Her Perfect Gentleman: A Regency Romance Anthology

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  “I did scream,” she explained with a soft voice, “because there was a spider crawling up my arm.” She shivered again from remembrance.

  Morgan frowned. “Oh…then forgive me for the interruption.” He made a move to leave, but then his head whipped back around as he glared at Lord Cole. “But I’m warning you. As a friend of Miss Stewart’s, I’d better not see you making any inappropriate advances. Do I make myself clear?”

  Once again, she was struck speechless. Was it because Morgan was actually threatening a lord, or because he felt some kind of need to protect her. This evening was certainly full of surprises.

  Lord Cole arched an eyebrow, giving Morgan a self-assured look. “I shall take your threat into consideration. Now, please be on your way, Mr. Drake.”

  Melinda sucked in a quick breath. Had Lord Cole actually insulted Morgan by calling him mister? It must have slipped the lord’s mind that she didn’t hold a title, either. Apparently, Morgan’s wealth was the only reason these snobbish aristocrats were tolerating his presence.

  Morgan’s jaw hardened. “Good evening, my lord,” he bit out, roughly before his gaze moved to her. Then his expression softened and a smile touched his mouth. “Miss Stewart, I hope you enjoy your evening.”

  “Indeed, I shall.”

  As she watched Morgan leave, confused feelings surrounded her heart. Lord Cole had been pretty much a gentleman to her, so far, and she’d actually envisioned herself taking a fancy to him. However, it was obvious he wasn’t too fond of a commoner. Then there was Morgan…who tried to be her protector. Even when he realized his mistake, he still tried to save face by threatening a lord.

  What reasons did Morgan have to act this way? By now, she assumed he would have heard about the treasure she found, so naturally, he would know she wouldn’t sell her land to him. So why was he still here? And why did he genuinely look like he cared about her? Did he have feelings for her as she’d felt for him?

  The possibility of it all made her heartbeat quicken. Here was one man who wouldn’t like her for her money. He’d actually gotten to know her when she was a blacksmith…and from the way he acted tonight, he appeared to have feelings for her.

  Placing a hand on her throat, she tried to regulate her breaths…which were getting harder to release due to the speed of her heart. Perhaps it was time to quit this party and return home. She definitely had some serious pondering to do about the very handsome, and irresistible, Morgan Drake.

  * * *

  Morgan had never been more embarrassed in his life. Even the next days after the ball, his cheeks still heated whenever he thought of his so-called act of heroism. Inwardly, he groaned. Melinda must be laughing at him now. He knew Lord Cole was having a good chuckle over his misfortune.

  He left his house and mounted his horse for his daily afternoon ride. The sky was a beautiful blue without a cloud to hinder its beauty. There wasn’t even a wind in the air. He adjusted his top hat before urging the steed into a trot.

  Many people had decided to venture outside today, which made riding through the park more crowded. Several of his acquaintances greeted him with waves or nods. All in all, this town had treated him with respect and acknowledged his presence. Not once had he felt as if they had ever looked down on him in any way.

  Not until Lord Cole made that snide mention about Morgan’s status.

  He tightened the reins in his hands and gritted his teeth. It wasn’t very often that he’d wanted to challenge some aristocrat to a duel—or better yet, shove his fist in the other man’s face at that moment—but he had felt the urge that night at the ball. The weasel, Mr. Taylor, hadn’t instilled that kind of anger inside Morgan as much as Lord Cole had done.

  Morgan would give anything to know what Melinda thought of him now. Did she think he’d acted ridiculous by barging into their private moment and trying to rescue her? He hadn’t had time to study her expression that evening, but she really could have spouted her temper if she was repulsed by his actions. Instead, she politely explained the insect on her arm. Even when she told him good night, she did it with softness in her voice.

  He’d pondered over the next couple of days whether or not he should pay her a call, yet he’d always backed down. What did he have to offer her besides his heart and his apology for pushing the offer on her so forcefully? He should have been more understanding to her situation. He really should have listened to her.

  The flowers were in full bloom on this perfect late-spring day, and the sweet fragrance filled the air. As he rounded the bend, he had to maneuver his horse around couples strolling along the trail. He’d give up and return home if not for the fact that he hoped to see Melinda. For the past two weeks, she and Judith had taken walks through the park.

  He eyed each couple, hoping to see his Melinda. Now, after riding nearly all the way through the park without seeing her, his hopes sank lower. Seeing her lovely face brightened his day. In all this time of watching her, she’d not once noticed, but it didn’t matter. Just seeing her made his heart light.

  Out of the corner of his eyes, a quick movement through the trees caught his attention. Mr. Taylor was sprinting towards another object who was also hurrying her step.

  Morgan’s hopes lightened. He could only see the back of Melinda, but she was wearing her pretty beige day dress with a daffodil pattern sprinkled over it, and her matching bonnet. By the way she hastened, he could tell she was upset.

  Inwardly, he growled. Mr. Taylor better not have taken any liberties with her…or for certain, Morgan would challenge the imp to a duel whether it was legal or not!

  The weasel finally caught up with her. Mr. Taylor grabbed her arm and stopped her from taking another step. She glared at him and yanked her arm out of his grasp. From where Morgan sat atop his horse, he could tell the other man pleaded for her forgiveness. She folded her arms over her chest and lifted her stubborn chin.

  Morgan grinned. She was certainly one tough woman. That was one of the many things he loved about her.

  Slowly, Mr. Taylor moved closer to her, and then he caressed her shoulders. She huffed and tried to pull away, but the other man’s hold must be too strong.

  Anger prodded Morgan into helping her. He might not have been her hero a few nights ago, but he would definitely be one now. He dug his heels into the horse’s belly, leading the animal toward the arguing duo. Just as Morgan arrived on the scene, Mr. Taylor was moving in to kiss the struggling woman.

  He pulled the steed to a halt and quickly jumped off. “Take your hands off Miss Stewart,” he shouted, marching toward them.

  Mr. Taylor jumped back. His eyes widened as his face flamed red. The irritation that had been on Melinda’s expression softened the longer she looked at Morgan. His heartbeat hammered out a different kind of rhythm…one of love. “Miss Stewart, are you all right?”

  “I—I—I am now.” She smiled.

  “Who gave you the right to interrupt my outing with Miss Stewart?” Mr. Taylor grumbled as he moved toward Morgan. “You have no right—”

  “And you have no right to manhandle her, either,” Morgan snapped. “Good grief, what is wrong with you? What kind of man would accost a woman in the open? It was clear she didn’t want your attentions.”

  The weasel threaded his fingers through his thinning black hair and scowled. “I didn’t hear Miss Stewart’s refusal—”

  “You didn’t?” Melinda’s voice lifted. She faced the other man and glared. “Did you not understand the words no and leave me be?” She shook her head. “If not, then you seriously have a learning disability, Mr. Taylor. I fear you should return to school and finish your lessons. You, sir, are the type of man women like me, loathe.”

  Morgan grinned wide. He couldn’t believe the courage it took for her to say that. At this moment, he was so very proud of her that he wanted to take her in his arms and… He quickly stopped his thoughts. This was certainly not the time to be thinking about that.

  “Miss Stewart,” he said, “would you a
llow me to take you home?”

  She looked at him and nodded. “That would be very good of you, Mr. Drake.”

  He held out his hand and she slipped her palm against his. Feeling like a king, he walked her to his horse and assisted her in mounting. As much as he wanted to join her on the saddle, he still didn’t think she’d allow him being that close, so he took the reins and led the horse away from Mr. Taylor.

  Melinda sat atop the horse appearing as regal as anyone in the royal family. The farther they moved away from Mr. Taylor, the more her face relaxed. Finally, she was able to meet his eyes, and the corners of her mouth lifted.

  “I thank you, Mr. Drake for coming to my rescue. I’m glad you were riding through the park during that moment.”

  “I’m grateful, as well. I don’t want to think what that man would have done to you if I hadn’t have been there to intercede.”

  “Well, for certain, Mr. Taylor would have been sporting a black eye, and perhaps a few missing teeth.”

  Morgan chuckled. “Indeed. I’m quite sure you would have made him realize what the meaning of the words no and leave me be were.”

  Nodding, she laughed. “And perhaps a few more words just in case he didn’t understand those?”

  “Oh, I’m most certain of it.”

  He led the horse out of the park and onto the main road. Her house was a mile or so up the slope, and he really hoped he didn’t have to walk all that way. But he would for her. And since he had her undivided attention, he figured this would also be the perfect time to make his apologies.

  When she hadn’t said anything after a few moments, he looked up at her. Her eyes met his, and she smiled.

  “Miss Stewart, I’m also grateful for this chance alone with you. There has been so much on my mind lately, and so much going on with you, that I haven’t had time to say what has been on my thoughts since before I went to care for my sister.”

  He took a deep breath before continuing. Watching the road, his mind opened up and allowed him to say those things in his heart. “I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you that one time we were together. I didn’t take the time to understand why you were set against selling me your land, but now I realize how important it is to you.” He shrugged. “I was never close with my father like you were with yours. After hearing you speak so highly of your father, I wish I had been a better son.”

  Morgan sneaked a peek up at Melinda. Her eyes glistened so beautifully as she looked at him. His heart melted. All he wanted to do was stare into her intoxicating gaze.

  “I’m not upset at you for yelling at me,” he went on. “But I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. This experience has taught me a great lesson.”

  “And what lesson is that, Mr. Drake?”

  “That I’m not always right.”

  She nodded. “Out of all of life’s lessons, that’s one of the hardest to learn. It took me a while to learn it, as well.” She lifted her gaze from him and scanned their surroundings. When she looked back at him she motioned her head. “Why don’t you join me on top of this horse. Either that, or lift me down so I can walk with you.”

  There was no way he was going to allow her to walk. However, his heart sang with gladness that she wanted him to join her on the saddle. Thankfully, there weren’t many people in this section of town who were taking a leisurely stroll, so at least he knew he wouldn’t make a spectacle of either one of them when he rode with her on his steed.

  He stopped the horse and jumped on behind her. Scooting her to where she was sitting nearly on his lap, he loosely wrapped his arms around her and took the reins. Having her so close made his heart leap with happiness. Her scent smelled like flowers today, and it took all of his willpower not to bury his face in her neck and inhale to his heart’s delight.

  Melinda’s cheerful expression changed as seriousness took over. She licked her lips and her throat jumped with what must have been a hard swallow.

  “Now it’s my turn,” she said. “I would like to speak what’s on my mind, if that’s all right.”

  He held his breath. Because she didn’t look very happy, he feared the worst. And yet, would she have invited him to ride with her if she intended to say something mean?

  He prayed not!

  The Sweetest Challenge: Chapter Thirteen

  Melinda could scarcely breathe…and yet all she wanted to do was breathe in his masculine scent of spice and vanilla. She always wanted to relax and fold herself into his embrace. Even though they were on top of a horse, she could still snuggle with him, couldn’t she?

  But that would have to come later. She needed to say what was on her mind before she lost her courage. It must have been difficult for Morgan to admit he’d been wrong, so now it was her turn to admit her weaknesses as well.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked.

  His warm breath on her neck sent delightful chills over her. She held back the sigh of happiness she wanted to release right now. Although this was not the most comfortable position she’d ever been in, next to him like this was where she wanted to be. “Yes. Are you?”

  “I’m much better now.”

  His voice was deeper than before, and her heart pitter-pattered faster. Did he know he had this kind of control over her? Never had she been weak in front of a man, but Morgan Drake was making it almost impossible for her to keep a straight thought in her head.

  Closing her eyes, she smiled. Being in his arms—even like this—was pure pleasure. It was all she’d been thinking about since seeing him at Lady Craighead’s ball the other night. Melinda could only hope he felt the same about her.

  “Were you going to tell me something?” he asked.

  Good heavens, what was wrong with her? Why did she want to sigh with happiness and cuddle against him? And when he spoke in that sensual voice…it made trickles of warmth move throughout her body.

  “Yes, I did.” Oh, dear! Now her voice was deeper than normal. She cleared her throat. “I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your help at Lady Craighead’s ball.” She peeked over her shoulder and into his smoldering brown eyes. “You remember? When I was with Lord Cole?”

  His gaze dipped to her mouth. “I remember.” He smiled. “But if I recall correctly, I’d made a fool out of myself when I charged into the alcove, acting like a knight in shining armor.”

  A chuckle bubbled up from her throat. “Well, it was rather silly, however, you had honestly thought you were protecting me.”

  He shrugged. “The gossip I’ve heard about Lord Cole hasn’t made him an exemplary person in my eyes.”

  “Oh, because he’s a womanizer?” When Morgan’s eyes widened, she nearly laughed again. “I’m assuming you have heard that tidbit.”

  He nodded. “And I’m shocked you have heard it as well.”

  “Have you not noticed by now that I’m not like most women?”

  “Indeed, I’ve noticed.” He stroked her cheek. “That’s what makes you more special.”

  Oh, dear! His charming words were going to melt her right off this horse if he didn’t watch what he was saying. But the endearment was harps playing in her ears. She could listen to him all day—and night.

  “I must admit, Lord Cole had interested me for a few moments, which is why I decided to take a walk with him outside. I also wanted a break from my dance partners.” She sighed, and frowned. “But when he treated you with such distaste, that was when I decided not to pursue my fascination with him.”

  Morgan’s eyebrow arched. “You noticed that, too?”

  “Of course. It would be hard not to. Lord Cole wasn’t exactly hiding the fact that you were of lower class.” She shook her head. “He seemed to forget that I, too, am just a commoner.”

  “You, my dear Miss Stewart, are anything but common.” His finger stroked down closer to her bottom lip. “You are unlike any woman I’ve met before. And since getting to know you, other women hold no significance to me.”

  Her heart flipped. “What are y
ou saying, Mr. Drake?”

  He grinned. “I think you know what I’m saying.”

  “I want to hear it from your lips.” But…she’d actually rather do something else with his lips.

  His gaze left her briefly as he guided the horse away from the main road and up a slope that was more secluded. Excitement shot through her, and she almost couldn’t control the anticipation running through her.

  Morgan brought the horse to a stop before he stared deeply into her eyes. “Miss Stewart—Melinda,” he sighed, “when I first met you I wasn’t planning on falling in love, but fate had different plans for me. I can’t stop thinking about you, and wanting to love you…and wanting your love in return. I fear I won’t be able to go through life unless you are by my side.”

  Tears of joy filled her eyes as her heart finished melting. Slowly, she ran her palms up his chest and linked them behind his neck. His breath quickened, blowing against her lips so intimately.

  “Morgan, I hadn’t wanted to like you when we first met. But you charmed me completely. I know what a challenge I was, but I’m so very grateful you continued to stay by me regardless of my faults.” She smiled as a tear slipped from her eyes.

  “You were a challenge,” he whispered. “You were the sweetest challenge I’ve ever had.”

  “Oh, Morgan.” Her voice choked. “You are the only man who could see past my most improper career, and see me as a woman. Why wouldn’t I allow myself to love a man like you?”

  A deep growl-like moan tore from him as he gathered her tightly in his arms. When his mouth met hers, she sighed heavily. Explosions erupted inside of her, and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was the man for her. She’d made the right choice in picking this one.

  Morgan Drake was one in a million.

  The kiss turned urgent, and she participated fully, copying his actions and not holding back. So wrapped up in the moment, she didn’t care how uncomfortable it was to kiss him like this while on top of a horse. But now, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was being close to him, and enjoying their intimate time together.


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