Hired To Kill

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Hired To Kill Page 6

by J. L. Beck

  He searched for the Jubilee Club, a small bar on the main strip, and finally halted at the small neon marquee-like sign. The Jubilee. It was afternoon, but it looked open. His eyes immediately adjusted to the darkened interior while he sat on a stool.

  The bartender stared at him. “What’ll ya have?”

  “Whiskey neat,” he answered and looked around. Not a single soul in sight.

  Scowling, the barkeep sat his whiskey on the bar.

  “I’m looking for—”

  “Yeah, she said you’d be along soon.” The rather large bartender laughed. “She said to meet her on the beach down on the third dock.”

  Genaro was startled but realized this woman was smart a few days ago. He handed him twenty. “Keep the change.” He downed his drink and got off the stool.

  “Hey!” the bartender called out to him.

  He halted and turned around.

  “You’d best make this deal clean.” His eyes narrowed at the tall stranger.

  “If you hurt that girlie or double cross her...?” He placed his large hands on the counter. “You’ll have to answer to Milo.” He gritted his teeth with the words.

  “And you’re Milo, right?” Genaro smiled.

  The bulky barkeep blinked. “Uh... no, my name is Andy.” He seemed confused that his threat had no effect on the smiling stranger.

  “Well, don’t worry buddy, the last thing I want to do is hurt her.” Gen realized that this was a very true statement.

  Andy stared with surprise, his mouth popping open.

  He chuckled at the thug’s comical expression and made his way out. What they hell was she into here? Deal?

  After a brief walk down the main street, he’d found the only pier the beach had, and there she was.

  Alexa lay face down on a huge towel on the dock. Her black bikini bottoms barely covering that sweet ass.

  He stood and watched at her for a full minute.

  “It’s about damn time,” she whispered from her folded arms. She laughed and turned over, displaying her bare breasts. She sat up and grabbed the tanning lotion, extending it. “Rub me?” Her voice sounded light.

  Genaro stared at the bottle of lotion. Rub you? Yeah, that would be my very first thought. “All right.” He had to admit this was the last thing he thought he’d be doing but it was a tough job and someone had to do it. He took the lotion and took in all of that bare skin. Yeah, a rub down. From your neck, all the way down to those rosy nipples, and on down to that wonderful tummy, past there to your… His head jerked up.

  Her brow rose at his heated expression. She covered her breasts, turned over and laid back down. “I can do the front, but there seems to be a definite lack of hands around here.”

  He just didn’t trust his voice because his thoughts were too wicked. “I’m all the hands that you’ll ever need.” A smile nudged at his lips while he knelt down close to her and squeezed the lotion out into his hand. “You’d think there’d be a long line formed for this particular job,” he teased. “At least a hundred male applicants waiting and all armed with full references on rubbing.”

  “You’re kind of funny for a towel boy.” She laughed.

  Genaro rubbed the lotion onto her shoulders. I want to be this woman’s towel, sheet, anything. He decided he liked this whole game. My hands on her skin again. He released a shaky breath. Towel boy, eh? It was sort of like role play and he certainly liked it.

  “Mmm,” she moaned low.

  With the moan, he drew in a sharp breath. And my favorite sound along with it. He smoothed his hands down her back, stopping at her ass, he wanted to take those soft cheeks into his hands and squeeze them. His cock was hardening and his muscles rippling as he removed his hands with difficulty and they turned to tight fists. He looked around up and down the beach as he realized she was laying here in plain sight. It didn’t make any sense. She’d fled the train, knowing they were after her.

  Alexa chuckled at the pause, her face still lying on her folded arms.

  Genaro glared at the challenging sound. She was a tease, playing this game knowing he probably wouldn’t grab her up and sink his mouth down on one of those nipples he just got a glimpse of. He smoothed his hands down over her ass cheeks, spreading the lotion across the backs of her thighs.

  Alexa froze as stronger and firmer fingers touched her skin.

  He slid them back toward her butt, pointedly placing both hands onto her cheeks and gave her an intense gripping squeeze.

  She gasped loudly.

  Reveling in the familiar feel of it, he remembered how he used these beautiful cheeks to lift her body and shove her down onto him last night.

  “What the hell?” She jerked her head high.

  He drew his hands away.

  She sat upright and held her hands over her breasts as her face flamed. She looked all around.

  Yeah, you didn’t count on that, did you? He smirked at her. “You asked a perfectly healthy male to rub your bare skin?” He winked at her. “With an ass like yours?”

  At the logical defense he’d given, her expression lightened. “Well, I guess you are only human.”

  Genaro grew still and blinked at her. He was human but yet, he was a beast in life. A cold hearted hitman. “Yeah, something like that.”

  With a grin, she laid herself back on the towel.

  Sitting very still, he waited for a few minutes until she snored softly and smiled at the sweet sound. This woman was something else altogether. He sat on the dock and waited. Unpredictable and fun loving. And really hard to resist. I’ll wait and watch over her. Lord knows, she better have some kind of security.

  An hour later, Alexa sighed and stirred from her nap on the towel.

  As though he were in a trance, he stared down at her tanned skin. She’d been sleeping for an hour.

  She rose and sighed while stretching her back, holding the bikini top to her bare breasts. “You’re still here?” she whispered in a raspy voice.

  Gen shrugged and rolled his eyes dramatically. “Let me think? Where else would I go?” His voice rang with amusement. “The choice would be?” He grinned. “Fishing, maybe some shopping?”

  Tilting her head at him, her expression looked baffled while she listened to him go on.

  “Or, watch a beautiful, half-naked, sexy redhead lie in the sun on the dock?”

  She stood up and peered down at him. “Yeah, a man would find that a hard decision, all right.” She tugged her top on. “But, I have to get showered and dressed now.”

  “Am I in line for those jobs too?”

  “You’re funny!” She reached down for her towel with that twinkle in her emerald eyes again.

  He loved this game. He knew this woman was different and to think she just laid out here getting a tan and having a nap, like there was nothing to worry about. But it was dangerous too. He felt a bit of tightening in his chest. She needed protection not a dammed tan. He stood with the towel in his hands. “I can list my qualifications.”

  Alexa gave a shiver at his seductive tone and her head rose. “I’ll meet you at the Jubilee at seven, okay?”

  Gen sighed with mock disappointment and sadly lowered his head.

  Releasing another laugh, Alexa reached out to ruffle his soft, black hair. Like she knew he was a willing participant in the light role play they’d been doing. At the feel of his silky locks in her fingers, she drew her hand back.

  He slowly drew his head up and looked at her.

  “I’m sorry I just up and left you this morning. I mean it was rude.”

  He shook his head. “You had an emergency. It happens. Is everything okay now?”

  She bit at her lip and her expression looked wary.

  No. Of course not. The mob was still after her.

  Grasping the towel tightly in her hands, she gazed into his eyes. “At seven, okay?” She turned rushed down the beach.

  Was she going to be safe? He felt really uneasy with just letting her saunter around like this. He watched her mov
e swiftly down the beach and drew in a breath to steady himself. I guess I’d better find a room. He also made a call to a raving Lorenzo and told him he was bringing her back in a few days. He’d said he had to maneuver a way to get her back to the west coast first. Stalling. Yes, stalling. He knew he should be booking a flight to some island somewhere, but he first had to see what this Alexa was embroiled in here. The deal that bartender had said and some guy name Milo. He made his way down the dock.

  After checking into the little hotel, he decided to get ready for his meeting at the bar with Alexa.

  Stepping out of the shower, Genaro heard a loud click. Dammit! Someone had got the drop on him!

  Alexa stood at the door, her green eyes pinned to his face. “Who the hell are you?”

  “What?” The water dripped down his bare body while he moved to get a towel. Fuck what is this about? She knows? How the hell…

  “Stop!” she shouted, pointing the gun at him.

  He grinned as he did just that. So no towel. Fine. “If you wanted to get me naked, all you had to do was ask. I would’ve gladly—”

  “Shut up!”

  At her shout, he stared at her.

  Alexa moved a little closer. “You’re not who you said you were, this much I figured out.”

  “And what, may I ask tells you this?” He felt a little fear. She could have found out in several ways, but he sure did not think she knew who he really was or she would have lit out of this town fast.

  Her expression appeared puzzled. “So, why have you been like so interested in me. Even after I left the train. I mean a guy like you? We had a good night but I figured you would just move on. ”

  “Aw that hurts my feelings. I mean why wouldn’t I want another night? Do we really have to go over that whole healthy male intention thing?”

  “You’re here for the necklace, right?”

  Genaro kept his expression blank.

  “You’re here to steal it!” Her expression appeared angry. “You work for whoever set me up!”

  “Yep, whatever you say,” he scoffed actually feeling insulted now. “I mean have I gave you any indication that I wanted to rob you?” Kill you maybe but I’m not a thief! He crossed his arms over his chest.

  Alexa stomped her foot. “Just tell me who sent you!”

  He took a step towards her.

  “Uh-uh!” she threatened.

  “You won’t hurt me. Not with that little pop gun.” He might get hit in the arm or something but he didn’t fear a little gun like this.

  “I so fucking can!”

  “Let me rephrase that…” He moved closer. “You won’t hurt me.” He sure hoped he was right. That she had some feeling for him after last night.

  Lowering the gun, and releasing a shaky breath, she stared at him and her face paled.

  “So, why don’t you tell me what this is all about?” He smiled warmly. His chest grew tight at her obvious distress.

  Alexa dropped the gun to the floor. “Is this just a joke to you?”

  He didn’t think so. But he just wanted to calm her down and maybe… maybe he could tell her the truth. Then tell her he had no intention of bringing her back to the Lagari clan then they could leave together.

  She suddenly lost it.

  Startled, Gen caught her almost in midair as she flew at him.

  She cried as she started to punch his hard chest and kick at him. “You set me up. You aren’t some import guy! Who the hell are you! You aren’t going to get it!”

  He swiftly turned her around and moved her through the door toward the bed. Alexa screamed and fought ferociously against his arms. He landed her on the bed, pinned her down with his weight, and waited for her to calm.

  As she struggled, she yelled, “You’re a thief!”

  He shook his. “Apparently, you are too.” Yeah, he figured that much out. She had stolen some dammed necklace from the Lagaris then thought he was here to get it back or something.

  “You can let me go now.”

  “Nope, don’t think so.”

  Her eyes widened. “You can.”

  “Yeah, but I won’t.” He grinned.

  “You can’t just sit on top of me, naked!”

  “Yeah, you may have a point there. How about we make it even?” Gen ripped her blouse from her, while holding her hands down with his other hand as he swiftly pulled her skirt away. “There, now we’re almost even.” He chuckled wickedly.

  She gasped at the removal of her clothes. All she had left was a silky bra and her matching panties. “You can’t just—”

  He lowered his lips to hers. “Do we have to keep having this conversation? About what I can or cannot do? I mean you’re the one who busted in here, intent on attacking me, remember?”

  Her eyes widened as her mouth fell wide open.

  Genaro could not resist and lowered his lips to hers, covering them with his.

  Alexa stilled while he kissed her thoroughly.

  He felt so much heat and he knew she did too, but they had to get some things cleared up between them. He broke the kiss. “Now, what is this all about?”

  “You’re the one that should answer my question!”

  “My name is Gen Lamont.” Half true.

  “And that tells me what?” she retorted.

  “I was on the train, and this sexy redhead came on to me.”

  Alexa glared at him.

  “Then we had a wild night together. The next morning, she gave me the slip, but she also slipped me a matchbook with place to meet her…” He tilted his head at her, “Next, I’m rubbing lotion on her ass—”

  “Ohh!” she yelled, her hands turning to fists.

  “What? It’s all true. Then suddenly, you start accusing me of wanting to rob you. If I’d wanted to do that I could’ve done it while in your train compartment, right?’”

  “I came here because I found out…I mean I thought you were…”


  “Just someone else,” she huffed out her explanation.

  He pursed his lips. “So, do you always come on to strange men on trains?” Yes, he figured that out too. She thought he made good cover and he had so wanted to cover her.

  Alexa drew in an insulted breath. “How dare you! T-that wasn’t what I…”

  “I dare?” he challenged. “You break into my room, pointing that pea shooter at me while attacking me in my own shower, no less!”

  She continued to glare at him.

  “Most guys would think you were still hot for them when you—”

  “Fuck you!” she shouted up at him.

  He smiled and lowered his face again. “No, fuck you…” He kissed her again. He was just enjoying this way too much. She was so dammed cute when she was angry.

  Alexa struggled and turned her face away.

  “I think we need to get to know one another first, though,” he teased. “Like for real. The truth. Before we go any further with who you really are or who you think I am.”

  She lay panting, her heart pounding in her chest.

  At her suspicious expression, Gen chuckled. He liked this game now. After all, she’d started it with the towel thing at the beach. “How about Truth or Dare for a getting to know one another method?”


  “I ask you a question, and you answer with either truth or a dare.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” She rolled her eyes.

  He sighed heavily. “Well then, kissing, it is.” He lowered his lips again.


  “Now, let me see?” He turned his eyes up as though he were concentrating.

  Alexa released a disgusted sigh and squirmed, attempting to loosen his hold.

  Genaro glanced down with mock aggravation. “Will you just behave for a second?”

  Her eyes rounded up at him. “Me?” She grunted. “You’re the naked one sitting on me!”

  “And you’re the one that busted into my shower.”

  In disgust, she turned her face away.
  “Okay, just tell me…”

  She turned her face back to him.

  “Tell me why you were on that train, cause I know you aren’t on vacation?”

  “Hmph!” Alexa let out a disgusted laugh.

  “So—no truth?” Yeah, he thought she wouldn’t tell him.

  With a continued glare, Alexa remained mute, a child-like pout on her lips.

  Genaro swiftly let go of one hand and ripped away her lace bra.

  She gasped with shock.

  He had his hands back onto hers before she even took another breath. “Dare it is!” He laughed loudly.

  Alexa panted with a tingle of fear, as her nipples grew hard in the cool air.

  “Now… “ He lowered his lips close to hers. “Your turn.”

  “I don’t want to play!”

  “So, you forfeit your turn, then?” Genaro drew a meaningful brow up and lifted a little to gaze at her lace panties with emphasis.

  “Okay! All right!”

  At her obvious frustration, Genaro chuckled with amusement. This was just way too much fun! His wicked thoughts ran wild while he glanced down at her rosy nipples.

  “Ahem!” She cleared her throat.

  “Oh, sorry. I was cheating.” He gave her a mock somber expression.

  At his teasing, Alexa furiously kicked her feet with frustration.

  “Okay, okay... ask!” He chuckled again at her frustrated tantrum.

  “Were you following me, to take my necklace?”

  At the frank question, Genaro stilled and stared at her. No… he wanted her and not some dammed necklace. But he didn’t want to answer this one.

  “He doesn’t even like his own stupid game.” She rolled her eyes with disgust.

  “No, no. I never said that.” He lowered his lips to hers. “I will choose….” He lowered his face all the way down to her chest. “Dare!” His mouth latched onto a nipple.

  “Ooh!” Her body jerked.

  He suckled and licked it as though he were enjoying a delicacy.

  “Oh, stop!” she whispered, her body quivering.

  Genaro ignored her while enjoying the taste and feel of her luscious nipple in his mouth.

  “Please stop?” she whispered against his ear.


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