A Place to Belong [Slick Rock 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Place to Belong [Slick Rock 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Becca Van

  “You okay, baby?” Will’s voice was a lot deeper than normal and when she met his gaze she saw the passion he was trying to hide in his glorious green eyes.

  Sally nodded and released the hold she had on his bulging biceps when he drew his arms from around her waist and stepped back.

  “Thank you, Sally. That was an amazing kiss.”

  Sally swallowed and nodded again, watching Will as he backed up. She looked to his side when she noticed Rick watching her with such an avid hunger in his gaze and she shuddered as a trail of heat raced up her spine.

  Rick took a step closer and then another until he was standing a few feet from her. The longing in his gaze as he stared at her mouth sent another shiver coursing through her body. When he lifted his head and his hazel eyes met hers, she felt the same connection with him that she had with Frank and Will.

  Rick took two more steps toward her and cupped her cheek in his hand. He smiled down at her softly. “Can I please have a kiss, too, love?”

  “Yes,” Sally whispered. “I want that.”

  “So do I, Sally. More than you could ever know.”

  Sally could see uncertainty in his gaze and when he cautiously lifted his hand, she didn’t hesitate to thread her fingers with his. His hand was so much bigger than hers. His fingers were long and thick and the back of his hand had garnered a dark tan. Her skin was so white compared to his darker coloring and she loved how their skin contrasted, but most of all she loved having it against hers. She could feel calluses on his palms and wondered what they would feel like on her body.

  Since Rick didn’t seem to want to make the first move, she decided that she would. She stepped into him, rose up on tiptoes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed along his jaw.

  Rick made a soft growly sound, which gave her the confidence to kiss him on the mouth. The wariness she’d seen in his eyes seemed to fly out the window the instant their lips touched. His tongue pressed in and rubbed along hers, flaming the embers that had been pooling in her belly after kissing first Frank and then Will, until it felt as if they were raging out of control.

  He explored every inch with a rapacious need that matched her own. She was so lost in the sensations, the taste of him, and his hands caressing her sides that she didn’t realize that she’d climbed up his body until she felt his large hands grip her ass.

  Rick broke the kiss and gasped in breath after breath as he rested his forehead against hers. She shifted in his hold and then moaned when she felt his jeans-covered hard cock press against her denim-covered crotch. He made a growly sound and then the grip he had on her ass tightened and he began to move her hips, rubbing her drenched, aching pussy over his erection.

  She whimpered as tension built low inside of her womb, sending sparks flying through her blood. A need, a hunger she’d never experienced before invaded her body, mind, and soul. Sally tightened her arms around his neck, bent toward his throat, and began to lick and nibble his skin. He tasted so good, salty and manly, and she couldn’t get enough. She nipped at his earlobe and then traced the outer edge of his ear with her tongue, and all the while he moved her cunt over the hard ridge of his cock.

  Her nipples throbbed and she groaned when they brushed against his chest. It felt so good she began to move her upper torso side to side, caressing her own breasts against his body.

  “Yes, love. Take what you need,” Rick growled against her ear, his warm, moist breath sending frissons of heat racing up and down her spine. Goose bumps formed over her flesh as the pleasure of having him rub her pussy through their clothes grew more intense.

  He sucked at a sensitive spot just below her ear before nipping her earlobe and then his tongue was delving into her. She cried out and shook as ecstasy washed over her, battering her this way and that in a powerful tumult of rapture. She heard him groan and then his body trembled and she hoped she wasn’t hurting him, but she was too caught up in her own bliss to worry overly much.

  Her cunt convulsed in parody of seismic proportions that had her whole body quivering and quaking as cream leaked onto her panties. As her first-ever orgasm began to wane, Sally hid her face against Rick’s neck and smiled. She’d known deep in her heart that she would be a fool not to trust Rick, Frank, and Will. They had and were taking such good care of her and she was well on the way to falling in love with them. She felt happy and content, which was something she hadn’t felt for such a long time, not since her mom and stepdad had been alive.

  She wanted to giggle, to laugh and spin in circles with the joy of actually being alive. That was so different from the pain and numbness she’d been living with, it almost scared her. But she was done with being afraid. She wanted to put the past behind her and look forward to a future she hadn’t dreamt about for over four years.

  However, in the back of her mind was the lingering shadow of Angelo Perez, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to fully relax until that fucker was behind bars.

  * * * *

  Rick wanted to shout to the ceiling with elation. Sally had instigated their shared kiss and a whole lot more. He’d been so turned on watching her kiss first Frank and then Will, he’d been scared to reach out to her in case his over-eagerness had caused her wariness.

  She trusted him and his brothers and she’d experienced what he suspected had been her first-ever climax in his arms as she’d rubbed her sexy little body all over his big hard one. He didn’t even care that she’d made him come in his pants as if he’d been experiencing sex for the first time, nor that his boxers and jeans were wet from spewing cum all over them.

  Sally lifted her head and smiled at him shyly. He chuckled and then kissed her on the forehead before kissing his way down to her lips. Their shared kiss was nowhere near as hungry as before since both of them had taken the edge of their arousal, but he knew that if he kept on kissing her that it would soon turn out of control again and it wouldn’t be long before he was raring to go once more.

  “I didn’t know … That was …” She blew out a breath before pecking him on the cheek.

  “That was only a taste of how lovemaking should be between people who care about each other.”

  Sally nodded as she looked down and then met his gaze again. “How did I end up like this?”

  “You climbed up Rick like you were climbing a tree, baby.”

  Sally blushed as she unhooked her legs from around Rick’s waist and wiggled until he lowered her feet to the floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean …”

  Rick nudged her chin up until she was gazing into his eyes. “Hey. Don’t be sorry, love. You can do that to me whenever you want.”

  Frank snorted. “I’ll bet.”

  Sally spun around and frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Rick moved to her side and threaded his fingers through hers.

  “Baby, Rick enjoyed that as much as you did,” Will said in an amused voice.

  “Okay. That’s good.”

  Rick could tell by the bewilderment in her voice she had no idea what they were talking about and decided to enlighten her. “Look at my jeans, love.”

  Sally turned side on to him and glanced down. Pink tinged her cheeks when she saw his deflating cock and the wet patch on the blue denim. She covered her eyes and mouth and spun away with her back to him and his brothers. Rick’s gut knotted with concern and though he wanted to clasp her by the shoulders and turn her back he knew that coming up from behind her could scare her, so he stayed where he was. But when he saw her shoulders shake he couldn’t do nothing. He scowled at Will before walking around Sally to face her.

  “Sally, what’s wrong, love?”

  She shook her head but continued to hide her face from him. He gently clasped her wrists and pulled her hands away from her face. She lifted her head and the smile she gave him was so big and wide, he realized she’d been laughing. He chuckled and that seemed to urge her on. She laughed out loud, bending over at the waist holding her stomach. The sound of her laughter was a beautiful thing
and he knew then that everything was going to be all right.

  Finally, her mirth slowed and she straightened up, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She was so damn sexy and gorgeous with her light green eyes and long blond hair. She wasn’t a tall woman, but she wasn’t short either. She was slim and curvy in all the right places, but it was her personality and her loving demeanor that drew him to her.

  She was so innocent, yet when he looked into her eyes there was wisdom beyond her years in her gaze. She’d been through so much and while he knew what she’d endured had affected her greatly, it hadn’t destroyed her. There wasn’t a bitter bone in her body. If she allowed herself to open her heart, she had so much love to give. There was more than enough room in that organ for him and his brothers.

  “I need to …” Sally swept her hand toward the hallway and the bedrooms.

  Rick nodded and watched as her sweet, sexy ass swayed back and forth as she walked away from him. He grimaced and pulled his wet jeans away from his now flaccid dick and turned to look at his brothers.

  “You’re one lucky motherfucker. You know that?” Will shoved him in the shoulder on his way to the kitchen.

  Rick chuckled when he saw his older brother adjust his hard dick in his jeans. “Yeah, I know.”

  “She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Frank asked as he rose from the sofa, adjusted his jeans, and walked toward the kitchen, too.

  “Yeah. She’s special.”

  “Lucky bastard,” Frank said over his shoulder before he went to help Will prepare dinner.

  “That I am, brothers. That I am.” Rick sighed happily as he walked toward his room so he could shower and put on some clean clothes.

  The smile on his face was so big his jaw and cheeks began to ache.

  Sallyanne was going to be theirs.

  * * * *

  After taking the time to clean up in the bathroom, Sally looked at herself in the mirror and couldn’t believe what she saw. Her eyes were bright with an inner sparkle, her cheeks were flushed pink, and the dark smudges beneath her eyes were barely visible.

  She smiled and she realized that she was happy. The last vestiges of fear regarding sex was gone and in its place was a warmth in her heart that she’d never thought to feel again. When she realized why she was feeling what she did, she gasped. Her heart was racing and she was more than a little breathless, but it wasn’t because of panic. She was in love with Will, Frank, and Rick. How she could fall so quickly wasn’t a question she wanted to ponder. What she wanted was to be with them fully, but could she handle having a man looming over her again without freezing up or going into a full-fledged panic? She wasn’t sure that she could.

  Yet if she didn’t try, if she didn’t grab hold of what was on offer, would she be able to be with any other man? Would she want to be? She shook her head and bit her lip. The answer was a resounding no.

  Just the thought of another man kissing her, touching her made her feel physically ill. Sally drew in a deep breath and rubbed her churning stomach. There was only one way to find out if she could handle more. With her mind made up, she took a deep fortifying breath, pushed her shoulders back, and left the bathroom.

  She was in control of her life and her future. No one else could make her do something she didn’t want to do.

  She wouldn’t allow it.

  Chapter Ten

  Sally finished washing the last of the dishes and wiping the counter down. Will, Frank, and Rick had cooked her a delicious dinner consisting of steak, a baked potato, and salad. They were in the living room talking quietly while she had cleaned up the kitchen. After much protesting she’d shooed them out of the room and gotten to work.

  She walked into the living room to find her guys talking as they watched a rugby match. Sally had never really understood that game. She was sure that Will, Frank, and Rick would explain it to her if she asked, but right now she had more important things on her mind.

  Like finding out if she could make love to the men she’d fallen in love with.

  “Hey baby.” Will patted the free cushion on the sofa between him and Frank.

  Sally sat and took a sip of her wine after she sat down.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  Sally wondered if she should just ask for what she wanted but she was feeling really shy and didn’t know what words to use.

  “Sally?” Will grasped her chin between his finger and thumb. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I d–don’t know.”

  “Talk to us, love. What’s worrying you?” Rick asked from where he was sitting in an armchair.

  “I …”

  “Just spit it out, baby,” Will commanded.

  “Will you make love to me?”

  Sally heard all three men gasp loudly. She held her own breath and hoped she just hadn’t made a fool of herself, though she didn’t think she had. Not after this afternoon and Frank telling her that they were all attracted to her, and wanted a relationship with her.

  “We would love to make love to you, Sallyanne,” Frank began. “But are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “Yes,” Sally replied and hoped like hell she hadn’t just lied.

  Will took the glass of wine from her hand and after placing it on the coffee table, he grasped her around the waist and lifted her onto his lap. He nudged her chin up and then he slanted his mouth over hers. She gasped when he nipped her lower lip and then he licked over where he’d bitten her as if trying to soothe the pain away, not that he’d hurt her. She moaned when his tongue pressed inside and after rubbing along hers, his curled around and then drew her tongue into his mouth.

  Sally clutched at his shirt and tried to turn around in his lap so that she was straddling him but it was hard to do because she was so lost in his passionate kiss. He must have realized what she wanted because he gripped her hips and lifted her into the position she’d been aiming for. He tasted so good, felt so right, she couldn’t get enough. In fact, she couldn’t get close enough to any of them. She wanted to somehow burrow her way under their skin and live inside their bodies where she would be safe, warm, and loved.

  She had no idea if they loved her but she knew that they cared about her. Plus, she had more than enough love in her heart for the three of them. When Will broke the kiss she groaned with disappointment but she wasn’t disappointed for long. He kissed over her cheek and then licked and nibbled down the side of her neck. Her areolae crinkled and her nipples ached as they began to throb and fill with blood. Her pussy was wet and her internal muscles clenched, making more cream drip out onto her panties.

  “We need to take this to the bedroom.”

  Sally looped her arms around Will’s neck when he moved and then he stood up, taking her with him. His hands caressed down her sides and cupped her ass. “Put your legs around my waist, baby.”

  She did and whimpered when he started carrying her out of the room and down the hallway. His hard cock was rubbing against her aching pussy with every step he took. When they were in the bedroom he lowered her down to sit on the end of the bed. She glanced over at Frank and Rick as they entered the room.

  “Are you sure about this, Sally?” Rick asked as he sat beside her.

  Sally gnawed at her lip and nodded. “I don’t want to be scared anymore. You’ve all given me so much. You’ve taken me into your home, which not many people would do for a virtual stranger. You’ve been so … caring, not to mention the pleasure you’ve given me. You’ve shown me what it’s supposed to feel like to make love. I trust you. All of you.”

  “Thank you, love.” Rick leaned over and kissed her.

  His kisses were different than Will’s. No less passionate and arousing, but he started off slowly, as if testing the waters or worried he’d scare her. But fear wasn’t welcome in this room, or in her life, anymore. Will, Frank, and Rick were good men and had and were looking after her.

  Rick’s hands, which were cupping her cheeks, moved from her face to her shoulders before caressing down
her arms and then moving to her waist. She moaned as his tongue curled around hers and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was so hungry for him, Will, and Frank, she ached deep inside and she couldn’t get close enough. The sigh that emitted from her mouth when Rick’s hands pushed up under her shirt and touched bare skin was swallowed by his mouth and she couldn’t help but want to feel his skin under her fingers, too. She removed her arms from around his neck, first threading her fingers into the cool silky strands of his just-longer-than-collar-length dark-brown hair before caressing the back of his neck.

  He groaned, drew his mouth from hers before gasping in a lungful of air, and then he was nibbling along her neck. Sally’s body felt primed, ready for anything as her muscles grew tauter, but she also felt languid and the urge to lie down on the bed was a deep yearning.

  Rick must have had the same thoughts because he gently eased her down until she was on her back on the mattress. She would have been fine with everything he did, the way he straddled her and kissed her, but when he clasped her wrists in his hands, pulled them above her head, and pinned then to the bed, she froze.

  Flashbacks of that horrifying life changing night flashed across her mind and though her mind was screaming at her to fight, she couldn’t seem to get her body to cooperate. Her heart pounded in her chest and her mouth opened to draw in panicked breath after panicked breath. She began to tremble and although she felt cold to the bone a sheen of perspiration broke out over her skin.

  And then she broke through the terror and began to fight. She screamed as she writhed and bucked while she struggled as hard as she could, trying to get the bastard off of her.

  It took her a few minutes for her terror-filled mind to register that she was no longer being held down and that Rick was holding her in his lap while he Will and Frank spoke to her calm reassuring voices. But what made her feel guilty and sick to her stomach was that while she’d been hitting, they hadn’t defended themselves.


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