Jordan's Misunderstanding

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Jordan's Misunderstanding Page 10

by Jana Leigh; Kerri Good

  “If they have not found anything in a week, I will need your help my friend. I will not allow Jo to be put in the position to vote for my death.” Oliver said.

  Braden had feigned shock and pleaded with Oliver to wait longer. Inside he was laughing. Oliver told him at the full moon he would take his own life rather than sit in the cell and wait. He deserved it. Braden agreed but did not say that. He told Oliver that he would do everything in his power to help.

  Now he sat in the room and picked up his phone. “Roarke, we have a change of plans. I need you to intercept a package.”

  “Why is this so important?” Roarke questioned.

  Braden growled and then said, “Did you just question me?”

  “No, Master, I was just wondering why it was so important. I mean, you have talked about Jordan for weeks, and now when she is in my grasp you are telling me to leave. I found out that tomorrow she would be coming to Colorado. I was going to take her at the airport.”

  Braden paused and then said, “We will have to wait on that. Besides, once she is here I will be able to get a better read on the situation.”

  “Master, she can identify you.” Roarke said.

  “I realize that. My plan is to stay away from her until the time is right. Trust me, all I have to do is stay in the compound, and she will never see me. She refuses to come here unless it is for meetings.” Braden said.

  “I will leave tonight then.” Roarke said quickly. He was worried that Braden was going to get even madder soon. The last time someone had screwed up, they had been beaten.

  Roarke was silent as he passed along the information he had already gathered. It was simple really. They never looked into where he was or who he had been with. He was the Beta of the Old Council, He was The Master. No one would know he was the one who was gathering information.

  It was stupid really, how he had forgotten about the records. Who did think of them, Braden wondered, and then went back to his computer. He had hacked the New Council"s computer downstairs when he first arrived. He wanted to see what they had been up to since he had last been here. Oh, so much.

  Chapter 17

  Jordan stood in the doorway of the bedroom of the penthouse and posed dramatically.

  Her mates had been shopping earlier. She was wearing a long lacy green gown that was see-through. They were right that it looked great with her hair. She had let it fall loose around her shoulders and smiled at the picture she saw in front of her.

  Larkin and Romy wore matching black silk pajama pants. They were lying on the bed with their arms behind their head, looking delicious. They were all hers.

  “Well, what do you think?” Jordan said and turned around with her arms in the air.

  “Perfection.” Romy said. “Now come here.”

  “But I don"t want my present to get ruined.” She pouted and walked slowly towards her mates.

  “That"s why we bought several of them. All in different colors and styles.” Larkin said and grabbed her. He pulled her into the middle of the bed and she giggled.

  “Why, don"t they have stores in Colorado?” Jordan said and smiled up at them.

  “No more talk. It"s our last night together before we will be in a hotel where everyone can hear us.” Romy growled and leaned down and kissed her.

  Jordan opened her mouth and savored the intrusion. She did not want to go tomorrow but Ryan and Ariel said the sooner they got out there, the sooner Jordan would be able to get on with her life. Ariel said it was like a Band-Aid. The anticipation of pulling it off was worse than the actual pain. She needed to face the New Council.

  Romy ran his hands down her body, as Larkin took her breasts in his hands. He licked them through the lace. The roughness of the lace over her nipple made her want more.

  It was not enough. She yanked at her gown and tried to get it up. But both of them had her pinned to the bed.

  “Now, who was going to ruin it?” Larkin smiled against her breast.

  “Please.” She cried.

  “Allow me.” Romy said and began kissing her again. She was lost in the sensation but sighed when she felt Larkin pull the gown over her legs. He kissed his way down her body, nudging her legs apart, as Romy took over teasing her nipples.

  Larkin lifted her legs over his shoulders and smiled against her naked mound. They had shaved her earlier, and refused to give her any panties, claiming that they would get ruined anyway. She had laughed. It felt a little naughty having them take care of her in that way.

  Larkin licked her folds and she almost came off the bed, she was so sensitive now. They were right when they said she would feel everything. She could feel his breath on her skin as he licked and teased her clit. He put a finger inside her and began pumping it in and out, as he flicked his tongue over her sensitive nub.

  Romy pulled the nightgown off, she heard it tear a little, and she smiled. At least they had bought backups. Jordan did not have very many clothes left. Ryan arranged for her apartment to be packed up and sent to Colorado. They did not want her to go back. It was too much of a security risk they said. That was why her men went shopping. She had given them her sizes.

  Romy latched on to one of her nipples and sucked it in his mouth hard. He rolled the nipple around and she could not decide what felt better. They had amazing mouths.

  Jordan reached between her and Romy and grasped his thick cock in her hand. She could not get her hands fully around it. She pumped him a little and smiled when she felt his body respond and he stopped what he was doing for a minute.

  “Oh baby!” He muttered against her breast as she moved her hand up and down.

  Larkin looked up, smiled, and then began sucking her clit at the same rhythm that she set. Holy shit, she thought and almost lost her grip. But she continued and then Romy came back to life, licking and sucking at her breast. They all worked in concert together, playing with each other.

  Larkin kissed her mound one more time and then kissed his way back up her body and captured her lips. She tasted herself in his mouth and moaned. It was exciting.

  Romy pulled back and then watched as Larkin settled on the bed and pulled her on his lap until she straddled him. He smiled and then moved around so he was behind them.

  Romy spanked Jordan lightly and then pulled and pushed her hips until he had her in the right place.

  He used his hands to guide her down on Larkin"s cock as he watched from behind her.

  Once she was fully seated, he smiled over her shoulder at Larkin. “Don"t let him fall out.” He said and grabbed the tube of lube and began to prepare her. She felt the sting of one finger, then two. All the while Larkin held her hips not allowing her to move at all. She was crying in frustration by the time Romy had prepared her and both of them laughed.

  Romy lined himself up and slowly slid in her. She was so full. Jordan threw her head back and rested it on Romy"s shoulder as they finally allowed her to move. She set the pace. First, she was slow, wanting to feel every inch of them as they moved in and out of her. Then she began to move faster. Larkin circled her clit with his finger and Romy plucked at her breasts while she rode both of them. It did not take long for her to scream her release, but they were not done yet.

  Larkin grabbed her hips and began pumping faster. Romy held her up as she tried to slump. Jordan felt the passion rise again and then they all cried out when they came together.

  Jordan sighed when they collapsed in a heap and she was snuggled between them. This was home. No matter where she was, as long as she had her men, she would be safe, she thought as she fell into a deep sleep.


  The next morning came too quick for Jordan. She moaned when she felt someone slap her ass to get her awake. She rolled away from the offending hand and buried herself in the pillow again.

  “Get up, sleepy head, or you are going to be embarrassed when Blaze comes to get us.

  We are leaving in one hour, whether you are dressed or not.” Romy said and then laughed when she threw the pillow at

  She crawled out of bed and then she walked into the bathroom. She quickly showered and then smiled when she saw that a pile of clothes had magically appeared on the counter. Her mates had done a little more shopping yesterday it seemed.

  She pulled on the tight jeans that hugged her body perfectly. They went to a lot of trouble to make sure she had everything she needed. A small duffel bag sat on the floor by the door. She quickly looked inside and saw that they had freshly washed her dirty clothes and packed them, as well as added a few of more outfits and personal belongings.

  She lifted the bag and went out to the living room where a flurry of activity was taking place. People were everywhere, some of them packing boxes and some of them directing the moving of furniture.

  She finally found her mates in the kitchen making breakfast and talking to Blaze. They smiled when she entered the room and both came, kissed her on the head, and guided her to the coffee and rolls they had set out.

  Blaze continued to talk. “Jordan"s apartment is already packed. We are having it shipped to a storage place in Colorado until your house is ready. Apparently, the builders have gotten to Colorado and found several pieces of land that would be acceptable. They sent pictures. You can pick when we get on the plane. Jordan, your adoptive brothers only gave them a hard time until Quin stepped in. They said they had already started your new home inside the compound.” Jordan frowned and then said, “Why would they do that?”

  “They told Quin it was a surprise.” Blaze said quietly.

  “Well one of them can have it. I don"t want it.” She said and then got her coffee ready and took a bite of her roll.

  Blaze nodded and continued to speak. “Ryan and Ariel will meet us at the plane. We have to be out the door in about thirty minutes.”

  Romy turned to Jordan, took her by the shoulders, and said, “You need to call your parents.”

  Jordan closed her eyes and then sighed and nodded. She took the phone that Larkin was holding out and walked into the atrium. Taking another deep breath, she dialed the familiar number and waited while it rang. Her father answered.

  “Jordan?” He said breathlessly like he had run for the phone.

  She closed her eyes when she felt the tears already gather. “Yes.” She whispered.

  Jordan heard another click and knew her mother had joined the conversation.

  “Darling, are you okay?” Her mother said softly into the phone.

  Jordan laughed nervously and said, “I wouldn"t say that, but I am with my mates and they are taking care of me. I"m fine.”

  Her father said, “Honey, can we come and see you?”

  “No, that"s why I"m calling. I wanted to let you know that I am going to Colorado with my mates. We have everything worked out with the Alpha.” Jordan said briskly, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

  “But, Sid, Devon, and Casey already left. I assumed you were staying here for a while.

  We really need to talk.” Her mother pleaded into the phone. Her voice was ripping her heart out.

  “Nothing has really changed. I can"t deal with all of this right now. I decided that I would go to Colorado and figure out what I am supposed to be doing. Our Prime and his mate are going with us.” She said softly.

  She heard her father growl and then he said, “Excuse me? Your Prime? Jordan Marie you are part of our Pack, not the Pride.”

  Jordan took a deep breath and said, “Technically I am a human. I was never officially part of your Pack. Just cause I lived with you and you raised me. I did some research about that a long time ago. Now that I have been claimed by Romy and Larkin, my life is tied to them. I will have their life span, and be a part of their Pride.” Her mother cried into the phone and she closed her eyes again. She hated hurting them, but they left her no choice when they hid the truth from her for so long. They could have found all of this out a long time ago, but they refused to share information with her.

  “Honey, we are so sorry. For everything. We love you and support you in anything that you do. I hope you realize that we are still and will always be your family.” Her father said softly. It was the first time she had heard something like that from him. Usually he was the gruff Alpha who hid his feelings. That was the straw that broke the camel"s back. Jordan began crying into the phone.

  “I know, I just can"t deal with all of this. I need time to sort it out in my head. Please just give me the time. I will call you when I get to Colorado.” Jordan said.

  “I love you.” Her father said gruffly.

  “I love you, darling.” Her mother said and Jordan closed her eyes.

  “Loving you is not the problem, trusting you is.” Jordan said and hung up the phone.

  What a way to start her day, she thought and looked through the glass at her mates who were watching her closely while they talked to Blaze. She had tears streaming down her face and they came out to her quickly, surrounding her with their love and acceptance.

  They stood there for quite a while; Jordan could not seem to stop crying once again.

  Blaze cleared his throat form the door and said, “We have to go.” Jordan smiled through the tears and nodded. She went to the bathroom quickly and threw water on her face. It did not help much. But at least all of her face was red now, not just her eyes.

  Jordan went out, smiled brightly to her mates, and said, “Ready.” They nodded and Blaze came to her and took her shoulders in his large hands and she looked up at the giant. “Jordan, I have programmed my personal number in your phone as well as the Prime and his mate"s information. You can call us anytime, day or night after we leave Colorado. You are part of our Pride, which makes you like the little sister I never had. I will guard you with my life as will all the Pride.”

  “Knock it off or we are gonna be late cause I"m gonna start crying again.” Jordan said and leaned in and hugged the man.

  He laughed and picked her up and hugged her. “Okay, mushy stuff over. I want to introduce you to the Warriors who will be guarding you from here on out. They will not leave your side, and you will not try to get away from them. Are we clear?” Jordan nodded and rolled her eyes. “It is for your protection. I will tell you all of the details when we are on the plane but that guy from the chat room is a real threat.” Her eyes widened and she looked behind him to her mates whose lips were pressed together in a straight line, and they looked angry. She tried to smile reassuringly.

  “Okay, bring on the men.”

  Blaze rolled his eyes and said, “Don"t get any ideas. Okay, this is how this will go, it is protocol, and you have to follow it. You are the Chosen, so you are technically ranked higher than everyone in the Pride, even the Alpha.” Blaze said and she looked up at him in surprise. Romy and Larkin came to her side and held her arm. “That goes for you guys too. Ryan looked it up last night. He was thrilled that you guys are the ones who mated with Jordan. So, when introduced you must stand still and allow the Pride to rub their cheeks against yours. It is a sign of respect. Like you did with Ryan and Ariel yesterday. Also, think before you speak, because what you say goes. The Warriors will come in and pledge their lives to you one at a time. They will bow before the three of you and each of you must touch their head and accept their pledge.” Jordan nodded in shock; her mates had the same look on their face. “The Pack doesn"t do stuff like this.” Jordan whispered.

  Blaze laughed and said, “Dogs are less formal than cats. We like all the formality.

  Ready? We have to move this along.”

  Jordan nodded and stood between her mates straight and held up her head.

  Blaze motioned at the door and a man walked in. He was young and handsome. Blaze nodded and the man paused and knelt before her. “This is Cade, Warrior Leader.”

  “I pledge my life and loyalty to you and your mates for as long as my life span lasts.” The man said and bowed his head. Jordan looked at him and smiled before laying her hand on his head. Romy and Larkin did the same and together they accepted his pledg

  One by one, Blaze led her new guards to them. Sam, Derk, Trever, Harmen, Rye, Mikeal, Aaron, Kris, Johna, Reno, and Marcus. They all pledged their loyalty and Jordan accepted. She smiled when she thought of all the eye candy she would be walking around with. They were all big, buff, and handsome.

  “Don"t get any ideas.” Romy whispered in her ear.

  Jordan laughed and looked at him up through her eyelashes and said, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “Baby girl, don"t be looking at them like they are a piece of meat and you"re starving for steak, or you won"t sit for a week.” Larkin whispered on the other side.

  “I only have eyes for you.” She said softly and then laughed when they frowned at her.

  Cade stepped forward and bowed his head slightly. “Just a few rules and we are leaving.

  Jordan, you will never walk into any room first. I will be in charge of your Warriors and so I am your personal guard. Of course, when you are in your own home it will be different, but since that won"t be for a week or so, you are going to have to get used to it.

  Romy and Larkin, I have assigned men to you also. While Blaze and Ryan are with us, Blaze is Ryan"s Second and his guard. Ariel has her own. Do not interfere with the guards. They have a job and will do it. Follow directions and we will keep you safe.” Jordan nodded at the serious man and smiled. “Since you are my personal guard we have to get one thing straight.” She said.

  Cade nodded and frowned. “Of course.”

  “Hostess Twinkies and Carmel Frappachino"s.” She said with a serious expression.

  Cade looked confused and then replied. “Uh, okay?”

  “I have to have this every day or I get cranky.” Jordan said and then laughed at Cade.

  “Seriously, your job is to find a place in Colorado to get these before we get there.” Cade smiled and bowed his head and turned. “We are ready.” Blaze nodded and Jordan bent over to pick up her bag. The Guard named Reno smiled and took it from her. “No carrying your own bags.” Jordan rolled her eyes and nodded. She was going to have to get used to this. Jordan was used to taking care of herself. She was going to try to keep her dominant nature in check.


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