Descent Into Darkness (Written Pictures #1)

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Descent Into Darkness (Written Pictures #1) Page 23

by H. A. Kotys

  Gathering herself, Jade raised onto her haunches. “Wish me luck,” and with a deep breath she sprinted toward the bench, swooping down to snatch the note. She barely slowed, running on to slam herself against the safety of the wall where she paused, waiting for the alarm that would surely come.

  There was nothing, but for an extra moment Jade stood there, pressed as flat as she could. The wall was cold and damp and she was glad of the catsuit which kept her dry. Good choice Mela.

  A single nod was enough and the elfin girl athletically set off, sprinting toward her. Chest heaving with exertion, she soon plastered herself against the wall next to Jade, who edged along to the door. “Ready?” Mela nodded and Jade unfolded the paper and punched in the six figure access code of the day.

  == ~ ==

  If Mistress Raven had been at the window, the alarm would indeed have been raised but through quirk of fate or good fortune, she’d wasn’t. She’d called out for a glass of water, tension had fuelled a thirst, and when none was delivered, somebody would have to feel her ire. By the time she’d returned to the window to again admire the view that she now owned, the two women were already out of sight.

  Sitting there, Raven’s world sprawled before her. With expansive scenery, it was perfect. How far she’d come. It had been tough, desperately so at times but now she could enjoy the fruits. Not a pang of guilt crossed her mind. After all, the world owed her at least this and she would gather all she could with arms wide.

  == ~ ==

  A whir of the lock and the door clicked off its latch to beckon their entry. A mutual nod reaffirmed their readiness and the two women slipped inside the house, only to freeze at the sight of a servant stood right in front of them.

  They had been discovered, they had failed and, regardless of her own fate, Mela knew both Amber and Katarina would never leave this place alive.

  CHAPTER XLVII – Tumbling Tides

  “Welcome back, Miss Jade”. The smile of the servant took them by surprise. “About time you came back to sort things out,” he added happily. “I believe you may wish to go to Mistress Raven’s chamber, and rather quickly?”

  Looking at the man, Jade recognised him as Dan, a footman to whom she’d once given money to help fund his studies. Jade smiled in thanks and began to set off in the direction she knew. “No my lady, this way.” With a nod of his head, Dan guided them first down into the back of house before ascending a rear stairway.

  It was far quicker than any route she knew and gave Jade an inkling just what it took to keep such a house ticking over as seamlessly as it did. The servant pointed to a door around which light streamed. “Merci, Dan,” whispered Jade, with a genuine smile.

  “Just help her,” Dan whispered in return. Showing them the latch, he bowed and sped away.

  Jade pressed forward and placed an eye to a knothole in the door to the rear of an alcoved dressing area to what was once her bedroom. She’d seen the door from the other side but had barely registered the significance or purpose, she’d always been focussed on preparing herself to please Immelmann whenever he was at home.

  All seemed normal in what she could see of the bedroom, although it was not quite as she remembered. Raven had been quick to make her mark and nothing of her own furniture remained. There was something though, a foot whose leg disappeared behind the bed - and a redheaded woman bending over it.

  Very gently, Jade coaxed the latch of the door up, cringing as she did so, while Mela held her breath beside her. Slowly the door was nudged open, smoothly swinging on well-oiled hinges that allowed the staff of the house to pass unnoticed between rooms.

  The two women slipped through into the alcove, still hidden for now in shadows but with a better view of the bedroom beyond. The woman standing was Red, and an unconscious Amber lay on the floor.

  == ~ ==

  ‘The stupid bitch,’ Red thought as she towered over the unconscious woman lying between her legs. If only she’d left things alone. They would’ve found a way, she would have lived, even if as a captive. She’d done too much damage though, knew too much. Red had no option. She had to dispose of the one remaining threat to her Mistress, and help her own yearning for approval.

  Red’s mind rifled through images. When they’d met, the laughs they’d shared and the men and women they’d teased by dancing just that little bit too close in their favourite club.

  They were images of a past life, one she had left behind and drawn a firm line beneath. She’d looked up to Amber at first but that was then, that was a different Red. She’d needed the healing, needed the crutch that Amber’s calming tenderness offered.

  Now though she’d outgrown her, moved beyond what Amber was willing to give. In Mistress Raven, Red had found a replacement, one she could reach up and aspire to rather than lean down on for support. It was unfortunate, nothing more than that. She knew what she had to do and Amber had to die.

  == ~ ==

  The element of surprise had given Amber no chance of fending off Red’s attack and it was now the chief weapon the two women used in their own assault on the American.

  She was taller, stronger and not a little experienced and yet the momentum gathered by Mela was unstoppable. As she barrelled into Red’s legs just behind the knees, the tall woman already started to crumple.

  Barely a second later, Jade slammed into her side, forcing Red over even as she twisted to fend off the girl whose arms enveloped her knees. She was only going one way and she was felled, her head cracking against the polished wooden floor with a sickening thud.

  Jade looked at the woman they had brought down. Blood already squeezed through a deep cut behind her ear. Jade’s hip throbbed from landing on it but it was a small price to pay in an attack which was easier and more effective than they could ever have hoped for.

  “Find Raven, then come back to me. For God’s sake don’t take her on,” Jade urged as Mela rose to her feet and answered with a brisk nod.

  Jade feared Raven and what she was capable of. When cornered, she would be like a wounded animal. Extreme caution was the only way if they were to stand even the remotest chance and, seeing Mela disappear down the back stairway, Jade returned to the task in hand.

  Twisting slightly, she found the handcuffs clipped to her belt. Drawing the tall woman’s hands behind her back, Jade secured her wrists. If she woke now, she would be manageable at least, controllable. The risk still remained that she might raise the alarm and alert Raven so the ball gag was next. Jade pressed on the ball with the heel of her hand, forcing the large rubber sphere past the woman’s perfect teeth, settling it deeply in her mouth.

  She tugged the leather straps hard to the last hole on the buckle, unconcerned at the flame-red hair that was caught and ripped out in the process. From a small pocket on the side of her boot, Jade retrieved a small padlock and pushed it through the hasp.

  Jade nodded to herself, content with her speed and that the woman’s threat was significantly reduced. She stroked her red hair aside, tucking it behind her ear. The cut was deep and would probably need stitches which would certainly leave a scar. She would live though and Jade turned to check on the condition of Amber.

  == ~ ==

  This part of the house was new to her but Mela’s sense of direction rarely let her down. It was difficult to know where to start but it was morning and, if previous routines were anything to go by, Katarina would be in the process of being exercised.

  With great care she picked her way down to the basement. No servants were around and every sound Mela made seemed to bounce off the walls and invite attention. On and on she pressed, threading left and right, finding what refuge she could in shadows and behind furniture.

  The door was ahead. She peered carefully each way down the cross corridor. All was quiet. All was calm, except for a servant hurrying to a guest room to change the sheets.

  There was no threat there and, seemingly for the first time since leaving Jade’s side, Mela breathed. Swiftly, she flitted across the corrid
or and slid into the room beside the gym.

  == ~ ==

  Raven was watching the woman run, enjoying how she flinched with each step on increasingly blistered feet. The chain to her breasts swung side to side, metronomic with Katarina’s run, and it was evident that the weight was starting to sit heavily on her damaged nipples.

  Though it wasn’t a punishing pace, the discomfort would be sapping her strength. There was already a sheen of perspiration on her otherwise naked body. She was pushing on through growing fatigue. Perhaps it was obedience, more likely fear. It didn’t really matter though, Katarina still pounded to no particular destination.

  You could tell it was tough by looking at her. Standing there with her arms folded, Raven congratulated herself on the elegant simplicity of her idea before a movement behind caught her eye.

  == ~ ==

  Mela stood petrified. She’d unwittingly walked straight into the room where Raven was standing. She’d shown bravado, so keen to confront Raven and Jade’s command had fallen on deaf ears. Mela had planned in her head to punish the woman who’d so often punished her but now, as she stood there, all courage fled, ice in veins where warm blood once flowed.

  There was no rush, no flailing attack as might be expected. Raven, having already been on alert from the resounding thud of Red’s head two floors above, simply turned and calmly walked toward Mela.

  “Couldn’t stay away, could you girl?” Her quiet authority was born of utter confidence, like a supreme predator into whose lair a mouse had accidentally stumbled.

  Mela’s mind raced, her bravery evaporated, but then her hand found the can of Mace hanging from her belt. She tried to tug her saviour free but her fingers fumbled. Tearing and twisting, it refused to be freed.

  Raven’s approach was calm and deliberate. She saw no threat in Mela. How could a dormouse resist her? Raven watched amused. A triumphant smile smoothed across her lips. The girl’s fingers tugged at the can again.

  Close now, Raven saw Mela’s hand finally rise, clutching the aerosol in a last ditch attempt to protect herself. Raven snapped out her arm, twisting her head away from the can and down.

  CHAPTER XLVIII – A Dish Served Warm

  Red had already been trussed tightly to take her threat out of the equation. With the utmost care, Jade lifted Amber’s head to cradle it on her lap. She was beautifully tranquil, belying the actions that had set her that way. Under normal circumstances Jade wouldn’t have risked moving her out of fear of what injuries she may already be carrying. These were not normal times though and this place was not a normal place - so she raised her and tried to revive her.

  == ~ ==

  A voice in the distance called her name. She was settled though, happy in the sun beneath the apple tree and she refused to move. It called again and again in an insistent crescendo, beckoning her to come back even while a welcoming white light beamed from the opposite direction.

  She knew she couldn’t stay and the pull was strong from each direction. It was such a difficult choice and, slowly, Amber rose as she considered her first step.

  The voice was gentle, welcoming. The fragrance of the accent intrigued her and a thought formed. Was it her? Had she come? Amber took the first step toward the call, away from the light, which started to fade.

  It was easier now. Amber opened her eyes and looked into the familiar, friendly face of Jade. “Welcome back, ma cherie.” Amber knew immediately that she’d made the right choice.

  == ~ ==

  “Try to move, ma Cherie,” encouraged Jade, looking into the staring eyes of Amber with genuine concern. Amber tried to raise her head. “Doucement, ma cherie, doucement.” Jade placed a calming hand on her arm.

  Amber was not yet fully coherent but the fog was drifting aside. Putting an arm beneath her, Amber rested on her elbow and tried to lever up. From the darting pain in her elbow to the throb in her neck, all bore witness to the attack.

  “Red?” Amber thought, snapping into consciousness, hearing her own words and realising they were shouted aloud. Bending her knee to push herself up further, she collapsed as a reminder of the assault shot up her leg. She remembered the blow to the side of her knee and already feared the worst.

  Jade was no fool, she could see the agony etched across Amber’s face. She could also see the grim determination underpinning it and so, reluctant as she was, she helped Amber to her feet.

  It hurt like nothing she had felt before and Amber had to hop at first until she managed to compensate and at least balance. Gram by gram she placed extra weight down until she could finally stand, precariously but unaided.

  Looking down to check her knee, she saw Red for the first time, a dark pool of blood now staining the floor beside her.

  “She’s alive, ma cherie, mais she awaits your attention.” Jade answered an unspoken question. No more communication was needed, both knew what they had to do. Jade had to know all was fine though, it was her way and her concern for the injured woman would not easily abate.

  Amber looked down. She would normally be no match for Red but Red had troubles of her own. Already bound hand and foot, uncomfortably gagged and with a head wound, even if awake, she was opportunity and an angry Amber had just one thing on her mind.

  She knew exactly what she would do and, for the first time, she no longer felt betrayed by Red. She felt nothing, a cold empty vacuum and so, with a nod of assurance to Jade, Amber got to work.

  == ~ ==

  It took a certain mental toughness to endure the attentions of Raven and Jade now saw that manifest as the limping Amber hurried around the room. An item here, one there and it wasn’t long before she was ready.

  Assured that matters here at least were under control Jade smiled, knowing stage one was complete. It wasn’t exactly without a hitch, a minute longer and who knows what would have happened to Amber but they had got there in the nick of time and Red was now out of the picture.

  Bigger challenges lay ahead and Jade’s concern now shifted to Mela. She’d been too long already and, with an encouraging wink and thumbs up to Amber, she headed back down the stairs to investigate the delay.

  == ~ ==

  Collecting things was the easy part. For once, Amber thanked Raven. Her spontaneously sadistic needs meant that her room was well-stocked. There was bondage equipment aplenty if you knew where to look. Amber had been responsible for tidying the room. Even though she had to limp her way from place to place, rummaging in cupboards and discrete drawers, Amber had soon amassed what she needed and moved back to the prone woman bound on the floor.

  She looked down at Red. Such a body, and Amber knew how much work, and no small amount of cash, Red had invested to hone it. It was her pride and joy and Amber smiled, knowing exactly the currency of her payback.

  == ~ ==

  The shadowy figure at the bottom of the steps made Jade draw back. Much larger than Raven she thought but the angle was deceptive and she couldn’t be sure. She flung herself flat against the wall, silently thanking Mela for the near silence of the thickly-treaded boots she wore.

  The figure moved, approaching her. This wasn’t ideal. She didn’t have the space to use skills ingrained by years of martial arts training. She was on higher ground though, three steps higher to be precise so Jade gathered herself, ready for her attack, ready to fight for her life.

  CHAPTER XLIX – Raven Danger

  Her strike held a little fortune as the mist sprayed over her lowered head but it was Mela’s hesitation that had really sealed the victory for Raven.

  As the can was knocked from her hand, Mela knew she had already lost. Before she could think, her arm was twisted harshly up her back causing her to gasp, then a kick to the back of her knees had her fold. She didn’t resist, she couldn’t. Her courage slunk back into its shell and she was again a puppet to that most brutal of Mistresses.

  Pressure on her severely twisted arm forced Mela further down. A knee on her back and a hand on her head were soon pushing her into the floor.
/>   “So thoughtful of you to bring equipment for me,” observed Raven, loosening the handcuffs from Mela’s belt and ratcheting them tightly around the smaller girl’s slender wrists.

  Raven snatched a second item from the belt. A tug on Mela’s scalp sparked some fight back but it was too late and the rubber ball was jammed into her mouth and secured.

  The fight was lost but she would not go so easily and Mela kicked and bucked with all she had. “Where has this Mela been?” Raven purred, deftly swatting away the attempts and snatching a zip tie from her captive’s belt.

  Kicking feet failed to even get close to any significant target and Raven soon captured flailing ankles and wrenched the zip tie tight, applying a second just above Mela’s knees.

  She was so well practiced and it showed. Raven shifted again. She’d subjected Mela to bondage so many times but not like this. Raven basked in Mela’s continued but diminishing resistance.


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