Zed Days [Book 1]

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Zed Days [Book 1] Page 13

by Nick Harland

  She dropped her head down, resting it on my shoulder again and mumbled so softly I almost couldn’t hear her, ‘You, I was afraid they were going to take you.’

  I found silent tears in my own eyes and dropped my head alongside hers. I knew she would be feeling ashamed or undeserving, like she saved me from feeling after I told her I loved her, so I said what she needed to hear, but it was also the truth, ‘It’s ok, I love you too, more than anything, but you do need to learn to share. I never got to fire a single shot, you dropped them quicker than I could line them up.’

  She looked up, smiled gingerly and replied, ‘Well I wasn’t fucking the whole time I was at the gun range. Patricia was a good teacher and I was a natural apparently. I promise, next time I’ll leave you one. In fact, you can have that lot. I’m pretty sure I’ve only got five rounds left anyway.’

  I looked around and a small group of Zeds were walking down the road towards us. We got up and I waited until they were close before firing. I managed to take out two with five shots before Eve had to finish the last four. I had barely fired the M9 and she was right, it kicked much more than the Werlod.

  It was gruesome work finding the keys to the two Range Rovers and we had to finish several Zeds who had been immobilised but weren’t dead. We found lots of keys to other cars too which was good. The V8 donor we found had a dead battery but the V6 was fine. There were only a couple of stragglers inside the pub. Though our noisy exit from the car park may not have been exactly what we wanted, it did the trick. We loaded up Lulu and the donor with everything useful from the pub and I was glad to be right, and lucky that they must have had a recent delivery, because they had lots of bottled water. Eve insisted I drive Lulu back and she drove the donor. It was only a 3 litre V6 but we hoped it would still be useful.

  We returned to base and Mutt was waiting for us at the gates. Bill came out a minute later, let us in, and locked up behind us. He could tell something had happened, and Eve’s face was still red. He helped us unload without asking any questions. When we were done he said, ‘There is plenty we can do with a V6 but for some of the engine stuff we need a V8.’

  I was going to reply but Eve got their first, ‘It’s ok, there’s a V8 with a dead battery back at the pub. After lunch you’re coming with us to pick it up. I know you want to stay here but life in the apocalypse is unpredictable and you can’t hide forever. We’ll be with you so you’ll be safe. To sweeten the deal.’ She held Lulu’s keys up before throwing them at Bill, ‘You can drive.’

  Chapter Fifteen – Cars, Cars and More Cars.

  Bill and Mutt came with us back to the pub and Eve encouraged Bill to have a little fun with Lulu on the way. He was as in love as we were by the time we arrived. He coped surprisingly well with the mess we’d left behind and didn’t flinch when we had to deal with two wandering Zeds who were waiting for us. I stopped Mutt from taking one of them, I wasn’t sure Bill was quite ready to see that yet. Bill used the battery from the V6 and got the V8 started. We also broke into the X3 and took the battery to bodge into the V6.

  While it was quiet we used the other keys we’d found and took turns jumping the cars over their variably stuck on brakes. It turned into a game of who could do the best job, or actually who could reverse out of a space fastest and not crash. Most weren’t more than a bit grindy and there were a few fender benders. We had ten back up cars if we needed them and we decided to bring a nice looking Subaru Impreza WRX back with us as well. I was nervous being split up from Eve but it was only a few miles back to base. Bill led in Lulu, Eve followed in the V8, and I took the Impreza. After driving two tonne liners around for the last week and half a nimble Scoob was a nice change and I couldn’t resist trying a donut on the way back. As it turns out they aren’t as easy to do as them seem and I span off and dented the front on a barrier. Both Eve and Bill were kind enough not to mention my incompetence too repeatedly when we got back.

  By early evening we were back at base and I had something I had been missing more than anything else since it all began, a decent cup of tea with real milk. The pub had a big freezer that had some milk in and although it had defrosted it was packed full of stuff so must have done so slowly. The milk was still good for a day or two.

  After we ate and it began to get dark Bill said, ‘You guys have basically saved my life so I have something for you. I had time while you were out.’ Grabbing one of the unopened milk cartons he said, ‘Come with me.’

  Eve and I looked at each other and followed him. He led us across the main floor to a large double axel van. He opened the door and waved us in, then came in behind us. He said, ‘This is undoubtedly the most comfortable van we have. It has a fixed transverse bed and all our customers say it’s the most comfy van bed they have ever slept in.’

  Opening the fridge he put the milk in and I also noticed some bacon and eggs. Then he said, ‘I’ve installed the best leisure battery we have and provided you don’t go wild it should last a few days at least. There is food in the cupboards and spare linen in the wardrobe. I’ve hooked up an aqua roll for the shower. I drained down some of the systems in the stored vans and found a half full aqua roll. It won’t be the freshest water but it’s basically clean and the shower will be nice and hot. I’ve added the necessary chems to the toilet so it’s all ready to go too. I didn’t know what you wanted alcohol wise so there is a bottle of pretty much everything above the sink, and pans and plates and things.’

  I could see tears gather in Eve’s eyes and when she looked at me I just smiled and nodded. She grabbed Bill, hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek, ‘Thank you, it means more than you know.’ He turned bright red.

  Then my heart missed a beat as I remembered something, ‘But Bill, I thought there were three Zeds in the storage area and you said that’s where you found the water?’

  His blushing continued, ‘Yes there were. I used a rifle, I hope you don’t mind. I shot my old manager and one of the others in the head then shot out the knees of the remaining one. The rifle’s good, I only missed one shot. I figured even a crawling Zed would follow me so I got the mangers keys and cleared out the gas storage area. It followed me around while I cleared it out but it was fine, if a bit creepy. Then I led it in and jumped out before locking it. You said you wanted a live captive, you didn’t say it had to be mobile.’

  I wasn’t quite as speechless as Eve and managed to say, ‘Good job Bill, really. I wasn’t looking forwards to that and the kneecap thing was inspired.’

  Bill left silently, still blushing, and shut the door behind him.

  Eve said, ‘Wow, he’s full of surprises isn’t he.’

  I replied, ‘Sure is, but I have other things on my mind.’

  I took my still sweaty shirt off and came towards Eve, ‘I don’t want mistress or doctor tonight, I just want Eve, the woman I love.’

  Eve smiled and took her top off too, she still didn’t have her bra on which was nice. I looked at her muffled form in the growing darkness inside the building and marvelled at how beautiful she was. Then she turned around, backed up against me and slipped her trousers and pants off before standing up again and letting me hold her close, one hand across her breasts, the other finding the warmth between her legs. We showered and laid into a bottle of Whisky. Then we had giggly and uncoordinated sex that brought us even closer than we had been. We had had feelings attached to the sex for a few days, or at least I had, but that night cemented what we meant to each other.

  In the morning we had tea and cereal with milk in bed while managing our respective headaches. It was bloody lovely, apart from the headaches. Bill was right, the mattress was as comfy as anything I’d slept on. I’m sure Eve’s mattress at home would have been better but we’d never exactly sleep on it. Then we got dressed and found Bill who was just finishing his own breakfast.

  Bill said, ’Good Morning. I hope you don’t mind but I’ve been thinking. I saw the mess you guys left at the pub and thought about what could have happened to Lulu if you had h
ad to used her instead. I know there are a lot of competing priorities but if you can get me a welding kit from a garage, and if we can bring a few more cars back for spares, I think I can hook up some sort of plough arrangement to the front of Lulu. I can also protect the tyres a bit more. It won’t be too heavy or much wider, but it should help you clear the streets.’

  I imagined some chariot from a roman film with sword blades coming out of the middle of its wheels and smiled, Eve was smiling too. Bill added, ‘I’ve also had a two for one idea about where to get the welding gear. There is a Land Rover dealer on the other side of town that does MOT’s and services. It should have several new vehicles, the diagnostics kit we need, and some welding gear. I have no idea why I didn’t think about it earlier.’ I mentally kicked myself for not thinking of it too; I knew the place.

  Eve said, ‘Fuck yea’ and that was that.

  We kitted up and Bill held onto the tyre iron and slung a Henry over his shoulder. Before we left he put a few diesel containers in the back and a toolbox. Mutt sat in the back with Bill and they seemed to have hit it off from the start. When I raised my eyebrows he said, ‘We need fuel and there might be a few other things it would be good to have too.’

  Eve drove and it was slow going. We encountered more large crashes on the main roads and had to take several inventive detours. We tried to avoid Zeds where we could and Eve squished them slowly where we couldn’t. Thankfully, we didn’t run into any large hordes. The Land Rover dealer was off a long dual carriageway with several other car dealers on the same strip. It was smaller than most of the other dealers but much more expensive. I could just about make out a six figure price tag on an electric blue Range Rover on one those silly platforms that put it at a 30 degree angle outside. It had flared arches and big fat tyres, but it wasn’t Lulu . The 22 year old part of me wanted to stay all day and fuck about with every expensive car I could find the keys for, but the road was scattered with stationary cars so it wouldn’t have been much fun anyway.

  We drove up to edge of the dealers car park and stopped. The building was almost entirely glass, glass walls, glass roof, glass doors…. you get the idea. I could see Bill eyeing up the cars and thought he should have the blue one. I knew it could only be the 5 litre supercharged petrol with planet killing fuel economy but we couldn’t use diesel all the time and it wasn’t like we planned to drive any long distances for a while. Eve looked at me and said, ‘I think we need to attract the locals out to play, but I’d rather not use the same method as yesterday.’

  I remembered her flashing and me holding her boobs up for bait and smiled, ‘Agreed, let me handle this one.’

  I got out of Lulu and carefully walked up the short entrance road towards the glass building. I could see a few moving around inside, but not too many. I couldn’t see any outside. I got as close as I could without them seeing me then climbed onto a nearby bonnet and jumped up and down, the bonnet bucking underneath me and going ‘pop’ as it did so. I waved to Eve to drive in further and she did. There weren’t that many and we needed to save ammo so I shouted to Eve, ‘Hand to hand with Bill and the rifle as back up.’

  Eve opened the door and let Mutt out as well. Bill opened the sky roof, rested the rifle on the roof bar and waited. I have to say trusting Bill with a rifle pointed in our direction was scary, but I used the adrenalin to prepare myself. I held Mutt until the five we could see coming out were halfway across the carpark before letting him go. I remembered to be sure to hit chest height if I used any front kicks. Then I heard one shot from behind us and span around. Bill was facing down the road and I saw a Zed fall to the ground. He stuck his thumb up and repositioned.

  Mutt was already on top of one when I turned back and I was glad he had the sense to dodge away as another reached for him. Eve and I waded in and both used a front kick to start with. The two we hit staggered, and Eve’s fell over. I advanced on mine and finished it as it was flailing to keep its balance and Eve had already hit the other one of hers that was still standing. Mutt got back to his business as I finished my other one. Eve finished the last one before it could get up. Others came from the dealer one by one so they were easy kills. Soon it was quiet. Even Bill’s shot didn’t attracted anymore and I wondered if the wide open space made it difficult for them to localise the sound. I knew some would probably come eventually so we moved on.

  Two of the guys we killed had blue shirts with Land Rover badges embroidered onto them. They would have been smart looking if they weren’t now covered in greyish blood. We grabbed their keys and Bill joined us as we went into the showroom. The place was high class and pristine. They had even been organised enough to all turn at the same time as there didn’t seem to have been a scuffle. We let Mutt lead the way to the back office but as lots of of the internal walls were also glass, and it was mostly open plan, we were confident we were alone. Bill found the locked keys cupboard and found the key to open it on one of the key rings from the guys outside. Of course, everything was very organised with registration numbers on the keys.

  We turned the ignitions on a few and they all had exactly half a tank of fuel. The handbrakes were barely on and they were new cars so there were no sticking brakes. There was one 4.4litre V8 inside which was perfect, and of course the 5litre sport outside. I looked at Bill, ‘Do you think you can get that monster off the platform?’

  Bill smiled, nodded and headed outside. We went out to watch and make sure nothing untoward happened. Soon the blue beast was on the forecourt and Bill was smiling even more broadly. It really did look pretty damn cool and the sound was sexy as hell, though not that welcome under the circumstances. Bill turned it off the moment it was free of the platform.

  We investigated the service building set fifty feet behind the dealer building and it was a much less fancy affair, a large rectangular warehouse with massive open sliding doors. Three Zeds appeared from the shadows and Mutt growled so we had some warning before launching at one of them. The last one took us by surprise, though the hairs on my neck seemed to stand up just before we saw it. It was a Beefcake and it charged us immediately, knocking one Zed in front of it clean off its feet. Neither Eve nor myself had time to react and it knocked us both flying as it charged through us towards Bill.

  I didn’t land too badly and saw it all happen. Bill was a little behind us so had about a second to react. He held up the sharp end of the tyre Iron with both hands like a short spear above his head and waited for it to hit him. When it reached him I could just see him jab the tyre iron forward before he was lost underneath it. Eve and I jumped to our feet and Eve ran to Bill while I finished the one on the ground. By the time I got there there were tears running from Eve’s eyes and she was trying to pull the apparently lifeless Beefcake off Bill. I helped her roll the body off to reveal Bill’s round face underneath.

  Eve put her hands on the side of his face, ‘Stay still, are you ok?’

  Bill looked up, obviously dazed, ‘I banged my head pretty good but I’m pretty well padded elsewhere.’

  I crouched beside Bill and put my hand on Eve’s back, ‘Dude, that was ice cold awesome. Mutt and I faced a Beefcake hand to hand once and both of us came off significantly the worse for wear.’ I put my hand over where the bump had been, ‘The bumps only really just gone completely. When we get back we’re having a health and safety meeting about helmet use.’

  Bill managed to raise himself onto his elbows, ‘Yup, I think that would be prudent.’

  Eve got up and giggled, ‘I’m stuck with a couple of old men, just my luck.’

  Bill got up and had a seat for a minute while we looked around the garage. We found the welding gear on a trolley and also a laptop and expensive looking box which we needed for the diagnostics. We also collected various other tools at Bill’s instruction. For the next couple of hours Bill undid fuel lines and we filled the containers we had before brimming the vehicles we were taking. With the containers from the garage as well we had just over a hundred litres of diesel and sixty o
f petrol. It was noisy work turning the engines on to pump the fuel out and Eve and Mutt kept watch while I fetched and carried. There were only two further Zeds that had to be dealt with. Something must have attracted them from the area at some point.

  We had done well but the total fuel haul wasn’t good because we were short on containers. We were taking two new Range Rovers back with us so we still had plenty of space. We decided to stop for lunch then investigate the next dealer. It was a Ford dealer next door, which was less exciting, but it did mean there would be a decent amount of diesel to scavenge if we could find more containers. We took Lulu to the Ford dealer as we had loaded the 5 litre sport with most of the stuff from the garage. The welding gear was heavy as hell but we got it in eventually, Bill was strong. I bagsied driving the V8 home and Eve said, ‘How are you going to get it out?’ I only needed to smile broadly while looking at the enormous plate glass window in front of it before she got it. She said, ‘Lout.’

  The Ford dealer building wasn’t nearly as fancy but it was quite a lot bigger. There had obviously been some fighting when it had happened and at least one or two of the last to turn or die had done well. There were only three live Zeds to deal with amongst several dead ones and some half-eaten corpses. I felt sorry for them fighting so valiantly and then either turning or getting eaten. I thought back to my bender and felt a pang of what I guess was survivor guilt.

  While Bill and Eve found anything that could carry fuel, and Bill did his thing with tools and fuel lines, I found the key cabinet. I unlocked any locked display cars and undid all the handbrakes. Apart from a few minor fender benders it went well and I left the keys in all the ignitions so they ready to go. I wondered if another survivor might come across the place so I also found a marker pen and put our location on a big bit of cardboard and taped it to the dealers’ front window.


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