The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3)

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The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3) Page 23

by Gemma Perfect

  With archaic law decreeing that the eldest son – Macsen – be King if the Kingmaker wasn’t there to make the choice the traditional way, Millard had stepped in during the coronation and killed Macsen, his own brother. Sliced his head clean off, so he could be King instead.

  She was glad she missed it. She had been hiding in these very rooms, such a short time ago, so happy and ready to be Queen, to take on her birth right. That was when Lanorie, hysterical, had come to take her out of hiding.

  She had tried to claim her crown and that was when Millard killed Halfreda, who she had known and loved her whole life long – as had he – and then he had killed... her mind almost refuses to go there, but she forces herself to. He deserves her to remember him. He had died for her. The ultimate sacrifice and what every knight promises to do for their King or Queen. She just never thought it would happen. Even after Ginata’s vision where she saw him get hurt, Everleigh had thought he would win. She had let him die and she hadn’t been able to help him or save him.


  Her tears are sobs now. Her body pained by the wracking.

  Lanorie whispers to Will, “I need to go now. I need to check on Addyson. Maybe it will help Everleigh to know she’s safe?”

  “Good idea. I’ll try to talk to her.”

  They both look doubtful and Lanorie gives his hand a squeeze before she goes, shutting the door quietly behind her, even though Everleigh has shown no sign of being aware that either of them are in the room with her.

  Will steps softly towards her. He is sure Millard is busy doing other dastardly things, but he can’t help but worry that he will come looking for his sister. He will not want her alive, not while she threatens his reign.

  He sits down beside her, his princess and friend. He rests a hand on her arm, wanting to touch her, to help her. “Everleigh,” he says. “Everleigh are you alright?”

  He knows she is not, even as he asks it, but he needs to say something.

  She turns to face him and looks surprised to see him. “Will.” Her voice sounds scratchy from all the crying she’s doing.

  “Everleigh. I don’t think you’re safe here.”

  Her gaze is blank.

  Will tries again. “I think Millard will try to kill you.”

  Gaze still blank, tears spilling over, she looks back at the fire.

  Will wishes Halfreda was here, she would give Everleigh some potion or other, something to help her. She’s obviously suffering from shock. And heartache. And stress. And no wonder.

  He is silent but still touching her arm. She feels stone cold, and he rubs her skin trying to warm her up. She is unaware of him once more, lost in her memories, lost in the trauma of the last few hours, the last few days.

  He locks the front door and moves through to Halfreda’s work room. If Millard’s soldiers come, the lock won’t stop them, but he will hear them. He cannot bear the thought of her being slaughtered like a defenceless lamb, unaware that anyone has even come for her head.

  Halfreda had many rooms within the castle, and several rooms here too, just outside of it. She had accumulated a lot of stuff in her long life; she was the oldest person Will had ever seen or known and he has no clue of her actual age. She was older than ancient when he was young and older still when she died. He can hardly believe she is gone. It seemed like she would never die, just become older and older and older, but he knows everyone dies eventually.

  Her work room is full of herbs and potions, bottles and books. He would never know what to give Everleigh but is hoping that Halfreda will have something bottled and labelled, something that might help.

  He cannot bear seeing his princess in so much pain. He is relieved she is alive but needs her to snap out of her maudlin thoughts, this inertia, before Millard sends an axe for her.

  Eyes roving along the bottles and jars, he sees something labelled as ‘Lift.’ Another as ‘Sleep.’ Another as ‘Boost.’ While she could do with all three, he just needs her to have enough energy to get away from the castle. He doesn’t know where he’ll take her but it won’t be long before Millard looks for her. Maybe he will enjoy the night, revel in being King of the Realm, but come morning, sober and concerned about his crown, surely, he will hunt her down like a dog and kill her. Or lock her up. Alive would be the best outcome for her, but she would still be a prisoner. Will wants her safe, with or without a crown on her head. Millard may want her dead, regardless.

  He picks up the bottle labelled ‘Boost’, opens the top and puts a drop on his tongue. He doesn’t want to inadvertently kill her with a mislabelled bottle of poison. He doesn’t drop dead, and so goes back to Everleigh’s side.


  WHAT A DAY. AND IT has not ended yet. It is the worst day I have ever had the misfortune to live through and yet I cannot thank the gods enough that I have lived through it. Several times today the gaze of a madman has come to rest on me and I have feared my time was over.

  But here I am.

  I knew something was wrong this morning, but I had no idea how wrong. Maybe Halfreda could have seen it if she hadn’t been so close to the end of her life, and yet her love for both of those boys had obviously coloured her vision of them and what they might be capable of.

  I have no such alliances, I had seen them a handful of times on visits to the castle and had only met Macsen when he was disguised in a cloak, buying a death draught off me. If only I had been down at the river the day he came calling, or next door enjoying an ale with Della, or anywhere else where he wouldn’t have found me.

  And yet he is not the problem anymore.

  With one prince dead, one princess in a tower, one Kingmaker on the loose, we have a new King. A mad and murderous one. And he has called me to his room.

  Standing with him now, while he tells me, the new wise woman of the castle, what he expects from me, I dare not let my attention wander for a second, but my heart is still beating too wildly.

  First Macsen and then Millard; two insane brothers had me in their sights and twice I have been saved. When I crowned Millard, I was sure he would run me through straight after, having fulfilled his need of me.

  And yet here I am. I cannot quite believe it. Am I a lucky witch? Maybe.

  Halfreda was not. I dig my nails into my palm to stop any tears from sprouting and giving my emotions away to this monster before me. And a monster he is. A beautiful monster, so handsome and affable. Now he is King he laughs and jokes and waves and smiles. But earlier on he pierced Halfreda’s heart with a sure sword. He pierced Archer’s beautiful heart without a pause.

  I feel Halfreda’s loss like a physical thing, a discontentment in my heart. I am sad about Archer but I knew him not. I know Everleigh will be beyond distraught and I wish I was with her now instead of here with Millard. I want to serve her not him.

  I will serve her. I will be as false to him as he was to his family, his sisters, his brother, his father. I will pretend to help him and obey him, but I will be an agent for the other side. I will assist and aide Everleigh in any way I can until the crown is on her head.

  Halfreda was a good friend to me, especially after my parents both died. She always looked out for me and imparted all her knowledge to me. I will use her knowledge now, her wisdom, for a cause of my own.

  Millard’s wish has come true; I crowned him King of the Realm. Now, he sees me as an ally and I will gain his trust and abuse it. Willingly.

  I take the drink and smile at him. It’s not hard to smile at his handsome face. It’s not hard to pretend to like him. He pleases my eye certainly, even though his touch repulses me. As his fingers brush mine when he gives me the goblet I contain a shiver through pure mental control.

  He cannot know what I think when I see him or how much he upsets me. This monster must believe that I am only here for him.

  “So,” he says, his eyes soft and seemingly tender. “Quite a day...”

  He lets his words hang in the air and I am unsure how to respond to him. “Indeed,” I say,
noncommittal, but hoping he doesn’t mind. If he minds, I am all too aware, I may die.

  “Do you think ill of me?”

  Again, what would he have me say?

  I take a deep breath. If I am to work with him, convince him of my worth and loyalty, I need to speak to him, engage with him, push away my fears and commit to this path I’ve chosen.

  “Your Grace. I am a witch, but a simple one. I have lived my whole life long in a small square house, just two rooms, with my parents. After they died, I lived alone. I wash in the river; I sweep my own floors. I eat what I can, when I can, but some nights I go to bed with a pain in my stomach from hunger. I cannot imagine the life of a prince, the call to power and leadership. I aimed to serve and help in the village and it’s all I can try to do now. I am not clever or learned or wise like Halfreda, I am a simple witch but if you let me stay I will put my mind to helping you, serving you.”

  Is it enough? I worried about mentioning Halfreda’s name, but I wanted to speak plainly. I have let him think I am more naïve than I probably am. But I don’t think there’s any harm in it. I look him in the eye, no fear, well plenty of it, but hopefully well hidden.

  A beautiful smile breaks out over his face, and he looks genuinely relieved. “Power and leadership,” he says, nodding at me. Happy with my answer. “Exactly. Only those raised to be Kings could understand. Thank you Ginata. I feel better. You make me feel better.”

  I smile at him. I am relieved and pleased. I do not want to die any time soon.

  “And now for your rooms. Halfreda had rooms in here but also outside. They weren’t the best, or the fanciest but I think you should live inside. I will have the old King’s rooms made up for you, fit for my closest advisor.”

  I do not want to sleep in a dead man’s bed, but I cannot show my repulsion or fear. If this man wants me close and that’s what it takes to stay alive and win the crown for Everleigh, then it’s what I will do.

  “I would be delighted,” I lie.

  “One other matter, before I let you rest. I am sure you are tired out. It’s been a busy day. And still the feast later.”

  I nod my agreement but stay quiet.

  “I want another coronation. A proper one. Today was a farce, really. It should have been Everleigh’s death day, then Macsen’s coronation and then finally mine. I want a day that’s just about me.”

  I am literally speechless. This King murdered his brother without flinching, killed his life-long mother figure without hesitation and then stabbed the man his sister was in love with, all without missing a beat and now he worries about having a day to himself without the attention on anyone else.

  It hits me then; this King is still a child. A spoiled little boy. He wants to be the star, the main attraction, all eyes on him.

  I am nodding so he will not know what I’m thinking. “I think that’s a sensible idea. A coronation should be a grand affair, something people will remember for the right reasons.”

  He grins at me, so pleased with what I’ve said. The key to winning over this man is to always be on his side, or at least let him believe you are. And, actually, this self-involved madness might help us, might give us a chance to get Everleigh her crown back. Halfreda’s words echo in my mind: you can only have a coronation with witnesses of more than a hundred, or any mad man could have himself crowned. Well a madman has had himself crowned, and we will help Everleigh take his crown away.

  “I will get it arranged and you can crown me properly.”

  I nod along. I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of that.


  GINATA WALKS QUICKLY through the castle corridors, heading outside to Halfreda’s rooms. She is only guessing but it’s the only logical place she can think of for Everleigh to be hiding. But she won’t be safe there for long.

  The door is locked when she pushes it, so she knocks. “Everleigh, Will? Lanorie?”

  Will rushes from Everleigh’s side and opens the door, and Ginata slips inside. Being inside Halfreda’s room, away from Millard’s side, she finally breaks down. Will leads her to a chair, and she sobs with her head in her hands.

  Will is quiet next to her, Everleigh doesn’t even look up. She hasn’t drunk any of the potion yet; he cannot get her to snap out of the fog she’s in. Maybe once Ginata is all cried out, they can help her together. He is sure Lanorie will come back once she’s fed Addyson and together they can come up with a plan.

  He pats Ginata’s shoulder as she cries, managing to keep himself calm by wondering what they will do next. He may only be a fool in the making but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that life has changed for all of them. Irrevocably.

  Ginata takes a deep breath and wipes her face. She smiles up at Will. “I needed that. I’ve been with Millard. The King.”

  It was treasonous the way she was thinking; that she would help someone steal the King’s crown and take his place. If her mind could be read, she’d be hung for what she was planning to do. She was safe enough in Halfreda’s old rooms, but everywhere else she would have to watch what she said, how she said things, her reaction to what others said, even. This man did not need good and proper reasons to end people’s lives. He was quick to the temper and slow to regret.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes. Well...he expects me to take over from Halfreda, which I knew. He’s moving me in to the King’s old rooms – that I didn’t expect. Or like.” She shrugs. What choice do any of them have. “How is she?” Ginata nods her head towards Everleigh who hasn’t moved for more than an hour.

  “Not good and I don’t think she’s safe. Did Millard say anything about her.”

  “No, but he wants another coronation next week. He wants one without all the other stuff detracting from him.”

  Will laughs, although it is not funny. Not really. But he can’t help it. “Really?”

  Ginata nods. “Really.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I agreed with everything he said. I am not willing to die, no matter how much I want to help Everleigh. Halfreda believed she should be Queen; that’s enough for me. But I won’t die for her. I think another coronation is perfect, it will let us crown her this time, plan it all properly, do it right. And I will help but I don’t want to die for my trouble.”

  Will couldn’t argue with her. He would die for Everleigh; he almost had. But they had been friends their whole life long. She was more than a friend to him; she was family.

  “She hasn’t moved for ages. I tried to give her one of Halfreda’s drinks, but she won’t take it. What can we do?”

  Will is glad Ginata has come back. She’ll know how to help Everleigh. They must get her to wake up, focus, move. They need to get her to safety.

  “I can help her,” Ginata says, moving over to Everleigh’s side.

  “Where will we put her? Where can she go? She’s not safe if Millard wants another coronation. He won’t want her turning up again and spoiling things.”

  “I was thinking about my cottage.” Ginata takes hold of Everleigh’s hand. “I don’t think Millard would ever think of going there. I’m not sure if he even knows where it is.”

  “Brilliant.” For the first time since they walked away from the massacre, Will feels himself relax. He’s not solely responsible anymore. They will work it out together. He sits on one of Halfreda’s comfy chairs and lets Ginata take over.

  “Everleigh.” Ginata’s voice is loud, but Everleigh doesn’t move. “Everleigh!” Louder again, accompanied by a shake of her shoulders. Everleigh looks at her, smiles faintly, turns her gaze back to the fire. Ginata shakes her again. “No, Everleigh. Stay with me.” She takes hold of Everleigh’s chin and turns her head, holds her face in both hands. Everleigh tries to turn away but Ginata won’t let her. Her grip is too firm.



  Will moves to the edge of his chair. That’s only the second time she’s spoken, but she sounds more like herself.

leigh. We need to get you out of here. You’re not safe. You need to snap out of it.”

  Everleigh nods, but her gaze is vacant again.

  “Everleigh.” Ginata’s voice is harsh this time, sharp and loud. “Everleigh. Your brother is dead. Halfreda is dead. Archer is dead.” Everleigh lets out a cry. “Archer. Is. Dead. Sorry Everleigh, but he is. But Addyson is safe. She’s locked up. She needs you. The Realm needs you. You need to snap out of this fog. We need to move you.”

  Everleigh’s eyes focus on Ginata. “He killed them all.”

  “Not Addyson. Not me. Not Will. Not Lanorie. And not you. You are alive Everleigh. We need you.”

  “Why didn’t I save him?”

  Ginata shakes her head. Everleigh discovered that she was the Kingmaker who would live, written in a prophecy, the day she made the river rise. It was the test to prove if she would die or rule. A ruler, a true King or Queen could command mother nature. Everleigh was even more special. She could move things. Inanimate objects. She had moved an arrow to stop it hitting a deer and she had moved Millard’s sword when he was fighting Archer.

  But she hadn’t moved it on the final fateful blow.

  “I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “Everleigh. Your magic, your power is new to you. You don’t have control of it yet. You cannot blame yourself. You can’t.”

  Everleigh shakes her head but shifts her position, stretches out her arms and then her legs, then stands. Will jumps up, hugs her. Ginata passes her the drink Will found earlier. “Drink.” She holds it up to Everleigh’s lips, not allowing her to refuse.

  Everleigh drinks, wipes her tears away. “What do I do? One of you tell me. Please.”

  “First thing’s first. You’re not safe. We must move you. To my cottage.”

  “Then we need to rescue Addyson. Millard might turn on her any minute,” Will says.

  “Then we need to get the crown on your head,” Ginata finishes.

  Everleigh shakes her head. “I don’t even care about being Queen anymore. I just want to be safe. Just me and Addyson.”


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