Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story Page 38

by Cross, Lindsay

  “Please. Please, I’m so sorry,” Hayden pleaded, clutching the porch post like she was on a sinking ship.

  Ranger stopped fighting, his muscles went slack, but Amy didn’t relax. She watched the man in her grip transform from a wild rage into the cold blooded soldier he’d been trained to be. “Get out of my sight. You disgust me.”

  Hayden jerked and pressed the back of her hand to her mouth. The only sound in the yard was the keening moan that escaped from her lips. Her gaze flickered right, then left, and then she turned and ran back in the house. Gone from sight, but her presence hung heavy in her wake.

  Amy’s heart ached for Hayden in the same beat with her anger. How could she betray them like that? How could Shane?

  How could Amy blame Hayden, barely out of being a teenager?

  Anguish flooded Ranger’s expression and Amy wanted so bad to take that away from him. His best friend’s betrayal. How could Shane have taken advantage of an innocent?

  “He slept with my sister.” Ranger stared at the now empty spot where his sister had stood, no question in his voice. He turned back to her. Her heart stopped. His expression, his body language. His essence was cold. Empty.


  No. She would not allow it. Ranger was worth fighting for. He was worth it. No way in hell her dead husband would make this hard shell on Ranger permanent.

  He needed her as much as she needed him. The only way they would survive this was together. Alone they were broken and bloodied. But together they could be solid and strong.

  “Yes.” Deep down she knew Shane was the one at fault. Hayden had been wild and spoiled by her family, but she wasn’t a slut. Unbidden, the memory of her first time with Shane rose. Head spinning, too much to drink, she didn’t really want him to touch her like that. . .Amy had been young and innocent herself. “Don’t go after her. It’s not her fault.”

  “Not her fault?” Ranger all but screamed. “She slept with your husband. How is that not her fucking fault?”

  “Because she’s just a kid. If she got drunk and didn’t know what she was doing, I can’t just blame her.” But she could damn sure blame Shane. A man fully grown. Married. Having sex with a twenty-year-old who’d never been out of Mercy, Mississippi. Disgust crept up the walls of her stomach, burned bitter holes in her heart. All this time she’d felt so guilty for fighting with Shane before he deployed. Even more guilty now, desiring Ranger.

  The whole time Shane had been with someone else.

  He’d not only broken Amy. Hayden, Hunter and Ranger would be destroyed.


  “You can’t let this ruin your relationship with Hayden. You can be mad, but be mad at the right person.” Amy took a deep breath. As bad as she wanted to crawl in a hole and hide, she couldn’t. She couldn’t let this rip apart a brother and sister. She couldn’t only think of herself. She would help repair the huge fissure of pain growing in Ranger’s gaze.

  The sound of tires peeling out of the drive filled the back yard. Amy met Evie’s gaze, “That’s Hayden.”

  “Shit. She shouldn’t be driving.” Ranger’s expression was a torn mask of fury and hurt and worry.

  “I got her, bro. Evie, can I borrow your car?” Hoyt said.

  “Of course, come on,” Evie and Hoyt disappeared into the house.

  Ranger’s gaze was locked onto the now empty porch, his jaw clenched and ticking. Amy gently turned his head back to her. “Hoyt will make sure she’s safe, okay? Don’t worry.”

  “How can I be so damn worried and mad at the same time?” His voice dropped to a whisper and he lowered his forehead to hers. Anguish drawing new lines around his mouth.

  “Be mad at him. Be mad at Shane. Not her. You know as well as I how innocent Hayden is. She might not think she’s still a child-but she is. She’s never even been outside of this town.” Each word cinched the belt of grief tighter. She’d mourned Shane, she’d grieved, moved through the guilt, the loneliness. And she’d just started to emerge from the dark side into the light. Now his betrayal cast a shadow darker than a full eclipse.

  Then Ranger’s words came back to her. I will always fight for you.

  This man who hadn’t given up, who’d fought for her, this strong man stood before her now. Broad shoulder’s stooped. Defeat circling his blue eyes. Leaning on her.

  She’d mourned a man not worth her tears. She’d hidden herself from the world, keeping his picture on the mantle like a shrine, letting the guilt over her feelings for Ranger eat her alive.

  And for what?

  “How could he do that to you?” Ranger said.

  Amy fought the urge to rub her fist over her aching chest and instead cupped his cheek with her palm. “I don’t know. I never will. But I won’t waste any more time on him. He’s dead. Buried.”

  Ranger didn’t move. Didn’t even acknowledge that she’d spoke.

  Amy foraged on, determined to pull him back from the edge. Knowing he was her only hope of happiness. “Don’t look behind you. Don’t look at the past. Look at me.”

  Chapter 20

  Ranger blinked, like he was coming back from a daze. The warmth from Amy’s palm seeped into his cold skin. The chaos in his mind whirled in a violent tornado of images of his best friend and his little sister. The happy memories tainted by the ugly ones. Sucking him into a vortex of pain.

  “Ranger. Look at me.”

  Amy. Her soft words flung a life line and he grabbed on, fighting his way back. Focusing on her golden eyes, glowing bright in the darkness of his soul, her freckles, a gift from the kiss of the sun.

  “Hoyt will take care of Hayden. If he brings her back here, I will talk to her. I don’t blame her.”

  “How can you be so forgiving of what she did?” Ranger said, confused. Yes, Shane had violated Ranger’s trust. But Amy had been his wife. Shane didn’t only violate her trust, he violated the entire foundation of their marriage.

  “Because he’s gone. He’s been gone for a long time. And because now I don’t have to feel guilty for caring about you.”

  Her words detonated in his chest, expanding his ribcage to near bursting. “What did you say?”

  “He’s gone.”

  “Not that. The last part. Say it again.” Ranger held his breath, not daring to hope.

  Amy cupped his face between both her palms. “I care about you.”

  The storm of pain dissipated beneath the power of her words. To know she wanted him. Needed him like he needed her. Ranger groaned and crushed his lips to hers, her sweet essence a balm to his soul. Amy returned his kiss, just as passionate. Just as hungry. Heat, hot and fast, scorched through him and he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her.

  When they pulled apart, minutes later, they were both panting. Ranger allowed her to slide slowly down his body, savoring every inch of her skin against his. What he saw in her gaze took his breath away. Open desire burned in those depths. Desire painted with love.

  “No more running,” Ranger said.

  Amy shook her head, smiling.

  “No more hiding.”

  She shook her head again.

  “No more guilt.”

  “No. I want to be with you and I don’t care if they put it on the five o’clock news.”

  “God woman, you’re killing me. I want to take you in that house and make love to you until we can’t walk.” That was putting it mildly. He wanted to chain her to his bed and never let her go.

  She blushed, but instead of ducking her head, she raised up on her tippy toes. “What are you waiting for?”

  He searched and couldn’t come up with a single reason. Except the reason he was here in the first place. Arturo.

  As much as he wanted to take her home right this minute, he couldn’t. He had to focus on the mission. And find a way to break the news. Amy had one giant ton of crap dumped on her today and he was about to drop the next brick.

  “I need to tell you something.”

  She smiled and did that tickle thing
on the back of his neck that drove him crazy. “Talk? How about kiss?”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled it between them, watching with resignation as her smile faded. “What?”

  Worry gripped him, his back tightened. God, he didn’t want to do this to her. Not now. But he had a mission to complete and a little heartbroken boy sitting in his truck. “I am so proud of you. You’re so strong.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, that’s why I was puking my guts up a few minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, well you’re human. But you’re standing on your own two feet. Comforting me for Christ sake.” What kind of man did that make him?

  Her gaze softened. “You needed me.”

  “Damn right I needed you. I will always need you.” The truth hammered home. She was his heart, his future, his existence. “God, you’re sexy.”

  She laughed outright then, the sound music to his ears. “Yeah, no makeup. My new clothes ruined. You’re crazy.”

  “Crazy for you.”

  Her laughter doubled and he couldn’t suppress his own grin in response. “Does that pick-up line really work for you?”

  “Not yet, but I’m hoping.”

  Her laughter faded, but a small smile lingered on her lips. Lips he’d kissed and wanted to again. If he had to give her cheesy pick-up lines for the rest of his life, he would. The image of them together, forever, popped in his mind. He would be her husband. Chloe’s father. Their family.

  A family that might grow by one sooner than she expected. Ranger took a deep breath and expelled. As much as he loved the sparkle in her eyes, he had to tell her the truth.

  “I have to leave for a couple of days.” He held her to him, wanting to savor every minute.

  “I’m not new to this game. I get it.”

  “That’s not all.” Shit. Why now? Why the boy?

  She pulled back and stared up at him. “You’re starting to scare me. What is it?”

  “We’ve been doing surveillance on the Lobellos. My teammate had watch last night.” Ranger paused, finding it harder and harder to break the bad news. “He saw a little boy escape the compound. He helped rescue him.”

  Amy sucked in a breath, her pulse pattering at the base of her neck. “Is he okay?”

  Ranger nodded. “He wasn’t wounded. But we don’t know what happened to his father.”

  “Who is it? Can I help?”

  Ranger took her hand and led her to the truck. She would have to see the boy unharmed to believe it. He grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open. Arturo huddled in the front seat, his knees tucked to his chest, his head down. Dirt smudges and bruises still dotted his arms.

  Amy’s fingers tightened in his grip. Arturo lifted his head, his big brown eyes red from crying. He saw Amy and, with a cry, launched from the truck and wrapped around her. Ranger stepped back in time to avoid being kicked.

  “Arturo?” Amy said. Artie started crying in earnest and she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him to her.

  “He said the Lobellos came to his house and took him. Bo is searching for Pedro right now, but we don’t know anything yet.” Ranger rubbed a hand over his head, exhausted mentally. He’d never been able to stand seeing children hurt or scared. Not after his childhood. Now he was up close and personal with a boy whose father might not be missing, but murdered.

  And the only other person on this planet who could care for him was the woman he loved. He had a brief worry about taking on two kids - but squashed it. He would, and he would do it with pride. But a part of him still held out hope that Pedro was alive.

  “Are you hurt? Let me look at you.” Amy tried to pull Artie from her, but the boy doubled down on his cling effort.

  “I’ve already checked him over, and tended to the few scrapes. He’s okay,” Ranger reassured her.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed and cupped her hand to the back of Arturo’s head, tucking him into the curve of her neck.

  Ranger shifted, unsure what to do. Give him a gun and he could take it apart, clean it and reassemble in under a minute. But kids. . .he might as well try to figure out wallpaper and curtains. His phone buzzed in his back pocket, saving him from too much contemplation. Ranger snapped it open and lifted it to his ear, walking a few feet away to give Amy and Arturo some privacy. “What?”

  “Where are you?” Bo Lawson’s unmistakable no-bullshit voice came through the phone.

  “I’m at Evie’s. Amy is here. Just gave her the boy.” Ranger peeked over his shoulder to see her rocking side to side, trying to comfort Arturo. Her stance, her grip, her expression pure fierce protectiveness. Just like he expected.

  Some unfamiliar ache started in his chest. His mother had never held him like that, her own flesh and blood. She hadn’t been allowed to. His father was jealous of everyone and everything that took attention away from him, even his children. Ranger turned back from the sight, too many painful memories attached. Memories he’d long thought buried.

  “I need you here ASAP,” Bo said, pulling him back to the present. “I’m at Pedro’s.”

  Bo hung up before Ranger could speak, giving his command without a doubt it would be followed. Ranger suppressed a curse and shoved his phone in his pocket. He wasn’t through here. He needed more time.

  Ranger strode back to Amy, steeling himself. “I need to talk to you. In private.”

  She nodded. “Let me take him in to Evie and I’ll be right back.”

  Amy walked to the house, talking the whole time. “How about some ice cream and a soda? I bet that will make you feel a little better?” Her words faded and she disappeared in the house, reappearing a few minutes later. Alone.

  It had taken her less than half a second to go total momma-bear-protective over the boy. If Pedro turned up dead, she’d take Arturo as her own, Ranger had no doubt.

  She came back outside, glancing over her shoulder every couple of feet. Despite the worry and exhaustion painting her face, Ranger reacted to her like she’d walked out in lingerie. No matter what she wore or how she did her hair, she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.

  “Is he okay?” Ranger said.

  “For now. We’ve got about five minutes before the ice cream disappears and Chloe wakes up. Who was that on the phone?”

  Ranger couldn’t stand the shadows of fatigue lining her eyes, but he had every bit of faith she could shoulder the burden. “Bo. He’s at Pedro’s. I don’t know anything yet, but I will call as soon as I have some info, okay?”

  Tears brimmed in her eyes and Ranger cursed, hating the pain he caused, and pulling her back into his arms where she belonged.

  “Can this day get any worse?” Her voice was muffled against his shirt.

  “I don’t know, but I will do everything in my power to find his father.” Ranger clenched his jaw, mentally going through the list of items he would need for the upcoming mission. Now he not only had to complete the Op on the Lobellos, but find and rescue Pedro.

  “I know you will. Please be careful. I don’t know if I can handle it if something happens to you, too.” Amy stared up at him, her tear stained cheeks ripping him apart.

  “I can’t promise you I won’t get hurt. You know the risks involved in my job.” Ranger wanted to lie and tell her everything would be butterflies and rainbows, but she deserved better. He got down eye level with her. “But I can promise I will fight to get back to you. I will fight with every single breath in my body.”

  Damn, if she wasn’t the sexiest woman on the planet. His every instinct screamed for him to carry her inside and love her. Comfort her. Never leave her. But that wasn’t his job. And he wasn’t alone. His team depended on him. They were a unit. They moved as one. And right now, his unit was waiting on him to move in on the Lobellos.

  “I shouldn’t be gone for more than a couple of days. And hopefully, when I get back, you and Arturo will never have to worry about the Lobellos again.” Even if he had to take them all out himself.

  “I’ll be okay. Please be careful.” Amy lift
ed up and pressed her lips to his. Desire exploded at that brief touch and Ranger held her to him, deepening the kiss in a desperate need to imprint on her his possession. She belonged to him now.

  And he belonged to her.

  Ranger pulled back, catching his breath. “Promise me you will stay here until I get back.”

  She was breathing just as hard as him, her hard nipples pressing into his chest, evidence that she wanted him just as much. “I will. Don’t worry.”

  Ranger placed one more kiss to her lips. Her nose. Her forehead. Inhaling her scent. “I will be back soon.”

  Chapter 21

  “Jesus Christ.” Ranger stopped inside Pedro’s front door. The small white ranch style farmhouse looked innocent enough. A porch stretched across the front, the bright blue front door friendly and inviting. Everything about the house seemed welcoming, everything but the giant pool of blood staining the living room carpet.

  “Yeah, I’ve got my team on the way over to start the forensics. Hopefully, they can get what we need before the DEA and ATF show up.” Bo, in his tan Sheriff uniform, minus the hat, stood off to the right, snapping pictures with his phone.

  The sheer amount of blood spelled death. Shit. Ranger had hoped to bring good news to Amy, but no way Pedro, or any living being, could lose that much blood and walk out of here. “Where’s the body?”

  What must have been a coffee table lay in bits and pieces on the living room floor. Pictures hung at odd angles. A lamp lay on its side. Blood spray dotted the couch. Arturo’s toys mixed in with the destruction.

  “Haven’t found it yet, but there is a drag pattern towards the kitchen. I’m thinking they dragged him out back. Possibly took him with them.”

  Ranger circled left, towards the kitchen door and Bo followed. The blood smear started a few feet from the kitchen and continued all the way to the back door. The kitchen table and chairs were in perfect condition. It was obvious the fight had taken place in the living room. “Any tracks?”

  “Look out back.” Bo handed Ranger a handkerchief to open the kitchen door. Ranger moved with caution, careful not to disturb the crime scene. Bloody footprints appeared halfway across the small concrete patio leading into the back yard.


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