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The Other Half of Me: (Dragon Skulls MC)

Page 13

by Rose Briner

  The entire bed moves against the wall as I violently push into her. She moans long and hard, letting me know that this is okay with her, and I don’t stop fucking her until my balls empty inside of her ass.

  I quickly pull out and force her to stand from the bed so I can turn her around to face me. There’s this darkness in her eyes as she stares back up at me and licks her lips. This little minx wants to cum; I can smell her from here. She reaches between us to check my dick, and she hums when she finds me still hard.

  She knows this night is far from over. I pick her up off the floor, and she wraps her legs around me as my length hits home, and she rides my dick hard and fast with me helping her speed up her pace as I fuck her as hard as I can. Within seconds I’m ready to explode again, and she bites my neck as I hear my name escape her lips around her bite. She bites me so hard that I cum again inside of her and barely make it to the bed before I collapse beside her.

  I don’t move for several minutes as I lie there face down trying to catch my breath. I don’t even move when she gets up and runs off to the bathroom to clean herself up. I even hear the shower running in the background and still don’t move.

  I think this girl might end up being the death of me, I have finally met my match.

  I didn’t expect to find someone so soon who could handle me, accept me for the way I am. If I’m real honest with myself, I never thought I would.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Great, I think I killed him.

  When I come out from the bathroom, he’s still lying there face down on the bed. At least he’s still breathing; that means he’s not dead, right? Guess that counts.

  I think I might even hear snoring coming from under there. I gently turn him to his side so he can breathe, and put on some clothing so I can go and get something to drink. I laugh to myself when I open the door to his room and walk out of the room barefoot. Twelve hours ago, if you had asked me to do this, I would’ve refused without hesitation. I think this is the cleanest this place has ever been.

  I gently shut the door behind me, so the other guys don’t laugh at his ass being up in the air, before smiling and turning to go down to the kitchen. I’m just finishing up my juice and washing my cup when I hear shouting coming from down the hall. I quickly take off running in that direction and find Parker’s door wide open and several voices shouting inside.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here, you stupid fucking whore?” that’s Parker’s voice.

  I hear a growl coming from inside the room, followed by Fig’s voice, “How the fuck did you even get in here? There are no women allowed here for the next twenty-four hours, President’s orders.”

  I move into the doorway when I hear a small female voice, “I just wanted to come visit my boo,” she says as I see her moving to try and grab Parker.

  He’s now got on a pair of shorts and looks like he’s ready to jump off the bed and attack her.

  “I told you last night, I’m seeing someone,” he announces as he pushes her hand out of the way and stands from the bed.

  “I don’t see any woman. What, did you make it up to get rid of me, Thunder? Come on baby, don’t fight me, we’ve had so many good times together,” she pleads. She’s got on a sparkling red bra on with tassels hanging down from the middle of them and matching booty shorts on. She looks ridiculous trying to chase a man twice her size. She looks like a tiny man-child with huge tits who is chasing her father. Even her blonde pixie cut looks terrible on her.

  I can’t help but snort as I continue to stand there and watch her chase my man around the room.

  “There you are baby,” Parker smiles over at me lovingly as he reaches for me.

  I go to him, allowing him to wrap his arms around me and hug me into his side.

  “You were looking for evidence of another woman, well here she is,” he says proudly as he squeezes me and kisses the top of my head.

  “I don’t see a property patch on her, she won’t last another week here with you; I’ll be back. Watch yourself, whore; this one likes to dump women on the fly; he’ll come back to me, he always does,” she says as she blows Parker a kiss and saunters out of the room.

  “Sorry, brother, I don’t know how she got on the property, I’ll go talk to Jack, he’s manning the gate tonight,” Fig says as he shuts the door behind him.

  I step away from him and lock the door.

  “Listen, Nat, I’m sorry about that, I don’t know what happened I was asleep and then she suddenly was on top of me trying to fuck me,” he says as he reaches for me and pulls back over to him.

  “I know that Park,” I tell him as I kiss his cheek. “I was only gone five minutes; I went to get some juice, and then I heard shouting. Guess I should’ve put the patch Drag gave me on so she would think you gave it to me,” I say as I tuck some of my loose hair behind my ears.

  I’m starting to get tired of everyone pointing out that I don’t have a property patch. I’ve only been here a few days; I don’t even know if Parker is going to want me here with him in a week.

  “You’re not mad at me?” he asks softly, as he continues to look at the floor.

  I move to the chair in the corner while he’s not looking and put his cut on and come to stand before him.

  “Do I look mad, baby?” I ask him as I force his chin up. His eyes travel my body and lands on his cut draped around my shoulders.

  I don’t give him time to grab me as I push him down the bed and remove my pants, so I’m naked from the waist down. He sits up on his elbows so he can watch me as I turn around and lift my hair so he can see how his cut looks on my body. His groan tells me he’s enjoying the show as I turn back around and pull his shorts off his body, so he’s naked once more. His cock springs free, and I give it a quick kiss before I pull him to sit up and turn by body around as he impales me from behind.

  I lean my head back and moan as he grabs my hips and forces me up and down his length.

  “Harder, Park, please fuck me harder,” I beg him as I lean my body forward and help him fuck me.

  “God Natalie, that feels so good,” he moans as he pushes me up and he stands behind me, so my hands hit the floor. He takes over completely and hits the spot deep within me that sends me flying off the edge and into the abyss of ultimate pleasure. He’s right behind me as he whispers my name and stills behind me.

  I allow him to pick me up and set me down on the bed. I take his cut off and hand it to him and watch as he sets it gingerly on the same chair it was on. I wait for him to follow, but he kisses me on the forehead and heads off to the bathroom to wash himself off. I turn to face the wall and hold my knees to my chest as realization hits me full force that I want him to hold me right now. I need him, and I don’t know what this means this soon. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow or next week, but I know that I’m falling in love with him, and that’s dangerous as Daisy’s words haunt the back of my mind.

  He’ll come back to me, he always does.

  Shit, what if he does? I wipe a stray tear away as I realize that might just happen someday very soon.

  Chapter Twenty


  I had to step away from her; I couldn’t stay in the room any longer. The emotion that hit me when I saw her wearing my cut while I picked her up and held her in my arms was too much. The second she took it off and handed it to me, I didn’t want to take it back from her. The club colors belong on that girl; I need to patch her, and I’m terrified what this means. Basically, that means I’ve decided she’s it for me, that’s equal to my saying we’re together to everyone in the club and is to be respected the way they respect me. That scares the living shit out of me.

  I should tell her the truth about me; I need to tell her, and yet I can’t bring myself to say the words. I accepted her for her past, but my past is a hundred times worse than hers. She didn’t do what I did; her past is nowhere near as dark as mine. Tears fill my eyes as I touch the scar on my left peck that’s c
overed by my tattoo. That’s why I got a tattoo there; it was to hide what happened to me, to cover the fact that I almost died that day. I lost everything I loved that day, and I’ve been fighting every moment since to get back what was stolen from me that day. Time and money can’t change what happened, all I can do is try and find a way to continue living.

  I was lucky that Drag and Dorothy saved me from myself after that. I wanted to kill myself so many times since that fateful day, and now that I have Natalie, I selfishly don’t want to let her go. She handled my sexual needs like a pro, proving without my having to say it, what I need from a woman, but telling her the rest is an entirely different ballpark.

  I need to get out of here.

  I need time to think, I need time to myself, and in a few short hours, I have an appointment with my lawyer. That’s going to be my excuse to get out of this place. When I get back, I plan to present her with what is rightfully hers.

  I love her; there’s no other way to put it. I’ve loved her since the first time I laid eyes on her two years ago, I just didn’t know it then, and in the back of my mind, I don’t think I ever forgot about her after that. That’s why I was so drawn to her that day in Port Angeles; my soul knew that it found its counterpart when I saw her for the first time in so long.

  “I’m so screwed,” I say as I allow the water to swallow up my tears, pain, and words all at once.

  She’s sleeping when I come back out, so I pull on my riding gear, my cut, and leather jacket with the club logo sewn on the back and shut the door behind me, turning the lock in place. I’m afraid to kiss her goodbye and wake her; I don’t want her to know that the coward in me is running away from her. I stop briefly to grab my bag from the hall closet.

  I walk down the hall and over to Drag’s room, where I knock twice and wait.

  “Yeah?” he grunts from inside.

  “Can we talk?” I ask.

  I hear Dorothy in the background and realize I just probably caught them in the middle of a sex session. Those two are always going at it.

  I hear the lock turn, so I push the door open and shut it behind me.

  “What is it, son?” Drag asks in annoyance. He’s naked under that blanket I’d bet, and I need to get out of here as soon as possible before his wife comes back out and gives me a show I don’t want.

  “Prepare the patch,” I tell him as I turn back around and face the door to leave.

  “Did you tell her?” he asks me. I know exactly what he means.

  “No,” I admit quietly. “Tell her I needed to go to Seattle for a few days, my lawyer wants to meet with me,” I tell him as I open the door and close it behind me.

  I hear the lock click and Dorothy’s giggle as I walk away. I laugh to myself; those two have been together for a long time; I don’t know how they managed to last that long together. They still chase one another like lovesick teenagers. If I didn’t love the two of them so much, I’d gag.


  “What do you mean? This has to be a mistake,” I tell my lawyer as he sets down the pile of papers he’s holding on the table.

  “You don’t believe me, Parker, you can read them yourself, I have nothing to gain by lying to you son,” he says as he hands me the stack of papers.

  Mark has been the club’s lawyer for a long time, and we pay good money to have him represent us. He helped me get a reduced sentence when I went to prison.

  I take the stack from him and look them over. He’s not lying to me; that fucking bitch lied to me. Brandon is not my son. I don’t care about all the money I gave her; this isn’t about that. This is about my getting attached to that kid and then finding out he’s not mine.

  My heart aches and I find myself rubbing my chest involuntarily.

  “What happens now?” I ask as I hand him back the stack. This is just something else I’ve lost now. I can’t believe she kept this from me for six years. She took advantage of my kind nature and used it against me to cheat me out of thousands of dollars. I’m only kind to a handful of people, and once you screw me, you are dead to me.

  “You are going to need to stay here for a few days; we need to do all the paperwork before you head back down to Maple Valley. She’s here in the city; we have a court appointment in an hour to stop the order for child support, and you get to face her,” he tells me, I can tell he’s secretly enjoying this. Not because I lost my kid, but because he gets to stick it to Allison. He never did like her.

  “Brandon isn’t here with her, is he?” I ask cautiously. The last thing I need is for him to witness me sticking it to his mother.

  “He’s not, we need to get going if we have any hope of making it on time,” he announces as he pulls on his suit jacket. I follow behind him and pull on my suit jacket as well. This is the only time you’ll ever hear of me wearing one too. Even at my wedding, I’m wearing my cut.

  The drive to the courthouse is long and quiet. The anticipation of coming face to face with Allison after months of battling with her over money is about to end.

  “Don’t say anything to her about the DNA test,” he warns when he spots Allison standing at the top of the steps.

  “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t, I’m going to wait until we are inside so I can see her reaction in front of the judge,” I promise him as I step out and adjust my jacket as I walk to the steps.

  Allison is all smiles when she spots me, her red hair glistening in the rare moment of sunshine we’ve seen here in Washington in months.

  “I’m so glad you were able to make it, I want to finish the paperwork so Brandon can go home with you today,” she gloats as she kisses me on the cheek. I almost laugh in her face, but I hold my expression straight.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, Allison, what are you going to do with all of your free time?”

  She stops walking and stares at me blankly when I turn to face her, “I need to go out of the country for work for a little while,” she states as if I’ve offended her.

  So, that’s her game, one of her bikers is taking her out of the country on a little vacation, and she doesn’t want the little one to tag along. How sweet. I wonder if that biker is the father of her kid.

  The world may never know.

  When we get inside, Allison’s lawyer is quick to start asking me if I had a chance to look over the paperwork.

  “Please address all questions through me and not my client,” Mark interjects as Allison’s lawyer tries to force a pen into my hand for me to sign the paperwork. I wonder if he’s aware that Brandon’s not my kid. You would think he does with the way he’s trying to force me to sign that paperwork.

  We all walk into the empty courtroom and sit quietly as we wait for the judge to come out.

  “Judge Bailey will be presiding over today’s custody hearing,” the bailiff announces just as Judge Bailey walks out of the chambers. I like Judge Bailey; he didn’t up my child support the last three times she requested I give her more money.

  “Good afternoon,” greets the judge as he takes his seat.

  “Good afternoon, Judge Bailey, we are here today to petition that Parker Martinez take full legal custody of Brandon Grace, Mister Martinez’s son,” Allison’s lawyer, Paul announces as he stands and adjusts his tie.

  I force myself to look away from them before I snort in their direction.

  “Mister Andrews, anything you would like to add before I have a look over the final documents before Mister Martinez signs?” he asks Mark as he looks over at us.

  “As a matter of fact, Your Honor, there is something I do need you to have a look at before my client signs,” he announces as he pulls out the envelope he just showed me and stands from his seat.

  “I object Your Honor, there is no evidence allowed at this hearing,” Paul insists.

  Judge Bailey holds a hand up in the air for him to quiet, “If it is relevant to this case, then he can present his paperwork.” He looks over in Mark’s direction, “Bring it here.”

  I watch as Mark walks over a
nd hands the envelope to the judge before coming back to seat himself next to me. I look over in Allison’s direction and can’t help the smirk that spreads across my face.

  I think she knows what is coming as her eyes move from me over to the judge.

  “Very well, here is your paperwork Mister Andrews,” the bailiff hands Mark back his envelope. He waits until Mark is seated again before proceeding. “I will now make a ruling on this case in light of the new information I have received from Mister Andrews. In the case of Mister Parker Martinez versus Miss Allison Grace in consideration of the custody of Brandon Grace, Miss Grace’s son, I rule that custody of the child will remain with Miss Grace indefinitely and I order all child support payments to desist immediately.”

  He bangs his gavel down, and her lawyer goes nuts, “Wait, your honor, what is the meaning of this?” he shouts as the judge prepares to leave the courtroom.

  “What is going on here, Mister Parody is that your client has lied about the paternity of her child in an attempt to bamboozle Mister Martinez out of money.”

  He doesn’t say anything else as he exits the courtroom and leaves the four of us alone. “You haven’t heard to last of me; Paul shouts in my face.

  “Oh, I believe I have Paul,” I tell him as I get up in his face, “that isn’t my kid, good luck finding his real father.”

  Allison tries to talk to me, but I quickly shut her down, “Stay the fuck away from me, or I will slap you with a restraining order,” I threaten as I take a menacing step in her direction. “I feel sorry for Brandon for having a piece of shit like you for a mother.”

  I quickly walk out of the courtroom with Mark right behind me.

  “Thank you, Mark, I’ll be in touch with payment soon, I appreciate it,” I tell him as I shake his hand.

  “No, thank you, Parker, you and the club are always welcome to contact me with anything you need, take care,” he says as he releases my hand.


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