ZetaTalk: Rules

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ZetaTalk: Rules Page 6

by Nancy Lieder

  invisible to humans in 3rd Density, in a network of homes under the Earth's sea or on the surface of Mars. Those in the Service-to-Self, however, remain in 3rd Density, even when on the dark side of the Moon and on Earth's dead twin,

  where they can't be seen by humans. Where 4th Density is more comfortable, they stay in 3rd Density due to density

  shifting dangers, which the Service-to-Other handle well and the Service-to-Self bungle. They kill and maim

  themselves, so are forbidden to shift by their masters who care not for their complaints or comfort.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r40.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:51 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

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  ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

  Note: written May 15, 1996.

  Within the Service-to-Self all-out battles for supremacy occur when superiority is not clear. Both want to be top dog, and the ruling masters are willing to send in and sacrifice their minions. This situation needs no explanation, as human wars are equivalent in most respects. Warfare in human history has been as brutal as the restraints on the warlords will allow. They want at their command virtual killing machines who have no remorse or hesitation, but what human

  warlords most often get are procrastinating generals and deserting troops, even when the mission can be cloaked in

  humanitarian terms. Soldiers hesitate to kill, and generals hope for compromise or a bloodless capitulation. But what if there were no reluctance or hesitation, as where there is no remorse one does not hesitate. What if the warlords on both sides had their perfect soldiers? Put this emotional climate into the high tech arena that exists in 4th Density and what follows is a Service-to-Self leveling war. It is called thus as this is the result, the survivors ultimately finding their level in relationship to the other group, with one standing above the other.

  In these wars the soldiers are not motivated out of loyalty or a commitment to ideals, they are all like gladiators - kill or be killed. A soldier who refuses to be the perfect killing machine for his master is made an example, and a quick and painless death is out of the question. Human wars see the use of biological weapons such as nerve gas, nuclear

  bombs, maiming devices such as mines, psychological weapons such as reminders of home and comfort, and various

  wearing techniques such as starvation. Intergalactic wars between Service-to-Self groups are more brutal and direct, with complete destruction in the wink of an eye the goal.

  Thus, the Service-to-Self groups, when establishing their pecking order, frequently brutalize and decimate each other, just as establishing the pecking order within a Service-to-Self group results in brutality and maiming if not death. The pecking order is thus established, and maintained with the same heavy handed methods so that a visitor to a Service-to-Self camp would think it remarkably peaceful, not seeing what came before. Service-to-Self ranks are rebuilt from the orphanages where all their youngsters are raised, procreation temporarily stepped up until the count of physical bodies approximates the 4th Density Service-to-Self entities incarnating within the group. All is peaceful again until some factor or another changes the power structure. All this is viewed from afar by Service-to-Other groups, who are aware of the battles but as they cannot be affected, essentially disinterested.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r39.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:52 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Death Sentence

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  ZetaTalk: Death Sentence

  Note: written Nov 15, 1995.

  The ultimate punishment - death. It prevents the criminal from enjoying his spoils, prevents recidivism, eliminates the need to house and feed prisoners, and ends all haranguing and argument - quick and convenient. The death sentence is seen as the perfect answer by some and a colossal mistake by others. Why the polarity? Law and order types tend to

  view the death sentence as solving their problems, particularly as they and their friends are never on death row. If someone is put to death by mistake, well, no big loss. They were headed in that direction anyway. Empathetic types

  with a social conscience put themselves in the sentenced one's shoes and imagine an innocent man's thoughts and

  feelings. Unbearable.

  Is the death sentence unique to the Earth? Not at all. All 3rd Density cultures have a death sentence in some form, though vary as to the invoking circumstances or prevalence. Even water worlds, where intelligent life is not in a form that can wreak violence on one another, sentence each other to death. To carry out the sentence entrapment and

  starvation are used. As 3rd Density cultures are allowed to function without interference, the prevalence of the death sentence can be misleading.

  After 3rd Density things change. 4th Density Service-to-Other cultures never imprison or punish each other, as there is no need. All wish to be of service to the group, and have remorse when another is harmed. There are no crimes, only mistakes. There is no punishment, only amends. There is no probation, only assistance and offers of help. In 4th

  Density Service-to-Self cultures the death sentence is an inappropriate name for the frequency with which members

  are arbitrarily killed. Where the rules are tight death seldom occurs as then a worker has been lost. However, as in most dictatorships, the lower levels can usually do as they please as long as quotas are being met and matters

  humming along as expected. In Service-to-Self cultures members are put to death because they are lame or old or lazy.

  If they take advantage of one another, commit a crime, that is of no consequence unless the hierarchy finds their

  expectations have not been met.

  Between orientations the Rules of Engagement prevail. It would not happen that a Service-to- Other member would be sentenced by a Service-to-Self group, or vice versa. Therefore, in truth, there is no death sentence after 3rd Density.

  Among the Service-to-Others death at the hands of another never occurs unless a member has gone berserk, insane,

  and kills another while not themselves, or unless there is an accident. Among the Service-to-Self death at the hands of another is not a sentence, as there is no trial. Death is arbitrary and sudden, because one member annoyed another, or for sport, or because they were deemed to be taking from the group more than they were contributing. The death

  sentence has for them become a death solution, solely.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/rules/r29.htm[2/5/2012 11:36:53 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Slavery Practices

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  ZetaTalk: Slavery Practices

  Note: written Oct 15, 1996.

  Slavery is not so much a status in human society as a fact of life on occasion in 3rd Density existence and a continual fact of life in Service-to-Self communities. One can also be enslaved by life circumstances, such that change is

  difficult. In human society, a servant may have the status of slave yet be well cared for and treated as an individual.

  The servant might be unable to vote or leave for a different job, but this situation is not that much different from what wives in most human society experience. The governor of a country might appear to have the best that life can offer -

  power, wealth, and all the perks that come with the job. But in truth he may be a slave to his position, unable to leave the job for fear of retaliation from the many whom he blocked or injured during his reign. He stays on the job out of fear of the consequences of leaving, not unlike the slave who fears physical punishment if he bolts for freedom.

  Just as slavery can be one's situation, whether the official term or not, just so the desire to enslave can be clothed falsely. A husband may tell his wife that his desire to keep her from a role in the outside world is for her good, so as to shelter her from rebuffs and demands, while his true inte
nt is to prevent her from gaining the independence that would allow her to leave him. Many governments allow their citizens to vote, but the vote is hollow as the candidates are all from the same class strata. The citizens are told they are controlling the country, but as they cannot get members of all the classes on the ballot, they in fact are continuing to hand the wand of power to the uppers classes, time and again. Thus, to some degree, they remain slaves to the upper classes, which determine where employment can be

  gained, the compensation for this employment, and control behavior by threatening to black-list any who don't obey

  their rules.

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  ZetaTalk: Collision Course

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  ZetaTalk: Collision Course

  Note: written Sep 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  How might two planets, on some sort of collision course with each other, be dealt with at the Council of Worlds? Is one to be the winner and one the loser? This situation is presenting itself, again, in the coming pole shift to be caused by the periodic passage of the 12th Planet. Since this causes so much havoc on Earth, why not change the course of the 12th Planet, or blow it out of the skies? This might require relocating the intelligent species that inhabit the 12th Planet, but the concept of creating refugees is not foreign to humans, especially when the refugees are to be the other and not the self. Would the Council of Worlds allow the Earth to blow the inhabited 12th Planet out of the skies? The answer is simple - no. Even should humans figure out how to do this, this would not be allowed.

  Third Density worlds are not allowed to destroy each other, or interfere heavily with the other's social environment.

  Thus, the giant hominoids have been quarantined from your Earth, and man has been quarantined from the Mar's moon

  the giant hominoids are currently mining. The Council of Worlds views interfering with nature to this extent. It is not allowed. Nature is a fact that all intelligent entities are adapting to, becoming aware of quite intimately by the necessities of life during incarnations. This is a learning process, and not to be preempted by cheating. The 12th Planet and its periodic passage was a known entity when humans were genetically engineered to begin with. It is nothing


  Shuttle explosions, where the payload does not get off the ground, whether the payload was to be sent aloft within the US or another cover country like Russia, are no accident. Prior to these upload accidents in 1998, there were problems out in space that affected expensive equipment and threatened workers, but not the decision makers. These decision

  makers have been told that the problems they are trying to put in the path of the traveling planet about to course

  through the solar system, it's natural path, will come back closer and closer to home, with each endeavor. They have not listened. Attempts to build space stations with nuclear armaments they can direct, under the disguise of uploading satellites and space exploration equipment, will increasingly falter on Earth, poisoning those who feel they can risk the lives and safety of others, but expect their own safety to be the last threatened. They will learn otherwise, and these lessons have started.

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  ZetaTalk: Shuttles

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  ZetaTalk: Shuttles

  Note: written Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  In the past the 12th Planet was considered part of your Solar System, and in general the Council of Worlds allows 3rd Density species who are local to interact with each other, especially when they are the same species. The hominoids on the 12th Planet were seeded in the same manner as the hominoids on Earth, and during the same time frame, but

  uneven development occurred. The hominoids on Earth dealt with carnivores and the violent geological changes that

  accompany pole shifts. If they were not running away they were having to pick up the pieces and start over again.

  Thus, the hominoids on the 12th Planet reached the point where Homo Sapiens on Earth is now, many millennia ago.

  They developed rockets, not unlike the manned rockets the US sends aloft regularly to maintain its satellite system.

  The goal was not simply to orbit their planet, but to gather resources for their planet, essentially a water world where mining operations were limited. They were driven to develop a Solar System shuttle, and their early astronauts were much at risk and died by the dozens. They could plainly see, via their telescope equivalents, that the Earth and Mars were planets that could sustain them. As with international travelers on Earth, they expected to get infected with new bugs, and that their immune systems would either adapt or they would die. Eventually, during repeated visits of the 12th Planet to your Solar System, they worked the kinks out of their shuttle and settled into colonies on Earth and Mars. Then trouble emerged as, being advanced, the giant hominoids demanded and got subservience from Earthlings,

  in the same manner that humans living among chimpanzees would behave. In addition to their technological advantage, the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet had size on their side, just as humans do with monkeys. They ruled.

  As these types of arrangements become progressively more extreme, the Council of Worlds stepped in and effected a

  quarantine. The 12th Planet inhabitants do not know they are quarantined, they simply came to the realization that they must leave. This was arranged as most such matters, with the 3rd Density hominoids believing to this day that the

  decision was theirs. They ran into increasing difficulties - rebellious slaves, bad weather, loss of their stores - and found that their brethren elsewhere were at least masters of their environment. The grass was greener, and they left.

  They were discouraged by walk-ins sent to accomplish this mission, and the untimely storms that scattered their pack animals and sank their ships were accomplished by air turbulence caused by temperature differences, a minor feat

  quickly arranged.

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  ZetaTalk: Exploration Limits

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  ZetaTalk: Exploration Limits

  Note: written Apr 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Man has just recently, within the past century, launched into the space age, sending astronauts to the Moon and probes to the outer and inner reaches of the Solar System. The giant hominoids from your Solar System's 12th Planet

  progressed beyond this point, having established mining operations on various planets or moons within your Solar

  System, and shuttling to meet their home, the 12th Planet, when it periodically made a passage. What, therefore are the exploration limits on 3rd Density species, who are considered too spiritually immature to leave the play pen. Does this play pen have bounds? In general, entities in 3rd Density are allowed unlimited exploration within their solar system. Where more than one planet in the solar system is inhabited by an intelligent species, and an imbalance of

  power arises between these species, restrictions in the form of a quarantine may result. For instance, if one planet's intelligent species were dexterous, such as man, and another planet, being a water planet, had an intelligent species that had only fins and tentacles, an imbalance of power would exist. The dexterous species could enslave or

  exterminate the hapless water creatures.

  Given man's violent nature, is the human race at the point of a quarantine? In fact, a quarantine already exists, though man is quite unaware of it. His recent difficulties with his space program are not all accidents, although the incidents that caused death or endangerment to astronauts or technicians in the past have all been
man-made. Man will not be

  allowed to travel to those parts of the Solar System where they would be liable to encounter their old slave masters, the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet. The reasons lie not in the small bands that in all likelihood would exchange information and might even become friends. It is the message that would be brought back to Earth that is the sticking point. The Earth has a long memory of having been enslaved in the past by these giant hominoids, who were

  quarantined from the Earth for upsetting the balance of another 3rd Density species existence. Going into the

  Transformation, Earthlings are not to be alarmed by this palpably real threat, as this would increase fear and anxiety inordinately.

  Man, therefore, is being quarantined for his own good. Were it not for this conflict, he would be allowed free range throughout his Solar System, which given his limited intelligence would in any case be the bounds of his play pen.

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  ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self

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  ZetaTalk: Service-to-Self

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  When we refer to there being lots of rules in 4th Density Service-to-Self, this is due to the nature of the Service-to-Self orientation. Self-focused entities want only to do what will be of service to themselves. How does their society run, then, if no one wants to grow food, for instance, and all want to steal food from the others. Unless there are strict rules, food does not get grown and processed. Thus, those at the top of the heap, who have won out in the pecking

  order contests, give the orders, make the rules, and viciously enforce them. It is only when such a situation exists that the Service-to-Self orientated groups do anything except squabble. Where those in the Service-to-Self consider control of others of prime importance, they do not control other souls, but attempt to create an environment of threats and enticements such that this is the outcome. They are perforce required to live with others, and once the pecking order is established, go about the business of learning, lessons, in this manner. Those at the top of the pile have the best life style, not unlike human society. Those at the bottom do the grunt work, and live in the worst circumstances. Riots or revolts are unheard of, quickly settled during what we have called Leveling Wars between Service-to-Self groups.


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