Blessed (The Chosen Book 2)

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Blessed (The Chosen Book 2) Page 22

by Mayburn, Ann

  The song ended, and he stepped back from his mother. “You overstepped your bounds and you had absolutely no right to invade her privacy like that. I’m warning you, do not manipulate me or Eliana, Mother. She's young and naive. I don't want her hurt by your meddling. That means no spells, no intimidation, nothing. Promise me you’ll leave her alone or I swear to Odin I will walk out of this room and you will never see me again.”

  Rana waved a hand at his warning. “Oh lighten up. I promise I won't hurt a hair on her head or try to magically persuade her in any way.”

  He gave her a smirk. “I accept your oath.”

  Eyes narrowed into a pissed glare, she turned on her heel and stalked back to their table ahead of him. She plastered a bright smile on her face, and it wilted at the sight of Nuri speaking with Eliana and Kayla. Swearing beneath his breath, Aiden hurried after her and prayed his mother wouldn’t cause a scene.


  Eliana watched a dour faced Aiden and his mother approach. She gave him an uncertain smile as they came closer, wondering what was going on that pissed him off so much. Rana seemed to have enjoyed their dance and she gave Eliana a radiant smile. Then she noticed who else was sitting at the table and looked like she’d swallowed a bug.

  In a frosty voice, Rana said, “Hello, Nuri.”

  Nuri glanced over, and a small, amused smile curved her red lips. “Hello, Rana.”

  Talic stood and tried to escort Rana to the dance floor while saying something in a low, soothing voice. After jerking her arm away, she gave him a smile that could have cut glass. “Hands off, Talic. I'll behave.”

  Sitting next to Erin, who gave her a nervous glance, Rana smiled. “I'm surprised to see you here, Nuri. You usually don't leave your temple for social engagements.”

  “Oh, I've been known to come out and celebrate a good cause. Mother's Arms is doing well thanks to your fund-raising efforts. We're most appreciative of your hard work,” Nuri said mildly.

  Rana smiled so hard that Eliana was afraid her teeth would snap. Aiden stepped behind Rana's chair as Johnathan slowly rose, obviously in a good deal of pain as he moved out from his seat. “We were just getting ready to leave.”

  Rana's fierce smile faded as she watched Johnathan and Eliana was shocked to see tears fill the other woman’s eyes. She turned and waved Aiden off.

  “Actually, I do feel like dancing.”

  Taking Talic's arm, she strolled with her husband toward a group of women in glittering dresses who greeted her with a round of smiles.

  Nuri stood and ran a hand down Eliana's face. “Take care, child. Remember that even though you're not Isis's Chosen, she's still here for you for solace if you need it. As am I.”

  With that enigmatic message, Nuri gently held Johnathan's arm and placed a kiss on his wrinkled cheek. They moved carefully toward the exit, Johnathan's gait hesitant and measured. Eliana had turned to ask Aiden what the heck was going on when she saw Kayla and Erin dabbing their eyes with their napkins. Aiden shook his head as she opened her mouth, and he led her out on to the dance floor. Aiden's hand gently stroked her bare back in a subtle movement as he held her in his arms.

  As the music began, she sighed. “Can we stop being all weird and secretive please? I'm majorly confused. Why do Nuri and your mother hiss at each other like two pissed-off cats? And why are Kayla and Erin crying?”

  “Nuri and my mother have always butted heads. It’s just who they are.” Aiden took a deep breath, his shoulders rising under her hands. “And Johnathan…Johnathan is dying.”

  She sucked in some air through her teeth. “That's terrible. Poor Nuri and Devon.” She felt tears rise to her eyes at the thought of Nuri losing her husband. “But Johnathan is so old. Isn't that to be expected?”

  Nodding, Aiden said, “It is. He has led a rich and full mortal life.”

  She watched the room twirl about as they moved across the crowded floor. “I feel badly for Nuri, but she had to know this was going to happen when she married a much older man.”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “Eliana, Nuri is forty years older than Johnathan.”

  “What?” she squeaked out, stumbling and almost bumping into another couple.

  “Chosen age much slower than mortals and even on our death beds we still look middle aged and healthy. Not to say that we never grow older, but it does allow us to live longer and have bodies that will function and support the demands that our Gods put on us for a greater period of time.”

  “So…so if I’m Chosen how long will I live?”

  “In theory, you could live to be two hundred years old.”

  “Holy fuck. Two hundred years?”

  “Yes. My mother and father are close to one hundred and twenty five and one hundred and thirty six years old.”

  “Holy fuck,” she said again as her head spun, trying to grasp what he was saying.

  He stroked his thumb along the indent of her spine. “Nuri made a great sacrifice when she chose to love a normal man. She knew she would outlive him, but they both thought their time together was worth the eventual heartache she would suffer in the end. It's not an easy road to watch your beloved age faster than you. And if you have children who are not Chosen, you will survive them as well. That is why most Chosen try to marry other Chosen, so they are not faced with outliving their loved ones,” he said with a distant look in his eyes.

  “Poor Nuri. Her heart must be breaking.”

  “I'm sure it is. My mother and Nuri have often been at odds with each other, but they have known each other for a very long time. They have the same goals, but different ways of achieving them.” The song ended, and he held her hand until the next began. She enjoyed dancing with him, even if her feet were starting to hurt in her high heels.

  “Take Mother's Arms for example. My mother wanted to teach the women that came to the shelter to use firearms and martial arts to fight back and even kill their attackers. Nuri forbid it. She felt the women had seen enough violence and they needed a peaceful place to rebuild their lives. After much shouting, and a couple of near cat fights, they compromised.” He laughed softly at the memory and gave her a wink.

  “By compromise I mean my mother was allowed by the governing council of the shelter to start a self-defense school adjacent to Mother's Arms that Nuri was forbidden from entering. And my mother was forbidden from entering the shelter itself,” he said with a grin. “That way they stay out of each other’s way, but the women of the shelter still benefit from their skills without having to watch constant fighting between the two for dominance. But let me tell you, my mom doesn’t like being told she can’t do anything, and the same goes for Nuri.”

  “Oh dear, no wonder your mom is so pissed at her,” she said with a giggle.


  They moved in a slow circle, eyes locked together as their bodies moved closer. The thin, sparkling chain spun around her as they twirled, making her feel graceful and feminine. She loved the way he watched her, how his eyes held a deep, sensual promise that stroked against her soul.

  “Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck,” she said and turned them deeper into the dancing crowd.

  “What?” he asked, looking around for the source of her distress.

  “Shit, Michelle is here. She saw us,” she said in a tight voice.


  “Michelle, a girl from the university who lives in my dorm. She had a crush on you last semester. She’s seen us together, and she didn't look happy,” she said in a rush.


  She bit her lower lip and tried to think of a way to save this situation. Her head snapped up. “Aiden, do you trust me?”

  “Of course,” he answered with a puzzled look on his handsome face.

  “Please get Jack and go sit at our table. Sit close to him, like with your knees touching and stuff. Act like you're in love with him,” she pleaded.

  “In love with Jack?” he asked in an outraged voice.

  “Please, Aiden. I swear I'll ex
plain, and it will save both our asses,” she said, giving him puppy dog eyes.

  “Fine, but you better have a good explanation for this,” he growled. He left her to go get Jack, who was dancing with a stunning blond in a short green dress.


  The fluorescent lights gleamed off the silver edge of the saw blade on the conveyor belt leading to the cash register. Kyle smiled fondly as he watched the old man at the register bag up his purchases. Butane torch, pliers, and duct tape all went into the plastic shopping bags.

  “Looks like you have a busy weekend ahead of you,” the old man behind the counter said.

  Kyle gave him his well rehearsed, non-threatening smile. “Yes, sir. Me and my dad have some projects to do around the house.”

  The old man nodded. “Glad to see you helping out the folks. That'll be $98.50.”

  Handing over his credit card, Kyle tried to keep his eyes off the bags. So much potential there, so much fun to be had. Kyle tapped his brown leather wallet into his hand as he waited for his card to be approved. He was taking a risk buying this stuff so close to home, but Eliana was worth it.

  He kept dreaming about her, dark fantasies filled with lust and bloodshed. David wanted Kyle to step up his planning. He’d provided Kyle with a special present for Eliana—one he intended to use tomorrow.

  “Here you go, young man. Good luck with your projects.” The cashier smiled as he handed Kyle his receipt and the bags.

  Kyle felt his grin stretch wider. Something in it must have upset the cashier because he recoiled from Kyle. Giving the old man a wink, Kyle sauntered out the door and whispered a prayer of thanks to Eris the entire time.


  Eliana moved off the dance floor and scanned the crowd for Michelle. Wearing a server's uniform, the other woman refilled the water glasses at a crowded table with a pissed expression on her face.

  Moving as fast as her heels would allow, she caught Michelle as she was about to go back into the kitchens.

  Michelle saw her and stopped with an angry smirk. “Well, I see how you're getting good grades in Professor Klemenson's class. Kyle wasn't enough for you, huh? You had to screw your professor too?”

  Eliana stepped close to her and said in a low voice, “Michelle, it's not what you think.”

  Michelle lurched back and said loudly, “Oh really? I think it's exactly what it seems. You too were all, but fucking on the dance floor.”

  Grabbing her arm, she pushed Michelle against the wall with a small growl. “Listen,” she hissed as she got in the taller girl's face, “remember at the party what you said about Professor Klemenson? Not the good-looking part, the part about what he must be?”

  Taken aback, Michelle said defensively, “I don't remember much of that night. I had a lot to drink.”

  Eliana sighed and gave Michelle what she hoped was an honest expression. “Michelle, Professor Klemenson is gay.”

  “I don't believe you,” Michelle whispered with wide eyes.

  Moving aside so Michelle could see the room, Eliana pointed at Aiden's table. “Look.”

  Aiden and Jack were talking with their foreheads almost touching. Jack straightened Aiden's bow tie, and Aiden glanced to see if anyone was watching. Jack gave him a small wink, and Aiden smiled at him.

  “Holy shit, he's gay!” Michelle whispered.

  “Yes, and he doesn't want his family to know. I'm friends with Jack, his boyfriend, and I came as Professor Klemenson's 'date' so his parents won't get suspicious. His mother and father are old school and would flip out if they found out,” she said, studying Michelle's face to see if she was buying it.

  “But isn’t his sister gay?”

  Shit. “Uh, yeah, which makes it harder for Aiden and his boyfriend. He’s afraid he’d break his mom’s heart.”

  “Wow,” Michelle said. “That's like something out of a movie.”

  Aiden and Jack moved apart in a hurry as Aiden's mother and father returned to the table. Rana was still pissed from her encounter with Nuri, and it appeared as though she was angry with Jack and Aiden.

  Michelle gasped. “I won't say anything,” Michelle said, still watching Aiden and Jack. The Klemensons are important members of the club. I can't afford to lose my job. And I'm sorry I said that stuff about you and Professor Klemenson.”

  Eliana smiled in relief and gave Michelle's hand a squeeze. “It's okay, Michelle. I wasn't sure we were being believable. I hope his mom bought our performance as much as you did.”

  Michelle smiled and switched the empty pitcher to her other hand. “You may have been overdoing it. I thought he was going to rip your clothes off and do you in the middle of the room.”

  Eliana snickered. “I need to get back to the table and run interference between Aiden and his mother.”

  “Have fun.” Michelle grinned as she went back into the kitchen to refill her pitcher.

  Moving between tables and clusters of people, Eliana made her way across the room to where Aiden and Jack were waiting. Kayla and Erin were dancing together, and Rana and Talic were talking with a group of what looked like Druids in fancy embroidered robes.

  A strong hand grabbed her arm from behind then a deep, smooth voice said, “Dance with me.”

  Jerking her arm out of the man's hand, she turned around and found Devon King watching her with a panicked expression.

  A charcoal black tuxedo fit perfectly to his muscular frame, and a small gold pin of the same stylized bull that was on his tattoo glinted in the light of the chandelier. The color of the suit made his teal eyes blaze, but he gripped his large hands into fists and his usual arrogant sneer was nowhere to be found. If anything, he looked nervous.

  “Pardon me?” she asked as she cocked her hip and put a hand on it. “Did you just grab my arm and demand that I dance with you? I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not being interrogated by you now. So I'm not about to take your shit. You can kindly go piss off and leave me alone.”

  Devon stepped closer and said through clenched teeth, “Please, Shay. Pretty please with sugar on top. That Chosen of Mazu won't leave me alone. If you don't dance with me, I'm afraid she's going to drug my food and drag me off into the night.”

  Looking over his shoulder, she noticed a pretty Asian woman in a blue silk dress glaring daggers at her and Devon. “Ohhhh, she looks scary. What are you, about three times her size? Just tell her to go away like I'm telling you to,” she said as she spun on her heel to leave.

  Devon stepped in front of her and said in a pleading tone, “Come on, Shay. Just one dance. I told her you were my jealous girlfriend.” She growled at him, but he continued unabashed. “I can't just tell her to go away. The last guy who blew her off ended up having his house flooded out by a freak high tide. I don't want to have to worry about drowning every time I go to the ocean. I like the beach.”

  “I get to be your jealous girlfriend? Fine.” She smiled up at Devon and swung her hand to slap his face.

  Devon caught her hand before it made contact and brought her wrist to his mouth, gently biting the vein that pounded there. “You may have surprised me at the store with your hit, Shay, but I won't make that mistake again.” His deep voice vibrated against her skin, and her heart stuttered.

  For a moment, all she could do was watch his full lips as he placed a kiss where his teeth had been. The movement was sensual and erotic. Devon's amazing lashes were lowered onto his tanned cheeks, and her breath caught her throat. A throbbing started between her legs, as if his lips and teeth had been nibbling on lower parts. It annoyed her that he could pull those feelings from her so easily and that he was brazen enough to do it in the first place.

  She jerked her hand away from him, and from the corner of her eye, she saw the Asian woman stalk away with a sour expression. Praying for patience, she unclenched her jaw enough to speak. “One dance, and that's only because I don't want to have to make your mother go to your funeral. And keep your lips to yourself, cupcake.”

  Devon grinned
and led her out to the dance floor with a bow that was actually rather gentlemanly.

  Her favorable opinion of Devon rapidly diminished when he opened his mouth. “I'm surprised you're still alive. With the piss-poor job Aiden is doing with your training, you should have been taken out by a Destro assassin a long time ago,” he said as he spun expertly across the floor.

  Her back stiffened. “Aiden is doing a wonderful job keeping me alive, thank you very much.”

  With a teasing grin, Devon said, “He did put a hell of a nice blessing on you. But it was sloppy of him to let you go wandering around the Temple District. You're far too vulnerable to be out by yourself.”

  “How did you know I…oh yeah, your Mom.” With a smile that was more of a snarl, she said, “Don’t worry, I'm not as soft as I look.”

  Devon gave her a flagrant once-over, making her very aware of his hand on the bare skin of her back. “Well, I'll have to take your word for it. I'm afraid Aiden would have my head if I tried to,” he leaned over to whisper into her ear, lowering his shields a bit so the psychic scent of dark spice and sandalwood filled her soul, “feel how soft you really are.”

  She sucked in a breath and growled at him, angry with her body, which was humming in approval at his blatant attempt at seduction. Devon appeared a bit surprised himself, and his hand tightened on her back as he held her closer. Looking up into his eyes, she couldn't think of a witty comeback to shoot at him, which was a first. All she could think about was his smell and how nice his eyelashes were and wonder what his lips would feel like on her mouth.

  She was saved from embarrassing herself by Aiden tapping on Devon's shoulder. “Hands off, King.”

  Devon gave her one last searching look and turned to face Aiden. His full lips shifted to an arrogant sneer. “Keep your panties on, Aiden. Shay was just helping me avoid a little ocean goddess anger.” He turned back to her and said, “Thanks, for the dance. My mom will appreciate not having to fish my corpse out of the sea.”


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