Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story Page 97

by Cross, Lindsay

  If she’d played with more Barbies growing up, instead of helicopters and plastic army tanks, she’d have been fifteen percent more likely to choose oversized hair bows and the color pink. That could have led to her focusing more time on makeup and teenage crushes than studying for the SAT and having an intense Tom Clancy novel obsession. Which could have prevented her mother's undying look of shame and horror when Kate had announced to the family a month after graduation that she'd joined the military.

  Of course if she'd read Cosmo, she would've paid more attention to her body and that strange occasional blip in her chest and discovered she had a slight heart murmur. That could have saved her the embarrassment from the medical review board telling her she wasn't qualified as a candidate for the Air Force.

  And she might not be hemmed in a private meeting room on the second floor of the CIA headquarters. The meeting room with stark white walls and humming florescent lights and concrete floors with metal chairs that no one else outside of her small group of coworkers knew about.

  Civilians would call it an interrogation room. Kate called it her silent refuge from assholes.

  After the current president banned the Patriot Act, the soft interrogation room had morphed from a chamber of light torture for terrorists and traitors to a place where ambitious CIA operatives secretly met to decide whose careers thrived and died. In a way, the actions performed in this room now were more cutthroat than any waterboarding or sensory deprivation techniques. They were cruelly executed secret maneuvers against their own team members in the act of ultimate betrayal.

  The only time Kate had been in here in the past was to escape the quiet ridicule and sexual mocking of her male counterparts who didn't think she could cut it in the intelligence analyst world.

  Contrary to popular belief, her coworkers weren't big buff alpha men – most of them were lanky nerds who wore thick glasses and still carried a chip on their shoulders from years of teasing in high school. As one of the only female analysts in the unit, Kate had been cast as something much worse - an object of sexual objectivity. The harassment hadn't taken a leap to the physical side, yet.

  The only reason she’d put up with their crap this long was the fact that she was now the most senior member on the team, and the man above her had recently moved, leaving a slot open perfect for her shoes to fill.

  The heavy-metal door creaked open and Kate slowly turned to watch her boss slink inside. Lamar Franks was one of the most nondescript men she'd ever laid eyes on. Hell, he was so average even she had trouble remembering what he looked like when he wasn’t in the same room. Average height, average build, average features. The only thing extraordinary about him was the deadly cunning in his gaze. A gaze currently riveted on her with malicious intent.

  She stood, putting herself more on his level. Franks slunk close enough she could smell his disgusting cologne.

  Suck it up buttercup. She could keep her mouth shut long enough to accept her promotion and never have to worry about being under Frank’s too touchy thumb again.

  Kate squared her already ramrod straight shoulders. “Sir.”

  As per usual, Franks gave her a once-over followed by sneer. “Agent Richards.” Franks gaze swept over her a second time.

  She ignored the chill creeping up her back. His obvious perusal of her clothes, or what he thought was beneath them, made her skin crawl. “You wanted to see me?”

  “That goes without saying doesn't it?” He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

  Kate curled her short-trimmed nails into her palms, fighting the urge to slap the hungry look off his face. Franks moved in, palming the wall beside her head, the low wave of heat emanating from him left her ice cold.

  “I thought I’d give you another chance to take me up on my offer.”

  She leaned back, her shoulders digging into the equally cold wall behind her. “My answer hasn’t changed.”

  “I can help you. I know what you want. This job is everything to you, just like it is for me. We share a common goal.” Franks, in a move he’d never been bold enough to try before, traced a single finger across her jaw.

  Her heart whacked her ribcage and she had to fight to keep from squeezing her eyes shut. Was he really doing this to her? And why wasn’t she kneeing him in the balls?

  Sensing her weakness, Franks pressed his body flush to hers, his arousal obvious. “I can see you’re thinking more like me. You want your promotion? I can give it to you.”

  The walls seemed to shrink around her. This wasn’t happening. He’d given her looks, made insinuations, even asked her to hook up – but he’d never laid hands on her.

  Think. Think. Think. If she kneed him, she’d lose her promotion and her job.

  Her heart pounded faster.

  Her entire career would be ruined.

  Franks finger moved lower, skimming the collar of her button up and then down.

  She started to shake. Was this what all her hard work had come down to?

  Franks didn’t care how much overtime she’d put in, all he wanted was what was between her legs.

  Kate slammed her hands to his chest and shoved. “Stop.”

  He stumbled back a step and immediately re-closed the gap, his hot breath fanning across her face. “I’m giving you one more chance.”

  White hot rage flooded her system. Kate grabbed his shoulders and looked directly in his eyes. “Go to hell.”

  Franks blinked, his mouth slack with shock and Kate brought her knee up. Hard.

  “Shit!” He grabbed his nuts and fell back, moaning in a much deserved dose of pain. “You bitch.”

  He grabbed the table before hitting the floor and wheezed.

  “You never intended to promote me, did you?” She advanced, her fury growing with each second. “You don’t care how much harder I worked than the rest of the team.”

  Franks held up a hand, gasping as he tried to straighten, a nice pale shade on his cheeks now. “You-“

  Kate cut him off with a sneer, disgusted with herself almost as much as him. “I’ve put up with all your looks and insinuations for years. I even helped you cover your ass when your old buddy Agent J ghosted and turned traitor.”

  Every operative associated with Mr. J was now either dead, or simply disappeared into the darkness of a giant government cover up. Everyone but Agent Franks, whose absolute desperate dance to cover his tracks had actually worked and he'd been allowed to stay on in the same position of power. A feat Kate couldn't figure out exactly how he pulled off.

  Franks white face flushed and used the table to lever up straight. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Kate bared her teeth in a warning smile. “You mean that thumb drive off the laptop I acid washed for you?”

  Kate felt the flush of triumph filter into her veins. She’d never really considered blackmailing him to get what she wanted. Blackmailing was illegal and wrong and went against her very morality, but so did using unsolicited sex for control.

  Kate tapped her chin thoughtfully. “You know, I think that alone is enough reason for my promotion.” Let alone the fact she’d worked twice as long and hard as her entire team combined.

  “I always knew you had it in you.” Franks straightened his features and arched a brow, not looking in the least bit worried. In fact, he looked smug.

  “I never wanted this. You made me,” she defended.

  He shrugged like he couldn’t care less. “Using blackmail to retain your position is a hallmark of our profession.” Franks paused. “Just like its used to destroy a career.”

  A twinge of unease found its way into her chest. “Give me the promotion. I deserve it.”

  “Can’t do that.”

  Franks wasn’t dumb. He knew she wasn’t lying. She could destroy him with the thumb drive. “Why not?”

  “Because I’ve already promoted Coons.”

  She froze. “The newbie?”

  He nodded.

  “You tried to manipulate me into having sex w
ith you for a promotion that you’d already given away?” Her voice rose with each word.

  A serpentine smile slithered across his face. “There was no manipulation. I was just taking you up on your offer. Can’t blame a red-blooded man for giving in to the constant sexual provocation of his female co-worker.”

  “Your insane.” Kate backed up a step, suddenly unsure of her confidence. “I’m giving that thumb drive to the Director.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Franks said quietly.

  She eased to the door, her hand inching to the handle. “You can’t stop me. I’m going to do what I should have done months ago.”

  “Turn that thumb drive in and you’ll be the one going to federal prison. Not me.”

  “Being my boss won’t save you this time. I’m going to tell the director everything about J and about every single time you harassed me.” Kate grabbed the handle, twisting it down.

  “You mean how you constantly used your body to try and manipulate me into promoting you? Or how you illegally scrubbed a federally owned laptop? A laptop registered under your name.”

  Kate spun. “Liar!”

  Agent Franks’ vindictive expression disappeared, his brow smoothed out and he rocked back on his heels, casually tapping a finger on his lower lip. His condescending nature chipped at her confidence. “Did you really think I didn’t expect you to eventually try and use that thumb drive against me?”

  “What did you do?” Kate asked in a trembling voice.

  Instead of answering her, he asked another question, “How many of your co-workers do you think will side with you against me?”

  The floor seemed to drop from beneath her feet. None of them would. Not one man on her team liked working with her or thought she belonged in the analyst world. And the fact she’d help solve more cases than any of them made them resent her even more.

  “I see you’re understanding your position.” Franks eased into the metal chair next to the table and steepled his fingers. “Imagine the Director’s surprise when your entire team corroborates your blatantly sexual behavior towards me to further your career. I suspect he’ll be just as shocked when I am forced to show him how you illegally scrubbed that computer to cover your tracks.”

  Kate felt the blood leach from her face. “You can’t.”

  Franks patted his knee in open invitation. “I don’t have to do anything. You can keep your job if you want it bad enough.”

  Her body went cold. She’d suffered under Franks day after day, telling herself he didn’t matter. The CIA was her life and she’d thought she could put up with anything for her career.

  But she could never do what he wanted. Ever. “I quit.”

  Chapter 2

  Kate turned on quaking legs, burning fury spreading across her chest as she ripped the door open and stormed down the hall, snatching an empty paper-shred box from a stack and slammed into her office, knocking the perfectly arranged set of awards on the wall askew.

  Everything in her life was being knocked off kilter. Kate took a shaky step to the wall and straightened the tilted frame, catching a glimpse of her shell-shocked reflection in the glass.

  The sudden rush of tears caught her off guard and she quickly dashed them with her palm.

  She’d just quit her job. Her entire life plan was destroyed. Everything gone.

  And she had no idea what to do now…

  In a burst of rage, she flung out her arm and swept the awards from the wall. They crashed to the ground, the glass shattering in a jumbled mess on the floor.

  Panting, Kate spun to her desk, her neatly arranged row of two black pens and two blue pens undisturbed. The alphabetized stack of case files sat opposite her computer- exactly as she’d left them. Ready to go back to work as soon as she sat down.

  Only she wouldn’t be working on those anymore.

  She shoved them to the floor, papers flying out of control. The insane mess in her room would drive her crazy any other day, but not today.

  Franks could clean up the mess he’d caused. She wasn’t devoting a single more second of her time to this place.

  Kate grabbed the single picture of her family off her desk, shoved it into her bag and left.

  She held onto her anger like a shield of armor, trapping the growing horror of her new situation inside. Her entire life was the CIA. Franks would black ball her for sure, making sure she’d never get any kind of job in security.

  She took the stairs down to the lobby, the last thing she wanted to do was get trapped on an elevator with someone and be forced to make conversation. Kate emerged into the large bland entryway and gave a last glance of goodbye at the wall of stars commemorating those who’d given the ultimate sacrifice.

  And then, as if she hadn't been kicked when she was down enough, Agent Coons came striding across the lobby directly toward her, his expression contrite. “Kate –”

  “Shut it, Coons. I don't need you rubbing it in my face.”

  “I want you to know I had nothing to do with this, I told them you deserve the promotion more than me.”

  “I'm sure you did. I'm sure you were so altruistic that you refused the promotion knowing you didn't deserve it.”

  Coons flinched. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  “As if you had that power. Don't worry, I'm out of here. I quit. Go join the boys club and relax. You and all your buddies can have your circle jerk in private with no more females to interrupt.”

  Kate shoved past him, keeping her chin held high, as she clutched the black strap of her tote so hard the seam imprinted into her palm and walked out on the job that had been the focus of the last seven years of her life. After failing the Air Force’s flight physical for a heart murmur she hadn't even been aware of, she'd been forced to alter her life plans from boots on the ground to heels in an office, working behind-the-scenes as a CIA analyst.

  Agent Franks would already be busy at work trashing her reputation and ensuring she never got a government job again.

  This was it. She had no backup plan.

  Where would she go? Definitely not back home to mama to lick her wounds, even though her mother would welcome her with open arms. Kate had too much pride to sink to that level.

  “Agent Richards!”

  Kate kept walking. She recognized the voice of Agent K. She’d done some work with him on a few missions in the past. He’d always treated her with respect, but right now she didn’t want to see anyone from this place.

  “Kate, wait!” Agent K jogged to catch up with her.

  “Can’t talk right now.” Kate kept going, hoping he’d give up. She needed some time to lick her wounds and decompress.

  “I heard what happened.”

  She stopped in her tracks. “Already?”

  Great. Franks hadn’t even waited on her to clear the parking lot. Asshole.

  “I was in the lobby and saw what happened with Coons. He gave me a run down. I’m sorry. Franks is a sexist pig.” K shoved a hand through his brown hair, his gaze full of sympathy.

  His compassion set her teeth on edge. “Not to be rude, but do you want something? I really am not in the mood to talk right now.”

  “Yeah, I know this may be too soon, but I could really use you on a job if you’re willing.”

  It took her a full minute to process his statement. “A job? Didn’t you hear – I no longer work for the CIA. I can’t help you on any more jobs.”

  K didn’t even blink. “Not for them. This would be off grid, totally private, may even get your foot in the door for a future in private security if you’re interested.”

  “You want me to work for mercenaries?” Not exactly what she’d had planned.

  “They aren’t exactly mercenaries,” K hedged.

  “Then what are they?”

  “Soldiers. Extremely skilled soldiers who aren’t really known.”

  “So, they aren’t mercenaries and they don’t work for the CIA…” Kate let her words trail off, hoping Agent K would fill her in.
r />   “Exactly.”

  She rolled her eyes. She knew what kind of men K was talking about. She might work on the analyst side of the CIA, but she knew black ops. “Let me guess. OGA? One of those little groups created by the government to do its dirty work, but the government doesn’t have any idea they exist.”

  He shrugged, palms up. “They’re a hell of a lot better than what you’ve been working with and they don’t have any harassment suits filed against them.”

  “Neither does Franks,” Kate said.

  “Not that anyone knows about.”

  Dammit all to hell. Franks had gotten his bluff in on her perfectly. She should have thought to do more in depth digging into his past. “Bastard.” She could have used that knowledge for leverage against him.

  “Look, knowing that wouldn’t have helped your case. Franks is still where he is for a reason. The higher ups know about his reputation and haven’t cut him yet, they probably wouldn’t for you either.”

  K’s matter of fact tone helped calm her down some. She could deal with facts way better than she could deal with emotions. “Let me guess, you know why that is.”

  Again with the shrug. “Maybe.”

  “You’re starting to piss me off, K.”

  “Not my intention at all. I’m just trying to offer a helping hand to one of the most talented and hardworking analysts I know.”

  “You’re good at diffusing.” And he was making it hard for her to hold on to her frustration. “It doesn’t really matter anyway. No one will hire me when Franks gets through ruining my rep.” She’d end up as a freaking checker in the grocery store.

  “These guys don’t care about him and don’t like the CIA. I promise, if he trashes you, it’ll only make them want you more. Plus, they like me, so they’ll listen if I recommend you.”

  She eyed him cautiously. “If they don’t like the CIA, why do they like you?”

  “Let’s just say we’ve got a mutual enemy. So, what do you think?”


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