Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key)

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Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key) Page 13

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Oh my God,” I breathe as I stare at the collapsed building. There are dust clouds forming around the pile of the destruction. ‘Where is he?” I ask, no time to think about what I am about to do.

  “He was just inside the doors. I can hear him, but I cannot see him! Please, we need to get him out before the building collapses.” I hear the rest of her story as I’m running toward the wreckage. I know time is very limited, because the sounds the building is making is a sure tell sign that it’s soon ready to fully collapse. I make it just to the fallen front as I dive to the ground, ready to crawl inside. Years of playing forts with my brother taught me how to army crawl, so I pull myself inside the small opening. I hear Locke screaming my name but I can’t answer him. I need to focus. I pull myself in and look around, not seeing her son.

  “Hello? Can anyone hear me?” I call out, hoping the boy will hear me and let me know his location. “Hello? Can you hear me? I’m gonna get you out of here, okay?” I call out again, trying to make out any movement, but nothing. It’s pretty dark and with the dust, it’s hard to see. I fight off a coughing fit, when finally I hear a small sound of a boy’s cry.

  I twist to my right and I see him just a little ways in. “Hey. It’s okay, I’m here to get you out, okay? Can you crawl to me? Are you hurt?”

  His little voice sounds scared. “My leg. It hurts really bad.”

  I take in the space between us and I worry that I won’t be able to get any closer to him. I pull myself less than a foot, when the snapping of wood sounds. I cover my head, as if that’s going to save me from being crushed. A pole goes smashing to the left of us, causing a riff in the structure. More dust rises and it becomes harder to see the boy. “It’s okay. You have to be brave. Do you think you can try and crawl to me?”

  “I don’t know. I’m scared.” That makes two of us. I try and void out the creaking of the broken structure and the frantic shouting coming from outside. I try and focus on the boy. He doesn’t seem to want to move to me, so I have to figure out a way to get to him.

  “Okay, well, let’s make a deal. I will meet you in the middle, okay?” He doesn’t say anything at first, but then he nods. “Just go very slow, okay?”

  “Alright,” he replies.

  We both work our way to meet, and thankfully I am able to reach his little fingers and hold them tight in my grip. “Now, I am going to pull you to me, okay? Like it’s a ride.” He nods and with all my might, I tug on the boy until he is close enough that I can wrap my hands under his arms and pull him next to me. Just as I succeed to get him fully in my arms, another beam snaps and crashes down, exactly where the boy had been. I squeeze him to me as he lets out a loud cry. I’m afraid to move and disrupt anything else that is ready to fall. But I know we don’t have a choice.

  “Okay, kiddo. We are going to slide backwards out of here, okay? Do you know how to army crawl?” He nods that he does. “Great! How about backwards?” He offers me another nod, which is relieving because I wasn’t sure how I was going to get him out, since there is no way we can pivot. I give him the ready, set, go and allow him to go first. He stops shortly after, having to cough, but continues crawling toward the opening. It’s when I hear the cries of his mother that I know he is safe. I start my own retreat out, counting the seconds until I will be out of here. My bravery is slowing deteriorating and I’m starting to freak out. It’s when I make it to the opening that the beam above me sounds, the final barrier holding up the roof giving in. As I freeze and cover my head, I feel hands wrap around my ankle, and I am yanked out from under the armory just before the roof turns me into a pancake.

  I’m being lifted into someone’s arms and carried over to a soft patch of grass. I know immediately its Locke by his wonderful scent. God I can smell him for eternity. “Addie, Jesus, are ye alright? Are ye hurt? Speak to me, dammit!” Lying me down, his hands are frantic covering my body. “Are ye hurt anywhere? Please answer me.” He begins to shake me. I try and answer him so he doesn’t give me whiplash, but I start a coughing spell instead.

  “Shhh… It’s okay. Just calm down.” He brushes the hair away from my face.

  “Maybe you need to calm down. And stop shaking me,” I cough, trying to cover my mouth. I open my eyes to a fierce looking Locke. “Hi,” I whisper, hoping he doesn’t really want to do what he looks like he wants to do and that’s bite my head off.

  “What in the bloody hell were ye thinking?”

  “I wasn’t,” I admit honestly.

  “Damn right ye weren’t! Ye could have been killed!” he bellows out. I try and sit up, but I’m a bit dizzy. Locke immediately wraps his hands around my shoulders, guiding me back down. “Shhh, just relax.”

  “It’s kind of hard when you keep screaming at me,” I say, unsure if it’s safe to speak at all. I look at him and his expression changes from anger to complete horror. Uh oh.

  “Addie. Ye could have gotten yerself killed. God, what were ye thinking? I watched ye run into the falling building and… God…” He stops, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad, I just knew I could fit through that hole and there wasn’t time to think.”

  “Addie,” he says my name so soft and filled with reverence. “Ye scared me to death. I kept hearing those beams fall, and every time… every time…” He can’t finish his sentence.

  I lift my hand and cup his face. “Hey, I’m fine. Everyone is fine, okay?”

  His eyes reopen as he leans into my touch. His eyes, baring the beautiful fire in them which radiates his mark, stare down at me. It’s then he slowly dips and places his lips to mine. He doesn’t ravage me as he’s done in the past. This one is slow. Meaningful. He is trying to tell me something, just not in words. He doesn’t try and take it any farther and slightly pulls his lips away, pressing his forehead to mine.

  “Don’t ever try and leave me like that again, okay, Addie?” I can’t even hide my intake of breath at his strangled plea. I’m not sure he even realizes what he says, but I nod. My throat locked.

  “Oh my, please tell me Princess Adeline is alright.” We both turn to see Fredrick standing over us. Locke releases me and helps me to sit up. As I am about to get to my feet, I’m attacked and brought back to the ground. To my surprise, the little boy I rescued has tackled me and is now bear-hugging me in place.

  “Thank ye, Miss, thank ye, thank ye,” he repeats himself, beginning to cry into my shoulder.

  “Shhh, little one, it’s alright we’re all safe now.” He lifts his head up so our eyes connect.

  “Ye are my savior, ye are more than a princess, ye are a hero.” I fight with everything I have to stop my lower lip from quivering. My eyes fill with wetness and I allow the boy to hug me once again.

  Over the boy’s head, I see Locke, and his face etched with concern. As I allow the little boy to comfort me, I mouth over his little head, “I’m sorry,” to Locke. He slowly nods, taking in a deep breath.

  It’s then the severity of what I did settles in, and I begin to cry with the boy.

  “To Princess Adeline!” the crowd cheers and the pub goes wild. After Locke and Fredrick were able to pry the boy off me, Locke tried to check me once again for injuries. I was fine except for some scrapes covering my hands from the rummaged floor. Locke insisted I be seen by a healer, but I refused. Plus every two steps we took, we were greeted and I was hugged for my bravery. I said that it was no big deal, and that I was glad the boy was safe, but in reality it was a huge deal. I have never been one to be so bold. I was always the flight, not fight kind of girl. I didn’t even know where that heroic act came from. But when it settled in that I could have died, it sent shivers down my spine. Locke would see the change in me instantly and pull me from whoever’s grasp I was in. But then, two more steps and it started all over again.

  Fredrick insisted that we stay so they could properly celebrate and thank me for what I had done. Since Locke wanted to get me home so I could rest, I convinced him to st
op being rude and accepted the invitation to attend the celebration at their town pub.

  That leads us to now, where the entire place is packed and filled to the brim with ale. Fredrick just handed me my second ale of the night, and I have to say that I am feeling mighty fine.

  “Princess Adeline, ye are as brave as they come. Ye make this land proud.” I blush and the townsmen cheer his kind words. I take a sip of my ale and turn to Locke, who is sitting on the stool behind me, observing the scene before him.

  “Princess Adeline, cheers to the most courageous lassie to grace our lands since the Queen Adeline herself! May ye and yer prince wed and bring us the bravest heir,” he says, clashing his mug to mine. I drink and turn again to see Locke’s facial expression. Of course it doesn’t change. He continues to look at me, as if he is deep in thought.

  “Princess!” Another call to my attention, I turn seeing the mother of the little boy. “I will pray for ye day and night that ye are followed by luck and happiness. I will forever be in yer debt for saving my son.” She clinks her glass with mine and another gulp down. She then hugs me and to the crowd she yells. “To our future queen!”

  I go to reach for her “Oh wait… no… um—”

  Another shout of cheers, “To our future queen!” I want to correct her but they give me no opportunity, with more shouts and more praises, she turns to us. “To the future of our next king and queen, may ye two, prosper in love and life. And may yer love and marriage shine over this land for eternity.” As the entire pub goes wild, I turn to Locke.

  He makes no attempt to correct them either way. I stare at him, silently begging to know what he’s thinking. “Locke, I—” I begin but I’m cut off.

  Jeramiah, a boy I remember from the building site steps next to us. “Princess Adeline, I would like to request this dance? If it is alright with yer prince, of course.”

  I turn, looking into his eyes. “Is it alright, my prince, if I dance?” I ask, my voice soft, pushing him.

  “It is alright, my princess,” he replies, his tone soft and never taking his eyes off me. My chest tightens. I don’t want to dance. I want to stay and ask him why he is going along with this. Why he just called me his. But my arm is tugged at the same moment I make another attempt to speak, and I am being whisked away.

  To my surprise, dancing turns out to be one of the best experiences. It takes me a bit to get the hang of it, but once I finally do; I never want to stop. I am tossed from one set of hands to the next, dancing to the beautiful sounds of three bagpipes playing. By this time I am also feeling light on my feet, but I know that is due to the heavy amount of ale I’ve drunken. The last turn and pass off, and to my pleasant surprise, Locke’s arms wrap around my waist. His scent seeps into my nose, and I close my eyes laying my head on his shoulder.

  “I’ve missed you,” I confess, letting my loose tongue slip.

  “We should go, it’s late and we now have to travel back in the dark.”

  I lift my head from his shoulder, looking up to his soft eyes. “But I don’t want this day to end.”

  He brings his hand up to cradle my face. His fingers gently glide into my hairline. “Addie—”

  Jefferson, the pub and inn owner, interrupts us. “Prince Locke, I must inform ye that a storm has settled in, and I would not advise ye traveling home this evening. We have an open room upstairs at the inn, which is more than accommodating for ye and the princess. May I offer ye lodging for the night?”

  At that, Locke’s body tenses, as if the thought of possibly having to stay with me burdens him. “You don’t want to stay with me, do you?” I ask just above a whisper.

  He looks at me, and there is no hiding the hurt in my eyes. “It’s not that.”

  “Then what is it? You want me or not? You act as if I mean something to you one minute, then the next you are wishing to be rid of me.” I pull away, wanting to be free of his tormenting grip.

  I push off him, but he only pulls our bodies tighter together. “Stop putting words in my mouth,” he leans down, growling into my ear.

  “I don’t need to, your actions say just as much,” I snap. I make another attempt to escape. I’m afraid I will let my emotions slip. “Let go of me!” I demand, needing a moment away from him. But that’s not what he does.

  He brings his hand against my bottom and presses his hard groin into me. “Ye know why I don’t think it’s a good idea we stay here tonight, Princess? It’s because I don’t think I can stay in a room with ye and keep to myself. If I bring ye to that room, we will not be sleeping. I have willpower, but God do ye tempt me. I am a single thread away from snapping, and unless ye are up for the challenge, I suggest ye refrain from provoking me.”

  When he pulls away and our eyes connect, his are blazing. He thinks his words are threatening to me, but they’re just the opposite. They are tempting. I bring my hand up to his face, feeling the heat of my mark warming.

  “Take me upstairs, Locke. No more games, please. I want to give you all of me. Show me that you want that, too.”

  I watch his throat working. Breaking from our connection, he calls, “Jefferson, please prepare the room. The princess and I are ready to retire.”

  Grabbing for my hand, Locke pulls me with him toward the stairway leading up to the sleeping rooms. Just as a maid is setting fresh towels on the bed, we enter, Locke requesting that she leave immediately. As she scurries off shutting the door behind her, Lock turns, giving me the look of a man pushed too far.

  “Locke,” I begin, but he stalks toward me, while I walk back up toward the bed.

  Just as the door slams shut, he is on me. Wrapping his arms around me, his mouth devours, taking from mine as if he is a starved man. But I am just as hungry. I meet him lash for lash. Our tongues dancing around one another as our lips collide in a powerful force. Our hands are everywhere. Mine are wrapped in his thick head of hair, pulling him closer, as his are groping every single inch of me. Pausing to cup my butt cheeks, he squeezes, pushing me into his hard groin. Little sounds of pleasure fall from my lips as the friction that I have been begging for since the moment we met are coming to par.

  Locke abruptly stills, pulling away from me. We’re both breathing heavily, and I’m worried why he stopped. God, I hope he isn’t changing his mind. “Why—”

  “I want ye to take yer dress off. Now,” he orders, his voice is strained. My nerves are at full blast, but I know I want this. I want him. I lift my hands behind my back to unhook the dress, when I remember. Shit. I don’t have Ellie to get me out of this. Luckily, Locke catches my struggle immediately and walks up to me.

  “Turn around.”

  I do as I’m told and feel his hands on my shoulders, caressing my neck. Moving down, he grabs for the latch and one by one unhooks each clasp. As I feel the cool air hit my lower back, Locke bends forward placing a kiss in between my shoulder blades. Instantly, goose bumps shoot up my arms and a soft moan erupts from my throat. His warm hands release my shoulders and I turn back around to face him. Then I allow my dress to fall graciously to the ground.

  His eyes light with the fire I crave to see. His hands wrap into fists, his knuckles instantly white.

  I stand before him in just my corset and stockings, waiting for my next order. Locke takes a moment to gather himself, until he steps forward, bending to his knees, and proceeds to unlatch my stockings. Snap, after snap, he breaks the material from their clasps and slowly rolls each stocking down my thigh, lifting my leg and pulling it off my shaky foot.

  Once he’s finished with the second foot, he tosses the material; he stands, breaking the space between us. He’s almost a foot taller so I have to lift my head to keep eye contact. He bends forward; wrapping his arms around my back, and with one swift movement he unlatches my corset and drops it to the floor. This leaves me completely bare to him. Realizing, I try to cover myself, but he stops me. “Do not hide from me, Addie. Ever.” His rough voice just another torment for me.

  “Alright,” I whisper, feel
ing nervous. Enthralled. Excited. Unsure.

  Without warning, he picks me up, carrying me the close distance to the bed and lays me gently on the mattress. Climbing over me, his body slowly blankets mine as he brings his arms above my head, weaving fingers through my wild hair. He doesn’t speak at first, his heavy breathing basking my skin; the scent of him a drug in its own right.

  He bends down, his lips just grazing mine, but he doesn’t apply pressure. Not right away. His eyes close, his lips sliding from my mouth down to my jawline. “Ye are simply breathtaking,” he hums, bringing his mouth down the crevice of my neck. His lips press down onto my collarbone, and I feel his warm mouth, then his tongue gliding over my heated skin. The sensations that he is conjuring up in me are foreign, and I feel restless under his touch. I don’t know what to do, but I want to do so many things all the same. Just as his teeth graze my skin, my body buckles under him.

  “Yer skin is like a delicacy I will never get enough of,” he groans, lifting up his head, allowing our lust filled eyes to meet. “And yer lips, God, Addie, yer lips will bring a man to his knees.” With that, he offers me what I crave the most. His mouth. His lips fall onto mine and he kisses me. But it’s not his normal roughness. It’s more. There is meaning to it. To him. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him to me. My chest feels tight with emotion and I need him closer. I need to wrap all that I am around this man and allow him to take what I am giving.

  And this exact moment in time is everything.

  The pressure of my hold causes Locke to moan, pulling away from me. Unweaving his fingers from my hair, he lowers his hands, making their way down my ribcage. Inspecting every inch of me, he takes his open palm, wrapping his fingers around my thigh. “Ye are the most beautiful lass, I have ever seen,” he praises, dipping down, placing his mouth around my nipple. The feeling so unfamiliar, I gasp, causing him to pull away. “Have I hurt ye?”


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