A Place to Belong [Slick Rock 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Place to Belong [Slick Rock 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Becca Van

  “It’s going to be all right, Sallyanne. I promise.”

  She continued to stare into his eyes, wanting to shake her head in denial at what she saw in his gaze. There was so much in those hazel orbs, so much promise, but she was too scared to reach out. She didn’t want to be hurt by a man ever again.

  She shook her head and tugged her hand from his, the spell finally broken, and her racing heart began to slow once more. Turning her head to stare out the side window was for the best. Will and Frank got into the back of the truck and then Rick drove out of the parking lot.

  Sallyanne wondered if she’d just stepped from the fireplace and into the fire.

  Chapter Six

  Will opened the front door and ushered Sally inside. He was worried about her since she hadn’t spoken a word on the drive to their place. He and his brothers had bought a large six-bedroom house on a few acres not far from the Triple H Ranch and though he hoped she liked it—since he was hoping she would stay for the long haul and it would become her home, too—he was going to tell her later on that if she wanted to redecorate or make any changes, she could. However, he couldn’t tell her any of that right now.

  He moved in close to her side but made sure to keep enough distance between them so that she wouldn’t feel crowded and as he watched her gaze about, he looked around the house, trying to see it through her eyes. The furniture was large and comfortable and there was a big-screen TV on the wall above the entertainment unit that housed the latest in stereo and gaming equipment. It wasn’t very often that he and his brothers had time to sit and play, but when they did they always went for the action shoot-’em-up games. He hoped that they wouldn’t bother Sally if they found time for some R and R.

  The living room walls were painted in a neutral beige color and the hardwood floors were a mid-toned stain. The leather sectional sofa was huge, with enough room to sit at least ten people.

  Sally walked over to the photos on the wall and stared at each of them intently. There were more than a few shots of him and his brothers in various stages of their life. One showed them as young boys and the last one was taken just before they’d retired from the SEALs.

  There were a couple of their mom and dad, and although he loved looking at them, he still couldn’t look at his dad’s face without feeling the pang of grief even though it had been fifteen years since he’d passed on.

  “Are these your parents?” Sally asked.

  “Yeah.” Will moved to stand beside her.

  “They look so happy and in love.”

  “They were,” Frank said as he stood on Sally’s other side.

  “They’re … they died?” she asked in a whisper, as if afraid of causing them pain.

  “Our dad was killed in Afghanistan a long time ago.” Rick’s voice was a little louder than normal, since he was moving up behind Sally.

  Will was glad his brother was warning her that he was coming up behind her because none of them wanted a repeat of what had happened at the hotel.

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” Sally said in a voice full of emotion. “It’s really hard to lose the people you love.”

  “It is,” Will said, “but we’re lucky because our mom is still alive and she will be coming for a visit real soon.”

  “I would love to meet her, but I’m not sure I’ll still be here. She sort of reminds me of my mother. Always quick to laugh or dole out hugs and kisses. There was never a day that went by that she didn’t tell me that she loved me. Simon, too.”

  Will glanced over his shoulder when Rick shifted on his feet. He was frowning at Sally and when his brother opened his mouth, Will lifted his hand and gave him a hand signal from the SEALs to remain quiet. If they got too pushy and started giving Sally orders before she was comfortable with them, she might take off.

  “Come on into the kitchen, sweetheart.” Frank held his hand out for her and she clasped it before letting his brother lead her to the other room. “You need to know where everything is because we want you to make yourself at home.”

  “Oh wow.” Sally gasped and stopped as she stared at the granite countertops and gleaming stainless-steel appliances. “I’ve never seen such a big kitchen in a home before.” She released Frank’s hand and ran her fingers over the clean counter. “Do you all cook?”

  “Not as much as we should,” Rick replied as he entered the room on Will’s heels. “We’ve only lived here for around six months and we’ve been busy establishing ourselves with the security firm in town.”

  “You’re security guards?” Sally asked.

  “In a manner of speaking,” Frank answered.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “We do a lot of security work,” Will explained. “A lot of it is online looking for terrorists, but we also hire out as body and security guards, too.”

  “Is your work dangerous?”

  Will hated the frown that furrowed Sally’s brow and hoped she wasn’t scared for them. He and his brothers needed a woman who was strong enough to handle their jobs. He’d actually been thinking of becoming a deputy and joining the sheriff’s department because he liked being able to help people within the realm of the law. Not that the security job was outside the law, but he wanted to be able to make more of a difference by keeping the citizens of Slick Rock and the surrounding counties safe.

  “There is always an element of danger in any job, sweetheart,” Frank said. “But you don’t need to worry about us. We’re trained SEALs and know how to take care of ourselves.”

  “That’s good, I suppose.” Sally covered her mouth and yawned.

  Will could see how exhausted she was though she was trying to hide it. Her eyelids were only half open and every now and then she swayed a little on her feet.

  “You’re tired. I’ll show you to your room and you can get some rest.”

  “Oh, I forgot my bag.”

  “It’s already in your room, love,” Rick said.

  “Thank you.”

  Will led the way out of the kitchen around the edge of the living room and down the hallway to the door at the end. He nudged the door open further with his foot and stepped aside so that Sally could move past him.

  “Is this—”

  “This is the guest bedroom,” Will cut her off. “Your bags are on the top of the dresser. Everything you need should be in the bathroom but if there isn’t, let one of us know and we’ll get it for you.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be fine.” Sally yawned again. “Do you have Tyson’s phone number? I need to know when I’ll be starting work.”

  “Sally, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be working while you have some asshole looking for you.”

  “I would like Tyson’s phone number, please.” Sally pushed her chin up and stared at him determinedly.

  Will sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He was proud of her for standing up for what she wanted, but he hated the thought of her being out of his sight. Luckily he’d had the foresight to talk to Tyson about her employment before leaving for home.

  “Tyson said you can start a week from today.”

  “But he said he needed someone to take the last waitress’s place.”

  “He may well have, Sally, but we can all see how exhausted you are. You need a few days to sleep, eat, and relax.” From the fierce expression in her eyes Will knew she was angry and her tightly clenched jaw was a testament to that, too, but he was relieved when she nodded. “Get some sleep, baby. Everything will look better in the morning.”

  * * * *

  Sally sank down on the edge of the bed after Will closed the door behind him. She appreciated that Tyson, Will, Frank, and Rick were trying to take care of her, but she knew she would never sleep a whole night through. She always woke up covered in sweat and gasping or screaming as she relived that horrible night in her dreams.

  She didn’t want to wake all of them up by crying or yelling in her sleep. She looked at the pillows on the bed with longing but decided it would be best to
try to stay awake. Maybe a hot shower would help revive her so she could fight off the weariness invading her mind and body.

  After her shower, she pulled on some sweatpants under her sleep shirt and sat on the box seat under the large bay window. She’d bought a couple of used romance books in her travels and decided that keeping her mind occupied was a good way to while away the long, dark hours of the night. She adjusted the cushions on the seat, placing them between her and the window frame, and leaned back on them as she started to read. It didn’t take long before her heavy eyelids grew heavier and each time she blinked, it took longer and longer to open her eyes again. The words on the pages blurred together. She could feel herself being tugged down into sleep and she couldn’t fight it anymore.

  * * * *

  Angelo smirked at her the moment she entered the front door of the apartment she shared with Simon. Her brother was sprawled out on the sagging sofa snoring his head off, totally oblivious to her discomfort of having that slime ball in her home. She nodded at the man before closing and locking the door, and glanced about at the mess her brother and his friend had made of the living room. There were crumbs, wrappers, and dirty dishes strewn about everywhere and though she was loath to leave it, she wasn’t about to start picking up under the scrutinizing lecherous gaze of Angelo.

  “How was work, Sallyanne?” he asked.

  She stopped and stiffened. She’d been hoping to get to the safety of her bedroom and the lock on the door. She turned and looked at him over her shoulder. “Tiring.”

  “You work too hard, chica.”

  “Someone has to be able to pay for rent and food.”

  “I could give you whatever you needed, wanted, if you were mine.”

  A shiver of alarm raced up her spine and though she wanted to scream at him to leave her alone and get out, she kept her face blank and shrugged her shoulders with indifference. “No, thanks. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt.” Angelo shoved forward in his seat and she took another step toward her bedroom door. “You are a lot stronger than your brother. Si? An admirable trait in one so young.”

  Sally ignored his statement and hurried to her bedroom door, and as she was closing it she said, “Please make sure you lock the door when you leave.”

  The moment she closed and locked the door, she leaned against it and shuddered with revulsion. She wished Simon would wake up and kick the fucker out because she didn’t feel safe. He was creepy and set her skin to crawling. Sally felt a little safer now that she was ensconced in her room, but she didn’t think she’d be able to sleep while he was still in her house. She was so damn tired. Going to school and then working long hours after studying all day was taking its toll on her. She wished that her mom and stepdad were still alive because then maybe her stepbrother wouldn’t have fallen apart and gotten involved with that bastard.

  Sometimes she felt like booking herself into a hospital and closing the door. She wanted to get off the spinning world so she could relax, sleep, and not work so hard, but she knew that wasn’t an option. Life was so difficult and sometimes she wondered if the struggle was worth it. With a sigh she pushed those pessimistic thoughts aside. She tried to always look on the bright side of life, but it was becoming harder and harder to do so. Especially since she’d become the parent. She had only just turned eighteen years old and shouldn’t have to be dealing with this shit, but she had to suck it up and do what needed to be done to survive.

  Sally pushed the depressing thoughts from her mind and after pushing her ear to her bedroom door and not hearing anything, she decided it would be safe to change into her sleep shirt and crawl into bed. One of the girls at school had leant her a romance book she wanted to read and since she didn’t feel comfortable going to sleep until Angelo left, she decided that it was the prime opportunity to lose herself in a bit of fiction.

  Once she was in bed under the covers with the side lamp on, she lost herself in the fictional world of romance but before she knew it, the book was slipping from her hand as she drifted into sleep.

  An unfamiliar noise brought her to the surface and while she tried to make herself wake up, she was just too tired to win the struggle. Just as she was heading toward a deeper sleep again, she felt the mattress dip and when a large sweating hand clamped over her mouth, she began to struggle. Her eyes snapped open and she stared into the brown malicious eyes belonging to Angelo Perez. She screamed as loudly as she could.

  She jolted awake, shaking uncontrollably, covered in sweat and panting for breath. Sally felt as if she would never be free of the terror.

  Chapter Seven

  Rick sat up the moment he heard a muffled sob. He shoved the covers aside, picked up his discarded sweatpants, and removed his gun from his beside drawer. He had no idea where the sound had come from, but it was out of place and needed to be investigated. Especially now that they had Sallyanne staying with him and his brothers. He made sure to move quietly as he opened his bedroom door and searched the shadowy hallway before exiting.

  When he saw the light coming from under the doorway to Sallyanne’s room, he crept forward and placed his ear to the door. He could hear someone moving and was about to open her door wide enough so he could slip inside when he felt his brothers behind him and stopped. He glanced up to see Will and Frank similarly dressed to him and they were both holding guns.

  Will nodded at the door and just as Rick slowly turned the handle, a loud thud and piercing, terror-filled scream sounded from inside the bedroom. All stealth went out the window as fear permeated his heart and soul for Sallyanne. He shoved the door open, stepping to the side so his brothers could get a clear shot if necessary, and to also enter the room.

  When he saw Sallyanne curled up on the floor, crying deep, wracking sobs, his heart and soul ached. After making sure that there was no one inside and all the windows were intact, he hurried over to Sally, gently lifting her from the floor and up against his chest. She was so lost in her crying she didn’t even seem to notice that she was in his arms.

  Rick rose and sat on the side of the bed, lowering her ass to his thighs and wrapping his arms around her.

  “Shh, Sally, you’re safe. I’ve got you, love.”

  At first Rick thought that maybe she was still in the grip of her nightmare but he realized she was slowly coming around when the sobs stopped and she took a few shuddering breaths.

  Will and Frank sat on either side of him and Sally, stroking over her arm, shoulder and head offering her their comfort.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Will asked.

  Sally shook her head and buried her face in Rick’s chest as she sobbed again.

  “Did you have a nightmare, sweetheart?” Frank asked.

  She nodded.

  Rick rubbed his cheek over the top of her head and rocked her as he made soothing nonsensical noises. Her raspy heavy breathing began to slow and the tension in her body dissipated.

  “Do you want a drink, baby?” Will laced his fingers with hers and kissed the back of her hand.

  Rick looked down when she lifted her head from his chest. Tears burned his eyes when he saw the fear in her bloodshot gaze and he gently wiped the moisture from her face.

  “Yes, please,” she whispered, her voice husky from her crying.

  “I’ll get it.” Frank rose and hurried from the room.

  Rick looked up at Will when his brother turned sideways on the bed so that he was facing Sally, but when he saw the muscles in his brother’s jaw twitch with what looked like anger, he turned to see what had captured his attention. That was when he noticed that the bed they were sitting on was still made. Sallyanne hadn’t been in bed when she’d had her nightmare. He glanced about the room and saw a book lying open on the floor upside down near the window seat. It was in the early hours of the morning and she hadn’t been to bed.

  Was she too scared to sleep? That had to be the reason the bed hadn’t been slept in. Was she exhausted because she avoid
ed sleeping? The only way to get his answer was to ask.

  “Sally, why is the bed still made?” Rick asked softly, hoping his tone of voice would encourage her to answer.

  “I–I don’t w–want to s–sleep.”

  “How often do you have the nightmare?” Will asked.

  “Every night.”

  “Have you had any counseling?” Frank asked as he entered the room, telling Rick that he’d been close enough to hear their conversation.

  “No.” Sally wiped her eyes and face with her hands and then took the glass of water from Frank.


  “I can’t afford anything like that.” Sally took a sip of water, licked her lips, and then drained the glass. “All my time and energy has been spent working, running, and surviving.”

  Rick took the empty glass from her and handed it to Frank. His brother set it on the bedside table before he came back and knelt in front of Sally. He cupped her cheek and stared into her eyes, stroking his thumb over her soft skin.

  “You don’t need to worry about that anymore, sweetie. You have us to take care of you.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Bullshit,” Will snapped, causing Sally to whimper as she snatched her hands from Will and tried to bury herself into Rick’s body. She began trembling and panting and Rick knew that Will’s outburst had scared her.

  He hugged her a little tighter and began rocking again as he glared at Will.

  “Shit!” Will muttered under his breath but Rick still heard him. “Sally, look at me, baby.”

  She shook her head and hiccupped.

  Rick could see contriteness in his brother’s eyes but he knew if they were going to have a chance of having a relationship with Sallyanne, his brother was going to have to gain her trust.

  “Sally, I’m sorry I scared you, baby.” Will sat on the mattress again and caressed a hand up and down her arm. “I wasn’t mad at you, sugar. I—we just want to help you. I’m angry at the fucker who hurt you.”


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