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Fire Page 17

by Terra Harmony

  She smiled. "Always full of surprises, Kaitlyn."

  "Not all of them good."

  Five minutes later, after a flurry of page shuffling and mouse clicks, the Water at the computer announced, "Done." She moved the last scan into our folder of spells, categorizing it by name.

  I smiled, my mouth slowly turning into a frown as a low buzzing caught my attention. "What's that?"

  "What's what?" Susan asked.

  "That buzzing." I followed the source, inching closer to the computer. "It's the computer."

  The Water sitting in front of it leaned in. "I don't hear anything."

  "Nor do I," Susan said.

  I circled the table, going to the back of the computer. "It's not really a sound, it's energy." I felt the humming vibrate in my chest more than I heard it. "Kind of like what I felt when I first came to the Chakra."

  The Water looked at me, then shut the computer down. The barely discernible whir of the computer's engine ceased. I closed my eyes, concentrating, "Nope. Still there."

  Susan ducked under the table and removed the power cord from the outlet.

  "Still there," I whispered, opening my eyes.

  I walked forward, laying my hand on the computer. Jolts of energy shot through my hand. I took it away quickly, holding my wrist.

  "What's going on?" Micah’s booming voice startled us all. He had Bee on his hip.

  The Water flinched and Susan bumped her head underneath the table. "Ow!"

  He looked at me; I was still holding my hand in the air. "Are you hurt?"

  "No," I said, snapping out of my daze.

  "For Christ's sake, what is it?" Micah shifted Bee to his other arm, away from me, maybe expecting another breakdown.

  "I think we just created another power source." I said.

  "Power source?" Susan asked, coming out from under the table and brushing off her skirt.

  "Like the Chakra – or even like Easter Island," I explained. "Once we put the notes in the computer, it let off that same intense energy I feel here." I turned to Micah, "Or like you felt on Heard and McDonald Islands, or Shawn on the Galapagos." I looked at Susan and the Water. "Or maybe like you guys feel in the sea."

  Micah spread Bee's blanket out several feet away and laid her down. Then he walked over to the computer and laid his large hand across the screen. "I don't feel, or hear, anything."

  Susan began pacing, and looked at me. "No, no – it makes sense, though. Did you feel the same with Shawn's Athame?"

  I thought back to my first encounter, after I had consecrated it. "Yes," I said excitedly. "It was the same."

  "You're right then," Susan said, eyes wide. "It is a source of power. We thought only locations could be – but it can be objects as well, like a knife."

  "Or enough knowledge in the same place," chimed in Micah. "But why can only Kaitlyn feel it?"

  Susan shrugged, still pacing. "An electronic Book of Shadows. Maybe only Gaias can feel it."

  "Plausible," Micah said.

  I rolled my eyes; he sounded like Cato.

  "Oh God," The clunk of Susan's high heels across the newly installed cork flooring ceased. "Look at Bee."

  We all turned. Bee lay on her back, staring intently at the computer. Micah walked over, waving his hand in front of her face. She blinked, but continued to stare at the computer.

  "The screen isn't even on," whispered Susan. "What does this mean?"

  I cleared my throat. "It means that she’s a Gaia." I looked up at Susan. "Surprise…"

  Chapter 43

  Swim with the Current

  The tension in the room increased tenfold, so much so that the buzzing of the computer was no longer noticeable. We all took a step back from each other. The Water hopped to her feet, looking around wildly, "What? What is it?"

  "Amy," Susan said to the Water, without taking her eyes off me. "Go outside. Practice with your group."

  "Um, okay. Should I—?"

  "Just go!" Susan shouted.

  Amy rushed out of the room.

  "Everybody just calm down," Micah said, attempting to use a low tone. It came out sounding strangled.

  I sidestepped toward Bee. Susan did so in the opposite direction, maintaining her distance from me. Micah, the closest to Bee, didn't budge. In fact, he angled his body so he was now directly in between me and her.

  I glared at the siblings. "You said things would change. You promised! I took that to mean it wouldn't matter if she were a Gaia!"

  "It doesn't matter!" Susan cried. "Us knowing for sure doesn't change anything!"

  "Then why are you gathering energy?" I asked, trying not to scream.

  "Why are you?" she retorted.

  I couldn't answer that. In fact, I was not even sure who had started first. All I knew was Bee had just proven her potential to become Gaia, and the two people facing off with me grew up believing no two Gaias should exist at once.

  I closed my eyes, inhaled quickly, and tuned in to the frequency of all four elements. It wasn’t quite as hard as before. I felt Susan react. I hurled the elements directly at Bee, weaving them together frantically. They melded just before they reached her. I forced a split and the solid shield separated, then formed around her.

  Susan's water hit me a second later. Caught up in a whirlwind of liquid, the room around me turned blurry and started rotating. I was trapped in a fishbowl rolling across the floor, away from Bee. I couldn’t react with my own elements; all my magical energy was concentrated on keeping the shield strong around Bee. I'd have to use muscle to get myself out of this one.

  I squirmed, forcing my body to turn and look at Susan. Inevitably, I took a breath but only inhaled water. Choking it up, I concentrated on my watery world. Pockets of air tumbled with the water. I aimed for one. A quick breath cleared my lungs and my head, but I was still being hurled feet over head around the room.

  I tried swimming to the edge of my sphere with no success.

  What was it they always said? Swim with the current? Worth a shot.

  I shifted my direction, making long strokes that matched the speed of the sphere. Soon it was easy to keep my body parallel to the floor. I peered outside of the bowl, looking for Susan. Her attention was barely on me; it was on Micah.

  The sphere slowed, and I back-pedaled so I was now perpendicular to the floor. Several air pockets had collected to one side. I pushed through them, and stepped out onto the dry floor. Susan and Micah were yelling at each other. Bee was screaming.

  Impossible, I thought. My shield is still around her.

  I ran toward her, straight in between Micah and Susan who jumped back at the sight of me. Inside my shield, Bee's blanket was on fire. With no exit, smoke was quickly filling the enclosed space.

  "No!" I screamed, releasing the elements. The shield disintegrated.

  I hurled myself across one of the long tables in my way. Before I made it all the way to Bee, the sphere of water spun past me. Losing its form, it splashed over Bee and the blanket, dousing out the fire.

  Bee screamed at the top of her lungs. I moved her off the half-burnt blanket and searched for singed skin.

  "Is she burned?" Micah asked, coming up behind me.

  "I don't know – I don't think so." I fought back tears. "No. She’s okay."

  I removed her wet clothes. Micah quickly took off his t-shirt and handed it to me. Wrapping her in it, I cradled her to my chest.

  Susan approached cautiously. "What were you doing to her?"

  I stood up, still holding Bee, "It was a shield; for protection. What was the sphere of death all about?"

  "I was also protecting her…"

  I raised my eyebrow.

  "…from you," she finished.

  I blinked, stunned, and worked it through in my own head. Susan hadn't been there any other time I did the shield, so in her defense, she had no idea what I was doing. Still, why would she think I would attack my own daughter? Because we just found out she was also a Gaia. If it ever came down to Bee or me, it
would most definitely be Bee. Susan should've known that.

  "Susan believes it, too," Micah said.

  "What?" Susan and I asked in unison.

  It took a moment for me to understand, it was a long time since he read my thoughts. "Hey! Stay out of my head. You weren't invited."

  "Just think about it, Kaitlyn. Susan was siding with Bee over you. Isn't that what you want?"

  Susan looked at the two of us with her eyes narrowed.

  I narrowed my eyes right back. "You thought I would hurt her just because she is a Gaia? Why…?" I gasped, eyes wide with horror. "You think that somehow, I'm on Shawn's side."

  Susan's downcast eyes answered for her. Micah began arguing with her, but their words were blocked out by the ringing in my head. I hadn't fully committed to their cause, so I was a traitor. Of course. Everything with Susan was black and white.

  I interrupted the sibling argument, "I'm done."

  They stopped and looked at me.

  "Done?" Micah asked. His eyebrows went up as his forehead creased. He looked worried.

  "Yeah," I switched Bee to the other hip. "I'm done being bullied. I've had enough from Shawn…and from Micah."

  I took a step toward Susan, "I've had enough from you. I'll do what I think is right for me, for Bee, for humanity, and Earth. I'm not with the Seven. But neither am I with One Less. No more bullying, and no more damn numbers." I turned on my heel and walked out, shouting over my shoulder, "It's time for Team Kaitlyn."

  Chapter 44

  Unlucky Parents

  Micah caught up with us in the hall. "Kaitlyn, please – don't get pissed. That was a lot for Susan to take in just now."

  "I'm not pissed, Micah. I'm…conflicted."

  "She'll come around; let me work on her a bit." He took Bee from me, who had finally calmed down.

  "Let me ask, does she truly believe that two Gaias can exist at once? No more killing to make room for the next best thing?"

  We turned into our room, and Micah shut the door behind us.

  "Yes – she rewrote our doctrine. It's on the database; you can look it up anytime. And she requires every Elemental to know the thing inside and out. They have to pass a test on it before they begin training."

  Bee squirmed in his arms. "Is she hungry?"

  "Oh, probably." I took off my shirt and unlatched my nursing bra. "Pass her to me."

  I sat on the bed, propping pillows up behind me and on my lap. Bee gulped frantically as she began nursing. "I'm so sorry, baby," I said, stroking the fuzz on her head.

  I looked up at Micah, who still stood in the middle of the room. "We have to be so careful. I mean, she could've died while we were battling each other."

  He sighed, and joined us on the bed. "I know."

  Bee's gulping had finally calmed into a rhythmic, steady feeding. She reached up to play with my hair. She felt light and fragile lying across my lap, her skin smooth. I would've never forgiven myself if she’d gotten burned. "I want to take a break the rest of the day. I'm staying with Bee."

  Micah nodded. "Me too, then. I'll tell Alex and Susan they're off babysitting duty today."

  I gave him a crooked smile; he returned the favor.

  He played with Bee’s toes hanging off my lap. "She got too excited, or maybe scared, with all the energy in the room, and set her own blanket on fire. Her power has strong ties to her emotions – like you." His eyebrows creased. "But if she’s a Gaia, how come she's only displayed fire so far?"

  "Because we are the unluckiest parents ever," I said.

  We both let out a strangled laugh.

  "Seriously," he said. "Maybe she doesn't get other powers until later?"

  "I don't know," I said, thinking back to Easter Island. "Ahi said it was a naming ceremony, kind of like her Wiccaning here. It wasn't supposed to invoke powers but sometimes Akasha has different ideas."

  The suction at my nipple ceased. "Oh, damn it. She fell asleep. I should wake her." My other breast was already aching with the need for relief, on the verge of leaking.

  "No, don't." Micah stopped me from moving Bee. "She’s exhausted. Let her sleep."

  I leaned toward him, lowering my voice, "Mr. Ardwyad, are you protecting your newest Gaia?"

  He smiled, "I am."

  I leaned in closer. "I don't know if you can handle the two of us."

  "There is only one way to find out." He closed the distance between us, his lips pressing into mine.

  "Oh, ow," I pulled away. His chest squashed my already aching boob.

  "Here, give me Bee," he said.

  I handed her over and he laid her in the white, lacy bassinette next to our bed. Then he turned, and began removing all his clothes.

  My abdomen clenched in anticipation, "Now? With Bee in the room?"

  "Do you want me to move her into the nursery?"

  I glanced over at the darkened nook. Even though it was technically part of our room, separated only by a thin curtain, I wasn't ready for her to be so far away from me. "No…"

  "Okay then, we'll just have to be extra quiet." Completely naked, he jumped onto the bed, using the momentum to pull me on top of him.

  I squealed.

  "Shhh," he put his finger over my mouth, and used his other hand to pull me into him.

  His lips replaced his finger. I opened my mouth slightly, inviting in his breath and his tongue. He kissed me, hard, then trailed over to my ear. "Do you remember our cave on Reunion Island?" he whispered. "And what I did to you there?"

  At Micah's insistence, I selfishly used the elements to enhance the experience. I wanted to moan out loud at the memory, but couldn't.

  This is going to be torture.

  His tongue moved down to my breast, and he swirled it around the nipple Bee was just on. The other still ached to be relieved.

  "I have a present for you," he said, pulling away and smiling.

  "What?" I whispered.

  "How bad do you want it?"

  Okay, I'll play along.

  I licked my lips, leaning into his ear. "Mmmm, give it to me." My tongue darted in and out. I felt him shudder.

  "Then strip."

  "Hey," I sat back up. "Are you bribing me?"

  "Shhh, naughty girl." He clucked his tongue. "Now strip."

  Curiosity got the best of me. I removed the rest of my nursing bra, slowly, just to spite him, wiggling my hips unnecessarily over his exposed shaft.

  He smiled and whispered, "You're going to pay for that."

  "Am I now?" I stood up on the bed, unzipped my jeans and rolled them down the length of my legs, followed by my panties. I kicked them both off onto the floor.

  I straddled Micah again.

  His hands immediately slid up my thighs.

  I stopped him. "I showed you mine, now show me yours."

  He clasped both arms behind his head and gestured to the bedside table. "In that drawer."

  I leaned over, reached in, and pulled out a rock—coal-colored, rough, and glittering with minerals.

  "Remember that?" He smiled maliciously.

  I licked my lips again. I already felt moisture in between my legs. "My pussy does."

  "So put it there."

  I obliged, without hesitation.

  "You know what to do," he whispered.

  I nodded my head and closed my eyes. Concentrating on the frequency of the earth below us, I borrowed a small amount of energy. I sent it into the rock and it buzzed in response.

  My initial reaction was overwhelming, I leaned forward, catching myself with my other hand on Micah's chest. My mouth dropped open, but the rest of me felt paralyzed. Paralyzed with pleasure.

  He covered my mouth with his again, blocking me from making a sound. I slowly melted into him, moving my hips in a suggestive circle. He pulled away, and moaned.

  "Quiet," it was my turn to shush him.

  "I don't care, Kaitlyn. I can't help it, I need to be inside you right now."

  I was denying him access, trying to keep from peaking just
yet. I needed control over my body before I let him in.

  "Damn it," he cursed in frustration, then took the whole of my full breast in his mouth.

  I squeaked out loud, and his hand shot up to cover my mouth. He teased and sucked, lapping at my nipple. I felt my milk let down, but only realized it was coming out when he swallowed.

  It was disturbingly erotic.

  "Now?" Micah looked up at me, removing his hand from my mouth.

  "Yes, God – yes. Right now!"

  He lifted my hips, centering me over him, but let me drop on my own. I inched down, willing my body to stretch to his girth. The vibrating rock was certainly doing its part as far as encouragement went.

  Once I was all the way down, I paused, and moaned. He took my breast back in his mouth. I moved my hips up and down, back and forth, in time with his rhythmic sucking. I kept the rock directly over my clitoris, increasing the energy until my whole body felt like it was buzzing.

  "I'm not going to last long, Kaitlyn," Micah growled. Milk spilled down my breast and over my abdomen at his release.

  "Me neither," I panted.

  He rubbed the milk into my stomach and around my hips as if it were lotion. It dripped down further, lubricating the rock.

  "Micah!" I whisper-yelled, "Hold on to me!" I rode him hard as I climaxed, my whole body clenching down.

  I finished just as he began. His hips forced me up as his back arched unnaturally high. He stopped mid-air, experiencing his own climax, quieter than I had managed.

  When he dropped his hips, out of breath, I fell down on the bed beside him. The sudden break in tension caused us both to gasp.

  "Holy shit. I don't know if we'll ever be able to top that," I said, shocked, but totally sated.

  He took the rock from me. "We will, don't worry about that. I'll clean this thing and keep it in the drawer."

  I turned toward him. "Promise me we will never go anywhere without it."

  "Promise." He smiled, rolling the rock in his hand. "Our own little sex toy, and airport security will be none the wiser."

  I laughed.

  "I love you, Kaitlyn."

  My laughing stopped cold. Had he ever said that to me before? I didn't think so, not even at our handfasting ceremony.


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