Home > Literature > ONCE IN A BLUE MOON (BLUEBONNET, TEXAS Book 2) > Page 19

by Stuart, Amie

  Reluctantly, I pushed away from the hard wall of his chest. There was always...dessert. "Dinner, big boy."

  "Yeah, big boy," Cassi teased from the door.

  "I can take a hint. I’ll get cleaned up." Ty strolled out and I followed, admiring my husband’s backside and fanning myself. Cassi giggled.

  Cassi and I chopped salad fixings, while the pasta cooked and the kitchen quickly heated from the oven warming bread. Ty and George set the table while Delaney fixed drinks.

  I set the salad on the table, pausing to give George’s shoulders a gentle squeeze. He leaned against my belly—right about the time I felt something move. I shoved him upright, afraid I’d imagined it.

  "What’s wrong, Aunt Bet—"

  "Shush." I felt it again. A tiny vibration. Nothing more substantial than butterfly wings floating past your face. And again. "I felt the baby move," I whispered, staring at my belly.

  "Hah!" I flung myself at Ty who hugged me tight then held me at arms length.

  "What’d it feel like?" If he smiled any harder, his face would have cracked. But then I was doing the same thing.

  "Like...like you know when you’re in the water and someone swims by real close?"

  He nodded, his eyes like saucers.

  "And you feel the water swoosh against your leg? Or your arm or whatever? Like that." My face hurt from smiling and happy tears trickled down my cheeks.

  "And on Wednesday we get to hear the heartbeat?"

  "I thought your sonogram was on Wednesday?" Cassi asked from behind me.

  "Cassi," I squeaked in surprise. I laid my head on Ty’s chest and laughed. Behind me Delaney and Cassi giggled.

  "Mom, you ruined it," George scolded.

  "A sonogram?" Ty’s breathing got a little ragged, his grip on me tightening.

  "I wanted to surprise you."

  "We get to see the baby?" His smile started to wobble. And so did mine.

  "And know the sex," George added.

  I nodded again, never taking my eyes off Ty. "Yeah."

  He looked up at our audience. Then took a step backward, dragging me with him. And another, dragging me into the living room with him. Ty pinned me to the wall and smothered me in a deep soulful kiss. It wasn’t our usual sexual play of tongue and teeth but intense and spiritual. What he lacked in words, Ty made up for in that kiss.

  What Ty couldn’t express with words he expressed with his body.

  He needed to know I needed him. He needed to know I wanted him. He did care about me and he needed me and we had the baby. I wrapped my arms around him and returned the kiss, telling him as skillfully as I could that I loved him and everything would be wonderful.

  * * *

  No one hung around long after our celebration dinner. After I’d walked Cassi out, I locked up and put on some music.

  Leaning against the bedroom door, I watched the play of muscle in Ty’s back as he peeled off his thermal undershirt. He turned with an almost shy grin, the shirt not quite off. "You moaned."

  He caught me.

  "I did not." I crossed my arms and frowned.

  His grin said he didn’t buy it. "Yeah, you did."

  "I want you." I laughed and moved in for the kill. Slow dancing. Just like last night. I tugged the shirt from his hands, tossing it on the floor.

  "Who is that?" he murmured, as if he’d just realized there was music playing.

  "Etta James." I swayed against him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "This is dancing music."

  "I didn’t know you liked blues."

  "I like all kinds of things."

  Ty leaned down and kissed me, his mouth smooth and mellow against mine. I opened my mouth and lightly traced his lips with my tongue while we danced. It was even better than our first dance the previous night.

  We finally came up for air, and he kissed my forehead. "I made you a bath."

  "You didn’t have to do that."

  "I wanted to," he whispered against my lips.

  "Oh, Ty." We kissed and each one melted into another, deeper and hungrier, until I dragged him down on the bed with me. To hell with the bath. Our bodies all tangled on top of the covers, we lay there kissing, our tongues playing.

  "I think I’m overdressed," I whispered against his lips. I pulled away and quickly stripped, shivering at the feel of Ty’s fingers on my back.

  From behind me, he pushed my hair out of the way and trailed kisses up my spine while unhooking my bra. I shivered again, letting let it slide down my arms.

  "Are you cold?" he whispered in my hair.

  "No." I arched against him, his strong fingers kneading my back. "Oh, Ty," I moaned low in my throat, laughing softly and chattering while he made love to my back with his mouth and teased my breasts with his fingers. His hands wandered everywhere, in my hair, on my back and thighs, between my legs.

  "I want you, Bee," Ty he growled. He bit me again, nipping his way across my neck.

  "How? Tell me. What do you want?"

  "I want all of you. I wanna feel you...I wanna taste you." He stood up and slipped his jeans off. "Lay back."

  I scooted up on the pillows and waited to see what he’d do. Naked, he moved across the bed until we were nearly nose to nose. We kissed, our tongues an easy tangle as we stretched out. I wrapped my fingers around his cock, enjoying the thickness and weight of him in my hand.

  Ty groaned deep in his throat. "I can’t think when you do that. Lay back."

  He teased my nipples to tight little points, until I ached from head to toe and wriggled as close as I could, needing to feel his body next to mine. That got me chattering again. And this time there was no shutting me up. I wanted him, and told him so but all he could do was tease me. He was enjoying this way too much.

  "Fuck me, Ty. Please...baby," was followed by a long low moan when he pinched my nipple. "Ty." It stretched like sticky honey and one moan followed another as he suckled both. I wrapped my arms around him and through half-closed eyes, watched him play until I was drenched and my nipples ached.

  He reached between my thighs and spread me wide. The cool air and his fingers sliding across my flesh only made things worse. "Ty, please!"

  His fingers stroked me, exploring every crevice and fold as he released my nipple and let his lips trail down my body. I shivered, ready to help him when he knelt between my thighs, his palms holding my lips open, and gently blew. He planted a soft kiss on my pubic curls all the while watching me. My nails sank into my thighs.

  "Please...Do it!" I panted and bit my lip.

  At the first flick of his tongue, a long, loud groan slipped past my lips. His touch was light and tender, hesitant and unskilled. Together we found my clit, and he lapped and sucked, gently nibbling at it until my hips developed a mind of their own and arched against his tongue. Between his lips, tongue and the rough hairs of his goatee, I was in heaven.

  I couldn’t watch, only chant his name and beg him to not stop as my orgasm gathered force. I was so close. With hips arched high off the bed, I grabbed his forearms, moaning long and loud as it hit me. The earth cracked open behind my eyelids and the most incredible orgasm rolled through me as Ty licked and teased.

  He finally stopped, giving into my forceful tugs on his hair. We were face to face again, and kissed, rough and deep. I wriggled beneath him, spreading my legs wide and clawing at his back. "Now, Ty. Now, damnit, make me come again."

  He thrust inside me, his strokes firm and sure and so deep the headboard slapped against the wall. Now he chattered the sweetest nonsense while I dug my nails in his back and hung on.

  "So soft, Bee. So wet."

  He looked at me, his eyes hot. This wasn’t Ty. Not the Ty I know. My sweet, shy, sensitive husband had disappeared.

  "You taste like honey, Bee. That’s why I call you Bee," he gasped between thrusts.

  "Remember on the couch." He drew out and thrust again. "When you jacked me off." And again.

  "That’s the first time I tasted you." One more. "My little Que
en Bee." Again.

  "Mine." Again. "Ah, Jesus, Bee."

  I’d been so intent on his every word and move, my own orgasm snuck up on me. I bit him hard as he shouted and thrust inside me. It was either bite him or scream ‘I Love You.’


  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The sun was long gone by the time he got home the following night. Ty was chilled straight through, not to mention starving. He wanted hot food, a hot shower and a snuggle with his hot wife.

  They’d woke up to rain that morning, and after it let up, Dad sent him out to round up strays. Dancer had thrown him and he’d ended up face down in what had once been a dry creek bed. Of course, now it was full of running, muddy water and debris. He had no one to blame but himself. No, he could blame Bettina. All he’d been able to think about was her, last night and hopefully tonight.

  Bone-weary and barely able to move, he leaned his head against the front door and kicked off his muddy boots before letting himself in the house.

  Ahhh, heat. And hot food. Ty’s stomach rumbled at the smell of biscuits and...stew? He just might make it after all. His cold, stiff fingers began to tingle as they warmed. With a sigh, he dropped his boots on the tile entryway, praying Bee wouldn’t get ticked at him for muddying her floors.

  "Look at you!"

  His head snapped up at the sound of her voice. She stood in the kitchen doorway, a frown on her face and a dishrag clutched in her hands. "I’m sorry, I’m all muddy."

  "Strip, baby, and I’ll get you a towel." She headed for the bathroom, her butt jiggling under stretchy green pants.

  Smiling, he turned to flip the lock on the front door, then did as she’d ordered. Layer after layer of wet, muddy clothes hit the floor.

  She reappeared, a towel in hand. "I started the shower, go get in and get warmed up."

  "I need to take my clothes—"

  "I got it." She waved him off. "Shower, now! Before you catch your death. Hot stew when you get out."

  He slipped out of his briefs and draped the towel around his waist, a chill zipping up his spine.


  He stopped and spun around, returning the easy smile she gave him. "What?"

  She drew him down for a quick kiss, but before she could get away, he pulled her to him and deepened it. He couldn’t help himself. She just felt so damned good.

  She looked up at him, a mischievous grin on her face. "I guess we know what you want for desert, huh?"

  Beneath the towel, evidence of her effect on him made itself known. Damn. "Sorry." One more quick kiss, and he headed for the bedroom.

  He had to get himself under control.

  Ty hung up his towel, then climbed in the shower, the hot water quickly warming him and easing his aches. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much for his hard-on. No way could he eat dinner like this.

  With a sigh, he grabbed the soap and built up a nice lather, wrapping his slippery fingers around his cock. With thoughts of Bettina running rampant in his head, it wouldn’t take long.

  Head lowered against the spray of hot water, he stroked himself. He should have dragged Bee to bed. All he could think about was being inside her, and how hot and sweet she’d been last night.

  "Need some help?"

  He paused mid-stroke, shocked and gasping for air, and stared at her. His lips trembled and his balls twitched and tightened from the unrelenting pressure. Lord knows Rhea’d caught him enough times and enjoyed teasing him about it, too. Made it a point to even.

  But judging from the expression on his wife’s face, she wasn’t in a mood for that kind of teasing. He shook his head, struggling for words. "You’ll get all wet."

  Then they both chuckled at his accidental joke.

  "Gimme the soap."

  Ty handed it to her. She propped one leg on the edge of the tub and soaped her hand.


  His cock twitched. He looked into her smoky green eyes and moved closer. Her hand joined his, and he braced himself against the wall again, letting her take over.

  "Feel good?"

  "Yeah, baby." His breath came in little short huffs as he massaged his sac, letting her do all the real work, fascinated at the sight of her long fingers wrapped around him.

  "I heard you."

  His hips tightened, and he leaned into her skilled fingers. He didn’t even bother holding back the long loud moan that slipped from between his lips. He’d locked the front door, and they were alone. He could be as damned loud as he wanted.

  "I heard you makin’ that noise." Her hand never stopped.

  "What...noise?" He looked up at her, his chest heaving, his climax only a hairs-breath away.

  "That one. Come for me, Ty." She licked her lips and nodded, her eyes never wavering.

  "Faster, Bee." His hips arched into her hand. His head rolled back as she sped up. He let it suck him under, not even trying to hold back the shout that ripped itself from his throat. With one final thrust in her hand, he collapsed against the shower wall, panting and weak kneed.

  "Bee," he groaned, his eyes on her face.

  Bettina’s curls hung in damp ringlets. Her lower lip was caught between her teeth and her sleepy eyes reignited the fire in the pit of his belly. Ty stumbled out of the shower on wobbly legs. Grabbed up fistfuls of curls, he pushed her backward until he had her pinned to the bathroom door and forced her mouth open under his.

  She clung to him, arms clamped around his shoulders. The kiss was similar to the one they’d shared last night after she’d felt the baby move. Raw, deep and earth shattering. He felt it in the furthest reaches of his chest. Deeper than his heart even.

  He ground against her, his need still at a fever pitch. He wanted her. He wanted to fuck her. Taste her. Feel her come like she had when he went down on her.

  He wanted her body and soul. He wanted her heart.

  Ty froze mid-kiss and drew back to study her. Her green eyes were so dark they were nearly black. Her lips were red and puffy from his kiss. He leaned down and gently sipped at them, pausing to study her with each kiss. She had freckles and little laugh lines at the corner of her eyes. And the prettiest lips. He lightly traced each one with his tongue.

  He couldn’t say it. It was too soon, too fresh, and he was too scared, but he showed her right there in that hot steamy bathroom. He took her against the bathroom door and told her with his body what he couldn’t say—yet.

  * * *

  Bee sat at the kitchen table, smiling at him. But Ty was tired, full of stew and still reeling from his earlier revelation. He wracked his brains. Why was she sitting there grinning like a Cheshire cat? Finally, he gave up. "What?"

  "The baby furniture came today. I hope you like it," she added.

  Before she told him about the baby. Aww, hell. "Let’s go take a look." He stood on suddenly shaky legs.

  She dragged him by the hand through the house to the bedroom next to theirs. She’d outdone herself. No wonder she’d been so excited. The nursery was beautiful, and Ty’s heart melted all over again as he walked to the center of the room, taking it all in. The multi-colored walls, the curtains with little bunnies hopping all over them and the fancy crib that looked like a mini sleigh bed with all kinds of swirls and loops carved into it. The bedding was covered with more bunnies. Peter Rabbit registered somewhere in his head.

  "I had Tara order a matching cradle when she called and asked them to ship it here instead of my house. It’s in our room."

  "How did you manage to get all this together?"

  "It was easy. And Delaney helped. Look!" She held up a little stuffed rabbit wearing a blue jacket, her excited chatter barely slowing down.

  Peter himself. He even played music, after she wound his butt up. "But Cassi said I can’t buy anything else until after my baby shower."

  Anything else? Ty eyed the dresser, changing table, crib and rocker, totally clueless as to how much they cost. He knew it had to be ‘an arm and an ass,�
� as Tim would say. He slowly spun around again, taking it all in one more time. Beautiful, expensive furniture that was so far beyond his limited budget. A nursery any baby would love but...

  "How...how the hell are we going to pay for all this, Bettina?" He choked out the words, struggling for air as a freight trail hurtled toward him.

  "I charged it." She stared at him, the happiness fading from her face.

  "And the baby clothes...last week?" His heart beat triple time. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly even as his palms became slick with sweat. Nerves.

  He checked himself, then shoved past her, not stopping until he stood on the back porch, sucking in air so cold it hurt. The panic attack had hit him like a kamikaze freight train. He had no idea in hell where he’d hidden the fucking Xanax and wouldn’t take ‘em in front of Bee anyway.

  He counted to ten and kept going until things began returning to normal. Noise finally penetrated the roaring in his ears. Adrenaline and cold had him shaking. But his tongue didn’t work.

  "Ty? Ty what happened?" Bee stood behind him, touching him, her hands on his back. Worried.

  Sweaty and shaking, he shook her off and moved, stumbled down the steps toward the chaise she’d left in the yard and collapsed in it, running his fingers through his hair.

  "Ty! What just happened?"

  It had been so long since he’d had an attack, he’d forgotten how fast they could overwhelm him. Still struggling for air, he propped his legs up and held out his arms. She immediately curled against him. God he musta scared the living daylights out of her.

  With one heavy sigh, his heart settled back in his chest. "I freaked."

  "Are you alright now?" she whispered, shivering against him. "Caused it’s damned cold out here, Tyrell."

  He gave her another squeeze. "I will be. I just…need a minute."

  A few minutes later, she stood and held out her hand. "Let’s go inside."

  Back in the nursery he collapsed in the rocker.

  "Ty?" She leaned against the doorjamb, one eyebrow quirked, arms crossed. "Cassi used to have panic attacks, after she first moved here, so I know one when I see one."


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