A Very Alpha Christmas

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A Very Alpha Christmas Page 141

by Anthology

“This will give you something to think about,” he said as his lips crashed down onto hers. His energy was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. All her senses were heightened as she lost herself in the feel, taste and smell of him. When he finally came up for air, he grinned at her as she tried to catch her breath.

  “We’re going to want to do that again,” he said with a wink. He turned, and she watched the elevator doors shut behind him as she opened her door and went inside.


  “Willow consulting wants us to submit a new proposal,” Julian said glumly as they sat around the bar after work. They’d all left the office early to meet here and talk without constant interruptions. Madge brought a round of beers as Julian brought them up to speed on the latest issue they needed to deal with. He ran the software company they owned that had their bread and butter business software applications and services as well as a trendy and growing social network. Cole’s expertise was managing their venture capital division which focused on internet and software startups, and Dylan and Logan ran a very successful hedge fund that focused on technology stocks.

  “Why would they want us to do that? They’ve been with us for a few years now. They’re happy, right?” Logan asked.

  “I thought so, yes. Brody, the global account manager, said that he thinks they’ve been approached by a competitor, who is undercutting our rates and promising the world.

  “The Bronx Pack,” Cole said.

  “Most likely,” Julian agreed. It wasn’t the first time the Bronx Pack had tried to woo one of their biggest clients away. Losing Willow Consulting would hurt.

  “Okay, we’ll play with them. Put together a proposal that will give them a slight discount but also cut back on some of the services they receive. I’d give two different options and let them choose or not. But I’d also remind them that quality demands a premium. They are not going to get the same level of service for a lower price. It’s just not going to happen. If they quit us, they’ll find that out soon enough and have to deal with the headache of transitioning everything over. I doubt they really want to do that.”

  With that settled, they talked business for a few more minutes and then Dylan asked, “How did playing Santa go yesterday?”

  Cole smiled. “It was good. Best part was meeting a lovely new volunteer who turned out to be our neighbor. Alexis lives one floor below us.”

  “The hot girl with the reddish hair? I’ve noticed her a few times on the elevator. What’s her story?”

  “She’s great. We came here last night, actually, for a few drinks and a burger.”

  “Did you go back to her place after?” Logan asked with a gleam in his eye.

  “No. I saw her to her door and that’s it. Not that I wouldn’t have liked to go inside,” he admitted.

  “So, why didn’t you, then?” Dylan asked.

  “Turns out she’s off limits. Just moved here and joined the Bronx Pack of all things, and it gets worse. She works with them, too, as a web designer.”

  “Well, that’s shit-luck,” Logan said.

  Julian looked at him thoughtfully. “Well, who would know if you never leave the building? You don’t have to marry her, but you could have one hell of a hook up or two…”

  “I don’t think she’d be up for that,” Cole said.

  “How do you know unless you ask her?” Julian asked sensibly.

  * * *

  When they left the pub, Cole told his brothers to go on ahead without him. He had a stop he wanted to make first. Thirty minutes later, he entered the lobby of his building and when Elvin saw that he had his hands full, he opened the elevator door for him. Once he was in the elevator, he was able to let go for a moment to click Alexis’ floor. And a few minutes later, he was knocking on her door. She opened it and her mouth fell open.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “Your Christmas tree! Or at least it will be once we get it all decorated. We can do that tomorrow. For today, I thought we could just get it in its stand and let the branches come down a little.”

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t planning to get a tree. I’ve never had one.” She reached out to touch one of the fragrant pine needles.

  “And that’s why I got you one. You deserve a tree. Everyone does. Once it’s all lit up, it will put you in the holiday spirit. Mine has been up since last week.”

  “You’re crazy,” she said.

  He smiled. “I won’t deny that. So, can I come in?”

  She opened the door wide to let him bring the tree in. She had to admit it was a pretty tree, full and lush and the smell was fresh and wintery. She directed him to put it in the corner of the family room and held it steady while he tightened the metal screws in the stand that would hold it in position. Once they were all set, he stood up and asked where the kitchen was. She showed him and watched as he filled a large glass with water and then dumped it in the stand.

  “You just need to add a little water every other day or so, to keep it hydrated.” He handed her the empty cup and then noticed that there was a half full glass of wine and a plate on the kitchen table that still held a meatball and some pasta.

  “I hope I didn’t interrupt your dinner?” he asked.

  Alexis chuckled. “No, I was done. I was starving when I got home and took too much. I’m stuffed. I was just sipping my wine and relaxing. Would you like a glass?” she offered.

  “Sure. That would be great.”

  Alexis went to the kitchen and returned a moment later with a glass of red wine.

  “I hope you like cabernet?” she said as she handed it to him.

  “Who doesn’t?” he asked.

  She led him to an overstuffed sofa in the family room and they chatted comfortably while they sipped their wine. It was really a damn shame that she had to be involved with the Bronx Pack. Cole knew from recent events that had turned deadly and resulted in the Bronx Pack being banned from Central Park, that if they were ever seen together that all hell would likely break loose.

  For that reason, when he finished his wine and Alexis offered him a refill, he regretfully declined.

  “I’d better not. I had a few beers at the pub after work and I have to be up early tomorrow. Every day, actually.”

  He set his empty glass down and stood up. “I should probably get going.”

  Alexis walked him to the door and then surprised him by taking hold of his hand, and saying “I’m glad you stopped by.” She leaned into him and almost knocked him off his feet when she kissed him. It wasn’t a quick good-bye peck, it was a stay and play full body kiss that left him speechless. He finally pulled back and looked her in the eye.

  “You’re a dangerous girl. I thought you didn’t want this?”

  “I never said that. I said we probably shouldn’t. Two very different things.”

  “I see.” But he didn’t see at all. What was she saying?

  “I’ve had a chance to think about our situation a bit and it occurred to me that what they don’t know can’t hurt us. As long as we’re both fine with knowing this can’t ever go anywhere, why not just enjoy ourselves if we feel like it?”

  Cole felt like he was dreaming. He both loved and hated what she was saying, which was a confusing mix of emotions. But, he was also helpless to resist.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  She smiled and leaned into him, and he brought his lips back to hers. The heat and intensity was ramped up now, as they both knew where this was heading. Cole lifted her shirt and slowly brought it over her head. He lightly ran his fingertips across her chest and then under her full breasts. She arched her back into his hands and he lifted and kneaded her breasts slowly, then undid the clasp of her bra in the back and brought his lips down to one rosy peak and traced his lips around her nipple over and over. Her body was magnificent and toned and her curves were more ample than he’d realized from her slim build.

  She returned the favor by unbuttoning his shirt and pushing it over his shoulders until it fell onto the fl
oor. Then he sucked in his stomach as she brought her lips down to his abs and ran her tongue and hands along his ridges.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he breathed as she stood back up and their eyes met. She smiled and before she could say a word, he covered her lips with his again, and then she led him into her bedroom. He watched with appreciation as she slid off her dressy gray work pants and then slid down her lacy panties, and then stood before him, naked and ready. He quickly kicked off his pants and boxers, and then pulled her to him again and then they fell on to the bed. He ran his hands across her thighs and then between them, and was surprised and pleased to see that she was ready for him.

  She guided him into her and then they began to move together in a perfect rhythm until finally, she arched her back and gave the smallest of gasps and then he felt her tighten around him. That drove him over the edge and a moment later, they came together and then crashed onto the bed.

  “That was amazing,” she said. He rolled over to face her and she was smiling ear to ear. He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “That is an understatement,” he agreed.

  Alexis stretched and closed her eyes for a moment. Then she turned to him and said, “I am going to sleep so well tonight.”

  He chuckled at that. “You and me both.”

  His phone rang and he frowned. Who the heck would be calling him at this hour? His brothers never called him at night unless something was wrong. The phone was ringing incessantly and then it stopped, and a moment later started up again. Whoever it was hadn’t left a message. He swung his legs off the bed and fished around to find his phone. It was under his jeans which were in a pile on the floor. He grabbed it and saw that it was Julian calling.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “I knocked on your door first, you didn’t answer,” Julian said.

  “That’s because I’m not there. I’m a floor below.”

  “Oh.” Understanding dawned in Julian’s voice. “I’m sorry to bother you, it’s just that Griffon is in the hospital and I thought you’d want to know. We’re all heading over there now to see him.”

  “Do you know what happened?” Griffon was one of their closest friends and the undisputed leader of the paranormal world in Manhattan. Nothing ever happened to him.

  “He didn’t want to get into it on the phone. Said he’d explain when we get there.”

  “I’ll meet you downstairs in five.” Cole put his phone down and turned to Alexis with regret.

  “Is something wrong?” She was sitting up in bed with her sheets wrapped around her and a concerned expression.

  “A good friend of ours was taken into the hospital. My brothers and I are heading over now to see him. I’m sorry to have to leave so suddenly.”

  “Don’t be silly. I hope he’s all right, your friend.”

  “I do, too. I’ll keep you posted.”


  After Cole left, Alexis found herself wide awake again. She pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and wandered back into the family room, flopped onto the sofa and turned on the TV. She clicked until she found one of those reality singing shows that she could watch but wouldn’t have to pay close attention to. She was feeling totally and completely relaxed and satisfied. Cole had been even better in bed than she had imagined and what she’d dreamed about was pretty amazing. She didn’t expect to have that level of chemistry with him. She’d actually never experienced anything like it before. It was off the charts insane.

  She’d thought it would be a simple thing—sleep with him and get it out of her system. Possibly hook up on occasion when they both felt like it, very casual. She didn’t expect to already be hungry for him and craving more. That was something new and a bit disconcerting. She got up to get a glass of water when the phone rang. It was her brother, Declan. She smiled as she answered.

  “Did you forget to tell me something last night?” she teased him.

  “No, I’m just sitting in traffic, bored and wondering if you did anything about the hot neighbor?”

  “Sort of,” she admitted.

  “Oh, really?”

  “He was here earlier and just left a few minutes ago.”

  “Good for you! I’m glad you took my advice.”

  “A friend of his, Griffon something or other, is in the hospital. He and his brothers were rushing over to see him. He seemed very concerned when he left.”

  “Griffon. Wait, I know of a Griffon. If it’s the one I’m thinking of, he’s one of the most important men in the city. He’s into real estate development, like a Donald Trump but maybe even bigger, if that’s possible.”

  “I don’t know if that’s him,” Alexis said.

  “No, it probably is. He’s best friends with the Parker brothers and he’s much more than that.” Declan paused for dramatic effect and Alexis smiled. Her brother cracked her up.

  “What? Tell me what you know?” she encouraged him.

  “He is The Griffon, the ruler of the paranormal world in the Manhattan district. He’s untouchable.”

  “Really? Well, it seems like someone or something didn’t pay any notice of that,” Alexis said.

  “I sure wouldn’t want to be in that person’s shoes,” Declan said.

  “No, I can’t imagine that I would, either.”

  “Oh, I gotta run. Henry’s calling on the other line.”

  Declan hung up and Alexis thought about what he’d said. She didn’t pay as close attention to who was who, either in the real world or paranormal, so she wasn’t familiar with their friend, Griffon. Her heart went out to him, though. Ruler or not, she hated to see anyone hurt and she prayed for a speedy recovery for Cole’s friend.

  * * *

  Griffon was sitting up in bed when they arrived. He was surrounded by wires connecting him to a heart monitor that blinked steadily while an IV dripped into one arm. His other arm was in a cast and there were cuts and bruises all over him.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Cole asked as he and his brothers gathered around him.

  “You look like shit,” Dylan added.

  Griffon smiled weakly. “Thanks. That’s about how I feel, too.”

  “Who or what did this to you?” Logan asked.

  “And why are you wearing a heart monitor? Did you have a heart attack?” Julian stared at the monitor, which was beeping and chirping every time Griffon shifted position.

  “No, I didn’t have a heart attack. They think it may have been a panic attack brought on by what happened.” He paused and they all stayed silent, waiting for him to finish.

  “I was having chest pains when they found me, so it’s standard procedure that they do a complete cardiac workup. I was at the entrance to the Park on the east side. I was about to shift and go for a run when I was jumped from behind. Fortunately, I hadn’t stripped down yet. That would have been embarrassing.”

  Cole smiled. Their pack kept hidden cubbies at all the park entrances, so they could strip down to shift and then change back easily. It was the simplest way that they had found to manage the clothing issue.

  “Do you know who did this?” Julian asked.

  “It was one of the rival packs. I could smell the wolf on them. I suspect it was the Bronx Pack, but I can’t be certain about that. If we’d all been in shifter form, it would have been simple to tell, which is why I think they went for the element of surprise and their human forms. They were wearing masks, the cowards.”

  “That sounds like something the Bronx pack might do,” Logan said.

  “Payback maybe for being banned from the park?” Dylan said.

  “That’s the first thing that I thought of,” Griffon agreed. “They didn’t steal my wallet or anything, so it wasn’t about robbery.”

  “It’s been a few months now since you banned them. They must be missing the park,” Cole said.

  “I’m sure they are.” Griffon glowered. “And to think I was considering reinstating their rights soon. I never meant for it to be a permanent
ban. Just long enough to teach them a lesson. It seems like they may be slow learners.”

  “Is there a chance it could be a different pack?” Logan asked.

  “I suppose. But it’s a remote chance. The other packs don’t have a motive to do something like this. I think I am fairly well-respected?”

  They all nodded.

  “I can’t think of a reason that any of them would do something like this. It’s not very smart, for one thing. Which means it’s almost a certainty that it’s the Bronx pack. They’ve never been the sharpest knives in the drawer,” Cole said.

  Griffon chuckled. “That’s certainly true enough.”

  “Is it just your arm? Are you injured anywhere else?” Julian asked.

  “Just a few scratches here and there. And my pride was a bit bruised. I can’t believe I let those idiots send me into a panic attack. Full blown chest pains.”

  “Are you sure there’s no issue there?” Cole asked as he glanced at the monitor.

  “The doctors are pretty sure. They’ve done X-rays and blood tests to look for an enzyme that shows when there’s a cardiac event, and they’ve had me hooked up to this thing since I got here. Everything has come back perfectly normal so far. But they still want to do a repeat blood test in a few hours and in the morning a stress test. All what they do with anyone who has chest pains.”

  “That’s good then. Better safe than sorry, I guess.” Dylan said.

  “I suppose,” Griffon agreed. “I’m ready to go home, though. Morning can’t come soon enough.”

  “What can we do?” Cole asked.

  “Just keep an ear out. See if we hear any buzz out there. Whoever did it is bound to talk about it eventually.”

  They all nodded.

  “Thanks for coming, all of you. I really do appreciate it.” A nurse came in to draw more blood and Cole stepped out of the way.

  “We’re going to take off, then,” he said. “We’ll keep you posted if we hear anything.”



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