Turbulent Kisses

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Turbulent Kisses Page 2

by Jessica Gray

  She went back to stretching out her calf muscle, going slow as she felt the burning ache in her knee intensify.

  When she felt another presence near her, she looked up and met the amazing chocolate brown eyes of Mr. Shirtless. He was close enough that she could see the lines of sweat shining on his ridiculously sexy body, but also the goosebumps on his arms. Huh! A bit cold to be shirtless at this time of year. Who would’ve thought so? Maybe not the most clever man in the world.

  She rose up to her full height of five-feet-eight, still feeling tiny against his huge frame of at least six-feet-four. Her breath caught in her lungs at the effect he had on her. Holy crap, that man was walking sex on legs, and raked of naughty bad-boy. A man to her liking, she thought, as her body began to tighten in all the right places.

  Her decision to steer clear of any romantic entanglements this trip faded like a mist. A little distraction couldn’t hurt. A no strings attached fling might even help to get her thoughts off her injury.

  She gave him a teasing look, making sure he knew it was meant just for him. She looked him up and down, slowly, thoroughly. “Let me guess, you’re the president of a new chapter of the polar bear club.”

  He grinned at her. “Nah, I have no desire to go chunky dunking my body in that frigid water,” he said with a determined headshake towards the edge of the water.

  “Good to know. I’ve personally never seen the allure in dunking your body into icy cold water and shriveling up certain body parts.”

  Mr. Shirtless raised a brow at her frank talk and then gave her a naughty grin and answered, “I can assure you my parts are far from shriveled. So, feel like giving me your number?”

  His low, rough voice had her shivering, thrill bumps rising on her arms that had nothing to do with the cold air, and Pearl shocked herself when she rattled off her cell phone number – the right number – without being asked twice.

  The man repeated the numbers to memorize them and then stuck a hand out. “I’m Chase by the way.”

  She took his hand and said, “Pearl Davids. Nice to meet you.” Her skin burned from his touch, his palms rougher than she’d expected, and so warm, despite the freezing air outside.

  His grin grew even naughtier, if that was even possible, when he answered, “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Pearl winked at him. “I certainly hope not. I’m an equal opportunity girl.”

  “A girl after my heart. I’ll call you,” Chase said before he turned around to leave.

  He definitely wasn’t as dumb or crazy as she’d thought, and apart from the obvious physical attraction, she could see herself having fun with him. For a night. Or a few.

  When Chase walked away, she saw him giving the other man a victory sign. She wasn’t sure if they were friends or siblings, but they were similar enough for her to place her money on siblings, or cousins.

  She watched him strut away and couldn’t hold back a grin. He might think he’d just made another conquest, and she’d let him boast to his friend about having caught her, but she knew the truth. In her relationships, Pearl made the rules. Always. No exception. He’d find out soon enough.

  Chapter 3

  Chase sauntered back to where his brother was waiting for him, grinning with his victory.

  Ethan gave him a disgusted look. “Don’t even say it.”

  “What? Don’t tell you how turned on she was by my suave approach? Don’t tell you how she gave me her number and agreed to go out with me on the first try?”

  “I don’t know what she saw in you,” Ethan groused.

  Chase suddenly froze like hell. He hurried to slip his t-shirt on and then pulled on his jacket as well. “You’re just jealous because she went for the best.” He gloried in his victory and the fact that Ethan had to struggle to not get angry.

  Rubbing his hands together, he thought how stupid it had been to take his shirt off in damn cold weather like this. But it got her attention and I got a date out of it. It was well worth it.

  When Ethan still made a grumpy face, he closed the distance and said, “Wanna punch me because she chose me over you?”

  Ethan gave him a measured glance. “Now, that’s an idea. Why didn’t I think of that?” He made a feeble attempt to swing at his brother’s head, a move Chase easily ducked with a chuckle.

  “See, what did I tell you? Sitting behind a desk all day has made you soft.”

  “Think what you will.”

  Chase laughed. “God, it’s damn cold out here. Let’s head home.”

  Ethan fell into step beside him, “It wasn’t your brightest moment – stripping down in this kind of weather. But then again, it worked. Who am I to negate the outcome?”

  “You wouldn’t ever do that.” Chase nodded at his brother. “We may have the same taste in women – excellent; but we both understand it’s just a game. I would never let a woman come between family. Ever.”

  “I hear that. Women have their place and time, but the blood is thicker than sex.”

  Chase grinned and smacked him on the shoulder. “Alright, enough of that. We’re both starting to sound like a sappy Hallmark commercial.”

  “We can’t have that. It would completely ruin our images.”

  They reached their parents’ house and entered through the back door, still spouting off stupid stuff in regards to women and their sex lives.

  Their younger brother Grant was standing in the kitchen and rolled his eyes when he overheard their conversation. “You two need to grow up.”

  Chase laughed. “And you need to mind your own business. Just because you decided to go monogamous, doesn’t mean we have to go down that cheerless road.”

  “Yeah, bro. Lighten up. There was a time not so long ago when you were up for playing with more than one pretty young thing.”

  Grant shook his head at them. “You both might try to consider the fact that the women you date and sleep with are flesh and blood humans. Not toys.”

  “Says you,” Ethan fired back.

  And Chase chimed right in, “There are so many flavors out there. How can I ever choose just one? Boooring.”

  For a split second, he felt a shadow of a presence behind him and in the next moment, a hand slapped him on the back of the head. “That’s enough of that talk in my house.”

  Chase blushed and rubbed his head. “Ouch!”

  Bridget Paxton looked at her sons and then frowned. “You two need to stop treating women like flavors of ice cream. Start searching for the one woman you want to spend the rest of your life with.”

  Chase gave her a horrified look. “Mom, that would be like eating only vanilla ice cream for the rest of my life.”

  “No son, that’s what happiness is all about. One day you’ll understand. Now, Allison and Russell are waiting for you.” She sniffed the air delicately and gave both Chase and Ethan a pointed look. “Might I suggest you avail yourselves of showers before heading out?”

  Grant smirked at his brothers, winking at his mother as they both headed out of the kitchen.

  Chase saw the smirk and punched his brother in the shoulder on his way past. “Stop corroborating with the enemy.” Which earned him a chuckle from Grant.

  He took a much-needed hot shower and pulled on some clean clothes. His sister Allison and Russell had a baby several months ago, and Chase was determined to help out by providing Russell with some male bonding time.

  Fifteen minutes later, he returned to the kitchen, where he found only Ethan waiting for him. “Where’s Grant?”

  “He had something to do. He asked me to tell Allison he’d stop by later on.”

  “Okay. Ready?”

  Ethan nodded. “Sure.”

  Chase grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and then left by way of the back door. After a short walk, they knocked on Allison’s front door. “Hey Chase. Ethan. Come on in. Russell’s in the study.”

  They nodded and took off down the hallway, and entered the study where they found Russell reclining on the floor with his
new baby. “Ethan, Chase, come on in. How’s everything?”

  Chase stepped into the room, an easy smile upon his face. “You look good like that.”


  Allison poked her head in the doorway. “You boys want some brownies?’

  Russell, Ethan, and Chase all nodded in unison. Allison’s brownies were among the best treats he had ever tasted, and Chase would do about anything short of murder to get his hands on some. “Hmm, I sure hope you made plenty, Ally.”

  She rolled her eyes and darted back out the door, saying, “I’ve known you for how many years?”

  When she was gone, he told Russell, “You are one lucky bastard.”

  “Boy, don’t I know it. Your sister can cook…”

  “She makes the best brownies ever; they melt in your mouth,” Ethan added.

  A few minutes later, Allison returned with an immense plate full of brownies and three mugs of coffee. “Here you go. That’ll be enough?”

  Ethan and Chase grinned at her, nodding, while Russell carefully put baby Jackson on the floor and pushed himself up to give her a kiss. “Thanks, sunshine.”

  Chase took one brownie and then gave Russell a calculated look. “I do believe you’re enjoying our sister’s cooking. Maybe a little too much.”

  Russell looked at him. “What?”

  Ethan picked up on the banter. “Yeah, sis, you should probably put the brakes to the sweets for a while. This one’s starting to put on a little extra around the middle.”

  “I am not,” Russell insisted.

  Chase finished his brownie and then reached out and pretended to pinch Russell’s muscular arm. “I don’t know. Flabby is what I’m seeing here.”

  Russell grabbed him around the arm and attempted to get him into a headlock. “I’ll show you flabby, kite boy.”

  “Kite boy?” Ethan laughed. “As far as insults go, that was pathetic!”

  Allison watched indulgently for a moment and then rolled her eyes, before she picked up the baby and sniffed the diaper. “I’ll go and change him. Can I leave you guys alone for a moment?”

  “Sure sis, I’ll keep an eye on them,” Ethan said before she disappeared down the hallway.

  As soon as Allison was gone, they took up their banter again until Russell said, “I’ll show you who’s getting flabby. Let’s arm wrestle.”

  Chase furrowed his brows. “Nah, I wouldn’t want to damage those delicate surgeon hands of yours…”

  “You’re just afraid of losing.”

  That was a remark he couldn’t let go unanswered and both of them quickly took their position, placing their elbows on the high table top in the corner. “Ready?”

  When Russell nodded, Chase exerted all of his power against him. He’d win for sure. After all, he was the professional athlete in the room. But Russell was amazingly strong and they kept going back and forth as Ethan cheered for both of them.

  Just as Chase felt he’d finally gained headway, Allison interrupted them, “You guys are incorrigible, knock it off.” She shook her head at them. “God, I hope Jackson isn’t going to be like you guys.”

  “Sunshine, what’s that supposed to mean? We’re awesome,” Russell insisted.

  Allison shook her head and then handed him a freshly diapered baby. “Here, be awesome at babysitting for a while longer. I just put another pan of brownies in the oven.”

  Chase looked at her and batted his eyes. “So, in a few minutes can we come get them while they’re warm?”

  Allison grinned. “Sure. And I have vanilla ice cream to go with them.”

  “We love you, sis,” Ethan assured her.

  “I never had a doubt. Have fun boys.”

  Russell took his son, sitting back down on the floor and smiling when Chase and Ethan joined him. He helped the little boy get up on his hands and knees. “That’s the way, buddy.”

  “He’s going to be crawling soon,” Ethan surmised.

  “Any day now. He hasn’t quite got the hang of moving his hands yet. He scoots his knees forward just fine, but every time he tries to move his hands, he falls flat on his face.” Jackson proceeded to demonstrate just that, his little baby face screwing itself up into a frown at the result.

  Chase reached for him, rolling to his back and holding the baby high in the air above him. “Hey now. No reason to start fussing. Uncle Chase is here.”

  When that didn’t get quite the response Chase was looking for, he sat up, tickling the little boy until he was laughing loudly with glee.

  “There you go.” Chase looked at Russell. “He’s a happy one.”

  Russell nodded. “Most of the time.”

  Ethan reached for the baby and they spent another half hour playing with the little tike as they talked about everything and nothing.

  Allison poked her head back in, announcing the latest batch of brownies was done. She took the baby and headed back to the kitchen with him. “Are you ready for a nap, sweetie? I bet you are.”

  The three men followed behind her, helping themselves to brownies and scoops of ice cream while she readied a bottle for Jackson.

  Chase moaned as he took his first bite. “Allison, these are fantastic.”

  Russell grinned at him. “Allison’s a fantastic cook.”

  “Don’t we know it,” Ethan chimed in.

  Allison left the kitchen and Russell turned to her brothers. “She’s something else.”

  “You’re lucky.”

  “No, I’m going to be happily married. You should try it sometime.”

  Chase shook his head. “Yeah – no. The only reason I could ever see allowing a woman to trap me like that would be if she cooked like Allison. And even then, I don’t know about the whole marriage thing.”

  Russell chuckled. “I’m going to remember you said that.”

  “Knock yourself out. A relationship isn’t even on my radar. So, how’s your new position at the hospital?”

  Russell laughed as he grabbed another brownie. “Fine, I’ll change the subject. And Milwaukee is great. The new ortho department is great. We just contracted a new surgeon who specializes in knee surgeries. He’s thought to be the best in the country.”

  “Wow. That’s pretty impressive,” Ethan congratulated him.

  “Yes. Since he’s been with us, we’ve had some pretty high profile athletes as patients. A few weeks ago, he repaired the knee of a world-champion athlete. Her knee was a complete mess, tendons and hamstring and all, but he managed to fix everything.”

  “That’s great advertising for the hospital. Who was it?” Chase asked, curious because a fellow athlete had been injured. Like any professional athlete, he’d had to deal with his share of injuries and knew they could end your career in one instant.

  “Sorry, boys. Confidentiality and all that.”

  Ethan and Chase nodded. “Sure. So, have you guys got the wedding all planned out?” Ethan asked, carefully checking out the remaining brownies on the plate while he leaned against the back of his chair.

  “Yes. This summer. With building the new house, and then my move up here to Sandy Beach, it’s been kind of crazy these last months.”

  “Not to mention starting a new job and the arrival of Jackson. Yeah, I guess you’re forgiven for not having it all together yet.”

  Russell sighed. “I know. Allison is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” He looked at the two men he’d come to respect and like as if they were his own brothers and told them. “She’s amazing. And our son – what can I say. He’s just as amazing as his mother.”

  The brothers stuck around a while longer and then headed back to their parents’ house. Being around Russell and Allison, the domestic scene had gotten both men thinking. On the way home, they walked in silence, neither of them willing to share their troubling thoughts with the other.

  Chase couldn’t get his head around how easily a playboy like Russell could go from dating everything in a skirt to suddenly becoming monogamous and loving it. Grant. Russell. Nik. The
y’d all been champion womanizers in their past lives. But now, they’d settled down, devoting all of their time and energy towards one single woman. He just didn’t get it.

  Variety was the spice of life. He liked women. No, he loved women. Too much to ever imagine himself being satisfied by just dating one of them.

  No, marriage might be for those other saps, but not for me. Someone has to keep the female population happy, and I’m willing to make the sacrifice.

  Chapter 4

  Pearl woke up the next morning to the ringing sound of her cell phone. She answered it without paying any mind to the caller I.D. “Hello?”

  “Hi, this is Chase.”

  Chase? Who the hell? Oh yes, smoking hot shirtless guy. Given the straightforward way he’d propositioned her, she’d expected him to call her yesterday. But he hadn’t, and she’d gone to bed slightly disappointed.

  “Good morning. No shirtless workout this morning?”

  “I actually just returned from my morning run. And I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me to the Lighthouse Bar this evening?”

  Pearl tried to contain her victorious grin and answered coyly. “Tonight? Well…I don’t know…”

  “Look, Pearl, I’m sorry I didn’t call yesterday. I visited my sister and got so busy playing with my little nephew, I completely lost track of time.”

  “Your nephew?” she asked for clarification.

  “Yeah, little Jackson is nine months old and trying to master crawling.”

  She sat up in bed, her eyes wide with surprise. “So you like babies?”

  He didn’t seem like the kind of guy who would play with kids, let alone a baby. And his voice had taken on a softer tone when he talked about him.

  She felt her heart melt a little as she envisioned the bad boy she’d met yesterday playing with a baby. Now she was totally swooning over him – even more turned on by his behavior than by his sexy looks. A guy who loved babies? Was there possibly anything sexier than that?


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