Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story Page 45

by Cross, Lindsay

  Blond hair cut close to his head. An incredibly square jaw. Freaking chiseled from stone kind of square jaw. But that jaw was softened by a gorgeous grin just for her.

  Ranger lifted Chloe, the pink rubber gloves stark against her naked belly. Chloe grabbed for his mouth, yanked his lower lip down and giggled when he nipped at her. The man was not only knocking holes in her resistance, he was laying explosives at the foundation and blowing the wall completely away.

  Mavis had stayed away from them since the hair salon and her husband hadn’t slammed the door in Amy’s face when she ordered more chemical supplies. The threat of Mavis wasn’t completely gone, but it was no longer scoping Amy for annihilation down the end of a barrel.

  Ranger proved how much he cared not only for her, but for her children. In one week, he’d fixed her old barn door out back after he’d heard it creaking open in the wind. He’d replaced her broken kitchen door. He took out the trash when it got full and even changed the oil in her truck. He’d made her supper.

  And he did it all without her having to ask.

  “You okay?” Ranger seemed to sense her moods.

  Amy wanted to tell him how she felt. Let him know she was ready to move on. But not now. She would save that for tonight. “You keep my child and she’ll turn out rotten.”

  Ranger gave Chloe a big kiss on the cheek and Amy felt it all the way to her soul. She kicked and squealed and then her newly placed diaper popped free and dropped to the floor. Ranger’s eyes widened and his arms shot straight out. “Here, take her before she goes off again.”

  “Such a sissy.” Amy grabbed Chloe and swooped down to grab the diaper. She put her back on the changing table and snapped the diaper in place in under five seconds. All the while, Ranger leaned over her shoulder, studying her movements intently. “It really helps if you don't put the diaper on backwards.”

  “What I want to know is what kind of idiot sells diapers without instructions?” Ranger grumbled. Amy wanted to poke him some more, to tease him, but she didn’t want to wound his already injured pride. But then again...

  “Look.” Amy pointed to the front of Chloe's diaper. “See right there it says front.” She had to drive the point home, so she bit her lip to try to keep the laughter inside and rolled Chloe over to her belly. She squealed and slapped her hands down on the bed, enjoying the attention. Amy pointed to the back of her diaper. “See there, it says back.”

  Amy lifted Chloe and snuggled her belly up to her nose, savoring her soft sweet skin, and also hiding the huge grin she could no longer contain.

  Ranger stepped back and crossed his arms, his big manly chest poking out, but the effect was totally ruined by the long pink rubber gloves. “Are you making fun of me, woman?”

  “Never. I would never make fun of you.” But her laughter erupted once more and she felt the need to clutch her side.

  Chloe joined in on the fun and popped Amy in the nose, cutting her laughter off abruptly. Amy straightened and grabbed her face.

  This time it was Ranger’s turn to laugh and he didn’t hold back. “That girl's got my back. Better watch what you say about me.”

  Amy rubbed her nose and tickled Chloe’s ribs, pulling forth another peal of giggles. She was so sweet, Amy could never get mad. “Have y'all had breakfast?”

  “Oh yeah, hours ago. As a matter of fact, we might be ready for lunch soon.” Amy let her gaze travel down that flat washboard stomach, secretly wishing he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

  “How about I make us a light lunch, and then I can cook a big meal for supper. All of us together.”

  Ranger shook his head and Amy had to catch her heart from sinking. Did he plan on leaving now that the work week was over? Did she want him to leave? She’d avoided the whole marriage thing so much, maybe she’d pushed him away.

  But ever since that night when he made that crazy declaration to Sheriff Lawson, a declaration that she was finding more and more appealing every day, he'd been careful to keep his distance.

  “Look, I know I’ve been avoiding talking to you about the other night.”

  His intense blue eyes held hers and he trailed a finger down her cheek. The small contact sent sparks of electricity shooting through her body. “Yes, you have. And I’ve let this go on long enough.

  “I don’t want you to leave.” She blurted out the declaration, her stomach tight.

  “I’m not leaving. We are going to talk. Today. What I wanted to say was I have to go out for a couple of hours, but I’ll be back before supper.”

  Her body went limp with relief. “Good. I’m ready to discuss it.”

  “Tonight.” Ranger brushed a kiss across her lips.

  “Tonight,” she agreed.

  “Aaron and Riser are going to come pick me up. Do you care if I take Arturo with me? I figure the boy needs some man time before he turns into an all-out girl.”

  “What's that supposed to mean?”

  Ranger lifted his hand and swept it over his head, gesturing to the room. “This nursery is pink. You got him sleeping in a purple guest room. If I'm not careful, he’ll be playing with Barbie dolls next. He needs tractors. Dirt. Monster trucks.”

  “So you're saying you don't like my house decorations?”

  “I couldn’t care less about the color of your house, as long as you’re in it.”

  Amy started feeling generous, despite his sexist comments. “Okay, since you let me sleep then why don't you tell me what you’d like for supper. I'll make it.”

  “Woman, you make me happy.” Ranger pulled her to him, with Chloe squished between them. “I’m a meat and potatoes kind of guy. I will leave the details up to you.”

  Chapter 30

  “Now this is what I call a homecoming.”

  Amy’s heart slammed into her sternum at high speed and her eyes flew open. Ranger stood in the doorway, a duffle bag in hand, black shirt and tactical pants practically painted on. His bulging biceps rippled. Her mouth watered.

  “Where are your crutches?”

  He let the bag drop to the kitchen floor and leaned against the doorjamb, crossing his arms over his massive chest. Her breath quickened and her stomach fluttered like a teenager. Ranger’s gaze drifted down her body then back to her face, locking on her eyes, communicating his desire with a scorching look. Her nipples beaded instantly.

  “Doc said I didn’t need ‘em anymore.”

  He pushed off from the wall, stalking around the island like a true predator. She couldn’t help but devour his wide shoulders and lean hips. The man was walking sex on a stick. Amy tensed, waiting for the familiar guilt to slam into her, but all she felt was a keen yearning.

  “Where’s Artie?” Was that her voice all raspy and weak?

  Ranger leaned in, his low deep voice sending chill bumps racing across her skin. “He’s spending the night with Evie and Hunter.”

  Her mouth went dry and she grabbed her wine, tossing back the liquid in a desperate attempt to calm her nerves.


  “The same reason Evie is here to pick up Chloe. To give us a night all to ourselves.”

  “Hey girl, don’t worry about us. I got her bag and her formula.” Evie popped into the kitchen holding Chloe and gave her a quick wave.


  “No buts. You need this.” Evie cast Amy a look that clearly stated she better take advantage of the hot man standing in her kitchen. Amy offered her a weak smile.

  “Now, little missy. It looks like I’m going to need to practice being a mommy with you.” Evie’s voice drifted away and then Amy heard the front door shut.

  “You’ve been planning this.”

  “Absolutely.” Ranger’s answer was swift and solid, leaving no doubt in her mind that he wanted her.

  It was now or never. Amy carefully placed her glass on the counter. Her hands tingled and shook.

  Was she really ready to jump off that cliff?

  The answer flooded her immediately. Of course she was ready. She’
d been ready. Amy took a small step back and Ranger frowned. “What’s wrong? Did you change your mind about us?”

  She didn’t answer, couldn’t make her lips work. She wanted to show him how much he meant to her. They’d been talking and dancing around the subject long enough. Amy reached up and snapped open the top button on the front of her dress. Ranger’s gaze dropped to her finger and his nostrils flared. A white hot heat set up in her belly. Amy unbuttoned the next one down.

  Ranger grabbed the counter beside him.

  Her fingers shook so bad she almost couldn’t get the third one undone.

  Ranger closed the gap between them. He didn’t give her a chance to talk. To think. His lips closed over hers and she gave herself to him. His mouth was hot, sweet and dominating. He took control of the kiss, slanting his head for better access. Nerve endings she didn’t even know existed lit up. The rasp of his tongue over hers sent heat flooding her core.

  He didn’t stop. He lifted her onto the counter, wedging himself between her legs. He smelled of sweat and sex and pure man.

  He broke the kiss and finished the task she’d started a moment ago, his large fingers surprisingly nimble as he swiftly unbuttoned her dress all the way down to her waist. His gaze lifted to hers, trapping her in those blue depths, as he slowly lowered the straps off her shoulders.

  Amy sent up a silent thanks to Saline for helping her pick out new lingerie last week. The pale blue lace bra was completely see through, and the sexiest frilliest thing she’d ever owned. But if the look of worship on Ranger’s face was any indication-it was worth it.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Amy felt a flush creep up her chest. “Ranger, I’m nervous.”

  “Me, too.” Ranger cupped her face between his large hands. “Do you trust me?”

  Amy bit her lip, thinking hard and fast, but the answer was right there. “Of course I trust you.”

  Ranger let his fingers trail down her shoulder, her chest. He tickled the skin just above her bra. Her nipples hardened almost painfully, seeking his touch. She wanted him to take her. To rip her bra off. But he kept his touch feather light, grazing her nipple through the thin lace with the back of his finger. Electric heat shot through her and she groaned, leaned back on her hands and let her head fall back.

  Ranger continued his sweet torture, gently rasping over her nipples until she couldn’t sit still another second. Her hips lifted and he pulled her to the edge of the counter, her core coming in contact with him. His pants held him in, but she felt him. Hard. Big.

  “Look at me,” Ranger commanded and she lifted her head, opening her eyes. His expression was dark with barely restrained lust. He slid her bra straps off her shoulder, the soft material abrading her sensitive skin.

  Ranger pulled her bra down, baring her breasts. “You’re so beautiful.” He lowered his head, keeping his gaze locked with hers until his lips closed over her nipple, suckling her into the hot depths of his mouth. Lightening zinged down her body and she arched up, crying out at the sweet torture.

  Never had she felt anything so intense. So consuming. Her entire body reacting to his touch. Amy threaded her fingers in his blond hair and held him to her, needing more. Wanting him to take more. Ranger cupped her breasts to his mouth and lavished his attention on her aching nipples until she was a ball of unrestrained lust.

  With shaking hands, she reached behind and unsnapped her bra, tossing it behind her. She was completely bare from the waist up and Ranger took full advantage.

  “I want to touch you.” Amy said, her voice a throaty whisper. She’d always been so passive with Shane. The chemistry from early in their marriage had quickly fizzled out. Shane had started putting sex with her on the back burner, choosing instead to go out and drink. Something Ranger would never do.

  Amy wanted to drive Ranger as crazy as he drove her. She wanted to give him the same pleasure. She’d never felt this consuming edge of need.

  Ranger bit down on her nipple and she cried out, arching into his touch. Then he stood and tore off his shirt, his abs rippling and rolling with the movement. God he was gorgeous. But he didn’t give her enough time to savor the sight of him, instead he yanked her to him again, crushing her breasts against his bare chest and taking possession of her mouth again. And she was helpless to do anything but respond. His touch turned her to liquid.

  She rubbed her hands down his arms, around his chest and back, learning his contours. Needing to drive him as crazy, she broke free of his lips and trailed kisses down his thick neck, stopping to nibble the curve of his shoulder. Ranger groaned and heady pleasure filled her. The skin of his chest was so soft, a contrast to the granite hard muscles beneath. Amy flicked her tongue lightly over his nipple, enjoying how he jerked at her caress.

  His taste filled her. His scent invaded her. She wanted all of him. Amy leaned back, letting her legs fall further apart and grabbed his belt. She ripped it free in seconds, despite her trembling hands. His pants buttons followed, but before she could reach inside and grab him he shackled her wrist and held her away. “It’s my turn now.”

  Ranger placed a hand on her chest and pushed her down. The cold granite came in contact with her bare back and she arched up, sure she was about to go up in flames.

  * * *

  Ranger stared down at the goddess before him, laid out for his pleasure. Her heavy breasts bare. Perfect pink nipples begging for his touch. Long red hair spread out around her. His chest ached with love for this woman.

  He’d been so scared she would change her mind. Knowing if she did it would shatter him. But she gave herself freely and fully to him. Spread out before him like a feast. Her chest rising and falling, tapering into a flat tummy and small waist. The yellow sundress pooled around her hips, hiding her core, but still so sexy he couldn’t speak.

  She trusted him. The thought made his chest expand, his heart near burst with pride. She chose him. And dammit he wanted her more than he wanted his next breath.

  Ranger grabbed the dress and Amy lifted her hips, helping him slide it down her legs, revealing matching baby blue panties. He let the dress fall from his fingers. His mouth completely dry, his cock ready to explode. Ranger hooked a finger in her panties and slid them down, baring her completely.

  His heart stopped beating all together. Never in his life could he have imagined anything so perfect. So sexy. Her hips flared out, the curve generous and heavenly. Ranger gave in with a groan and dropped to his knees. She was completely bare. Her pussy wet and glistening. He lifted a shaking hand and grazed the small nub nestled in her folds. “When did you do this?”

  Amy cried out and his cock jerked in reaction. He wanted to bury himself so deep inside her she’d never forget him, but he promised himself he would take it slow this time. Woo her. Love her. Cherish her.

  “Today. I-I shaved today.”

  Amy’s scent pulled him in, dying to taste her, he leaned forward and flicked his tongue over her clit. She jerked, her legs closing around his head. Ranger grabbed her thighs and pushed her legs apart. “Open.”

  He held her that way and resumed tasting her. One long slow lick and his eyes rolled back in his head. She was heaven, pure unadulterated heaven. Ranger devoured her, teased her, driving her forward until she was riding his tongue and clutching his hair, pulling him to her.

  “Oh God, don’t stop. I’m so close.” Her plea was music to his ears. Ranger felt the pre cum drip from his cock, knew he couldn’t hold out any longer. He rose, ripped his pants down and lined his shaft up with her entrance. Amy’s head was back, her eyes closed, her lips parted as she gasped and panted.

  “Look at me,” Ranger commanded, his tone harsh with need. He wanted to see her eyes when he took her. To know she was thinking only of him.

  She complied immediately, her normally dark brown eyes a dark honey drenched with desire. Desire for him. He reaffirmed his need for control and clenched his teeth. He had a mission to complete. He held on to his cock an
d fed it to her entrance. He had to grit his teeth and force himself to go slow. She clenched around him, nearly his undoing.

  Sweat broke along his forehead and neck, but still he held himself back, easing inside her inch by torturous inch. She was so fucking wet. So fucking perfect. So fucking his. “You’re mine. Say it.”

  Amy nodded and lifted her hips. Ranger held back. “No. Give me the words.”

  She groaned then, her lips parted. “I’m yours, Ranger James. Yours. Please.”

  Her words destroyed his control. He grabbed her hips and rammed forward, bottoming out inside her tight depths. Amy’s scream mixed with his own yell of pleasure. She spasmed around him, squeezing him until he almost came right there. Ranger called on every single ounce of training he possessed and forced himself to take his time. Drive her crazy.

  He pulled out, savoring the feel of her around him, slow and easy. Then he rammed back in, hard and fast. He kept that pace up, until she cried out, clawing at his chest, grabbing his arms. “Ranger, I’m about to come.”

  “Yes, baby. Let go. I’ve got you.” He drove forward again, slamming into her, faster now. She screamed, her entire body arched off the counter. Ranger threw his head back, her response pulling his own release free. The entire world shattered around him, there was nothing left. Just Amy. Just his woman.

  He fell forward, spent, and braced on his elbows, unwilling and unable to pull out. The small aftershocks from her orgasm still rocked him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life right here. Right now. “I love you.”

  Chapter 31

  Her breath caught at the look of complete adoration in his gaze. She caressed his cheek, lifting up enough to gently kiss his lips. “I love you, too.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you, Ranger James.” Amy’s heart caught up in her throat. Saying the words out loud seemed to free her. “I’m ready.”


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