The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3)

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The Kingmaker Complete Trilogy (The Kingmaker Trilogy #1-3) Page 61

by Gemma Perfect

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Another one...”

  “Yes. And I know at least one person who’s not going to want to hear it.”


  GINATA’S HAPPY TO LEAVE Ceryn and runs quickly through the castle passageways. She pauses outside her door. When she snuck in to take the things she needed for the death draught it’s where everybody was congregated and she’s assuming they still are.

  A sick feeling comes over her. She doesn’t want to face them. She doesn’t want to face Everleigh. She cannot bear to see the disappointment on their faces. And if Ceryn is anything to go by, none of them will be glad to see her. They’ll still be suspicious. They’ll always wonder.

  Shaking her head, she turns away from the door.

  Her time here is done. It has to be.

  She will be able to make a new life for herself with a lighter heart, a happy heart. The betrayal was real, but the blame is not hers. That’s as much as she needs to know to move on with a clear conscience.

  As she moves away from the door, through the castle corridors, across the courtyard, keeping to the shadows, the opposite side to the stables, and down to the woods, she is smiling. And crying.

  There is regret, but it’s not a bitter regret. Maybe a bittersweet one.

  She is not stupid enough not to know when things have changed irrevocably. And they have.

  And it’s not just Ceryn, she realises, it’s herself as well.

  Staying at the castle, even if everyone except Ceryn forgives and forgets what she’s done, believes she had no fault in it all, accepts that she was tricked into falling in love with Millard, she would always have that issue between them.

  She would always feel guilty, always feel like she had to make amends and atone.

  And, in truth, that would be exhausting.

  If she had cross words with anybody, she’d be worrying that they were questioning her character. In any situation, her loyalty, her fealty, might be challenged.

  It would be tiring, but also disheartening. She is innocent. She knows it and she feels it. If nobody else truly believes it, it won’t matter if she’s not around to see the shadow of doubt in their eyes when they look at her.

  She wipes at the tears blurring her vision, and looks back at the castle. She closes her eyes. Is she right to leave?

  The next step she takes, moves her further away from the castle and she knows she is right.

  ARCHER AND CERYN ARE deep in conversation, the whole way to Ginata’s rooms, Ceryn filling him in on the whole situation at Ginata’s cottage. What Finn did, what she told Ginata, the whole lot, as well as her thoughts on what she should say and do next.

  “What do you think?”

  Archer is nodding his head. “I think it’s a great idea, but it depends on what Ginata’s said. Whether she’s told the truth.”

  Ceryn snorts. “I doubt it!”

  “Stop it.” He gives her a shove with his hip. “We know she wasn’t at fault. Don’t you believe the teacher?”

  “I do, I do. I just think it’s...convenient.”

  “Convenient? Falling in love with an evil maniac? You’ve got some strange ideas.”

  “Thanks.” She shoves him back.

  They knock on the door and wait for an answer.

  “It’s us. Ceryn and Archer.”

  The door opens and Everleigh flings her arms around Ceryn, before drawing back. “What happened to you, Ceryn? Where’s Finn? Did you find him?”

  Della is peering over Everleigh’s shoulder, trying to see past Ceryn and Archer, to see if her brother’s there. “Did you find him?”

  “Where’s Ginata? Did you find her?”

  “She’s not here?”

  Everleigh shakes her head, confusion colouring her face. “Come in. Explain everything.”

  Della pushes past Will. “Did you find him? Is he...?”

  Ceryn shakes her head, the image of Finn’s dead body, the way he turned on her, and the tears that fell when he realised what he had done, fresh in her mind. “I’m so sorry, Della. I was too late. When I got to the cottage I could see there was someone inside. The door was ajar, there was smoke coming out of the window. I snuck closer and Wolf caught me. Millard punched me.” She gestures at her face, the blood. “Finn was already dead.”

  The cry that Della lets out, sounds inhuman and she drops to the floor, anguish and upset emanating from her every pore. Will hunkers down next to her, arm around her, rocking her softly.

  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Ceryn stands helpless, but knowing that she did the right thing, said the right thing, sheltered Della from the truth. Everyone circles around Della, listening to her sobs.

  Everleigh moves to Ceryn’s side. “Don’t feel bad,” she whispers, taking her hand. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  Ceryn nods. “Ginata was there, and they tied us both up and left us there. We got free, and I told Ginata the truth – about the love potion. I don’t know where she is. I told her to come here while I helped Archer.”

  “Oh, the courtyard, what happened?” Everleigh spins around to face Archer. “Was it in the name of the King, again?”

  “Yes. They set the stables on fire.”

  Everleigh’s hand covers her mouth. “The horses?”

  “All fine. We saved them all. No one was harmed.”

  She sinks against Ceryn and Archer. “I cannot bear this. Finn dead? Ginata gone.”

  The teacher brings a drink for Della, a sleeping draught. She protests initially, but he takes her hand and talks quietly to her. “Della, you need to sleep, and you need it to be dreamless, you cannot do anything for your brother now. Let yourself sleep.”

  Della nods unhappily and allows the teacher to tip back her head and help her drink.

  Will and the teacher take her through to Ginata’s bedroom and tuck her into bed with Addyson.

  Closing the door softly, the five of them convene in the main room, but they are silent.

  Eventually Ceryn stands up, goes to Ginata’s bedroom and then comes back to the group. “She’s sleeping. I have to tell you all something. I think I was right to keep it from Della, but I don’t want to keep it from you.”

  At Ceryn’s insistence, they all take seats, close to the fire, as she begins her tale. Telling the truth of what Finn did and what he said, and how he really died.

  “I had no idea...” Everleigh is shaking her head, and Archer takes her hand.

  “Why would you? It’s not your fault.”

  The teacher looks serious. “It’s no one’s fault except his own. He made his choices.”

  “But he didn’t hurt me. He had the chance, more than once.”

  “Millard said that he thought he would have killed you if he asked him to, he was that angry. But he said he wanted to kill you, he wouldn’t let anyone else do it.”

  “That figures.”

  “So, he betrayed us, attacked you?”

  Ceryn nods, sadly. “I don’t think Della needs to know.”

  “You’re right.” The teacher pats her arm. “Very wise, Ceryn.”

  “And what about Ginata? You told her about the potion?”

  “I did, I promise.”

  “Where is she then? Do you think someone took her? Or has she run off.”

  “I don’t know. I saw the fire and I sent her up here.”

  “She never got here.”

  “Everleigh, she is a grown woman. You cannot make her stay with you, if she doesn’t want to.”

  “But how do we know if she’s left or been hurt?”

  “We don’t but we have to stay together. We cannot split up again.”

  “I know you’re right...and my brother?”

  “He’ll be furious when he finds us gone. His plan was to bring us here tomorrow, kill us, fight you, kill you probably and take his crown back.”

  “Did he say he had an army?”

  “He said he had his men, and that you only had three protectors.”

��So, Finn didn’t tell him about Weaver?”

  “No. He doesn’t know.”

  “So, he still might come here tomorrow?”

  “I would say he definitely will. When they realise we’re gone.”

  “Why didn’t they check that you had no weapons? No means of escape?”

  “I wondered that myself. Stupidity or arrogance. I wasn’t sure which one.”

  “Or both in equal measure.”

  “That did cross my mind.”

  “And he didn’t leave anyone watching over you?”

  “Yes. He was outside and I killed him.”

  “So tomorrow...”

  “Tomorrow. This all ends.”


  THIS ALL ENDS. THIS all ends. This all ends.

  The words echo in my head as we sit around in a slump.

  Ceryn looks awful, her face is bloody and swollen. The teacher fetches some water and some cloth, a paste of some sort, and tends to her in front of the fire. She winces as he touches her skin, from the pain or the embarrassment about her mark, I don’t know. I barely notice her mark now, but I know she hates it. Will has moved closer to her and he’s making her laugh as she’s fixed up.

  My mind is a jumble of thoughts and emotions as I sit here. Either my last night alive or the last before I’m Queen.

  I smile at Archer, a grim smile, I know. “What’s going to happen?”

  “I think we’ll all sleep. And then I think we’ll prepare. Prepare for a fight.”

  “I wonder how many men he has...”

  “No idea. But Weaver will come with extra men.”

  “What if he doesn’t get here on time?”

  “We’ll manage. We’ll arm the pages and the stable boys. The little maids if we have to.”

  I can’t help but laugh. Then I choke back a cry. “This time tomorrow it will all be over. Will I be Queen or dead?”

  “Queen. And I will be by your side.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “Me too. But we have to win. We have to fight and we have to win.”

  “I cannot let Millard win. I hate him.”

  “I think we all do. I can’t believe he gave Finn the death draught.”

  “I can’t believe Ginata made it – another one! I know she was in love with him, but...”

  “You can’t even think about her. If she’s run off, then you have to let her go, if she’s been hurt, then there’s nothing we can do.”

  “I hope she doesn’t think I hate her, that’s all.”

  “I’m not sure Ceryn will have got that across to her.”

  “True. I don’t think Ceryn likes her much.”

  “She doesn’t like many people much.”

  “She likes you.”

  “And you.”

  “And Will by the looks of it.”

  We smile as we watch them. Even with all the horrible things going on, murder, betrayal, fighting, there are some good things going on.

  “She’s a good person, really.”

  “Oh, I know that. I know how good she’s been for Addyson. And for me. She’s been good to me.”

  “Will you really ask her to teach you to fight?”

  “Yes. It’s a bit late for tomorrow but long term...if I live, I should be able to look after myself, don’t you think?”

  “Absolutely. But I will look after you. I promise.”

  “I know. I know that. I just want to be the best Queen I can be.”

  Ceryn stands up. “I’m going to go to sleep. I’ll go on the floor in with Della and Addyson. Are you coming Everleigh?”

  “I will, but not yet.”

  Ceryn hugs the teacher, Will, Archer and then me. “We’ll win tomorrow. I swear it. I’m ready for your brother. The look on his face when he hit me, he loved it. I know you want his head, but if it comes to it, if I get the chance, can I kill him?”

  I have to let her have this and so I nod. I want to kill him and I will if I can, but I can’t take this away from her. It’s as personal between the two of them as it is between the two of us.

  Will follows her through to Ginata’s bedroom. They leave the door ajar, but I can hear them quietly talking and it makes me smile. None of us are smiling much at the moment. The tension is heavy in the air.

  The teacher shakes his head when I look at him, blowing out a deep breath. “What a day. I cannot believe Finn...your brother must be a very charismatic man. People seem to want to please him.”

  “Oh, he’s definitely manipulative.”

  “And clever. I bet Ginata never suspected for a second that she was being given a love potion.”

  “Really clever. And when he’s nice, he’s the nicest man in the Realm. Really, he is. He’s funny, kind, clever, generous...all good things. But if you cross him, or he doesn’t need you anymore, then he obviously has no qualms about finishing you off. No hesitation. Look at how he killed our brother. Him and Macs were the best of friends. But he just sliced his head clean off. He’s dangerous.”

  “We need to remember that tomorrow. We have no idea what time he’ll come, no idea how many people he’ll have fighting with him. We need to be prepared for anything. Ready for anything.”

  “I am not much of a fighter, Everleigh, my height should tell you that, but then again, people don’t expect me to fight. I’ll fight for you. I can slice a lot of men at the knees, let me tell you.”

  Both Archer and I laugh, which I know is the teacher’s intention and I love him for it. “Will you stay here, if I’m Queen? Will you stay?”

  He bows low and nods. “It would be my pleasure.”

  I take his hand. “And mine.”

  “I’ll take my leave now, I need sleep if I am going to be a slayer tomorrow, instead of a peaceful teacher.”

  We watch him go, heading through to Ginata’s room, to sleep on the floor, where we will all end up tonight. It’s an unspoken thing, but it’s like we all need to be together, maybe for the last time.

  Archer shuffles his chair closer to me, leaning in to kiss me. I breathe in the scent of him as his lips meet mine. He smells so good to me, so familiar. I pull back. “I feel sick.”


  “Not because of kissing you. I could kiss you all day. But I know what’s coming tomorrow, how awful it’s going to be. We could all die.”

  “Or none of us.”

  “The more I talk about it and think about it the more scared I am.”

  “Then stop talking about it and stop thinking about it and think about this instead...”

  He leans in and kisses me again and I try to push away everything except the feel of his lips on mine.

  And for a second or two I manage.

  And when I can’t ignore it anymore, I tuck into his arms instead, making myself think of the worst things that might happen. The death, the injuries, the blood. The horror of it all.

  I cannot just kiss Archer and ignore what we will all face tomorrow.

  It wouldn’t be right.

  We stay like that until the fire fades to nothing, and once the cold starts to creep into the room, we join the others.

  The teacher is sleeping, his snoring gentle and strangely comforting. Ceryn and Will are talking quietly, facing each other, legs crossed, very close.


  Ceryn shakes her head and Will lays a hand on her knee. She doesn’t seem to notice. “I can’t stop thinking about Finn. He risked everything to help your brother and he just killed him. He’s cruel.”


  “He told Ginata that he wanted the death draught to kill himself, if you captured him. He said he wanted to be able to end it on his terms. But when he left us tied up he gave it to us. Told us we could drink it if we wanted to. How sick is that?”

  “Pretty sick.” Will tucks a little closer to her, and she leans her head on his shoulder, just for a second. “Everleigh, I don’t know how much help I’ll be tomorrow. I’m not a good fighter, but Ceryn’s going to give me one of her da
ggers. And I’ll try.”

  “You’ll do great.” Ceryn is reassuring Will and I can see the subtle shift in their relationship. I wonder if they are aware of it, or if it’s just creeping up on them, almost against their wishes. I’m sure love is the last thing either of them are thinking about, and yet I’ve been kissing Archer, so maybe we’re all craving that comfort and care from each other.

  “I won’t be great. But I’ll die trying.”

  Ceryn shushes him, covering his mouth with her finger.

  I smile at the intimate gesture. I want us all to live, I want us all to be happy. I would love to see my oldest friend fall in love with my newest friend.

  But it will all have to wait.

  We have to be ready for tomorrow. Primed.

  “We need to sleep. And when the morning comes we need to be ready. And if we all just do our best, then it’s all we can do.”

  “And we will win.”

  “We have to.”


  THE MORNING SUN CREEPS through the windows, waking them all up, and filling the room with a soft glow. Della turns over, and covers herself with the blanket, refusing to face the day, and the teacher shakes his head when Addyson reaches for her. “Let her sleep.”


  Everleigh takes Addyson’s hand and explains about Finn. The same version that Ceryn told Della. Addyson has tears streaming down her face and they leave Della in bed, and stand in the main room together, just looking at each other. Each of them silent and tense.

  “Addyson. I know you’ll hate this, but if Millard comes here today, you have to be out of the way. We cannot risk you being hurt.”

  “I’ll stay with Della. She’ll need me.”

  “We can put someone on the door. Just one of the squires, with a weapon.”

  “Millard will only look for her if he kills the rest of us. We have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  Everleigh kisses the top of Addyson’s head and pulls her close. “Thank you.”

  “I’m only eleven. And besides Della needs me.”

  “We need to get ready. We need to eat. It could be a long day.”

  “I need to get changed too. I cannot help you all in this big old dress.”


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