A Very Alpha Christmas

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A Very Alpha Christmas Page 95

by Anthology

  Blue. Blue. Blue.

  Hell, he was making her blue, damn it.

  The knock came again, and she rolled over and looked at the clock. Six thirty in the morning? Who the hell was bothering her this early in the morning on Christmas Day? If it was Broglio, their facilities manager, coming to bug her about the New Year’s lab cleaning schedule, she was going to skin him. Twice.

  The knock sounded again.

  Kotara grumbled a few choice curse words. She was tired and annoyed and didn’t want to be awake this time of morning.

  “Come in and this better be good!”

  And then it hit her. A scent she hadn’t expected to ever smell again. His scent.

  “Oh my God!” she squealed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Merry Christmas, Kotara.”

  Harrison Blue walked into her room, right up to her bed. And he dropped to his knees.


  “I was fetched,” he said with a grin.


  “Yep. Your sisters and their mates came to get me, and I’m glad they did. I’ve been wanting to chase you down since…well, you know.” And he had the decency to blush.

  She probably shouldn’t have been so happy that he looked as tired and miserable as she did, but she didn’t have time to question it.

  “I’ve missed you like crazy and I’m the biggest idiot in the world for thinking I could go a single day without you. I’m down on my knees asking your forgiveness.”

  Kotara bounded out of bed and landed square in the middle of Blue’s chest. They rolled around on the floor, a tangle of arms and legs, kisses and laughter, as they promised to ring in this holiday season, and every future one, together.

  The End

  About T.J. Michaels

  A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, T.J. Michaels is also an award winner in such genres as contemporary, paranormal, sci-fi and urban fantasy romance. Close your eyes...slip into your fantasy. www.tjmichaels.com

  Wish Upon a Werewolf by Elsa Jade

  Annie is asking for one Christmas gift: a werewolf’s bite.

  But Blaze wants to give her so much more…

  Annie Belle hitchhiked to Angels Rest with one dangerous Christmas wish: to be bitten by a werewolf. Blaze Domingo swore he’d never take a mate, and the dead of winter is the wrong season for mating. But Annie is making all of his silent wishes come true.


  As the red lights of the truck faded into the distance, the night suddenly seemed much colder to Annie Belle.

  And December in the town of Angels Rest at the heart of Where-the-Hell-Are-We, U.S.A. was already freakin’ cold.

  Good thing she was here to get a real wolf-skin coat.

  She trudged through the dusting of dry snow covering the gravel turnoff where her ride had dropped her. She’d had to sit through the standard “if you were my granddaughter” speech since Albuquerque, but she was finally here so she’d call it a win.

  But when she turned to look at the empty desert, a chill wind touched the bruise on her cheek, making it throb again, and her notion of a win seemed pretty sad.

  Against the background of pinprick stars, the neon sign over her head seemed too bright. Hard to believe werewolves would hang out in a grungy old roadhouse like this Gypsy’s place. Weren’t they all billionaires? No wait, that was vampires. She’d never had a chance to get into the whole book boyfriend thing, so they all sort of mixed together in her head. But she knew she didn’t want a billionaire.

  She wanted a killer.

  On the bar’s front porch, she braced herself on the evergreen-wrapped rail and knocked off the snow that clung to the smooth soles of her sneakers. Needed to make a good impression. She pulled forward a few strands of her blond hair to disguise the bruise. Hopefully the lighting inside would be crappy enough to hide the shadings of green and yellow under her left eye.

  Maybe they’d just assume a white trash chick like her didn’t know shit about makeup. Taking a slow breath, she reached for the latch under the holly wreath and pushed open the door.

  Warmth—welcome against her chilled skin and rich with the scent of hops—swirled out to wrap around her. The music was a beat behind.

  “I want snow swirling in the sky,

  and a fire burning in the hearth.

  Gifts are underneath the tree.

  And joy is in our hearts.”

  The chorus kicked in as she crossed the threshold.

  “I want a hometown Christmas.

  I want a country Christmas.

  Let’s make it the merriest Christmas this year.”

  Annie hummed along, mostly to take the edge off her nerves.

  Would they bite her as soon as she walked in? Would they pretend to be human?

  She’d heard whispers about the werewolves in Angels Rest, but she didn’t know exactly how the whole thing worked.

  “Close the door,” yelled somebody by the jukebox. “You’re letting winter in behind ya.”

  Hastily, she pulled the door shut and forced herself to take her hand off the knob. She wanted to kick her own butt. Why was she hesitating now, after she’d come all this way?

  But her heart pounded like an angry fist in her chest, making her stomach churn.

  For a place allegedly infested with infernal, unnatural monsters, the inside of Gypsy’s looked like every other bar she’d ever sneaked into. Had she really thought they’d have human heads with glassy eyeballs mounted on the wall?

  Well, maybe.

  Seemed fair, considering humans did that to other animals. Humans were the real monsters lurking under the bed. She didn’t even want to be human anymore.

  If there was anywhere on Earth she could change that, it was Angels Rest.

  She glanced around the bar, cataloging the patrons: a dozen or so at round tables, a few cozied up to the jukebox and laugh-arguing over the selections, two at the pool table.

  The guy lining up his shot made her hesitate.

  Oh, he looked like her kind of trouble. Tall but lanky, as if he hadn’t quite finished growing into his troublesomeness. His jeans fit him like a second skin, and a snow-white T-shirt stretched taut across his shoulders. The sleeves tugged up a little to reveal matching arm-band tattoos in a tribal design she didn’t recognize. Not Native or Celtic or Norse. Something older than any of those. The ink seemed to whirl in front of her eyes like black snow. She wanted to grab on and hold tight, so she didn’t get lost in the midnight storm.

  A lock of dark hair fell across his high forehead as he leaned down to eyeball his options. The beer promo light overhead, decorated with tinsel swag, cast harsh shadows under the hard edges of his cheekbones, giving him a hungry look.

  What she wouldn’t give to be the focus of those shockingly pale eyes. Blue? Green? No, a churn of the two, like the ocean she’d never seen in real life or one of the most expensive pieces of jewelry in that one mall store that didn’t let people like her through the door.

  A low curl of heat tightened in her belly, strangling the nervousness. She let out a soundless breath. She always felt better when she was on the prowl. At least she knew how this mistake would end.

  She brought herself up short. She wasn’t here to get in trouble.

  She was here to get bitten, which would get her out of trouble.

  Turning her back on the guy who would’ve been a great buyer’s remorse Christmas present that she couldn’t afford, she bee-lined for the bar, stripping out of her too-thin denim coat.

  Only one woman commanded the narrow space between the gleaming wood and the glass bottles on the wall. Her sleeve tattoos rivaled the neon outside for garishness.

  “Gypsy,” Annie said.

  Without looking at her, the woman held up one finger, tallied something on the cash register, and—still without looking—spun around with a tumbler of whiskey that she slid down the bar to an older man at the end.

  The glass came to rest directly in front of him.
r />   Annie pursed her lips, impressed.

  The bartender grabbed a rag, wiping at a non-existent smudge, as her gaze scanned the room. “What can I get you?”

  “A job.”

  Finally stilling, the woman blinked. “I know you?”

  The question was only half a question. The other half was testimony: I know you.

  Resentment stiffened Annie’s jaw. Everyone thought they could read her like a book. A book with only blank pages between the covers.

  “And a beer,” she added.

  Gypsy quirked one eyebrow. “ID?”

  Annie dragged the plastic card from the wallet in her back pocket. “It’s a fake. But a good one. I know fake IDs, so if you need a bouncer, I can eighty-six the jailbait for you.”

  The other eyebrow went up, and that piercing gaze spent more time on Annie than on the ID. “It is good.” Her other hand worked the soda gun, seemingly without her attention, and she pushed that in front of Annie.

  Annie slid it down the bar.

  It came to rest with just the faintest clink against the man’s other glass. He looked up with surprise then shrugged and mixed the whiskey and coke together.

  Gypsy snorted. “You’re just a little too young for the serving age around here, sorry. Anyway, the tips aren’t good enough this time of year to justify your time.”

  “I don’t need much,” Annie said. She hesitated, then took a risk—it was just her stupid pride, after all—and tucked her hair behind her ears. “Never had much anyway.”

  The bartender’s gaze stayed on the bruise long enough that the mark throbbed again, as if a thumb was pressing into the half-healed flesh.

  Yeah, the bruise said who she was even more clearly than her real ID.

  The rag in Gypsy’s hand never stopped. “Stay through closing and I’ll tip you out. Sheriff’s deputy comes in, back door is thattaway.” She hooked her thumb over her shoulder.

  Annie nodded. “Law’s a hardass around here?”

  “Worse, he’s my brother.”

  “Brothers are bad,” Annie said. “But ex-boyfriends are the worst.”

  “Table four”—Gypsy pointed out each table quickly—“needs topped off. They give you any guff, tell ‘em Gypsy said to shut up.”

  For a roadhouse in the middle of nowhere at the ass-end of the year, Gypsy’s kept Annie hopping. Seemed to keep everyone hopping, actually. She helped push tables aside to make room in front of the jukebox for a few brave dancers. When the twirls got a little too exuberant and the music died abruptly, she plugged the power cord back in before the dancers even stumbled to a halt.

  “Whoops.” The woman who’d tripped over the cord grinned at her. “Huckleberry wine makes me dizzy.”

  “Thunder shouldn’t swing you so far,” somebody shouted.

  She laughed. “He can swing me anywhere, anytime.”

  The older man who’d taken Annie’s coke whirled his woman again. “We just need more practice.”

  Were they werewolves? Huckleberry wine and dancing seemed…not killer-y enough.

  Annie eyed each drinker she served, but not a one flashed fangs. At this rate, it’d be the New Year before she was a new her.

  And she didn’t have that kind of time.

  She was slipping around the backside of the pool table with a full tray of empties when one of the players grabbed her above the elbow.

  Every nerve in her body red-lined.

  He always grabbed her there.

  She froze, clenching her muscles to stop herself from swinging the heavy tray in defense.

  “Hey, honey,” the guy said. “Ya bring another beer on your way back?”

  “Let her go, Sanchez,” said the other player—the one she’d noticed when she first walked in.

  She locked her gaze on him, holding her breath and holding his glittering blue-green eyes as her focus rather than the grip on her arm.

  Which fell away at his command.

  She let out the stale breath in a series of jittering huffs.

  “You want anything, Blaze?” The oblivious guy who’d waylaid her reached for the cue chalk.

  But Blaze—he didn’t blaze, though, he smoldered—never looked away. “No,” he said. “I don’t want anything.”

  Then, very deliberately, he turned back to the pool table, leaving her staring at his profile and the birthmark on the side of his face.

  She wasn’t sure how she had missed it before. Maybe because of the shadows from the overhead light. The mark was as big as a hand slap across his cheek, red and angry.

  She doubted anyone had ever slapped him. He couldn’t be that much older than her, but he moved with a dangerous take-no-shit grace that seemed to mock the way she’d frozen and stuttered.

  He hunched one shoulder into the cue stick, covering the stain from her view. She might’ve thought he was just carefully angling his shot, but under the weight of her stare, he miscued. The tip of the stick shot past the cue ball without touching. When his friend barked out a laugh, he snarled back. The sound raised hackles on the back of her neck.

  Then Gypsy whistled, and Annie hustled back to the bar.

  Maybe this guy—Blaze—was the right kind of trouble, after all.


  Blaze finished the game without embarrassing himself again, but he wasn’t really paying attention, even when Sanchez whined about a particularly sick bank shot he hadn’t called.

  Every bit of his awareness was locked on the new girl.

  Lots of people came through Angels Rest—well, lots compared to the rest of the empty desert—and most stopped in at Gypsy’s at some point or another. But he’d never seen her.

  Long blond hair swung around her shoulders like the swirling mix of sand and snow that mesmerized tired drivers on the lonely highways and left them in ditches around the Four Corners.

  Not that he had ever done that.

  He’d managed to catch himself right before he’d gone over the edge.

  Anyway, he was smarter now. He kept his eyes on his own work and didn’t bother no one.

  But his eyes weren’t the only problem tonight.

  He’d caught her scent as soon as she walked in the door—just like every other shifter in the place. She smelled like…like something he needed to stick his nose in to get a better whiff.

  That lucky bastard Thunder had caught him mooning and just grinned. But Thunder already had someone to dance with, someone to go home with, someone to hold through the long winter nights—he had found his true mate.

  Last spring, three wolves in Angels Rest, including the pack alpha, had found true mates. Pheromones ran strong and fast during the mating season, and the light of the mating moon cemented the bond that linked kindred shifter souls.

  But true mates didn’t exactly grow on trees, and trees were sort of spindly and stubby around here anyway. Many gave up hope of finding someone.

  Blaze reminded himself that he was one of those. He wasn’t allowed to hope.

  But like his eyes and his nose, the rest of his body wasn’t getting the message. He found his muscles aching to turn toward her, to keep her always as his north star. His skin prickled like a breeze passed over him every time she swept by.

  It was his wolf, twisting restlessly inside him. It wanted her.

  This was the absolute wrong season, though. There was no way the wolf could be on the hunt for a mate.

  For a meal, maybe…

  Just a taste to last through the cold, hungry dark until spring.

  He stayed until last call, only reluctantly moving outside when Gypsy gave him the look she normally reserved for sloppy drunks and males who called her “hon”.

  “Nothing else for you here tonight, Blaze,” she said in a low voice. “Come back tomorrow.”

  Maybe she hadn’t looked at a clock, but it was already tomorrow.

  He’d sent Sanchez home without him. No sense both of them hanging around like starving junkyard dogs. When he stepped out of the roadhouse into the teeth of the
wind, he remembered he’d left his jacket in his friend’s car.

  Well hell, maybe the chill would remind his wolf that this wasn’t the mating season.

  He stared up at the black-velvet sky studded with stars. The threat of snow stung his nostrils, and he sucked in a deep lungful, hoping to cool the wolf’s impatience.

  Instead, he caught the perfume that had haunted him all night.

  This time, though, he was clear-headed enough to sort through the odors: beer, of course, and the sharper tang of whiskey—she’d spilled some on herself—plus the muddy stink of diesel. She must’ve been stuck in a truck for a good long while. Under that, a touch of sweat; she’d hustled for tips, and he’d been impressed with how high she piled her bus tub, hefting the gray plastic bin to her shoulder with ease. She was no stranger to hard work.

  But under all of that was the scent of her: a winter-blooming jasmine, light and sweet and tough.

  The neon light overhead went dark, and she walked down the porch steps before turning her face to the sky, just as he had. Her hair was silver and shadow under the cold stars.

  The wolf’s cry leaped into his throat, a howl of claiming.

  He choked it down when Gypsy followed her off the steps.

  “Good work tonight, Annie,” the bar owner said. “Here’s your cut.”

  Annie. The wolf adored the way the name sounded like an eager howl. Aah-eee! The beast shivered in him.

  Gypsy counted out a ragged stack of bills but stopped short of handing them over. “You got a place to stay tonight?”

  Yes, thought the wolf in its instinctive, wordless way. With us.

  “Not really,” was the reply. “But there’s a motel up the road, right?”

  “Nobody’ll answer your knock this late,” Gypsy said. “But there’s a single-wide out back of the bar. You’re welcome to it for the rest of the night.”

  Gypsy’s grandmother—the first Gypsy—had lived there her whole life. Some said her ghost was there still, keeping watch over the sloppy drunks who slept off their overindulgences while their keys stayed behind the bar. Maybe keeping watch too over the souls of men who called bartenders “hon”.


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