Up A Notch

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Up A Notch Page 11

by Breanna Hayse


  “I don’t know how you do it,” Jim sighed, looking at her face. “She’s getting more beautiful every time I see her and still seems so delicate.”

  “A cactus sticker seems pretty harmless until it’s embedded somewhere under your skin. And a lion fish is one of the ocean’s most beautiful creatures, and one of the most deadly. That’s how I do it, remembering what she is. She is a highly trained soldier capable of killing with nothing but her hands or, in recent events, her mind. We’ll demo that later. It’s pretty cool watching the reactions,” Michael chuckled.

  Chow was brought in and the two caught up while the girl slept soundly. She woke an hour later, stretching her legs as she sat up. “Ton’s got a belly ache,” she murmured.

  “He shouldn’t have eaten that whole shark,” Michael commented.

  Jim looked confused and warranted an explanation. He shook his head. “Had I not been there to see what you can do with my own eyes, I would never believe it. Count yourself lucky, midget. If I lived closer to you, you’d have another big brother trying to keep you away from this stuff. I worry about you.”

  “I don’t know why everyone is always so worried. I’m safer 300 feet deep than walking the streets of a city. Besides, I have enough big brothers and fathers. I need friends.”

  “What she’s saying is she needs people to cover her little butt when she’s in trouble. This was her last little stunt,” Michael cheerfully told him about the prank.

  Predictably, Jim boomed with laughter as she offered him a huge, toothy smile. “Damn, kid, that was good! I would have paid anything to see the look on Mike’s face during dolphin sex!” Tears were dripping down the man’s cheeks as he clutched his stomach. “And the folks played along? Priceless!”

  “They’re paying the price now, trust me. So did that one.”

  “Mike, you’re a great kid, but you need to get a sense of humor. If I recall, you had no problems in pulling your own stunts, hmmm?”

  Sam’s ears perked up. What was this? “Do tell,” she demanded, learning forward with interest.

  Her brother pushed her back. “Don’t tell. It’s not a need to know. Seriously, Jim, please don’t give her any more ideas. She’s hard enough to handle as it is.”

  “I have been the picture of perfection this trip, Mister. You can’t deny it.”

  “Five days of not getting yelled at, grounded or your butt kicked does not make you the picture of perfection. Stop pouting. It’s not becoming,” Michael scolded.

  “Is too,” she insisted. “Scott says I’m cute when I pout.”

  “Scott says you’re cute when you have the flu or are covered with mud. It doesn’t mean it’s true.”

  Jim laughed as she pouted harder. “I forgot how much I enjoy having you two around. It’s never boring. Sammi-girl, you are cute as a bug, but don’t make your brother want to get a fly swatter.”

  “It wouldn’t be a fly swatter I’d use. It would be a big wood paddle. Behave,” Michael commanded. Sam stuck her tongue out at him when he looked away. “I saw that,” he grunted.

  “We’re going to dock at about 0200 following our drills. Little girl, you still need to eat. Do you want me to call the mess for something different?”

  “No thanks, this is fine. Michael? I need to get back in the water soon.”

  “You’re kidding me.”

  “No. Not bad. It’s just an urge right now.”

  “Ok, tell me if it continues. Did you want to help with the night dives?” Michael asked as he placed his big hand over her forehead. She was getting warm again.

  “That would be cool. Major Fox, do your men have clearances?”

  “You know you can call me Jim, honey. Yes, full. They’ve been briefed on your adaptive equipment, but are not aware of your unique circumstance. Are you going to be all right?” He noticed Michael’s concerned look as the young man peered into his sister’s eyes. He could tell the imbalance had begun.

  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. I just don’t understand why it’s happening so fast this time. I’ve been in the water constantly and have had no problems until now. “

  “The only difference I can think of is depth. You haven’t been lower than 60 feet the last couple of days. Your pulse is racing,” Michael said with a frown.

  “I’m starting to get cold too. That doesn’t make sense, though. I’ve gone days without swimming or going deeper than the tank. Call Daddy,” she whined, rubbing her neck.

  “Let’s wait a bit. I don’t want to worry him,” Michael suggested.

  She rapidly became agitated. “I need to go in,” she announced as she raced into the head to get into her wet bathing suit.

  “Go ahead. I’ll be right behind you. Wait! Your wetsuit! Shit,” Michael said as she ran out barefoot in a modest black bikini. He quickly donned his wetsuit and ran to the deck where several crew members were looking overboard.

  “Sir, we just sent someone to get you. The girl ran past us and dove over the side without even looking! She went that way. And she was only wearing a swim suit. The water is 46 degrees!” The man sounded overwrought. Jim reassured his crew and promised to explain everything at the debriefing the next day while Michael dove onto the darkening water.

  The young man relaxed and allowed his instincts to guide him to his sister. She was suspended mid-water in the center of a kelp forest with her long hair floating like a halo around her body, looking mystical in the setting sunlight.

  “Hey, kidlet, what’s happening to you?” he asked as he softly touched her. It was too dim to see her expression.

  “I’m okay now. I just needed to breathe.”

  “Aren’t you cold?”

  “I warmed up as soon as I hit water. I think that the wetsuit filters too much. I might need direct contact with water in one way or another and haven’t been getting it except through my hands and face.”

  “So it slowly suffocates you?”

  “After our night in Laguna, I’ve worn this thing non-stop except for rinsing off. I was sleeping in it, remember? The nights we had to stay on ship. Good thing it’s so comfortable otherwise I’d be chafed!”

  “So you haven’t had any full salt contact in a week. You didn’t swim last weekend, either.”

  “That seems to be the issue. I’m starting to feel the water temp. Let’s get back up,” she requested, returning the hug from her concerned brother.

  Jim was waiting anxiously for their arrival. He wrapped a big towel around the girl and held her close. “Let’s get you warmed up. There’s hot tea and coffee in my cabin. Unless you need to go to sickbay,” worry was written across his face.

  “No, I’m good now, but cold,” she reassured. She was soon curled up warmly on the small couch like a kitten as she explained the situation to their friend.

  He merely shook his head. “I know it’s not my place to say this, but I don’t want you going on maneuvers tonight. I’d be more comfortable if you just stayed here and rested.”

  “I’m okay, honest.”

  “Samantha, Jim is our senior officer. He asked you to stay out of courtesy. However, he has every right to order it. There is no reason for you to go out again.”

  “But I want to go.”

  “No whining, Gremlin, it’s up to Jim. I am relinquishing my command to him while onboard his ship.” Michael said firmly, winking at his friend.

  “What you are saying is that you need to take a break from me. What happened to you being in my face all the time until I was sick of you?” she pouted as she crossed her arms.

  “You wore me out. She’s yours, Major, good luck! I’m hitting the sack. Night, baby,” he kissed his sister’s cheek and walked out of the cabin to the guest quarters a few hatches away.

  Jim sat down on the couch next to the girl. “You really love to give your brother a run for his money, don’t you?”

  “Of course, do you have a good reason why I shouldn’t?”

  Jim patted her knee. “He’s worried si
ck about you. Give the guy a break. No maneuvers tonight, all right?”

  The girl yawned, standing. “I won’t go because I’m tired, not because you told me I couldn’t.”

  Jim hugged her, laughing. “Get some sleep, you little minx. You should be glad I’m not your brother, I wouldn’t put up with so much.”

  “Believe me, Jim, he doesn’t let me push to far. I’m taking advantage of the fact that he won’t pull any of his tricks with you around.”

  “Watch it, Sammi-girl, or I might just furnish him with that big wood paddle he said he’d like to use on you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  He walked her to her cabin and kissed her forehead, not responding to her retort. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you guys when we dock.”

  The ship pulled into port at 2:15 a.m. While the crew unloaded their gear and headed for their squad bay, Jim escorted his friends to the BOQs where they were sharing the general’s quarters. After promising to meet them at 10:00 at the coffee shop, he headed to his own quarters.

  “I thought we were doing hotels,” Sam grumbled, plopping on the bed and noticing the suitcase sent by their father.

  “We’re going to the Spindrift tomorrow for the weekend. Jim said that he will be with Higgins on the Recon assignments up north so I decided that it would be best if we just stayed on ship and helped. I don’t know about you, but every muscle I have feels like rubber,” he plopped down next to her.

  “I really need to talk to my trainer. I thought I was in better condition than this.”

  Michael chuckled. He was her trainer. “Listen to us, will you? Do you know of any professional athlete who could endure the time and distance that we did coming up this coast? And we went against the current.”

  “Ton and the boots helped.”

  “Yes, but we have traveled nearly 500 miles in less than a week. That doesn’t count the deeper dives we did. I know I’ve lost some weight. It’s clear you have, too. Let’s just recoup this weekend, take the ship and save our strength for Alaska. No arguments. The decision has been made.”

  “We’ll talk about this tomorrow. I’m sleeping,” his sister said, closing her eyes.

  “No we won’t, brat,” he grumbled when he saw she had fallen asleep. He pulled the blankets in the bed back, removed her boots, and placed her on the pillow as he tucked her in. He kissed her cheek. “Don’t scare me like that again. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you,” he whispered. He glanced back at her one more time before turning off the light and heading to his own room.


  Sam twirled happily in the new sundress that her father had packed for her. It was a little loose, verifying Michael’s observation of her weight loss, but comfortable and pretty. It looked like Dr. Quimby had gone shopping, too. Everything he packed was new, except her favorite running shoes, uniforms and Michael’s old football jersey. Interesting, he packed enough for a two week trip, not just a weekend stay over. They had planned this all along, he realized.

  Michael entered her room as she was brushing her hair out. Taking over, he commented on his luggage. “Did you notice how much Dad packed for us?”

  “So you didn’t plan this?”

  “Not at all. I thought I was making a good decision based on our circumstances. Stay still, knot.”

  “Ow! Leave it loose, I want to look like a girl today when I see Higgins.”

  “Brat. You believe me that I made the decision and not Dad, right?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. You are a worse liar than I am, especially to me. I wonder if Jim knew ahead of time.”

  “I don’t think so, although he did extend the invite. I accepted. There is no reason to be upset about it.”

  “I’m not. To be honest, I’m glad they had enough foresight to see it would have been too much in the time given. And you’re right, I’ve lost weight too. My boobs are going to vanish.”

  “I doubt if that would occur anytime soon. You are pretty well-endowed for such a tiny thing. I just don’t want you to lose too much of this,” he smacked her backside, hearing her yelp. “It’s no fun to spank bone. It doesn’t jiggle and it hurts my hand.” He grinned sadistically.

  “Ha ha,” she answered sarcastically. “And don’t you start giving Jim any ideas, either. He threatened to get that paddle for you last night!”

  “Maybe we should let him know how you’re handled nowadays….”

  “Michael Scott, don’t you dare! I don’t need another man riding my ass,” she hissed.

  “Then behave. I really don’t want to have to explain you screaming during this trip, but I won’t hesitate to put you across my knee if you push me. You know better. Now let me look at you. You’re so pretty, smile!”

  Grumpily, she broke away from him. She draped her hair over her shoulder and ran her fingers through it. It needed a serious hot oil treatment. “We need to find you a girlfriend. You are starting to enjoy harassing me a little too much, Mike. I want to go to the beauty parlor this afternoon. Will you ask if Daddy will pay for it?” she requested, trying to change the subject.

  Michael pulled out his wallet and handing her a credit card. “Here, have fun. Spare no expense- this is his card.”

  The smile returned to her face and they walked out to meet Jim. Sam elbowed her brother as they walked past the enlisted quarters to the coffee shop. “Those girls are drooling over you. Did you know you had a cute butt?”

  “I’m a swimmer and a runner. It comes with the territory. Mine isn’t the only one getting attention.”

  “Oh, please! Mine is well hidden under this fabric. The girls, however, are nicely displayed,” his sister giggled, puffing out her chest.

  “Don’t do that! Too bad Jim is way too old for you. I could put up with you going out with him.”

  “That’s only because you can kick his ass. He’s not my type anyway. I like bad boys.”

  “You don’t know what you like, except civilian class delivery personnel.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about him,” she giggled. “Any guy I end up with would have to equal the strength, intelligence and caring of the men in my family. I couldn’t tolerate anything less.”

  “You also need a guy who is comfortable with putting you in your place but respects everything you are.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” she sighed reluctantly. “I can’t stand weak men. I guess I need someone stronger than me who will naturally blend into our family lifestyle. He will be hard to find. What about you?”

  “I’m not interested in men, thank you.”

  “Funny. What type of girl would you want?” she asked as they sat down to wait for Jim.

  “A soft, sexy, sweet quiet one, who is naturally submissive, but able to stand up for herself. No serious baggage, and be agreeable to our family’s closeness. Most importantly, she would have to love you and not be jealous.”

  “In other words, she has to be completely opposite of me, huh?” Sam snorted.

  Michael tilted his head and then nodded. “Yeah, or a real watered down version. You are a hand full and I feel for any guy who takes your challenge. Hey, Jimbo! Sleep well?”

  “I’m still rocking. How about you?”

  “Like the dead.”

  “I’ll say this much, young lady, you clean up nicely,” he hugged the girl, admiring her appearance. “Where did these come from?”

  “Are you talking about my clothes or my boobs?” she asked innocently, watching him blush.

  Michael pinched her thigh. “Stop that!”

  “Daddy sent us stuff, which, strangely enough, included enough gear to last two weeks. Did you know anything about that, Major?”

  “No ma’am. Honest. I did get a call from Scott. He asked if I had room on board for a couple of visiting scientists. I told him yes and put the two cabins aside. I didn’t know it was for you guys.”

  “Figures he would take that approach, the sneaky bastard,” Michal said.

  “Michael! Don’t call Scott that. Stick with asshole.�

  Jim laughed, ordering coffee, some fruit and scones for them. He held the girl’s hand tenderly. “After last night I think its best that you guys take the trip with us. Sammi, you are also way too thin. You need to build up a little and this will help.”

  “I already agreed to go, so don’t worry. Don’t worry about my eating, my appetite is fine. I just lost a lot after the accident and my metabolism burns like wildfire. I do have a question.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Since we have a change of plans with the travel arrangements, does that also mean the crew involvement has changed?”


  “I can’t fully here. Are we still going to be working with the land crew as originally planned?”

  “No, just Higgins and my men from the ship,” Jim replied.

  “Oh good!”

  “No good. You will not be going down to play. The only change is that you may wear your wetsuit,” Michael’s low, deep voice rumbled. He knew what her thoughts were, going into a pack.

  “You relinquished command onboard ship, remember? You can’t give me orders anymore.”

  “No, but I can. If your brother says no, I support it. If I find out you disobeyed, then there will be consequences,” Jim said quietly.

  “Like what? You can’t confine me to quarters with my situation. You can’t get the job completed without my help and I know you aren’t going to go crying to my father about how stubborn I am. Let’s be real, Jim. You know me well enough to know that if I want my way, I will get it.” She met Jim’s stare without cowering.

  “Samantha!” Michael said sharply. “Apologize this instant! Besides being an old friend, do I have to keep reminding you that Jim is our senior officer? Do it!”

  “I apologize if my statement was perceived as disrespectful. That was not the intent, but rather to inform fact.”

  Jim looked at her and was unable to get her to break eye contact. He had dealt with her stubborn streak many times over the years and was undisturbed by it. But her ability to hold out was stronger than ever. “Lieutenant, it seems that we are going to have some head butting if we don’t get this resolved. Now unless you would like to get down on the deck in that pretty dress and start doing pushups, you will make an immediate attitude adjustment.” He spoke loud enough for several people to hear. He was counting on that. She broke eye contact and looked down.


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