Sara's Choice

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Sara's Choice Page 19

by Patty Schramm

  “Maybe a copy of her complaint? I should probably tell the police.”

  “I’ll have it to you before lunch. Thank you, Sara.”

  “Thanks, Greg.”

  Sara barely made it to her desk when the phone rang. She sank into her chair and glanced at the caller ID. It was Liv’s office number. “Morning, Livvy.”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  “What makes you think something happened?”

  “You do realize I know everyone in this city, right?”

  “I thought that was my line.”

  Liv sighed loudly and dramatically. “Let me try this again. Charley Townsend is a police sergeant. You know that, right?”

  “I do. Handsome butch—”

  “Who was at your house last night taking a report about Angel harassing you.”

  “She shouldn’t have told you that.”

  “Not the point. Sara, why didn’t you call me? I’d have come over there right away. Well, maybe not right away. I might have stopped and beat the shit out of Angel first. Still might.”

  “No. You are expressly forbidden from speaking to her. Period.”

  “What happened?”

  “She pushed the situation too far,” Sara said. “Terry was there, and for once we were talking through things. Angel literally stormed into the house. If Terry hadn’t been there…” Sara let the line drop. She tried not to think of what Angel was capable of doing. It hadn’t happened and it was over. “Terry called the police, and I told them everything. About the night she hit me, threatening my job, getting in my face at my own house. And this morning, I found out from Greg she filed a complaint against me saying I sexually harassed her in my office.”

  Liv kept quiet for a moment, and that worried Sara. “What’d Greg say?” Liv asked.

  “He’s going to drop it and took the copy of the police report Charley faxed me this morning. Now, how the hell did you find out so fast?”

  More silence and Sara had the impression she wasn’t going to like Liv’s answer. “I asked Charley to watch out for you. She didn’t call last night because it was so late when she left your house, so she waited until this morning.”

  “You had the cops watching me?” Sara loved Liv’s protective streak, but sometimes she felt it went too far.

  “I did and I’m not going to apologize. Besides, it wasn’t like I asked the whole entire Whitehorse division of the RCMP to watch out for you. Just Charley. She lives two streets over from your house, so it’s not a big deal for her to drive past now and again.”

  “I should be pissed at you,” Sara said. “If I didn’t love you so much, I’d kick your ass right now.”

  Liv huffed and promptly changed the subject. “How’d it go with Terry? Aside from the fact she tossed Angel out on her ass.”

  “It went well. I’m going to her house on Sunday to meet her mom and Felicia.”


  “Stop right there. We’re trying to be friends, and if I’m going to be her friend, I should at least meet her family. She’s got a long way to go to fix the trust issues.”


  “But I really want this, Liv. I want her in my life, and I’ll take whatever I can get.” As soon as she said the words, Sara was struck with a very sad thought. “Which reminds me I need to phone Bren. We’re supposed to go out Friday night.”

  “You’re going to cancel?”

  “No. I want to firm up the time she’s coming to get me.”

  “So you’re still going out with Bren?”

  “No. We’re friend dating, remember? Besides, I told her we had to stop any kind of dating.”


  Sara sighed. “Couple of days ago. Bren said she’s in love with me.”


  “You have such a way with words.”

  “Sorry,” Liv said. “How’d she take it?”

  “Like the dear, sweet woman she is. With a smile. We’re still friends, and that’s why we’re going dancing on Friday. I think we both need each other. She’s been good for me, Livvy. I feel like such an asshole.”

  “Don’t you call my best friend an asshole. I’ll have to beat you up.”

  “It’s true. You didn’t see the look on her face.”

  “I know it sounds trite, but she’s young. She’ll be fine. You don’t know she won’t fall in love with someone else next week.”

  “Actually, I do. She’s not like that. Bren’s very serious about her feelings.”

  Liv was quiet for a lot longer than Sara thought possible. “You’re a good woman, Sara Hyatt. You will find someone that’s perfect for you. I know it.”

  “That’s just it. I already did. I love Terry, and I want nothing more than to be with her again, but I don’t see how. And I’m not even sure she wants to get back together. I mean, there’s still this whole thing with her father-in-law. I think the choice is hers.”

  “No. It’s your choice. It’s always your choice.”

  “There’s no choice for me. I love her. I want a life with her.”

  “Then go for it, my friend.” Liv spoke to someone in her office. “Look, I’ve got a very important geologist in my office, and she needs my undivided attention.”

  “Tell Terry I said hello.”

  “Will do. We’ll talk more later.”



  The day couldn’t end fast enough for Terry. She had a ton of things to do before flying to Yellowknife on Monday. Not that she didn’t think her mother could handle things at home for a few days, but Terry felt uneasy leaving her and Felicia alone. Most of all, she worried about how Felicia would react to her absence. At least she had the weekend to figure it all out.

  Then her mind shifted to thoughts of Sara and how the timing for this trip sucked. They were talking again, and there was definitely a chance they’d mend their relationship. All she wanted was to spend every minute with Sara. She had a feeling Sara would like that, too. She looked forward to having her over on Sunday.

  And that made her smile as she locked the door to her office. The smile, however, was wiped off her face by the fist that slammed into her cheek. She stumbled a few steps backward, stopped by the solid frame of the door at her back. The hit stunned her, and she didn’t see the second one coming. Her head bounced off the door frame.

  Someone spoke, but it took a few seconds for Terry’s scrambled brain to understand what the hell was going on. She squinted through blurry vision. A woman stood in front of her, gesturing with her arms as she spoke. The woman was a bit taller than Terry, with long, golden-brown hair pulled into a thick braid. She ought to know her but couldn’t bring any names to the surface.

  Terry’s briefcase became too heavy, so she let it drop to the ground. She managed to stand straighter and slid a few steps away from the woman. “What—”

  “You fucking bitch!” She shoved Terry against the wall. “I told you I’d come after you for what you did.”

  With the next punch, Terry doubled over and grabbed her stomach. The air left her lungs, and she stumbled to her knees. She struggled to breathe while the woman continued her tirade.

  She pulled Terry to her feet, and Terry saw her arm cock to deliver another strike. Terry’d never hit a person in her life, but a rush of adrenaline ran through her. She brought her right fist up and jabbed the woman in the face. Blood spurted from her nose.

  The woman screamed and grabbed her face .

  “I’m calling 9-1-1!” a new voice yelled.

  Terry recognized Mark, the manager of the electronics store next door.

  Blood soaked the front of her white blouse, and for a moment, Terry thought the woman would come at her again. But her attacker glared at the store manager, who spoke into his cell phone, then she spun around, and left.

  The adrenaline rush faded as fast as it came on, and Terry leaned against a parked car, unable to hold herself up any longer. Ge
ntle hands helped lower her to the ground, and she gazed up into Mark’s concerned face.

  “You okay?”

  “My head hurts. Who the hell was that? Did you see her?”

  “No. I heard someone screaming and ran out here. I called for help.”

  “Thanks.” Terry patted the hand that rested on her shoulder.

  It felt like forever before an RCMP car pulled up. Terry watched as a tall, well-built, female officer climbed out of the vehicle. She put a hat over her short, midnight-black hair and strode quickly to Terry’s side. Her dark eyes assessed Terry instantly.

  Terry gave her a weak smile when she realized it was Charley Townsend kneeling next to her. “Didn’t I just see you last night? Don’t you have an angel you can send to do all the dirty work?” Terry tried to joke.

  Charley smiled. “I wish. I happened to be in the area. Got another car on the way. You okay?”

  “I don’t know. I feel like I got hit by a truck. My face is throbbing, and my hand hurts like hell.” She tried to flex her swollen right hand.

  “Did you get a good look at the assailant?” Charley asked.

  “Not really. She blindsided me. After she hit me, my vision sort of blurred and I couldn’t make out much about her. I think I know her. She seemed familiar. She’s taller than me by a few inches and had long hair in a tight braid. Kind of blonde. I got in at least one good punch. Think I broke her nose.” She looked at her shirt. “The blood’s hers.”

  “You might have a concussion,” Charley said. “I’m going to have the paramedics come and check you over. Which way did she go? Did you see a vehicle? Was she alone?”

  “She went south, toward the park,” Mark said.

  Charley spoke into her radio, and her authoritative voice had a calming effect on Terry. She glanced at Mark. “Do you know who she was? Did you get a good look at her?”

  Mark shook his head. “I heard shouting and saw her beating up on Terry. I called 9-1-1 and stepped outside, but by then she had a hand over her face. I’ll get you the CCTV security camera footage.”

  “Thanks.” Charley placed something cold against Terry’s cheek. “Keep this on there. It’ll help with the swelling. Paramedics will be here in a few minutes. Is there anyone I can call for you?”

  “Not yet. I don’t want to scare my mom.”


  “Do you think you can find her? The woman who attacked me?”

  “We’re going to try,” Charley said.

  Mark came up to them, though Terry didn’t remember him leaving. He handed a USB drive to Charley. “That’s the footage you need. Doesn’t give a great view of her or her face, but maybe it’ll help.” Mark turned to Terry. “I’m sorry I didn’t get out here sooner.”

  “No worries. It’s not your fault.”

  “Want me to lock the office for you?

  “I think I did already, but I’m not sure.” Terry patted the pocket of her coat. “I don’t know where my keys are.”

  “You probably dropped them. I’ll go have a look,” Mark said and walked away.

  “I think I know her, Charley,” Terry said quietly. “I kind of recognized her voice, but I can’t be sure. She was making threats like I’d done something to piss her off.”

  “Hmm.” Charley appeared pensive for a moment before carefully saying, “Tall and light brown, almost blonde hair, right?”


  “And she was pissed off at you specifically? She didn’t try to take your wallet or get into your office?”


  “I can make an educated guess.” Charley hesitated as the ambulance arrived. “Angel Harrison. Description fits, though it also fits a few thousand other people. But we know she’s angry with you and was incredibly pissed off when officers showed up at her house this morning.”

  “I need to call Sara.” Terry reached for her phone.

  “Let me.” Charley took the phone from her. “You let the medics take a look at you. I’ll have Sara meet you at the hospital. Deal?”

  “Deal. Just don’t scare her to death, okay?”


  Sara ran into the emergency room, heart hammering in her chest. Even though Charley said Terry wasn’t badly injured, the idea she was in the hospital at all shook Sara. She started for the information desk when Charley intercepted her.

  “Hey, I told you she’s okay.”

  “I know, I know.” She gripped Charley’s arm. “Was it Angel?”

  Charley’s dark eyes narrowed, but her expression gave nothing away. “I’ll take you to see Terry.” Charley gently disengaged Sara’s grip and led her through the doors to the emergency room.

  Sara kept her eyes on Charley instead of the rooms and beds filled with sick and injured people. She’d only been in the emergency room once, when she was a little kid. She had to get stitches in her foot when she stepped on broken glass. The place gave her the creeps then, and it still did now.

  They stopped at a wooden door that stood out in contrast to the white walls. There was an elongated window panel above the handle, but Sara couldn’t see over Charley’s shoulder. The Mountie was a good ten inches taller than her. Charley peeked in and said, “She’s going to look worse than she is. But I promise she’s okay.”

  Charley watched Sara for a moment as if she were picking up on Sara’s fears. Sara nodded. Charley opened the door for her and followed her inside.

  Terry sat on the bed and held something against the side of her face. Her right hand was wrapped in a tan bandage. A huge red mark stained her shirt, like someone tossed paint at her chest, the spatters going to her left shoulder. Their eyes met, and Sara calmed down.

  “Hey, thanks for coming,” Terry said.

  “Of course I came.” Sara went to her side and rested her hand on Terry’s thigh. “I had to repay the favor. How are you feeling?”

  “Like I got hit by a bus.” Terry removed the cold pack and set it on a table beside the bed.

  Sara’s trembling hand reached up to almost touch the reddish patch on the side of Terry’s face. The skin wasn’t cut, but it was already purple and swelling around her eye. Sara dropped her hand. “What happened? It was Angel, wasn’t it?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think so. If you see her with a broken nose, you’ll know for sure.” Terry held up her bandaged hand. “I got at least one good hit in before she took off. She came at me as I was leaving the office and just started hitting me. I didn’t have a chance to do much—not even call the police. I’m lucky Mark was still at work. He heard her screaming at me and called 9-1-1.”

  “Oh, Terry, I’m so sorry.” Sara covered her mouth to stifle a sob. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let you confront her—I should never have gone out with her in the first place. I didn’t know how unstable she was.”

  “We don’t know it’s her for sure, Sara. That’s Charley’s job to figure out.” Terry gently took Sara’s hand. “The doctor says I have a mild concussion, but I’m going to get a CAT scan anyway to make sure there’s nothing else wrong. My head hurts, and I think my eye’s trying to swell shut, but otherwise I’m good. I promise. The worst is that I can’t see well because they had to take my contacts out.”

  “How can you be so damn calm about this?” Sara brought Terry’s hand to her lips to kiss her fingers. She held the hand in both of hers and rubbed circles on Terry’s palm with her thumb. “I’m freaking out.”

  “I don’t know. I just am. I’ve never been attacked before, and I’ve never hit anyone in my life.” She looked down at her injured hand. “I guess the fight or flight thing kicked in, and I chose fight. Besides, she had me up against the wall—literally. I couldn’t run. I don’t think she was trying to kill me, just send a message.”

  “And that was…”

  “That I messed with the wrong woman, I guess. She kept calling me bitch and saying I fucked up her life or something like that. I don’t remember all of it.”
/>   “Miss Alexander?” A young woman wearing dark slacks and a maroon golf shirt came in. “I’m here to take you to radiology.”

  “Okay.” Terry smiled at Sara and pulled her hand away. “Can you wait for me? I didn’t want to tell Mom everything about what happened. She’s got Felicia, and I don’t want to scare them. I told her I fell. I hope you don’t mind sticking around.”

  “Terry, we’re friends.” Sara kissed her lightly on the cheek, mindful of the bruising. “I’ll be right here when you get back. Promise.”

  “Thanks.” Terry gave her a little wave as she was wheeled out of the room.

  Sara sank into a chair and released a deep breath. Terry might be calm on the outside, but she had a feeling she wasn’t so calm on the inside. How could she be? Someone just attacked her. No, not someone. Angel. Sara was sure of it. She took her phone out of her purse and stared at it for a moment. She could call Angel and talk to her. Though she had no idea what she’d say when she did. Hello, did you just beat up my ex? Is your nose broken?

  “Do you need anything?” Charley squatted next to Sara’s chair, and they were nearly eye-to-eye. “You want me to call anyone?”

  “I was thinking of calling Angel.”

  Charley’s face revealed her compassion. “Don’t. If it was her, it’ll only stir up more trouble. Let us handle it, okay?”

  “I guess.” Sara put her phone away. “Has anyone gone to her house yet? Talked to her?”

  “No. I’m going to do that once I know Terry’s status and if she intends to file charges. I have to get a report written up, but I promise we’ll speak to Angel.”

  Sara accepted that. At least something would finally be done about her. “How did you end up here? I mean, handling all this. Are you our personal police officer?”

  Charley grinned and Sara found it absolutely charming. “Maybe. Just in the right place when the call came in.” She stood up. “I’m going to get some coffee. These scans can take a while. Want to come with me?”


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