Night Shift (Nightriders Motorcycle Club Book 1)

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Night Shift (Nightriders Motorcycle Club Book 1) Page 7

by Silver James

  The dark, dangerous edge of need sliced through me. Sam’s face glowed with life, alive with pleasure and intent on driving us both crazy. She rode me as if our lives depended on it. In ways she didn’t understand, my life did.

  I didn’t believe my dick could get any harder, but it did, and it throbbed in time to her heartbeat, to my heartbeat. Heat enveloped us, the air almost too thick to breathe, and my vision dimmed. Sam was a blur of blonde and blue as I fell into her gaze.

  “So close,” she cried. “Come with me, Easy. Let go.” She screamed as the first shudders of her orgasm locked her muscles. She screamed and screamed, until her voice was raw.

  I flipped us, my body plunging into hers. The air looked as if it had turned red as light blurred around us. My seed pumped into her, and I raised my head adding my voice to that of the wolf howling his joy. Our joy. Sam’s and mine.

  Chapter 10


  CRUD. Crud-crud-crud crap-on-a-cracker. What the hell was I thinking? Oh, wait. I wasn’t. My libido had hijacked my brain despite the near constant litany of my inability to think rationally when it came to Easy. I wanted to move. I really did. But my bones had melted, and my muscles felt like oatmeal. I was draped over Easy’s chest, and he wasn’t helping any. His arms anchored me in place.

  This was such a huge mistake. But dang the man could kiss. And his cock. I was totally in love with his cock. It stirred beneath me, pressing against my stomach. My thighs clenched. Holy hell, I could not still be horny. I ordered my body to move, to lift off Easy and roll away. Nothing happened except my cheek brushing against his chest. I wanted to bury my nose against his throat and simply breathe him in. I could still taste him on my tongue—something spicy, but deep and rich, like mincemeat, or a Fig Newton. Only with tequila. Yeah. Kissing Easy was like doing tequila shots followed by cookies. I was in so freaking much trouble.

  I didn’t do bad boys. Ever. Watching Sarah’s fatal attractions convinced me early on I wanted none of that. In fact, I didn’t date much. Guys made great friends, especially given I worked ski patrol and search and rescue at the mountain resorts. Getting tangled up just didn’t make sense. Neither did laying here naked, horny, and ready for round two with the sexy biker I was currently using as a mattress.

  Fighting the urge to rub my entire body against his sweat-slicked skin, I tumbled into the fantasy of licking him. All over. His cock twitched again. I swore the man gave off sex pheromones.

  Easy stirred beneath me, and I bounced as he took a deep breath. “You think too hard, Sam. Go to sleep.”

  “I can’t.”

  His cock throbbed this time and grew longer and harder. Oh shit. I was gonna get my wish. “In that case.”

  Less than a heartbeat later, he was on top of me, his hips settled between my legs like he belonged there. And dang if I didn’t think the same thing. No man had ever…fit me the way this one did. He was a stranger, but he knew me intimately. I pushed against his shoulders as the head of his cock pressed against my entrance. He stopped immediately. Raised his head. Stared down at me, those Siberian husky eyes of his shining like blue fire.

  “I don’t even know your name,” I murmured.

  He hovered there, holding both of us on the brink of something wonderful, something…magical.


  I shook my head. “No. That’s not who you are.”

  A slow, wicked smile curled his lips. “Yeah, it is.”

  I didn’t want to beg, but I would if I had to. “Please? It’s important to me.”

  He blinked and an expression I couldn’t decipher, much less explain, flitted across his face.

  “Elijah. Elijah Cross.”

  Elijah. The name filled my heart. Old fashioned. Powerful. Untamed. Yes. This is who he was.

  “Hello, Elijah Cross. Make love to me.”

  His dimples came out to play as his cock plunged into me. I gasped in surprise, and then my whole body turned liquid with need.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He didn’t speak again. Neither did I. I had no words, or breath to push them out of my brain had I been able to form them. He rocked into me, going so deep I felt his balls kiss me. I arched up to meet him, stroke for stroke, and when he dipped his head to take my nipple into his mouth, I thought I would shatter.

  “No,” he mumbled around my breast. “Not yet.” He slowed our rhythm, stopped. I sunk my nails into the firm muscles of his butt, but he only laughed. “I like your claws, woman. Use them.”

  Easy raised his head and offered a wolfish grin. My libido did fist pumps while my brain screamed, “Stranger danger! RUN!”

  Then he tongued my other breast, and I told my brain to shut the hell up. This man was seeping into my skin. I was in soooo much trouble, but I couldn’t make myself care. He was a stranger. Being stuck in a vehicle with him for twenty hours, having hot monkey sex with him, and now having him seduce me with slow kisses and a penchant for my clawing his ass did not make us lovers. Or friends. It certainly didn’t make us anything more, despite the hope my heart whispered.

  Mine. I wanted this man. Wanted him on a deep, visceral level I couldn’t comprehend given the circumstances.


  Wait. What? That thought didn’t belong to me. I pushed at his shoulders again. “Easy. Stop.”

  He did. Just like that. His cock throbbed once deep inside me and then even it stilled. How the heck could he do that? Easy stared at me, his expression calm, but blue fire flickered in the depths of his eyes again.

  “Did you say something?”

  A slow blink and when I saw his eyes again, that spark in them was even brighter. “No.”

  Damn. I never ever wanted to play poker with this man. He leaned on one elbow, and with his other hand, he flicked my bangs off my forehead.

  “We done talking now?”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help myself. He was such a typical guy. “And if we are?”

  “Just askin’, babe. If we’re done, then I can get on with fuckin’ your brains out.”

  Oh. Yeah. I could get with that program, but that unheard voice still bugged me. “Are you sure you didn’t say something?”

  “Fuck, babe. What did you hear? I’ll say whatever you want just so we can start fucking again.”

  “I—” His cock throbbed and I lost all ability to think. “Never mind.”


  I WAS IN SO MUCH fucking trouble. This woman was driving me crazy. My wolf wanted to come out to play, rolling in the sheets where Sam and I had just fucked. He wanted to lick her from her lips to her toes and oh yeah, he wanted to spend time with his nose in her pussy, and he was more than happy that I had plans to do exactly that. God she smelled good and tasted better. I wanted to suck her pussy until she screamed. I wanted to pound my dick in her cunt until she had no room for any other man. Just me. Sam was mine, and I’d fucking kill any man who touched her.

  You know that little part of the brain that clobbers a guy with a clue-by-four and says, “This is a really bad idea, asshole?” Yeah, I told that fucker to shut the hell up. Sam was ours, the wolf’s and mine. She’d just fucking have to accept that I was a Wolf. And a Nightrider. That same part of my brain wondered which one would upset her the most. I stuck some duct tape over my brain’s mouth. I was gonna claim her as my mate and put my property patch on her ASAP.

  Slipping out of her, I kissed my way down to her navel. Sam grabbed the hair on the top of my head to get my attention.

  “Didn’t you say something about fucking?”

  Swiping my tongue through the curls on her pubes, I propped my chin on her mound and pretended to think. “I can fuck you with more than just my dick, baby.”

  Her eyes glittered and her breath hitched. I felt deep muscles flutter under my chin. Oh, yeah. My woman loved it when I ate her out. I caught her thighs and pushed them over my shoulders and braced one hand under her sweet ass. My dick was gonna get up close and personal with that particular sweetness sooner than late
r, but right now, I was hungry.

  I tongue fucked her and used a finger to rub and tease her clit. Then I switched, using my tongue and teeth on her clit while I finger fucked her. She was so damn wet I spread her juices all the way down her ass crack. My thumb couldn’t resist the temptation. I pressed against her asshole, but didn’t enter when she tensed up. I liked sex rough and hard, but there was no way in hell I’d ever hurt Sam or force her to do something she didn’t want. We had our whole lives to figure out all the ways we could have fun.

  “Easy,” she warned.

  “Shh, baby. Not today. Today is about fucking you blind, remember?”

  I moved up her body and teased her pussy with the head of my dick. She moaned and arched toward me, but I held her hips down with a forearm across them. This was my show now. “You didn’t come in my mouth, baby. Until you do, you don’t get my dick.”

  Sam growled at me, and I laughed. I sat back on my knees, hauled her hips up, and bent my head to lick her slick folds. Using my thumbs, I spread her wide. Licking. Kissing. Biting. Her clit felt like a marble under my tongue. She had trouble breathing, and tears sparkled in the corners of her eyes.

  “Come for me, baby.” I put three fingers into her and rubbed against the inner wall of her pussy. She screamed, and my fingers were coated with her juice. I sucked her cream off them and she watched every move. Easing her hips down to the bed, I settled back between her thighs.

  “Again.” I wanted to taste her hot and fresh. Using my tongue inside her, my fingers worked her clit. Her muscles tightened again, and this time, when her hips surged toward me, I let her fuck my face. I was gonna make her scream over and over and over again.

  After she came, I licked her dry and then shoved my dick in. She climaxed again as my balls slapped her ass. Oh, fuck, yeah. Her orgasm felt so good I almost shot my load. The hot, crawling stream started at the base of my spine, filling my balls. But not yet. I was going to brand Sam, fucking her so completely, she’d never be satisfied unless I was buried balls deep.

  Long and slow. Fast and hard. She came three more times, screaming my name with each climax, and still I fucked her. Until she cheated. She reached between my legs and grabbed my balls. Then the bitch stuck her finger in my asshole. My back bowed, my balls emptied, and my dick was coated with my scalding cum. I pumped into her hard and fast, shoving her finger deeper each time. Gawddamn, but I didn’t think I’d ever stop coming. And Sam came with me, her scream a duet with my howl.

  Until two guys kicked in the bedroom door.

  Chapter 11


  ONE SECOND I’M SCREAMING my lungs out with the best orgasm I’ve ever had, and the next I’m on the floor, half shoved under the bed, a very naked Easy standing over me with a pistol in one hand and a big ol’ honking hunting knife in the other. I could see two pairs of winter boots standing in the doorway to my bedroom. Crud. I was scared to death that my roommates were about to die.

  “Easy?” I brushed his bare calf with my fingertips.

  “Who the hell are you?” Brad, the guy who owned the house, sounded half scared but a little mad, too.

  “I’m the one with the fucking weapons.”

  “Uhm, Easy?” I tried again and peeked over the top of the mattress. “Uh, hi, Brad. Craig.”

  “What the hell, Sam?” Tiffany, my third roommate pushed in between the two guys. I recognized the moment she got a good look at Easy, and I got pissed when she licked her lips and purred, “Well, hello to you, too.”

  I found Easy’s tee shirt on the floor and yanked it on before standing up. “Don’t you guys knock?”

  “The front door’s kicked in,” Brad groused.

  Craig added, “You were freaking screaming.”

  “And I can see why.” Tiff licked her lips again and I clenched my fist, ready to deck the bimbo. Then Easy laughed.

  “Jealous much, babe?”

  “Shut up, Easy.”

  Brad, as he typically did, took over. “When did you get back? Where’s your sister and her kids?”

  Tiffany wore her “fuck me” face. “And who is this?”

  Craig rolled his eyes. “Dude, put some pants on.”

  Tossing the knife to the bed, but keeping the pistol in his hand, Easy retrieved his jeans and dressed with all the grace of a dancer. That pissed me off even more. If I tried to pull on my jeans with one hand, I’d be flopping on the floor like a fish.

  “Easy, these are my roommates, Brad, Craig, and Tiffany.”

  Tiff inhaled and let out a breathy sigh, ensuring her well-endowed chest got noticed. And she fluttered her freaking lashes at him. Easy just watched with this stupid little grin on his face.

  “What are you, some sort of bodyguard or something?” Tiff pursed her lips, and I wanted to slap her. “Because you can guard me anytime, gorgeous.”

  “Sarah was murdered by Noni’s father.” I dropped that little factoid into the room, and all the flirting stopped while the testosterone ramped up. “Easy and his friends are protecting Jonah and Noni. I just came back to get my stuff and turn in my notice.”

  Brad and Craig, being typical guys, wanted to fix things. Tiff, being a total tramp, just wanted to get closer to Easy. He might have just fucked me until I was hoarse, but he was a freaking MC biker. He’d probably bend Tiff over the dresser and fuck her standing while we all watched. When she strolled over and touched his bare chest, I was ready to lay into Easy. Until I saw his face. He stared at Tiff’s hand then at her. Holy crap! He did scarier-than-shit almost as good as the Nightrider president.

  Tiff jerked her hand back like she’d been burned and lowered her eyes, all but whimpering. I flashed on a picture of her with her tail tucked between her legs and going belly up in submission. Huh. It was a nice visual. Then I caught Brad and Craig out of the corner of my eye. Damn if they didn’t look like they’d be on the floor with Tiff. The hair on the nape of my neck bristled and goosebumps popped up on my arms.

  “We don’t need your help.” Easy’s voice was as cold as the outside temperature. “Get out.”

  The boys fell all over themselves getting through the door, and Tiff all but peed in her pants as she scrambled after them. My heart did a hard thump-thump and my stomach went all butterflies. Who knew Easy going all macho would make me sit up and take notice? This could be why perfectly intelligent women—like me—went all gaga over bikers. Dark. Dangerous. The ultimate alpha male. And this one turned down the blatant invitation of the most popular girl in Brighton. Dang. I really had to watch my step with Easy because I could trip and fall all over him way too…well…easy.


  DAMN GOOD THING I was a Wolf, with a Wolf’s reflexes, otherwise those motherfuckers would be dead. Hell, I shoulda killed ’em on general principles just for interrupting Sam and me. Swear to God I thought both of my heads were gonna explode. Sam discovered a couple of my buttons that last go round and pushed them at the same time. Fuck. I couldn’t stop the grin. Fuck is right. We were going to. Often.

  I also got off on the waves of energy coming off Sam, all of them stinking of vinegar. She was jealous of the bitch who’d come in with the boys. My wolf was strutting around like he was the top dog. Tiff was a teen-aged boy’s wet dream. Long platinum hair, big brown eyes, and tits big enough to fill a bucket. Once upon a time, my dick would have been right happy rubbing between those boobs, but now? She didn’t do a damn thing for me. I only wanted Sam, with her long, athletic build, her subtle curves, those firm tits that filled the palms of my hands. She had hair that looked liked I’d combed my fingers through it and blue eyes that told me everything I needed to know about turning her on.

  My life was fucking fantastic at the moment. After Dumb, Dumber, and Dimwit left, I watched Sam pull on her clothes. Except she was still wearing my tee shirt. Yeah, my chest was all puffed out about that. She didn’t even realize she’d left it on. I had an extra in the Hummer. In the meantime, I just wore my cut. Wolves run hot so the winter air didn’t faze me
. I offered to help Sam pack up, but after she glared at me, and I backed off. She had a system, and I’d mess it up. Flopping on the bed, I watched her, and damn if I wasn’t hard as steel after she bent over the second time.

  I made a list of all the ways I was gonna fuck her. On her hands and knees. Bent over a desk, table, counter, couch—hell, it didn’t matter. And on her knees, sucking me off. I wanted her lips around my dick. I was gonna fuck her on my bike too, her sweet thighs griping me as I pounded into her. Ah, hell. What a picture. Sam, wearing my property patch and leather chaps with nothing underneath either piece. Driving down the highway with her in front of me, my dick in her pussy, throbbing with the power of my shovelhead Harley. Swear to God I almost blew my wad right then. That was a fantasy I planned to whack off to any time I couldn’t fuck Sam.

  She took about an hour, but she’d packed up all her stuff. She wanted to take her skis, but I reminded her she wouldn’t need them in Missouri.

  “These cost me a month’s pay. I am not leaving them here.”

  “Babe, if you head to the ski slopes again, I’ll buy you a new pair.”

  She snapped her mouth shut and glared. “These cost fifteen hundred dollars.”

  “So.” I dug in my pocket and pulled out some cash. I counted off fifteen hundred dollar bills and held them out to her. Her eyes got huge, and she gulped a couple of times. I pictured my dick in her mouth while she did that, and it throbbed and jerked. Oh, yeah. This woman needed to give me a BJ like now.


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