.” She frowned at him.

  “I’m just distracted.” By you, when I should be thinking about my job.

  “So, you’re out on business and not pleasure?” She took another sip of h
er wine.

  “A little of both.” Truth enough there. His eyes locked with hers. The pleasure of chasing you and the business of catching you. He almost winced at the thought. He was beginning to realize it wasn’t the job, it was a conquest?

  “Well, I for one am leaving business on the train tracks.” Downing the rest of her wine, she stood from the cubby table.

  “You’re leaving?” Dammit, you can’t let her leave. You can’t just let her disappear!

  Vi nodded and lowered her head to reach for her shoes under the table. Slowly slipping one shoe on at a time, she grinned at him. “Yep.” Then she shook her head. “But I’ll still be around. I mean it isn’t as if I can just hop off the train that is going at what… eighty miles an hour?”

  “Well…” He stood up and stared at her. She had a point and he couldn’t act too pushy. Too overeager. It would blow his cover for sure.

  Vi reached out and grasped his hand. “I’ll see you again, K?” Her eyes focused on him. “I’m traveling alone…” Her voice faded away like she’d regretted admitting this fact and she abruptly dropped his hand like she hadn’t realized she grabbed it. “So, like having a friend would be great. I mean well, until one of us gets off, that is.” Now she looked flustered for the first time during this meeting. Like she regretted it.

  He blinked at her. Yeah, he intended to get off all right, he squashed this thought. Dammit, he was thinking with the wrong brain here. She’s choosing me to be her train friend? He almost let out the stunned laughter he felt percolating in his chest. Choosing the man who is after you to take you back to the mob to face the firing squad? “Well, I’d like that. How about dinner, here later?” Don’t push too hard Genaro.

  Tilting her head, she looked him over.

  Man, was that heat and interest in those green eyes? He dared to hope.

  “OK. I supposed its safe enough?” She looked around at the dining car and for the first time, she did look scared.

  Safe? He took a deep breath. Woman, with me, that is the last thing you will ever be. Though he refused to pause and think over this thought, as he didn’t know if it was because he wanted her in the worst way or if it was because he truly wasn’t her friend at all…in the grimmest sense of the word.


  What the hell had she just done? Alexa sighed as she entered her train compartment. She’d spotted him and knew he’s be the prefect solution to her problem. If they were hunting her, they would be looking for a woman alone. So, even though she’d felt so scared inside when she had spotted him sitting there at that table, she had literally stopped in her tracks. Right there in the aisle. Stunned.

  He’d looked…. she paused. Delicious. Downright sinfully delicious. Shaking her head, she stalked over to her bags on the small pullout bed in the tiny room. No. That hadn’t been it, she argued with herself trying to excuse herself from the real reaction she had to the man upon first sight. Well, okay. That had been part of it. Something drew her to him.

  It had been the perfect meeting too, because when she got on the train after that nasty long three day bus ride from CA, she got an idea, well she had many wild hair brained ideas over the last two days and she discarded most of them. But she needed cover. She had decided to maybe make a friend. Yeah, she knew she was easy to look at and it was right now, her only chip to play. Being a pretty young thing alone on a trip.

  So, she knew she would need a companion of some kind. Maybe a chick would have been safer, but when she saw this guy?

  Well, all sense left her head. She found herself wandering up to where he sat alone. She first made sure there was no wedding ring or even a shadow of one on his finger. Then….

  Yeah. Then what, Alexa? You put flirting into overdrive and just sat the hell down with a strange man. Practically cuddling up to the poor guy. A stranger no less.

  That was the thing though. He’d seemed familiar for some reason. Not that she had ever met him before. Oh, no. She would’ve remember that!

  God, that body? That silky dark hair and those steely looking eyes. But there had been warmth in his gaze when he’d looked at her. Not any sense of a predatory nature. Then again…he’d looked stunned that she had just made herself at home at his table. That was also natural and it emboldened her. Like if he were a slimeball or dangerous, he sure as hell didn’t act like it.

  Well, he just sat and stared at her really. He did look shocked at her brazen behavior. She’d lost control of her little bubbly act as it went on. Like asking for that stupid drink then practically climbing up his leg with her bare toes? Mortified was what she’d felt after her act had turned into real flirting and attraction. She dropped her head into her hands. God, like she came on too strong. All that nervous fucking giggling? It was shameless.

  But… her head rose up. Damn, he’d smelled so good. And looked even better once he relaxed and smiled. Yeah, she could tell he was distracted by something. He’d looked so lost when she’d first spotted him. A man like that lost? The thought was almost hilarious. But how was she to know his life. She’d just butted into it. And everyone had problems/ Like look at hers!

  She let out a disgusted laugh. If anyone had worries, it would be her! Stupid her! Stealing from the mob? Sticking around and witnessing a murder? It had led her to that table to sit across from that god like man.

  And the size of him! Like, any guy who saw him in a dark alley would piss themselves. Yeah, there was that body all hard planes. His muscled arms and wide chest under that tee shirt. Drool worthy, all the way.

  Again, in self disgust, she shook her head and got up from the little bed in a huff. Slutty much, Alexa? Disgusted at herself she stomped her foot as she shucked her tee-shirt.

  So to get dressed for dinner. With a complete stranger while on a train fleeing from the mob with a stolen box of…

  Her thoughts went to the metal box. No, she hadn’t been able to crack it yet. Whatever was in there meant a whole lot to the Lagari organization.

  She toed off the stupid uncomfortable heels. A hit list? Blackmail on other kingpins? A list of police heads and local politicians that had been bribed? No telling and if truth be told, she didn’t want to know. That box and its contents was her death warrant for sure. She would figure out what to do with it later. First, she had to insure a cover and maybe at the same time enjoy being with a guy for change. And not just any guy. She again pictured this Gen and actually shivered. She paused for a moment thinking what and odd name it was. Well, maybe she could get more info on him at dinner.

  She undid her jeans and tugged them down. More info and more of those eyes and that scent of his. All male and a light but heady cologne. An expensive cologne if her nose hadn’t fooled her.

  He looked like maybe a construction worker physically then she had gazed at his hands and fingers. No, he didn’t pound a hammer for a living but she shouldn’t have looked as he had the nicest hands, beautiful long storm fingers. She had actually grabbed his hand when she got up to leave!

  She’d d found herself nearly jumping the poor man. So touchy feeely! Crap, she had almost blown it then. Pushing herself on him when she’d needed to take it slow and just be casual. Like what would he think with her panting and drooling over him?

  Yeah, she had thought more than once if she should wipe the drool from her lips. I mean the man was intoxicating as all hell. Like drop dead gorgeous and in shape too. So again, her thoughts went to what he would do for a living. His hands had been too smooth, no callouses. No scars like he did heavy labor.

  Curiosity burned in her over this Gen guy. So much so, that she almost forgot her troubles for ten whole minutes at a time. She forgot to feel scared. Feel terror and dread like she’d felt since the very moment she saw that woman… She pushed that horrific image away.

  With a new sense of purpose, she went in to shower then she would get dressed. She wondered if she should wear that burgundy dress to dinner? It was almost the exact same dress she had at home. She’d gone to the mall in Reno, N
Vida on a three hour layover and restocked her clothes to be just a girl on vacation. After all, she was headed to Florida. Sunny beaches and white sand. So she’d bought the whole ensemble, sundress, bathing suit, sandals and a couple of nice dresses to go to the clubs.

  It was stupid, she knew as she should just have bought sweat pants, jeans and such then hunker down in some old out of the way hotel when she got there. But one thing she’d learned while growing up. Often just hiding in the crowd, like she did the night those thugs were chasing her, was the best choice.

  Getting into the small shower, she turned the water on to a warm temp. She felt like she could almost relax for the first time in days. Maybe just for a long hot shower, then when she stepped out she could be on her guard again.

  Of course, standing her bare under the warmth, she thought of Gen’s warm hand. Man those hands could do magic she knew this. he had a sort of confidence about him, like he knew how to handle a woman. She wondered if he like was a beast in bed? Shivering she knew she’d better get herself relaxed before her dinner or no telling what she might do, grabbing his hand may not cut it. She laughed at herself as her hands lowered to her waist while pretending it was his hands doing so. What would he be like? Forceful, I’ll bet. Closing her eyes she pictured him, but with no jeans or tee-shirt.

  With that dazzling smile, he would grab her up around the waist then set her down in the shower….

  ….“Um, shall I wash you or…” At his wicked smile, her voice fell away.

  “I’ll wash you but you haven’t gotten dirty, yet,” he threatened and placed her in front of him. He reached around to cup a breast, lowering his fingers to her clit while his hot mouth pursued the skin along her neck.

  “Hot, so hot…” Her words halted when she felt his sleek chest meet with her bare back and her skin flushed all over. His fingers were magic, strong just like she’d guessed.

  “On fire.” His hot breath grazed her ear.”

  Her pussy throbbed and grew wet while the warm water pulsed along her skin. “Wow. Yes hot and I don’t mean the water either.”


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