The Dark Fae: The Knights of Burana Paranormal Romance Series Book Two

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The Dark Fae: The Knights of Burana Paranormal Romance Series Book Two Page 3

by T. R. Reilly

  "You got lucky, he didn't hit anything major. I used some spiderweb powder, you should be good as new in a day or so," he said reassuringly. Leith tried to sit up and winced. "Don't move for a while. I only just finished," Ash said as he placed a hand on Leith's chest to encourage him to remain supine.

  "Ash," Leith's voice wavered slightly. "Girvyn's men, they are shape-shifters. He has replaced our guards with them!" he said weakly. "I followed a couple of them down here. I found him in the hallway, then I noticed..." he stopped and Ash felt the feeling of foreboding come over him again. He waited for a moment. "What? What did you notice Leith?"

  Leith pointed weakly to the opposite cell doorway. Lange motioned to Roderick, who rushed around the bed and across the hall to the cell. Roderick gasped, as Ash followed him into the room, along with Kane and Lange not far behind.

  Ash's eyes widened as he saw the body of his mother Freya slumped against the wall. With a few large steps, he reached her body. He knelt down on both knees and turned her head to face him. Her face was black and swollen. She had been dead for several days, at least. There was nothing he could do. He looked up at Roderick, his eyes moist. Roderick motioned to Kane and Lange to leave the room. Ash felt a lump rise in his throat. "Who could have done this?" his voice thick with emotion, as he looked back down at the body of his mother. Roderick moved toward Ash placing a hand on his shoulder, silent. Ash shook his head as the realization sunk in. "Wait!," he said aloud and stood. Wiping a few stray tears from his cheeks, he turned around to face Roderick.

  "If she's been dead for days, then who was the woman I spoke to in my kitchen just yesterday?" his face suddenly went white, as he looked at Roderick he could see that he also went pale.

  "A shape-shifter!" they both said together. Both men ran out of the room and up the stairs. "I have to get to Leanna, NOW!" he yelled as he and Roderick ran out of the palace and headed toward the cottage.


  Ash threw the door open and ran inside his cottage, as Tarrin quickly ran out from the sitting room.

  "What's wrong?" he said when he saw Ash's face.

  "Freya is dead." Roderick said bluntly from behind Ash.

  "No, she can't be, she's with Leanna in your room," he said sounding a little alarmed and confused.

  "She's a shape-shifter Tarrin..." Roderick said as Ash moved quickly toward his bedroom door. He tried to open it only to find it locked.

  "Leanna?" he yelled through the door, his voice loud and filled with worry.

  "Ash!" she cried back. Ash sighed with relief when he heard her voice. "Step away from the door." He said as he took a running leap and it. Roderick joined him, as they both threw themselves up against it. The door splintered, as the hinges gave way beneath the weight of the two muscle bound men. Ash gasped at what he was witnessing inside the room. Leanna stood with her arms raised in the air, palms out, not looking at Ash, her back to the doorway. Freya, the shape-shifter version of his mother was floating a few feet off the floor.

  "Leanna?" he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

  "She attacked me Ash! Your mother attacked me!" Leanna cried, not taking her eyes of the sneering face of Freya.

  Ash approached Leanna cautiously and placed a hand on her upper back.

  "Leanna, that's not my mother. My mother is dead." He said glaring at the being that Leanna had encased in a bubble.

  "What?...but how?" Leanna looked up quickly at Ash and then back to the woman.

  The shape-shifter began to laugh in what almost sounded like a cackle. "You fools! We've been right under your nose and you had no idea!" she changed form then, inside the bubble, its legs lengthening, becoming cloven hooves, the body more muscular but human like and the head something akin to a goat with large horns.

  "You killed my mother? For what? So you could stop us being together? Why?" Ash's voice was filled with anger.

  "This child will never be Queen. Synne won't allow it. Keeping you two apart is the best way to ensure the kingdom remains in Giryvns hands," The thing spat angrily in a deep voice.

  "You mean Queen Synne? Why would she want Burana? She has a kingdom of her own." Ash had heard of the dark Fae queen but had never met her.

  "That is true. She rules Anadar, however there is so much you fool's don't know...I will tell you one thing. You cannot beat us. We are here to stay." The thing hissed.

  Leanna turned to Ash. "I can sense its feelings. It's scared! It's lying to us." She whispered to Ash as he stepped in even closer to Leanna. He still didn't understand why this thing had killed his mother. There was something strange about the whole situation. He had to know. "Tell me why you killed my mother?" his voice was angry and hostile.

  "Ha ha ha! What better way to keep an eye on you two and know your plans, eh? Why do you think Girvyn was nowhere to be found this morning as you gallantly rushed to the palace to take over. Your every move has been watched. Synne knows all."

  "Enough of this! Just kill it!" Roderick said from behind Ash and Leanna.

  Ash turned to Roderick, a grin forming on his face. He had to agree with Roderick. There wasn't much more he was going to get from this thing. He leaned down to whisper into Leanna's ear and then thought better of it and sent her a message mind to mind. 'When I signal you, release it Leanna' she nodded.

  'NOW!' Ash yelled in his mind, as he rushed toward the shape-shifter. The bubble disappeared and as the thing fell to the floor, he plunged his sword into its chest, before withdrawing the blade and severing its head. Leanna turned away and Roderick put his arms around her to shield her from the scene. Ash turned to see Leanna trembling, with Roderick gently holding her around the shoulders. Roderick looked at Ash and shrugged.

  "Tarrin, can you and Roderick clean this up please?" he said wiping his sword off on the creatures fur and stepping up beside Leanna.

  "Leanna? Let's get out of here," he said gently as he put an arm around her waist and led her from the room.

  Leading her toward the sitting room, she began to sob. Ash stopped and turned toward her, crushing her against his chest tightly. "It's going to be okay now my Queen. We're going to be okay" he said soothingly, as he smoothed her hair down her back.

  "Oh... Ash... I'm... so... sorry" she said between sobs. Ash could feel the emotion rising inside himself and forced it back down again with a big gulp of air. He stepped back from Leanna for a moment and ushered her into the sitting room, to her favorite spot where he sat next to her. He didn't want her to see Roderick and Tarrin carrying out the body of the shape-shifter, so he kept her facing forward as he spoke again.

  "Hey, I'm really proud of you," he said as he put a hand under her chin and slightly turned her face toward him. Your magic training seems to have worked well for you" He smiled lovingly at her.

  "Thanks," she sniffed, "I had a great teacher" she said, still frowning.

  Ash leaned over and kissed her on her little nose that was blotchy and red from crying and wiping away some remaining tears that leaked from her eyes, he kissed her cheeks. Leanna leaned into him then, placing her head on his shoulder and letting out a deep sigh. Ash smiled to himself, his queen was so much stronger than even he had imagined.

  The next morning, the sky turned gray and the trees swayed gently in the breeze, bending as if in mourning with the loss of one of Burana's own. Ash had been very quiet since yesterday and Leanna was unsure how to make him feel better. She remembered her own loneliness when Brendon, the man she thought was her father, had died. She had been left all alone and never thought she'd be okay again. Ash made her life more than okay and now she wanted nothing more than to be there for him. She just wished she knew what to say to him to make it better. Standing side by side with Ash, she looked up at him with concern. The grief coming from him was palpable, but his face showed only strength. The other knights stood tall around them, as did the towns people. Turning to face the great funeral pyre in front of her, she watched as the remains of Freya became one with the fire. She gasped slightl
y, as color rose out of the flames, the elemental energies dancing over them, bringing Freya back to wherever it was that the Fae returned to when they died. Feeling the overwhelming sadness coming off of Ash in waves, she reached out her hand and grasped a few of his fingers. He responded by taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

  Not long after the funeral for Freya, the sky began to show some blue again, the clouds moved off along with the feeling of gloom. The knights, Ash and Leanna all returned to the palace meeting room to discuss the events that led up to that moment. Taking their seats at the oval table in the large paneled room, Leanna looked at each knight, and for the first time really taking them in. Somehow she felt very different than she had only days ago. It was as if some kind of spell had been lifted and she suddenly realized her own strength and power. Listening to the men discuss the future of Burana, she felt she was truly a part of everything. She listened as Ash asked each knight what they'd learned during the palace take-over the day before. What they were discovering was sinister and scary. Roderick, Leith, Cage and the others had all witnessed shape-shifting guards.

  "It looks like Girvyns men were ALL shape-shifters then?" Leanna asked.

  "Just some of them" Ash responded. The men nodded, surprised that she had spoken at last.

  "The shape-shifter in the bedroom said that Synne had sent spies here to watch us. I am guessing that Girvyn has been working with her all along," Ash said as he looked at Leanna respectfully.

  "That name Synne seems familiar to me...I think I may have heard Girvyn say memory is foggy around it" Leanna said placing her hands on the table in front of her and leaning forward slightly, now that she was part of the meeting.

  "Can you remember anything else about that?" Roderick asked.

  Leanna shook her head for a moment, then put up her right index finger as though she'd just thought of something,

  "I actually remember feeling fear come off of Girvyn...yes...and it surprised me. I can't believe I forgot this before" she laughed a little to herself.

  "When did you feel that?" Ash asked curiously.

  "The day we met them on the road. When I..." She gulped a little, "I approached him," she finished, looking down at her hands. Ash nodded and looked at Roderick.

  "Maybe he has been controlled by Synne all this time. I knew he practiced dark magic but had not thought that he could be her puppet" He said, disappointment in his voice.

  "I thought those were just rumors, him knowing the dark queen? I wonder what else has gone on, under our noses" Cage piped up. Leanna looked over at him. His short blond hair, brown eyes and pointy ears made him look very warm and friendly when he spoke. She hadn't known him well and only met him a few times but he felt like a good guy.

  "Fortunately the information we have now gives us a slight advantage. We know that the shape-shifters have been removed from the palace, or at least it appears so. We found the bodies of the guards that were replaced. If Synne wants something with Burana, we need to find out what it is" Tarrin stated.

  "We also need to start gathering an army. If she attacks us here, we won't have enough men to hold her kingdom off." Roderick said.

  "And if she has Morholt on her side as well..." Lange pointed out, with concern.

  Ash ran a hand through his hair and sighed as he looked around the table. Leanna could feel Ash's anxiety. She knew there were things she still didn't know about these dark Fae kingdoms, but she didn't want to appear stupid in front of the men so she stayed quiet.

  Ash sat up a little straighter and placing his hands on the table in front of him he spoke,

  "Myself, Roderick, Kane and Cage will head to Lambeth and Etana to try to rally some support from those kingdoms. I want Lange and Griffith to go to Anadar and try to find out if Synne is planning an attack, but be careful" he looked at Lange and Griffith while they nodded in response.

  "Meanwhile, I think the queen should take her place here in the" he said and looked at Leanna with a smile. "Tarrin, please have some of the staff clean up the blood and mess in the main hall, then ready her chambers and bring her things from my cottage. I want you to stay here at the palace and protect Leanna while we are gone." He said firmly.

  "Ash?" Leanna piped up. Ash smirked and looked at Leanna, 'wait until we are alone, please' he said in his mind,

  Leanna took a deep breath and let it out, looking away.

  The group were beginning to get up from the table when there was a knock on the door.

  "Yes" Ash responded. A palace guard stood with a small envelope in his hand.

  "Sir, a messenger has just arrived with a note for the Queen. He held the envelope out in front of him.

  Leanna stood while Ash strode to the door and took the letter from the guard. Placing it in Leanna's hand, he waited.

  Leanna looked at the envelope, it's black wax seal had an image of a dragon on it. Touching it sent a cold chill down her spine. Why would someone be sending me a message? she asked herself. Breaking the wax seal, she opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper that had been folded neatly. She could feel everyone in the room holding their breath. She let her own breath out when she realized she too, was holding it.

  She read the note to herself,

  Dear Leanna,

  It would seem that you feel Burana is yours for the taking.

  I wish to meet with you to discuss terms that may allow you

  To live there. I will be there tomorrow afternoon.


  Leanna gasped, putting a hand to her mouth, "She's coming here...tomorrow"

  "Who? What does it say?" Ash asked, as Leanna thrust the letter toward him.

  Reading it, he then looked up at his men.

  "Change of plans men" he said as Leanna stopped listening and turned to leave the room so no one could see how badly she was shaking.


  The afternoon was busy, as Leanna helped the staff prepare her new room at the palace. She wished she felt more excited about the move, but she was just filled with dread. She was unsure if Ash was still going to spend the nights with her, now that Girvyn was no longer around. She loved the way Ash would lay on the bed holding her until she fell asleep each night and it was something she didn't want to have come to an end. Sitting on the edge of her bed, her mind went to the dark queen Synne. She worried about what lay ahead for herself and Burana. The note from Queen Synne caught her and her men off guard. Suspecting dark magic and knowing it was actually being used, were two very different things. She had only limited knowledge of dark Fae magic, but she knew it was powerful. Her own skills with magic were pretty good, but she'd be no match for a dark Fae, she thought. She had surprised herself when her instincts kicked in with the fake Freya. Without a second thought she'd erected a bubble of protection around what she believed to be Freya, stopping her from inflicting injury onto Leanna, but also stopping anything from getting to Freya. Leanna shook her head at the memory, she had not wanted to harm Freya, but to protect herself from the attack. It was only later, that she found out that shape-shifters don't use magic, they could change shape but not cast spells on others, Ash had told her.

  'I'm pretty sure a bubble won't protect me against Synne,' she told herself as she stood to go find Ash.

  She found Ash downstairs with Roderick at his side. Standing back for a moment watching them both, she noticed that Roderick's light blue eyes and dark blond hair gave him a similar look to Ash, only Ash's hair was a lighter blond and his eyes more azure blue. Both men were kind, but Roderick was a little edgier than Ash. Leanna felt sure that Roderick would do the things that Ash might not be able to bring himself to. Ash was a natural healer while Roderick was a warrior. She knew that Roderick respected Ash and would give his life for him. The two of them were inseparable and Leanna was grateful for such a loyal protector of not only herself, but Ash as well. She suspected that Roderick knew about her relationship with Ash, but that he didn't feel it was his place to mention it.
As she approached the two men, they both stopped talking and smiled at her. Smiling back she asked, "I've been thinking...shouldn't we put a protection spell around the palace now that Girvyn is gone? I mean, I don't want Synne waltzing in here like she owns the place" she put her hands on her hips defiantly.

  The two men smirked. "Of course, that's a great idea Leanna." Ash said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Leanna raised her eyebrows and looked back and forth between the two men. "Oh, it's Leanna now?" she smirked back.

  Ash leaned in toward her, "He knows about us Leanna, it's fine" he smiled as he stood up tall again. She looked at Roderick who beamed with pride at being in on their little supposed secret.

  "I think a spell of protection for sure. Do you think you will need help with it?" he asked clearly serious about it.

  "Me? What? You think I can do it on my own?" she was incredulous.

  "My queen, you handled yourself fine with the shape-shifter, what makes you think you can't handle a little protection spell?" Roderick stated. Ash nodded in agreement.

  "Uh, because I haven't done that before? She replied, duh? She thought. Ash let out a loud laugh and Roderick looked at him puzzled.


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