BBW: The Biker Bad Boy: BBW Romance Erotica (Bad Boy MC Short Story)

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BBW: The Biker Bad Boy: BBW Romance Erotica (Bad Boy MC Short Story) Page 1

by Jolie Day

  The Biker Bad Body

  BBW Biker Romance

  Jolie Day

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

  The characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are completely fiction and are in no way meant to represent real people or places.

  Warning: This story contains mature themes and language. It is intended to be enjoyed by an 18+ audience only.

  Copyright © Jolie Day

  About this Story

  He’s the last thing she wants.

  Book Description:


  Tyler has never much cared for his family’s money. He enjoyed life much more as a carefree biker bad boy than he ever would have as a corporate heir. Tyler is a “live for today” biker who believes in indulging his desires and not being tied down to anything. Tall, dark and handsome, he likes to be in control.

  He doesn’t date.

  He doesn’t fall in love.

  He lives his life on the road, fast bikes and fast women are the only constant in his life.


  Lucy is a wild heart, and an infectious spirit with no idea just how crazy sexy she is. When she’s rescued by Tyler’s motorcycle gang, she finds not only Tyler’s protection but also the thrill she’s been seeking. She knows wishing for a guy like Tyler is dangerous...So why can’t she stop thinking of all the things he’ll do to her if she lets him in her bed?

  Table of Contents

  The Biker Bad Boy

  The Biker Bad Boy

  Lucy had been hesitant to go along with Georgina’s plan to spend their summer hitchhiking across the states. Georgina was a bit of a wild card and so spontaneous that it verged on reckless. Lucy had met her during her first year of university and had at once been drawn to her confidence and lack of inhibition. In fact, the first time she’d set eyes on Georgina, the wild redhead had been dancing on the bar, encouraging all the eager college boys to watch and howl at her supple body gyrating at eye level.

  A little more reserved than Georgina when she’d first started at university, Lucy had been barely bold enough to do more than take a few sips of somebody else’s beer whilst watching more wild students get down and dirty in every bar across the city. Georgina had spotted her that night in that dim bar downtown, looking up at her dancing with awe in her big, round, innocent brown eyes and had taken her under her wing, laughing at her naïvety and prudishness. The two girls had gotten on like a house on fire that night, chatting away on two high stools at the bar. Then Georgina had started ordering shots and convinced Lucy to down one after the other until she found herself dancing on the bar too.

  Lucy smiled at the memory. She’d done more than loosen up since meeting Georgina. She’d done a complete one-eighty from the quiet, studious and shy girl she had been. Now she was never more than a step behind Georgina-drinking, dancing and hooking up.

  The girls were both nineteen now. They’d just finished their second year of study - Lucy to be a veterinarian and Georgina to do God knows what. The vivacious redhead changed her mind every five minutes and Lucy could imagine that she would stay the life and soul of the party for the rest of her life in their dorm.

  They’d just finished their final exams for the year and the long months of summer lay ahead of them. This is when Georgina begged Lucy to come away with her to travel, see the world and undoubtedly do something wild again. At first Lucy had been resistant. She’d done well enough in her exams this year, but the course was getting harder and she needed to study. Plus, how could she afford to take off and go travelling? Oh, and of course it would be no ordinary adventure! That was impossible when you set off into the unknown with Georgina. Lucy knew that choosing to travel with her would get her into all kinds of scrapes and she just didn’t know if it was wise to go in that direction when she had years of study left ahead of her.

  Then Georgina had convinced her. After all, you’re only young once and when else could one go wild? Certainly not on weekends between taking care of sick cats and stitching up poor puppies-after getting her degree. Besides, what was wrong with a bit of danger? Lucy had to admit that although she let Georgina take all the credit for being the wild one and was happy to always go along with her ideas, in truth, Lucy herself was a thrill seeker at heart. She’d known it from the second she’d been pulled up onto that bar some eighteen months ago by Georgina and had heard all those catcalls coming her way as she raised her arms above her head and just let go. She felt it again when Georgina and she had done the wet t-shirt contest in the first semester this year. In fact, she’d felt a thrilling satisfaction every time she’d done something spontaneous and wild. So, in the end, she settled on a summer of ‘anything could happen’ with Georgina.

  On this steamy Saturday afternoon in West Virginia, Georgina and Lucy were heading towards Monongahela National Forest to see the stunning scenery. They had been walking forever, and were now pretty lost and had been strolling along the edge of Route 50 for hours. Lucy was starting to get a little worried and a little weary, but Georgina was striding ahead, full of energy and enthusiasm. Her long red hair was loose, even in the heat and her backpack bouncing up and down on her back, her long legs spilling out of tiny hiking shorts. Lucy too was scantily clad. Her legs had grown tan over the last three weeks of hitchhiking and wandering and her long chestnut hair was drawn back in a high ponytail. The button-down shirt she was wearing barely contained her too large breasts and she felt it stick to her in the heat. She let out a heavy sigh and collapsed down on the dry grass at the side of the road to drink some water. Georgina settled at her side.

  “Tired already, Lucy-Lu?”

  Lucy smiled at her little nickname and nodded. She leaned back and looked up at the scorching sun as she drank thirstily from her water bottle.

  “Woah! Slow down!” Georgina warned her with a light laugh. “You don’t want to run out too soon. I don’t know about you, but I’m completely lost and I don’t know when we’ll get a refill.”

  “What?” Lucy exclaimed in despair. “I thought you knew where you were going! I was following you! Where’s the map?”

  “It fell to pieces after it got soaked in that thunderstorm,” Georgina reminded her.

  “I thought we picked up a new one at that gas station?”

  “No. We ended up going across the road to that bar instead. Remember? That’s where I met that cute guy...What was his name again?”

  Lucy laughed and shook her head slightly, although nothing Georgina did really surprised her anymore and the poor man from the bar wouldn’t have been the first that Georgina had slept with and then forgotten.

  “I didn’t get a word in. You took off with him and steamed up his car windows, as I remember.”

  “Ah, yes. The Hummer. That was a good night.” Georgina smiled devilishly at the memory and licked her lips as if she could still taste her latest conquest and then she turned her bright green eyes to Lucy. “You know, this is a biker route. Any second now a whole gang could come zooming down here. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

  “Would it?”

  “Haven’t you ever dreamed of taking off with a biker?”

  “Aren’t most of them in the middle of a mid-life crisis?”

  Georgina laughed at her. “Maybe where you’re from. I remember once when I was sixteen, a few boys from our town all got motorbikes and dressed in leathers - the whole shebang. They’d ride around in their little group and if they spotted you while they were stopped at the lights, they’d
rev their engines and turn towards you. You couldn’t see their expressions with their helmets on, but you’d know that they were giving you the eye. If you were brave, you’d get on with one. It was like Shakespeare.”

  “What?” Lucy giggled. “How are motorbikes like Shakespeare?”

  “It was the ‘masquerade effect’,” Georgina told her wisely. “Under that helmet, he could be any one of those boys. Just like Romeo and Juliet at the masked ball. You’d just go for a ride and find out which one he was later.”

  “Oh wow, Georgie,” Lucy chuckled. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

  Georgina shrugged casually. “You know me, Lucy. A little danger never put me off.”

  The girls finished their break and stood up again, continuing to stroll down Route 50. It grew darker and darker and they seemed to be no closer to the National Park. Lucy’s legs were aching and her mouth was dry. She’d got through her limited water supply too quickly and was starting to worry again. The trees looked so intimidating in the shadows and the complete silence of the night made your heart pound. It felt like a night where anything could happen.

  “Georgie, what are we going to do?”

  “Relax, Lucy. Just keep walking.”

  “Have you got any water left?”

  “No, but we’ll be alright. Just keep walking. Something will come along.”

  Lucy held her tongue, but she was getting more and more nervous. She gripped the straps of her backpack warily and kept close to Georgina. There were no sounds but the sounds of their footsteps against the grass. Then, suddenly, a distant humming grew louder and louder until it became a roar. Lucy furrowed her brow and grew nervous, but a big grin spread across Georgina’s mouth. She dropped her backpack and dashed into the middle of the road, waving her arms.

  “Georgina! What are you doing?”


  The more reserved of the two young women began shaking her head in despair. What was Georgina planning to get them into now? Lucy imagined a gang of burly, hairy men clad in leather and she shuddered. Yet, when the bright headlights of the bikes appeared around the bend, Lucy found that Georgina was right - it was impossible to tell what any of them looked like. Spotting the girl waving at them in the middle of the road, the bikers came to a stop and Lucy held her breath nervously as Georgina boldly strolled up to the biker at the head of the pack. Lucy looked around at them as Georgina spoke to him. All of the bikers were dressed in black leather and sleek black helmets with tinted visors. Their faces were invisible, but as they waited for Georgina to finish her conversation, some of the riders began to rev their engines in impatience. The deep, guttural sound resonated in Lucy and she shuddered a different kind of shudder. It was the feeling of a thrill about to happen. Suddenly Georgina turned back over her shoulder to Lucy with a big grin.

  “They’re giving us a ride, Lucy! Get on!”

  Georgina didn’t hesitate. She swung her long leg over the back of the bike of the lead rider, leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. Lucy knew there was not much more she could do now than do the same. After all, if Georgina took off then she’d be out in the middle of nowhere, out of water and alone. She swallowed nervously and looked at the bikers with uncertainty. Five faceless men were looking her way and Lucy didn’t know which bike to get on.

  Suddenly, the biker nearest to her stood up from his bike and gestured for her to take a seat. The biker was slim, but that was all that Lucy could tell through his leathers. Young, old, white, black, great teeth, no teeth - who could tell? With a few doubts still at the back of her mind, Lucy decided to embrace that pulsing sense of danger and swung her leg over the bike to take a seat. The feel of the leather seat was soft against her bare inner thigh and the feeling of the whole machine vibrating beneath her sent that shiver racing through her body again, which intensified when the rider took his place.

  She was facing his back now and could tell that his shoulders were broad and strong. His waist was slim. He kicked down and the machine roared louder. That sound. Oh God, it was delicious. Lucy’s breaths caught in her throat from adrenaline, but a backwards glance from Georgina, who was still grinning widely, caused Lucy to lean forward and wrap her arms around her rider.

  He was strong. Firm. Solid. Lucy thread her arms under his shoulders and lay her palms flat against his chest. That chest was rock hard and the touch of leather under her fingertips was strangely erotic. She bit her lip. The lead biker revved his engine once more and took off up the highway. The others all followed and suddenly Lucy was being propelled forward and the speed made her lose her breath all over again. She had to lean forward closer to the biker to keep her grip on him and now her chest was pressed against him.

  Lucy had been worried about so many things; about taking off with strangers, about riding a fast vehicle, about having no protective clothing. Anything could happen; a kidnap, a murder, an accident...but, as the wind snatched the band from her hair and sent it flying out backwards behind her in a wild brunette wave and the bike beneath her sent regular shudders shooting through her body and she held onto the strong, rigid form of the man in front of her, none of those worries mattered. She’d never felt so free, she’d never felt so excited and she’d never felt so sexy.

  Yes, Lucy was discovering in that very moment that she had a kink for leather and loud engines. As they came into a town, Lucy felt again as she had that night dancing on that bar. The eyes of all the men in the town were on her. They were devouring her long shapely bare legs and a cleavage that was heaving in breathless excitement through her thin vest. Her hair, which had been flying behind her, settled in a disheveled mess over her shoulders and her cheeks were flushed from the battery of the wind. With her flushed skin and wild hair, she looked like she’d just come from the bedroom.

  The bikers parked up outside a bar they obviously frequented. It was not the sort of place that Lucy would usually choose to visit. It was dim and battered, more like an old Western saloon than a twenty-first century joint. Its green paint was peeling from its wooden walls and the light fixtures hanging from the ceiling of the rickety porch were shaking from the noise inside. Lucy’s biker stepped off the bike and offered a gloved hand to help her dismount. The feeling of his fingers curling around her own made Lucy intensely curious as to the man behind the helmet. No longer afraid, no longer unsure, Lucy felt something much closer to hunger. She looked over and saw Georgina with the leader of the pack. She didn’t know what had transpired between them on the ride, but he had his arm possessively around her waist and Georgina didn’t seem to mind at all. The five bikers and the two girls entered the bar.

  Inside, an old-fashioned juke box was playing country rock at full volume and everywhere that Lucy looked she could see men who were clearly bikers drinking beer and shots of whiskey. There were women in the bar too; some also in leather and some scantily clad, but most of them had tattoos and an expression on their face that said they’d never lived an ordinary day in their lives. It would have been easy to step into such a bar and look down on its squalor and people who were drinking too heavily, but Lucy loved the way it felt to step into a place where the normal rules didn’t apply. She turned to her biker just in time to see him remove his helmet and, as he did, Lucy felt new shudders.

  He was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. He was the definition of tall, dark and handsome. His hair was a ruffled, dark mess. His eyes were darker still, glinting with mischief and that sense of danger that Lucy felt around the pack. His features were chiseled and masculine and he had a fine layer of dark stubble on his chin and cheeks. He was older than Lucy, but certainly not too old. She’d have guessed he was maybe thirty or so and when he took off his jacket to reveal a tight white t-shirt underneath, Lucy saw that he was more than slim, but toned and muscled unlike any college boy she’d ever met. Everything about him seemed different than other men she’d met. He exuded an air of confidence and entitlement that Lucy found extremely alluring.

  “Enjoy the rid

  His voice was low, husky and slightly amused. He locked eyes with her and everything she’d learned from Georgina about how to be confident and sexy seemed to melt away and she felt like a little girl looking up at her big brother’s best friend with a childish crush. She cleared her throat, stood up straighter and met his eyes boldly. That need for a thrill was greater than her insecurities and so she pushed her insecurities aside to chase it.

  “I loved it.”

  “Do you ride?”

  “It was my first time.”

  “So I’m your first?”

  Lucy didn’t know how to react to the blatant sexual reference so she chuckled and bowed her head slightly as a blush rose up her cheeks. The sight of her flushing made the biker grin and he ordered them two shots.

  “Where you headed?”


  “Anywhere, huh? You don’t look like the type for an adventure.”


  “No. You look like the quiet, studious type. The girl next door.”

  Lucy could sense that he was teasing her; trying to push her buttons and he tried to push her even further by looking across at Georgina who was already straddling the leader of the pack in his chair at a table towards the back of the bar, throwing her had back with a womanly laugh and swinging her gorgeous hair over her shoulder.

  “She looks like the type for an adventure.”

  The young woman followed his gaze. She could have chosen to be jealous, but she wasn’t the jealous type. No, she admired the way that Georgina could command a room with her body and a sexy laugh.

  “She is.”

  “So, how’d a nice girl like you end up with a wild girl like her?”

  “Who says I can’t be wild?”

  “That sounds like a challenge.”

  “Maybe it is.”

  The biker was staring at her with laughing eyes, but there was also a hunger there. He seemed to be amused by what he saw as a girl trying to play at being a woman, but Lucy would show him. This was her vacation and she was determined to enjoy it. Nobody back home was here to see her or judge her, so why shouldn’t she go after a thrill? The need was building. Lucy was craving a fix of something dangerous and taboo. She took a step closer to him. He was sitting on a high bar stool and was level with her as he sat and she stood. She brought her face close to his.


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