Last Call: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Last Call: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 27

by Jillian Neal

  “Oh God, I’m gonna…” she cried out in warning.

  He backed off. “Say please, honey.” Slowing the strokes of his tongue, he licked at her fingers still dutifully trying to hold herself open.

  “Please,” cried from her in a shudder of pure need.

  Widening his tongue, he lapped at her pearl back and forth then circled until she was unable to do anything more than moan. Drawing it back into his mouth he suckled and teased at her opening with his index finger. He gently raked his teeth across her sensitive tissues.

  She broke on a wail of his name. Her hands flew to her face. Her thighs clamped around his jaw. This time he allowed it. At the peak of her climax, her cream coated his chin. He wanted to drown in her flavors. Delving deeper, he feasted on everything he’d forced from her body. The sweetest confection with a liquid chaser of sin.

  Standing, he ran the back of his hand over his mouth and stared at her limp with satisfaction in her bed.

  He’d promised her something. As much as he would hate being bound, she needed this. She needed to own her desires, needed understand what she did to him, needed to be willing to explore.

  Natalie forced herself to sit up as the last quake of her orgasm shook through her. What happened next? She was just as unable to believe that he was going to let her tie him to her bed as she was that she’d actually told him that’s what she wanted.

  Her eyes flew to his package as he slowly unbuckled his belt and popped the snap on his jeans. He refused to meet her gaze as he lowered the zipper.

  Wet heat had gathered in a circle in his boxers at the head of his cock. He kicked off his boots and stepped out of his jeans. His boxers were next. “Do you know how gorgeous you are?” She’d wanted to ask him a thousand times. How could he not know?

  “I’m glad you think so, baby. You ready for this?” He gestured to his rope on the other side of the bed.

  Commanding her legs to support her, she stood. “If you’re sure this is okay. You don’t seem too thrilled about it.”

  He reclined in the bed and propped his hands behind his head. His calm, cool position in direct opposition to the dark fire in his eyes and the tense grip of his jaw. “There are parts of it I’m going to enjoy the hell out of.”

  “But the other parts?”

  “Not the first time I’ve been tied up, Nat, but this is the first time for pleasure.”

  Oh my God. Had he been captured? Is that what had happened to the Sevens? “You mean when you were in the army?”

  “No. Leave it, baby. Just get on with this.”

  “No. I’m not doing this to you.”

  “You are. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure as I’m ever going to be.”

  “You always ask me that. If I said I was as sure as I was going to be about whatever you were asking to do you’d refuse to do it.”

  “I’m sure.”

  With the rope in her hands she somehow managed to forget every single thing she’d ever known about what to do with one. She’d been roping and riding since she was five. What the hell was wrong with her?

  Ordering herself to get it together, she hesitantly took one of his hands in her own. Nothing about this made any sense. “I don’t know how to do this.” Judging from T’s teasing quip at Saddleback’s the other day, Aaron had tied up lovers before. She could use a little guidance.

  “Here.” He took the rope. “Do you want them tied together or do you want one on each bedpost?”

  “Which way would you prefer?”

  His soft laughter grounded her and somehow eased the tight wire of tension that ran from his shoulders all the way to his ass. “You are quite the Domme, sweetheart. Maybe I’ll get you a whip for your birthday.”

  Rolling her eyes, Natalie tapped back into her own stubbornness. Jerking the rope out of his hands she flung one end behind three spindles in the middle of her headboard and pulled it back through the other side. She brought his hands together. Laying them on a pillow, she worked a quick, effective farmer’s loop and bound them over his head. “There.”

  “Very nice.” He angled his head, eyed the knot, and quirked a smile. A half-second later he settled back. All concern was erased from his features. He licked his lips and gestured to his cock slowly softening without any attention. “Believe you wanted a ride, cowgirl.”

  “There’s other stuff I want to do first.”

  “Take what you need, baby. I’m all yours.”

  Considering for a moment, she let her eyes feast on him splayed out naked all for her enjoyment. Power surged through her. Every inch of him was perfection. There was so much she wanted to do and it was all entirely up to her.

  She climbed onto the bed beside him, longing for the warmth of his skin near hers. Caressing her hands over his pecs, she traced the disks of his nipples, loving the way they tightened with need. The chiseled valley in the center of his chest beckoned her. Feathering light kisses over the smattering of hair, a close-mouthed hum of approval sounded from him.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Your hands and mouth are on me, Nat. Doesn’t really matter where they are, I’m in heaven.”

  “I’m kind of overwhelmed at all of the stuff I want to do and to taste.”

  “I’m liking this being tied up thing more and more. You can taste to your heart’s content.”

  Continuing on her explorative journey, she spun her tongue over his right nipple, reveling in the way every hill of muscle in his chest and abs tensed in pleasure. Blazing a hot trail, she whispered kisses up to the cord of muscles that comprised his neck. She splayed her hands wide to cover more ground on his chest.

  Summoning what she hoped was a sex cat pout, she leaned low over him and stared him down.

  “You keep looking at me like that I’ll break the damned bed to get out of this tie-up and show you precisely what you’re doing to me.”

  Pride welled from her soul and flowed out to her limbs. A broad grin replaced her pout making him chuckle. She didn’t care. She was doing this. She was taking what she wanted and more importantly what she needed.

  Spinning her tongue at the hollow between his chest and stomach, she let the salty tang of him saturate her senses.

  Slinking down his body, she hesitantly traced along the deepest scar that ran from his navel to the enticing valley between his right leg and his cock. Unwilling to keep herself from anything, she teased at the thatch of hair surrounding the base of his erection.

  He growled. She giggled.

  “Are you laughing at me, cowgirl?”

  “Yes. I like making you growl.”

  “Oh honey, I’m gonna growl for you. If you don’t move a little faster I might cry.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Beginning to think you’re a cock tease.”

  Going on with one of the things she most wanted, she brushed a kiss along one of his scars. “Still won’t tell me what happened will you?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed. Her gaze flew back to his neck and then slowly back to his eyes.

  “There’s not all that much to tell you, babe. I got shot.”

  “I know. Please tell me this happened when you were serving.”

  “Does that make it better?”

  “No. Not at all. I’m just trying to figure out your life before me piece by piece.”

  “Yeah, well my life before you existed in nothing but pieces.”

  Natalie lingered over his scars hoping that every kiss she painted over them would bring him healing. She’d never been the kind of girl who believed in fairy godmothers or shooting star wishes. Until she’d met Aaron, she’d refused to even believe in any kind of magic. As her lips encountered another deep puckered groove in his abdomen she would have given anything to get back all of the wishes she’d never made during her childhood. She would wish that her kisses and her love really could make things all better.


  Aaron ten
sed as her silky hair brushed over his cock again. Caught somewhere between absolute heaven and pure hell, part of him loved every minute of her ministrations over his scars. Another part wished she’d forget they were there altogether.

  Another one of those gazes from her preceded her spinning her tongue over the head of his cock. He came up off the bed. “Fuck. Do more of that.”

  “I will in a minute,” she promised. Instead of obeying, she moved her lips to the scars on the other side of his body. Agony seared through him. Concentrating on her to keep from losing his mind, he watched head bob and forced himself to feel her lips press to his skin.

  He owed her this. Her eyes flitted back to his and some bizarre form of comfort worked through the haze of confusion and denial that choked out every other emotion in his mind.

  “I love you,” whispered from her lips. And she did. He knew. He had no idea how the hell that could be possible. He’d never deserve that but as she returned to her healing work he began to understand.

  She didn’t seem to see his scars as brands of his ultimate failing. They weren’t red flags of warning that he was nothing more than a disappointment.

  Another kiss grazed over the bullet hole near his hip bone. “I love you so much,” she assured him yet again.

  “You shouldn’t,” he choked. No one should love him. No one should look at him like that. No one should see his scars as openings where they can pour in their love. That couldn’t possibly be what they were. He’d failed. And yet she continued to kiss them and to heal the invisible wounds hidden much deeper in his body.

  “Yes, I should. And even if what you said was true, I’m way too stubborn to stop loving you. Fastest way to get me to do anything is to tell me not to.” That truth was followed by her tongue dancing from the base of his cock to his crown.

  “Jesus Christ, that’s so good, baby.”

  “I’ve never done this before,” she stated unnecessarily.

  “I’m good with anything but teeth.”

  “But I’ve imagined doing this to you so many times.”

  “Nat.” He couldn’t catch his breath. Every nerve ending in his body sizzled with greed. He thrust into the air, so needy he was almost ashamed. “Suck me.”

  “Mmm, yes, sir.”

  “Holy fuck,” he grunted as she drew him in. What she lacked in experience she made up for with exuberance. Her tongue lapped at his head, dragging him rapidly from want to fervor.

  She experimented with sweet kisses and soft suckles and just when he was certain he would die from the torture she would draw him deep and suck hard. “I don’t fucking believe you’ve never done this.” He thrashed in the bed. Creaking loudly, her headboard banged against her wall from his force.

  Another moan vibrated down his shaft before she lifted her head with an audible pop. “Show me, baby. Show me my cum on your lips.” So much for letting her run the show. One of those sweet little hums sounded from her as she licked his pre-cum from her lips. Those need-you noises were almost better than her screaming his name when she came. Every single thing about her only served to make him love her more.

  “I love the way you taste. Like man and you and… sex.” She returned to her work with vigor.

  He fought the cloud of lust threatening to take over his senses. Not yet. Not fucking yet. “Nat, baby, listen to me. Relax your throat muscles and take me deep. I want to feel you swallow with me at your throat.”

  She did as she was told. Her teeth scraped at his shaft as she slowly took him deeper and deeper. The slight pain registered only as unadulterated pleasure.

  Her cheeks hollowed. The warm wet haven of her silky mouth suctioned to him. He dug his heels into the mattress. The bed gave audible warnings of him testing its construction.

  She sucked harder. The muscles of her throat flexed against him.

  “Swallow me,” flew from his lips as a command.

  Brilliant, beautiful woman had already figured out one of his many kinks however. The first milky spurt of his cum she swallowed. The next, she lifted her head and let him see it on her lips and tongue before she closed her eyes and swallowed again. The final landed on his abs.

  “Finish it.” All sense of restraint gone, he gave another order. Her tongue lapped him clean. His entire body shuddered as she brushed one more kiss on his now flaccid cock.

  Full of a heady sense of power over the fact that she’d given him that slack-jawed, dazed expression, Natalie debated what to do next. “How long does it take it to get hard again?” She wrinkled her nose wondering if that was something she should have asked.

  He shook his head at her, that half-smirk firmly in place on his lips. “Come kiss me. Let me taste myself in your mouth and give me about five minutes.”

  “Should already have known it would be something impressive.”

  “I was a Green Beret, baby. We penetrate deeper, last longer, recover faster, and carry a heavier payload.”

  Laughing at that, Natalie straddled herself over his hipbones. That was the first time she’d heard him joke about his time in the service since they’d been friends. Perhaps underneath all of the scars both visible and invisible he carried, there were moments he’d enjoyed. Maybe she could help him reach more of those moments.

  Laying out over his chest, she taunted him keeping their lips just far enough apart that he couldn’t reach her. Her nipples pricked at his chest. Her own wetness coated his cock already stiffening against her. Tingles of awareness overtook her body.

  Unable to tease any longer, she pressed her lips to his. He didn’t require his hands or even his arms to take control of her. Every connection of their lips made her long to be devoured entirely by him. His saliva was spiked with possession. His lips full of sinful seduction. She wanted it all.

  Once again the bed protested him pulling at his restraints. He turned, angling his head the other way. “You taste like mine, baby. Say it for me. Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You.” Her vow was a breathy moan. She rocked against him with more force.

  “That’s right.” He bucked for her bringing his cock to the wet folds of her pussy.

  Still so hungry, she dove in for another kiss. Drawing her tongue between his lips he began to suck. She canted her hips faster. He was hard again. Jerking back, driven only by her own desires, she gripped his cock and held it to her clit.

  “I fucking love when you take what you want,” he groaned.

  She rocked back and forth. The pressure so good it was almost unbearable. He thrust against her, giving her more, knowing she needed it.

  Sliding against him, every pass over his crown shot a flash fire of heat throughout her. More. Take more. The friction was a drug. She’d never get enough. That knot of pressure deep within her tightened with every pass. His moans were equally intoxicating. She wanted more. The need was oppressive. Her next breath depended on him setting her free.

  Rising up on her knees, she positioned his head at her opening starved his fullness.

  “Jesus, I deserve a fucking crown for stopping you, but don’t forget the condom, baby.” His body continued to rock against her. He flexed his ass constantly, pressing himself between her lips. It wasn’t fair. Stopping even long enough to put on a condom felt like she was being tied and quartered.

  Whimpering out her frustration, she jerked one out of the box on the bedside table. He squeezed his eyes shut for two breaths. “Pinch a little at the top so it doesn’t break when I come and then roll it on.”

  Tearing the package, she followed his instructions. Every roll of her fingers down his shaft made him tense. Bringing his head back to her opening she made another swipe with it back and forth, soaking him down with her cream.

  A string of expletives flew from his mouth. “Nat, baby, I haven’t opened you. Untie me and let me get you ready. I don’t want you to hurt.”

  “This is precisely the kind of hurt I want. I’m not some kind of delicate flower, Aaron. I’m a cowgirl.” With that she sank down his coc
k. The first two inches robbed her of breath, but the driving force was all-consuming. He groaned in agony. She pressed further but struggled. “Help me.”

  “Just remember you said that in the morning.” He thrust hard up into her penetrating her fully.

  “Oh, yes.” She gave an inquisitive rock. That thatch of hair at his base teased at her clit. She pressed harder.

  “It’s good isn’t it, baby? It hurts so good.”

  “Yes,” she sang. “More. Please more.”

  Every thrust became a dedicated assault on her senses. He pounded into her. “Look at us, Nat,” he commanded. “I know I’m not the only one who loves a show. Watch your greedy little pussy swallow me up.”

  Clawing at his chest, she lowered her head to see. Her body was a live wire electrified by the sight. Faster and harder she road with everything this was.

  “Jesus, so fucking tight, so fucking good.”

  “Oh God, more.”

  Suddenly, a loud crack drowned out her moans. His hands flew forward and the splintered pops of the wood made her gasp.

  “I’ll fix it for you tomorrow. Keep fucking riding me.”


  Lightning fast, just like he’d been trained, Aaron extended his arms fully, flattened his palms together, and jerked his right hand free. Tossing the rope aside, he never missed a thrust.

  She threw her head back. Her tits bounced with every roll of her body. One thing was for certain, his cowgirl knew how to ride.

  Pressing his thumbs to her hip bones and digging his fingertips into her ass, he held her to him pumping hard and fast.

  Anticipation thundered in his blood. She milked every twitch of his cock. The fluid flexes of her pussy threatened to destroy his resolve.

  She trembled. She was right there. Dragging his right hand to the precise spot where they were joined, he rotated his thumb against her clit.

  “Oh…yes…mmm…Aaron…mmm,” she panted. He continued his relentless pounding.

  “That’s it isn’t it? You’re right there, baby. Let me have it.”

  She collapsed on his chest breaking on a haggard moan of his name. Gripping her ass, he held her to him while he filled the condom in a series of tensed muscles and wild groans.


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