Intimate Illusions [The Callens 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Intimate Illusions [The Callens 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Both Max and Ian were in the living room. “Can one of you drive me to the ranch for dinner?” They both jumped up at one time.

  Max stepped forward. “How about we all go?”

  “I’ll drive,” Ian said.

  “Best if we took two cars.”

  She understood that once dinner was over, Max would want to disappear and do whatever he did in his office. Ian shrugged.

  Since Max had offered first, she chose to drive with him.

  As soon as she closed the truck door, Ian came over to her window. “You don’t like me anymore, sugar?”

  She laughed at his strong drawl. “I like you just fine.”

  “I’ve got a better truck.”

  She knew his truck and better clothes meant a lot to him. “I’m not so much into the exterior trappings, as I am into the man.”

  “You’re telling me you like Max better?”

  Where had he gotten that idea? “No, but he’s a safer driver.”

  From the broad smile on his face, it was the answer he wanted to hear. “You got that right. See you at Mom’s.”

  He swaggered away from the truck. Max jumped in the front seat and started the engine. “Let’s go get some food.”

  The ranch was bustling with activity. Not only were the models there, but the number of crew members seemed to be swelling. The closer they got to the show, the busier things would get. These first few days were always great. Once she did her fittings, she was more or less free to do as she chose. After everyone got fitted, the seamstresses had their work cut out for them. The models had to try on their dresses then stand there while the designers and their helpers picked out shoes and accessories. The number of times the outfits changed boggled the mind.

  Devonne absorbed the sights and sounds. She couldn’t believe this would be the last time she’d take part in something like this. Half of her was sad she’d be leaving this life behind, but the other half knew it was time to move on. The big question is where did she want to end up?

  “Aren’t you eating?” Max’s brows were pinched tight.

  Whoops. She’d been standing there woolgathering. “I was waiting for you.”

  He smiled. “Let’s chow.”

  He and Ian loaded up on food and motioned the three of them sit by themselves. She didn’t mind, but she felt a bit sorry for the other girls who had to watch her be with two hunky men.

  They were mostly done with their meal when three strapping cowboys approached with plates of food. While this tent was designated for the models, she bet none of the girls would complain if these men joined them.

  “Got room for us?” the tallest of the three asked.

  Ian scooted over. “Join us.”

  He introduced her to the men. All three worked on this Callen ranch and, if she had to guess, were in their late twenties. Their skin was a bit worn from all the sun exposure, but otherwise, their bodies were fit.

  “What brings you here?” Ian asked.

  The tall one motioned to the man with the beard. “Rory’s been talking smack about his truck being faster than yours.”

  Ian dropped his head back and laughed. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Rory shoveled a big pile of potatoes in his mouth. As soon as he swallowed he answered. “I’ve been working on my engine. Thought you might like to race.”

  Ian slapped the table, acting like a big man. “You’re on. When?”

  “How about as soon as we finish eating?”

  Ian’s eyes lit up like this was something he lived for. He looked to the tall man. “You willing to be referee?”

  He patted his top pocket. “Got my camera phone right here. I’ll take a picture to prove the winner.”

  The men talked about the length of the course and the rules. As soon as they finished, all but Max left.

  She turned to him. “What was that about?”

  “Ian proving he’s good at something.”


  He shrugged. “He’s always been that way. He wasn’t the best in school, and I think that always bothered him. He has much better people skills than I do, but he doesn’t see himself as being good at anything. I wish he’d just accept the fact that he and I are partners. Together we make a good team.”

  She didn’t know what to say. Max was right. The two men together could meet any challenge. She bet having an audience would give Ian a boost even if he lost the race. “Do you think he’d mind if we saw him race?”

  Max’s eyes widened. “You want to see him act like a fool?”

  “I don’t think it’s foolish. He’s competitive.” She could relate to that. “I want to watch.”

  “Then let’s do it.”

  Chapter Eight

  Max backed his truck perpendicular to the fence that separated the road from the range. The finish line was right in front of them. “This is the closest we want to get.” He took a blanket from the bottom of the tool chest and unfolded it on the tailgate. “Hop on up here.”

  “How long is the course?”

  “Half mile.”

  All Devonne could see was a lot of scrub. “That’s going to be one bumpy ride.”

  “You got that right. I think they should be wearing neck collars, but men like Rory and Ian don’t see it that way.”

  She laughed at the slight upturn on his lips. “Is it dangerous?”

  Max didn’t say anything for a bit. “Could be. There are rocks and indents in the ground that could cause the trucks to flip.” She must have looked worried. He drew an arm around her. “Don’t worry. Ian is an expert driver. He’ll be careful.”

  She wasn’t as confident. Good thing Ian didn’t know she and Max were there. If he did, he might push it too hard.

  Max’s cell rang. “Yeah? Thanks.”

  “That was Richard. The race is about to begin.”

  A half mile wasn’t that far. One man, who she guessed was Richard, stood at the finish line. They’d draped orange tape on the ground to signify the end.

  “I’ve been to the Saratoga horse races, but I think this is more exciting.” He cocked a brow. “Remember, I used to model in New York.” She hoped that would explain why and how she happened to go the exclusive event.

  The sound of the engines reached them before the dust plume did. Rory’s truck veered off to the right as if he had to go around some obstacle. Ian took the lead until his truck hit something. Two wheels lifted into the air. Her breath caught, and she grabbed Max’s hand. She willed the car to land on all four wheels.

  “Go, Ian!” she shouted. That was dumb. Only Max could hear the cheer.

  Ian’s truck righted itself, and dust kicked up behind him. He caught up to Rory and edged past him. The two traveled side by side as they neared the finish line. For Ian’s sake, she hoped he’d win or else they crossed at the same time.

  Rory’s tires must have hit a dirt patch because his back end spun out. He regained control but not before Ian won the race.

  She held up her hands, leaned over and kissed Max. She’d meant it as a celebratory kiss, but the moment their lips touched, her body caught on fire. Embarrassed by her outburst, she leaned back. Max dragged her closer.

  “You have the best lips.” His hooded eyes nearly did her in.

  “Oh, yeah.” She nipped his bottom lip.

  “Yeah.” He let her go and smiled. “We don’t want to dampen Ian’s victory by making out in front of him.”

  Only then did she hear the loud roar of his truck as he plowed toward them.

  Ian leaned out the window. “How did you like it?” His grin nearly reached his ears.

  “You were great!”

  “Want to do a victory lap with the winner?”

  “I’ll jar my spine loose and not be able to walk down the runway.”

  He tapped the outside of his door. “How about if I take it slow?”

  From the eagerness in his eyes, she couldn’t say no. She looked over her shoulder at Max.

  “Go on. He’ll be care
ful. I’ll see you back at our house.”

  She liked how the two were so willing to share her attention and not act jealous. “Thanks. I’ll make sure he drives responsibly.”

  Max leaned his head back and laughed. “You do that, and I’ll owe you one.”

  She hopped off the tailgate. Since they’d parked on the outside of the fence, she had to climb over the three-foot-tall wooden railing. Ian was already out of the truck to help her over. Max stood at her back. Because she had long legs, she could get up on the top rail. Ian held on to her waist while she swung her legs over. Next time, she was going to only wear jeans and not a dress when she came to eat.

  The ground was quite uneven, and in her sandals, walking was a bit difficult. Ian must have seen her dilemma and picked her up. “Whoa.”

  “Just trying to help. We don’t need to get you dirty.” Still holding her, he opened the door and gently slid her into the seat. He must have kept the windows down when he raced because the inside was coated with dust.

  She lifted up and swiped the seat the best she could. Ian went around to the driver’s side and got in. “Sorry about the dirt.” He took off his bandana and cleaned the seat but ended up making a bigger mess. “Dry cleaning is on me.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll wash the dress.”

  He put the truck in gear and drove back to the “race track.” “You ready to see the master at work?” He winked.

  “Take it easy.”

  Instead of going about fifty miles an hour, he didn’t drive over twenty. The car tilted right then left. She grabbed onto the overhead handle with one hand and the dashboard with the other. The jarring might be worse going this slow.

  Ian stopped the truck. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

  “We might as well keep going. We have to get back somehow.”

  He cut the engine and rolled down both windows. “We could walk back.”

  “I’m wearing sandals.”

  “Can you ride a horse in a dress?”

  “I’d rather walk.”

  They both got out of the truck. She was careful to watch where she stepped. There were prickles everywhere.

  Ian held out his hand. “Do you want me to carry you?”

  “A half mile?”

  He puffed out his chest. “I can do it.”

  She held out her hands to stop him, but he lifted her up anyway. Instead of going toward the house, he spun her around, set her down and kissed her hard. The adrenaline rush hadn’t settled yet, and since she was already dusty, she didn’t mind getting a bit dirtier. His hands roamed everywhere as did hers.

  She leaned back to get some air. “You have a nice butt.” She squeezed his two orbs tightly.

  “Sugar, everything about you is nice.” As if to prove his point, he slipped his hands under her dress and massaged both butt cheeks. “Real nice.”

  His movements slowed. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, and she opened up. His tongue darted in. She could still taste a hint of the lasagna he’d just eaten. Pressing her chest against his, she held onto his shoulders. Each time he moved his hands around her ass, his chest muscles flexed. His hard cock pressed against her.

  She stepped back. “We can’t. Everyone can see us.”

  He grinned. “We’re only dots to them.”


  Her tone stopped him. He stepped away and slipped his phone from his pocket. “I’m calling Max to come pick you up. Hop in the cab.”

  She wasn’t sure what he thought Max could do, but if he had an idea, she was game. Ian started the engine and drove back toward the fence.

  “Max will be here in a minute. Roads are easier to drive on.”

  “That’s good thinking. I appreciate the chance to try out the track, but I’ll leave the racing to you.”

  He laughed. “Save me some kisses when I get back.”

  Ian helped her up and over the fence. They waited by the side of the road until Max came. She climbed in and was glad Max said nothing to Ian about the rough ride.

  They headed back to the house. “A little rough?”

  “You can say that. I hope you have a big water tank because all I seem to do is get dirty.”

  He chuckled. “You get used to it.”

  * * * *

  Devonne couldn’t sleep. The first day of the fashion show started tomorrow. She wasn’t nervous, just somewhat sad that the end was this near. She probably should have spent a little more time with Red and Cheri, but in all honesty, she was enjoying her time with Max and Ian too much.

  Her anxiety mostly stemmed from a phone call she’d received from her store manager earlier that day. Apparently, the number of packages sent from the warehouse didn’t match what arrived in the store. She told her manager to check with the trucking company to see if something got lost in transit. After Heather settled down and said she’d call back with the information, Devonne tried to force the bad news from her mind. She failed.

  What she needed was some fresh air. It didn’t matter that it was close to midnight. She grabbed a sweater and went into the kitchen. Since the lights were out, both men must already be in bed. After pouring a glass of wine, she stepped outside to the porch.

  Ian was out there. “Hi.”

  She shook her head. “I thought you were asleep.”

  “I wish. Couldn’t sleep.”

  She sat next to him on the porch. “Why?” A cold gust of wind caused goose bumps to form despite wearing what she considered a warm sweater. She rubbed her arms.

  “Don’t know. Just can’t. I like to come out here and think.”

  “Me, too.”

  He picked up a beer and toasted her. The yellow porch light provided enough light to see him clearly.

  “What happens on Monday?” She suspected he wanted to know what she was going to do after the show ended.

  Maybe that was what was worrying him. Their time together was about to come to an end. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to hang out for a few days. I might rent a car and see what Wyoming has to offer.”

  His face brightened. “I could help.”

  She was hoping one of them would volunteer. “I’d like that.”

  Ian twisted toward her. “Do you think you’d consider staying in Intrigue?”

  She clutched the hem of her sweater. “It’s a possibility.” She wondered what he was getting at.

  “Max and I really like you. You’re the first woman we’ve met who seems to understand both of us and isn’t put off by our different ways.”

  Her pulse raced. “Is that so?”

  He polished off the rest of the beer, and then stood. “Let’s go inside.”

  It was a bit cold out here. Maybe he wanted to continue talking. When he passed the kitchen and living room, and then took a left down the hallway, she wasn’t sure what was going on.

  He stopped in front of her door, turned the handle, and guided her inside. “Ian?”

  “What?” With the heel of his foot, he closed the door.

  He turned her around until her back hit the door. The kiss came so fast she couldn’t react until his cock pressed against her body. He let go of her shoulders and cupped her face.

  “I’ve been waiting to kiss you for so long.”

  “You stopping?”


  Their lips met, and the intensity stirred something deep inside her. This wasn’t an I only want to get laid kiss. No, it was more. There was a passion that started with their mouths and traveled straight down to her belly. Her pussy caught on fire.

  Their tongues practically bonded and seemed to meld together. The hunger in his grip drew her in and made her desperate for more.

  She lowered her hands and popped the snaps on his shirt. He leaned back to give her some air. His mouth stayed open as if he was waiting for round two. Good thing she’d left the side lamp on. She could see the hard planes of his chest. What this man did to her body.

  Needing to feel every peak and valley, she
dragged her fingers from his chest down to his belly button. Since she’d traveled that far, she might as well see what else he had to offer.

  He clamped onto her wrist. “You know if you go there, there’s no turning back.”

  “Who says I want to go back?”

  His grin turned wide. “Just checking.”

  She didn’t have a chance to pop open his jeans because he grabbed her tight and kissed her again. She was barely aware when he turned her around and backpedaled her to the bed. The backs of her legs hit the comforter, and he eased her down. Without breaking the kiss, he lifted her to the middle of the bed and crawled on top, making sure not so put too much pressure on her.

  She delved into his mouth and latched onto his face to keep him from getting away. His hard cock pressed between her thighs. The fact they were the same height implied every part of his body lined up perfectly with hers. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  Ian managed to pull away. “Wait. I want to take this slow. I need to savor your body. I’ve never wanted anyone like I’ve wanted you.”

  Even though Ian Callen probably had delivered thousands of come-on lines to women, for some reason she believed this one. “Hurry.”

  “No way. If you walk out of my life, I want this one night to be burned in my brain for eternity.”

  “Maybe I won’t walk away.”

  “I’d like to try to convince you to stay.”

  “Then start convincing.” He was fun to spar with. Max might be book smart, but Ian was people smart.

  Leaning up on his elbows, he brushed her hair from her face and placed butterfly kisses on her eyelids. “You are so beautiful both inside and out.”

  She liked the inside part. “So are you.”

  His eyelids lowered as he trailed kissed across her temples and down to her neck. Pinpricks of need stabbed her and traveled along her body. Needing more contact, she lifted his shirt from between them and dragged the material down his arms.

  “Are you trying to get me naked?”

  “Yes, but it’s taking too long.”


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