Pussy Whipped: Bad Alpha Dads (F.E.R.A.L. Shifters Book 1)

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Pussy Whipped: Bad Alpha Dads (F.E.R.A.L. Shifters Book 1) Page 1

by Tonya Brooks

  Table of Contents










  Bad Alpha Dad / F.E.R.A.L. Shifters Series


  First Edition Copyright © 2018 by Tonya Brooks

  All rights reserved. This book or any portions thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author and publisher except for the use of brief quotations used in a book review.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.


  A huge thank you to C.E. Black for inviting me to take part in this exciting series!

  To my wonderful Beta Team, Abbie, Susan, Karina, Lorrie, Greta, Shelene, Bonnie, Cindy, Ginny, and Amanda. You ladies are the freaking best!

  To the members of Tonya's Tribe for all of your love and support!

  And my wonderful husband, Billy. Thank you for your unwavering encouragement, your never-ending patience with my writing obsession, and most of all, for loving me. You are my beloved, my rock, my inspiration, my everything!















  Aylese Delacort (A-lease Day-la-court) tossed the soggy tissue into the passenger seat along with the thousand others she'd used during the drive. Right then she'd trade her entire investment portfolio for an antihistamine. And a good night's sleep. The former was an impossibility since she needed to stay alert behind the wheel.

  The latter was wishful thinking. She hadn't slept in days, as the dark circles under her eyes firmly attested. Not that it mattered what she looked like. She'd be trading in her designer wardrobe for a straight jacket anyway. And her Louboutins. God, she was really going to miss her shoe collection when they locked her away.

  Which they would.

  Because there was no doubt about it.

  She was completely insane after all.

  Sane people didn't imagine babies turning into animals, now did they? Nope. They sure as hell did not. Which could only mean that she was completely off her rocker. As nutty as a fruitcake. Had bats in the belfry. Gone round the bend. Bonkers. Wacko. Stark raving mad. Fucking nuts.

  At first, Aylese had thought it was a hallucination brought on by the antihistamine, so she'd stopped taking it. Unfortunately, that had not been the issue. Because her human nephew had morphed into a cat right before her eyes. A spotted black cat that had meowed and sunk its sharp little teeth into her.

  Yep. She was definitely insane and not ashamed to admit it. She'd completely lost her mind and had some kind of psychotic break with reality. It was stress induced. She was certain of that much. She had been completely sane until her half-sister had shown up on her doorstep in the middle of the night with a baby.

  A baby that Aylese had known nothing about.

  Mind you they fought like cats and dogs most of the time, but even so, she would have thought that at least one of her five sisters would have mentioned that Harper had been pregnant. Which made her wonder if any of them knew. And if they didn't, then why had Harp kept it a secret?

  She was stunned to realize it was because her sister didn't want the baby and had no plans to keep him. That much became obvious when Harper had begged her to take him to his father, insisting that Jerrett Black needed Justis. So she wasn't really surprised when Harp had disappeared, conveniently leaving the baby and all of his things behind.

  The baby that Aylese was allergic to.

  Which was insane (ha!) since her only allergy was to cat fur.

  Assuming that her sister was just suffering from some form of postpartum depression and would regret giving her child up, Aylese did not take Justis to his father as requested. Instead, she had tried in vain to contact Harper, leaving voicemails pleading with her to come back and promising to help her care for the baby.

  In light of her sister's complete lack of response, she conceded defeat and finally admitted that Justis would be better off with someone who could provide a stable home for him. And since she was currently mentally unstable, Aylese was the last person who needed to be responsible for a cat, er, child, so the sensible thing to do would be to take the baby to his father, right?


  Because his mother had abandoned him and his aunt was a raving lunatic. His father had to be a better choice than either of them. So she had loaded the car full of baby gear, strapped the squirming cat into the car seat and set out on a cross-country road trip. As soon as Justis was safe with his father, Aylese was having herself committed.

  Bye bye, Louboutins.



  Jerrett Black hadn't known what to expect when a car followed him into his driveway. A crazy woman never crossed his mind until she rear-ended his Jag twice before he could get through the gate. When she stepped out of the car, and he got a good look at her, he could only stare in astonishment.

  The woman was hotter than hell even if she was fucking nuts.

  His eyes gave her a quick once over before starting back up in a slower perusal. She was wearing fuck me shoes, one black, and one beige. Long, sleekly muscled legs encased in black leggings. An oversized sweatshirt that had seen better days hit her mid-thigh and hid her upper body from view, which was a damn shame.

  Pale blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail; chunks had escaped and been tucked haphazardly behind her ears. Dark circles surrounded bloodshot cobalt blue eyes, and her nose was as red as a fucking reindeers. Even looking like a hot mess she was still the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.

  His jaguar even sat up and paid attention.

  Unfortunately, she smelled like stale puke. Getting her deodorized was a priority. Then he'd get her naked. At least that had been his plan before she'd opened her mouth and blown him away with her particular brand of crazy. "Oh, thank God you're here, Jerrett," she said breathlessly as she rushed toward him. "I've brought you Justis."

  "Whoa. Stop right there," he commanded and walked backward several feet to keep some distance between them. The woman's stench was wreaking havoc with his cat's sensitive nose.

  Her feet in the mismatched shoes halted, but the flow of words did not. "I'm sorry to just dump this on you unexpectedly, but Harp disappeared, and I have a screw loose, so you're the only option left," she nattered on incomprehensibly. "Can you help me unload the car? I'm in dire need of psychiatric help."

  No doubt about that. The woman was obviously crazy as hell. But he'd still do her. Insanity was not a deterrent for hot, sweaty sex, so the plan was still a go. After she had a bath. Jesus. She smelled foul. "Let's get you cleaned up first and then we'll discuss it, honey," he said and flashed her his most lethal smile.

  The woman blinked at him before she looked down at herself and wiped at the puke stains on her sweatshirt. Her fingers brushed over four small slashes that crossed her chest, and she gasped as if in pain. Before he knew what was happening, she'd lifted the hem of
the shirt and was inspecting the scratches on her flesh.

  The sight of claw marks on her perfect and very bare breast rubbed his fur the wrong way and raised his cat's hackles. "What the fuck happened?" He growled and took a step closer before his sensitive shifter nose forcibly rebelled against that idea.

  Mouth agape, she looked up at him and asked, "You can see them?" Jett didn't know if she was talking about the scratches or her mouth watering rack, but since he could see both, he nodded confirmation. Her brow wrinkled as she let the shirt fall back into place and asked, "Are you insane too?"

  "No," he denied, although his desire to get horizontal with a crazy woman was borderline insanity at best. His cat was convinced that banging her would be worth the risk though. The beast was practically drooling.

  "Oh, good. Justis needs stability," she said with a radiant smile that he felt all the way to his balls before she darted around to the other side of her car.

  After opening the back door, she leaned inside and popped back up holding… a baby? What. The. Fuck? Then the woman proved how crazy she was when she began walking toward him, holding the infant out in offering. For every step she took forward, he took two back until he slammed into the gatehouse and had to stop.

  "Keep that thing away from me," he growled in warning since it was obviously the source of the puke stench.

  The crazy woman stopped and stared at him before she looked down at the baby she held. "But… he's yours," she said inanely as her gorgeous blue eyes met his.

  No doubt about it. Bat. Shit. Crazy. No way in hell the rugrat was his. There was no forgetting this woman, and since he'd never seen her before he couldn't have gotten her pregnant. "You're crazy as hell if you think…"

  "Yes. Yes, I am," she confirmed without hesitation. "I'm completely insane, and you need to take Justis so I can get some help."

  Before he could even fathom a response to that declaration, the baby let out an ear-piercing yowl and shifted into a cub. A black jaguar cub. Who bared his sharp little teeth at Jett and gave a pitiful excuse for a warning growl. Holy fucking shit! Was it possible to catch crazy? Because black jaguar shifters were extremely rare.

  Which meant the cub could be his.

  What. The. Fuck?!


  After two days on the road, and one sleepless night in the No-Tell Motel, Aylese was ready to drop from exhaustion. Justis was tired and cranky from being confined in the car seat, and his formula wasn't agreeing with him. He'd spit up more of it than he'd kept down which worried the hell out of her.

  Thankfully the trip was almost over. For the last twenty minutes, she'd been driving away from Las Vegas and into the desert, but the navigation system had finally reported that she was nearing her destination. Fortunately, the black Jaguar ahead of her seemed to be going to the same place.

  Since the license plate read JBLACK, she assumed that the man driving had to be Justis's father. She'd been so focused on it that she accidentally rear-ended the car when he stopped at the edge of the driveway to wait for the gate to open. Then she'd rear-ended him again while trying to get through before the gate could close.

  What a way to make a first impression.

  When he stopped and got out, Aylese had done the same and then she'd been transfixed by his masculine beauty. He had black hair with a neatly trimmed beard and startlingly beautiful amber colored eyes. Tall, broad shoulders, lean hips, and long legs rounded out a mouth-watering physique.

  Harper's taste in men was definitely improving.

  That thought had snapped her out of the lust filled stupor, and she'd breathlessly tried to explain. The man didn't seem to comprehend what she was telling him, which was understandable given her current state of mental illness. So that left her no option except to admit the sordid truth when he accused her of being crazy.

  "Yes. Yes, I am," she confirmed without hesitation. "I'm completely insane, and you need to take Justis so I can get some help."

  When her nephew morphed into a squirming, hissing cat again, Aylese gasped and hugged him to her chest to keep him still. Although she knew it wasn't real, the little darling was much more active in this form and hard to hold onto. Especially when he dug his sharp little imaginary claws into her.

  Right now he was doing his damndest to climb her like a tree. Not wanting his father to know that she was in the middle of one of her psychotic episodes, she pretended that nothing unusual was happening as Justis clawed his way onto her shoulder and began gnawing on her ponytail holder.

  From the look of sheer horror on the man's face, she wasn't masking her madness as well as she'd hoped. "Ah-choo!" She sniffled, wiped her raw nose on the frayed cuff of her sleeve and grimaced in pain as razor sharp claws dug into her flesh through the thick shirt. Pleading eyes locked with his as she whimpered, "Please help me."

  A myriad of emotions crossed his handsome face before he took a deep breath and walked toward her. She closed her eyes in relief when the weight was lifted from her shoulders. Literally and figuratively. "Thank you so much," she breathed and opened her eyes when her nephew started yowling plaintively.

  Her eyes almost bugged out of her head because the bastard was holding Justis by the scruff of his neck! He lifted the wriggling, crying cat, er, baby up to eye level, gave him a little shake and admonished sternly, "Bad."

  "What the hell are you doing?" Aylese cried in outrage as she snatched the cat away and kicked his father in the shin. "Are you insane? That's no way to treat a precious child!"

  "He has to learn before he's big enough to do serious damage," he countered and reached for Justis again.

  She shrieked and darted away from him, intent on protecting the baby from his father. Aylese couldn't comprehend why Harper had wanted her to bring Justis to him. Jerrett was obviously a danger to the child. Her nephew stopped crying and started nuzzling his furry little face against her shoulder and licking her neck.

  "Poor little man," she crooned soothingly as she rubbed circles on the silky fur covering his back. "Your father is a beast. What are we going to do now?"

  "For starters, you need a shower," the beast said from several feet away. "You smell like a goat."

  She gasped indignantly even though it was a completely accurate assessment because she stank to high heaven. Justis had spit up on her sweatshirt several times during the trip. Since it was the only thing thick enough to provide some measure of protection from his sharp little claws she hadn't removed it.

  "Insufferable ass," Aylese accused. "I know what I smell like. Hell, I know what I look like. But none of that matters right now. The important thing is getting Justis into the care of a sane, stable person, of which I am not. And you're even worse! Abusing an innocent child is unconscionable."

  "I did not abuse him," he denied hotly.

  "Ah-choo! Ever heard of shaken baby syndrome?" She accused and glared sheer venom at the man as she leaned weakly against the side of her car. Aylese lifted a hand to her aching head and complained, "I can't leave him with you now."

  "No doubt about that," he muttered, and she gave the heartless bastard an evil glare in response. "Listen, why don't you get cleaned up, sleep off whatever you're on and then we'll talk about this."

  "I'm not on anything," she denied wearily. "Not even my allergy meds, which is why I can't stop sneezing."

  "Okay. So you're off your meds," he deduced and looked somewhat relieved at the possibility of not dealing with a crazy woman. Ha! No such luck, asshole. She was as loony as they came. "Maybe you should take them."

  "If I do I'll go to sleep, and I can't sleep and take care of Justis," she complained. "I'm so exhausted I don't know what to do."

  "How long has it been since you slept?" He queried with a frown.

  She winced when her nephew grasped her ponytail in his teeth and shook his head like he held prey. The holder snapped and her hair cascaded down around her shoulders. "I don't even know what day it is."


  "Then I haven't slep
t in three days," she sighed wearily and opened the back door.

  "Wait. What are you doing?" He demanded as he walked around the car.

  "Leaving," she muttered and had a hell of a time getting her nephew off of her shoulder and into his car seat, noticing that his diaper was missing again. Keeping him clothed was virtually impossible. Every time he changed into a cat, Justis somehow managed to destroy his clothes in the process.

  "You can't drive like this," he pointed out reasonably. "You're endangering yourself and the cub."

  "Well we can't stay here," she denied as she wrangled the safety harness around his furry little body and managed to fasten the lock. "He needs someone to take care of him, and I need my head examined, so… Ah-choo!" Aylese stood quickly so she wouldn't sneeze on the baby and stars danced in the blackness surrounding her.

  Oh, shoot. She was going to…


  Son of a bitch.

  Jett barely caught her before she hit the ground. He swung the crazy woman up into his arms, and the cub went ballistic. The little furball was already territorial over her, hissing and growling as his claws shredded the car seat to get free. Sighing wearily, he squatted down and held the cub's wild-eyed gaze with his alpha stare.

  The infant male instinctively lowered his head even if he did give one last plaintive growl. A smile twitched his lips. Yeah. With an attitude like that, it could be his cub. As a rule, alphas didn't like backing down, and Jett never had. "Behave," he ordered sternly and received a half-hearted hiss in response.

  Looking down into the face of the woman in his arms, he brushed the hair from her cheek. Her skin felt as warm and soft as it looked. Even in repose, she was stunning. The question was, what the hell was he supposed to do with her? And the cub? His nose insisted that getting her cleaned up was still the priority.

  Intending to do just that, Jett draped her over his shoulder, freed the hissing cub from the car seat and carried them both into the house. Once inside, he headed directly to the closest guest room, closed the door and placed the cub on the floor. Carefully shifting the woman off his shoulder, he laid her on the bed.


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