Dalton: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 2)

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Dalton: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 2) Page 11

by Chelsea Handcock

  “Listen, she is in bad shape. She is suffering from malnutrition as well as dehydration. Her blood pressure is slightly high and I am worried about not only her kidneys but also the baby. She needs a real doctor.”

  Ryleigh wasn’t ashamed to admit that Emma needed more than she could provide. She knew where her strengths lied and right now Emma needed so much more.

  Dalton wanted to kill something! Emma had been through so much more than he ever would have thought. He wanted to rip the room apart as well as bleed Cash for causing her more pain. He also knew he needed to help her but had absolutely no clue on what his next step should be. If what Emma said was genuine and she was carrying a Shifter baby. Things were about to get a whole lot worse for her. She would be hunted relentlessly. Shifter births were random if someone had figured out how to regulate them then Emma and her baby both were in grave danger. She and her child would be the first. Then he had an even more freighting thought that he couldn’t keep to himself.

  “She said it was a girl,” Dalton blurted out.

  Ryleigh started talking, not really knowing what was going on.

  “Okay, if she knows that, maybe she has had some prenatal care. Now in her condition, she couldn’t hurt a fly, so no more scaring her. Got it? We need to keep her as calm as possible until we can get a professional here to take care of her. If she was taken to be a breeder and not because of the file she read, we need to find that out right now. That seems like the most logical conclusion, but shit, none of us literally knows what Davis is up to.”

  Cash and Dalton shared a look. If what Emma said was true and she was carrying a Shifter female, they were all in danger. Shifter females didn’t exist, period. Well not technically, Dalton surmised because they were just finding out that females with Shifter DNA did exist. but the possibilities this child represented were staggering to his people. If this child could shift, unlike the other women Franklin created, the child was in grave danger just because of her genetics. If all the theories followed, this baby would grow up and be able to produce Shifter children without the uncertainty and unpredictability their race had seen in the last hundred plus years. A female that was able to shift would be sought after not only by the sick freaks that created her, but also by his clansmen, because that tiny little being in Emma’s stomach could represent their future. With the other women, there was still a ‘maybe’ or ‘what if’ scenario going on; they may be able to produce Shifter children. If this baby had the right genetics, ‘maybe’ or ‘what if’ didn’t exist; she would definitely produce the next generation of Shifters. That scared the hell out of Dalton.

  Cash must have realized during this time what was categorically at stake because his next words confirmed what Dalton had just been thinking.

  “We need to protect her and this baby until we have more definitive answers. I know it doesn’t need to be said but Davis Defense and Pandora cannot get their hands-on Shifter children, especially females. If Emma is correct and this baby is a girl, we need to run tests to determine if Emma is one of the children Dr. Franklin created. Then we need to find out if the baby holds Shifter DNA and how many strands of it each of them have because if it is only one and the breeding program was successful, Emma’s baby could be the first of her kind. And that places Emma and the baby at more risk.”

  Ryleigh was clearly shaken. All the theories they had been pushing around for months seemed to be coming true. Ryleigh’s pregnancy presented a danger to the Team and herself. The possibility she and Jacks could have a Shifter child was scary, but they knew the risks and what to expect. Emma didn’t have a clue of the dangers yet to come for her and her child. Ryleigh also couldn’t help but think, damn, Emma could be the first successful breeder. Although that news was not good and the things that had been done to her were deplorable, that child represented hope to the Shifter race. They just couldn’t let anyone else know, and in the long run she couldn’t help but question if that made them just as bad as all the other entities. Emma’s child would be the Holy Grail, if you will: the only one of her kind. And as a result, creating dangers, not only from humans, but also Shifters, who would want to possess her. Therefore, they needed to keep that secret till their dying days. Ryleigh didn’t want to think about the implications keeping this child’s existence unknown presented. She just knew that the child’s welfare needed to come first.

  “They need all of our protection until we get some answers. I also feel that we need to let Emma know exactly what she is in for. She was kidnapped, held captive, impregnated, and abused. She has no idea that her nightmare was only just starting. She and her baby will be sought for the rest of their lives. Even with the possibilities of others being able to have Shifter children, Emma and her child are the first. At least that we know of,” Ryleigh said rubbing her stomach. “Are we agreed?”

  Both men nodded but Cash still had something to say.

  “Listen, I want you both to understand that we still need to watch her. The circumstances that she came from and brought her here don’t honestly matter. I want to believe her. I can see the damage these people have caused her, but people do a lot of things for money. Her story sounds good, but it could all be a front. We also have no definitive proof that child isn’t anything but human.”

  Cash hated playing devil’s advocate but he didn’t have a choice; his team was his first priority.

  “We don’t know this woman, but I agree we need to help her regardless. However, we also need to protect ourselves as well. Ryleigh, you’re mated and claimed by a Shifter; the first woman in over a hundred years to do that. And now with you being pregnant, how do we know Pandora or Davis doesn’t know exactly what is going on? We don’t know. That puts you in just as much danger as Emma and her baby.”

  Dalton and Ryleigh nodded their agreement. Ryleigh placed the smelling salts under Emma’s nose and she startled awake. Dalton held her lightly, trying to assure her that everything was okay, but Emma was freaked. She struggled to get away from him and he wanted to kill Cash for scaring her so badly. In her condition, thankfully, she couldn’t get very far. Her belly prevented her from moving away from his touch. He wanted to calm her and offer comfort. He also wanted to kick Cash’s ass. they could have proved that Shifters existed without scaring her.

  Chapter 17

  Coming to, all Emma wanted was to get out of there. She was questioning herself. Had she genuinely seen Cash’s face change or did they drug her or something? The other people had. Why should she think these people were any different? She didn’t know them, maybe they were just nice her to lull her into a false sense of security. She didn’t feel drugged. Maybe it was just her imagination because she was sleep deprived along with everything else. It had to be that, didn’t it?

  “Emma, you are in pretty bad shape and I wish I could tell you what you just saw was a figment of your imagination or a cause of something we gave you, but it wasn’t,” Ryleigh admitted. “Shifters do exist and people with animal DNA also exists. Cash, Dalton, and the rest of the guys on NAC’s teams are Shifters. We just found out about Dr. Franklin recently, along with the fact that he did create children with animal DNA. We are still trying to go through all the data, but if you can give me your birth date we might be able to give you more answers. Right now, though, I think we need to complete your exam and see how your baby is doing.”

  Dalton spoke up, “Honey, I am sorry if me being a Shifter freaks you out, but I promise I will never hurt you; my bear is a part of me. It is just the way I am, it is not something I chose or can change. Can you please let us help you?”

  Emma could see the sincerity in his eyes and was going to say, yes. His touch had calmed her, but she didn’t want to examine those thoughts at the moment. Everything was hitting her at once and she craved the peace only Dalton’s touch seemed to provide her. She was about to answer his question but she was hit with the worst pain in her stomach that she had ever felt. She felt like her belly was going to split in two. Curling inward, Emma tri
ed to pant through the pain; not caring that the robe she had been wearing had fallen completely open, exposing herself to everyone in the room. The pain was so bad that Emma just didn’t give a crap. After Cash’s revelation about Shifters, all she could imagine was the scene from “Alien” when that chick’s stomach split open and the monster appeared. Dalton was rubbing her shoulder and Ryleigh came over to feel her belly. The look she got on Ryleigh’s face would have been comical if it wasn’t for the pain Emma was in. Dalton screaming, “fuck,” didn’t help the situation either.

  Dalton wanted to puke. Shifters were unique and Shifter pregnancies followed that rule as well. Their gestations were between five and half months and six; not nine like human babies. All Shifters knew this it was assuredly just common knowledge, but seeing the look on Ryleigh face Dalton was pretty sure that no one had let her in on this information.

  “Ryleigh, if she is around six months pregnant, you’d better get ready,” Cash warned. “All Shifter babies are born between five and a half or six months.”

  Emma swore for the first-time, “Fuck!”

  Cash turned white and Ryleigh just stood there shaking her head, rubbing her own stomach.

  Ryleigh snapped out of it first, “Okay Cash, get the delivery kit from the cabinet. Dalton, I need you to get an isolette out of the medical storage unit. We also have blankets, diapers, and other baby stuff in there as well. Bring as much as you can. Cash, get the newborn kit as well. Emma, I need to do an exam to see how far you are dilated and effaced. First, babies always take time, so I am hoping we have enough time to either get you down to the clinic or get one of the doctors up here. I know you don’t want this, but like I said before, I won’t risk you or your baby, okay?”

  Emma couldn’t even agree. Another stronger contraction hit her.

  “It’s okay, do what you have to. Please Ryleigh, make this stop,” Emma whimpered.

  Ryleigh started getting ready for the exam while the guys took off to do their assigned tasks.

  “Emma, I am going to put your legs up in the stirrups, okay,” not waiting for Emma while she did the task. “Okay Emma, you're going to feel some pressure.”

  Emma didn’t feel pressure. she felt a huge gush and then heard it hit the floor. the pain that followed was worse than before. Emma was sure if she looked at her stomach, it would look like a scene from the same movie she thought about earlier. She felt like she was being ripped apart. Emma started to panic and by the look on her face, Ryleigh wasn’t doing much better, which only cause Emma to panic more.

  “Okay, no big deal, Emma. It was just your water breaking. we can deal with that in a minute. Let’s just see how far into labor you are. You said that you had been experiencing some cramping. Can you tell me how long that has been going on?”

  Emma went to answer but the door burst open. She wanted to scream. What was it about these people that they thought it was okay to just burst into rooms without knocking? Screw that thought. Who were the people at the door anyways? A huge man Emma had never seen before started talking.

  “Way to guard the base, assholes.”

  If Emma weren't in so much pain, she would have run. The man was beyond scary; she almost laughed thinking that Cash was the most terrifying man she had ever seen. This guy had a presence that would make anyone want to pee in their pants. All Emma knew was that she wanted him out of the room and away from her.

  The hostile man continued to bark, “Somebody better start explaining what the fuck is going on! Right fucking now.”

  Emma looked to Ryleigh who was staring at the man in the doorway kind of dumbfounded. Emma had also noticed that several other people were standing behind him. Looking down she saw how exposed she was to these people and tried to cover up with the robe as best she could, wishing Dalton was in the room. He had become her anchor and right about now she needed him more than she had ever needed another person. She was scared, in pain, and freaking out. a small whimper escaped her mouth. Another contraction hit and Emma screamed. The pain was so bad at that point that Emma didn’t care if the entire Lions Football Team walked through the door. Her modesty was the least of her concerns.

  Ryleigh, taken out of her stupor, concentrated on her patient once again.

  “Okay Emma, looks like you are a hundred percent effaced and about nine centimeters dilated. It looks like the little one is ready to meet her mom.”

  Ryleigh was trying to stay calm but she was sweating bullets. She had done a rotation in OB but that had been years ago. No way was she ready for what was in store for Emma. She definitely didn’t have time to appease her pissed off husband or even introduce Jacks to her new patient.

  “Emma, pretty soon you are going to have the urge to push and I need you not to do that, okay? Your baby is trying to come out feet first and we need to do something about that first.”

  Jacks was in a state of shock. He was the fucking Alpha and he had no idea what the hell was going on in his own base

  "Okay people, someone needs to tell me what the hell is going on, right fucking now. Why is a beat up and pregnant woman about to give birth at our base and why the fuck is my wife alone with an unknown?” he asked Cash, the only person currently standing in the exam room with the woman and his mate.

  Cash looked frazzled but Jacks didn’t care. he wanted to know what the fuck was going on. If the woman on the table represented a threat to his mate he would take care of it. He didn’t care that she was a woman pregnant and in pain. Ryleigh came first.

  Cash tried to calm Jacks down, “Listen man, I will explain but Ryleigh needs help delivering this baby. Dalton just went to medical storage to get some stuff and will be right back. We need to get one of the doctors up here from town, like ASAP.”

  Jacks’ eyes were bright and he was pumped up with anger. Cash knew he needed to defuse the situation with him, so he got in his Alpha’s face.

  “Fuck man, give me some credit.” Cash demanded. “Ryleigh has not been alone with Emma since she got here. Right now, we have bigger problems. And this…” he indicated with a wave of his hands, “isn’t even half of it.”

  Just then Ryleigh noticed her saving grace. the woman peaking her head out from behind her grumpy husband was her best friend, Mia. better yet, she was one of the best doctors Ryleigh knew

  “Need some help?” Mia simply said and walked forward.

  When Mia got within touching distance, Ryleigh grabbed her and pulled her to the side. still watching her patient, she needed to clue Mia in to what was going on.

  “Oh, thank god Mia, get in here. the baby is a breach and she is almost fully dilated. I just pushed its foot back up. Emma is in no shape for a C-section and I think it's too late to consider one anyways. Her physical condition is dire. I don’t believe she is going to have the strength needed to push out the baby. We only have a basic delivery kit, Mia. I freaked the hell out.”

  Jacks had moved from his post at the door going over to his mate and Mia. But before he got to close, Mia stopped him in his tracks.

  “Move, beast man,” Mia snapped. “Unless you think you can deliver this baby. Ryleigh told me you’re a Jack-of-all-trades, but this is one case that just might be out of your league. You might want to leave this one to me,” Mia laughed.

  “Fuck no!” Jacks shouted. “But one of my guys needs to stay in this room at all times. I don’t know this woman or where she came from. I’m not putting my wife and child at risk for an unknown!”

  Mia laughed again, “What do you think she is going to do Jacks? Shoot acid out of her who-ha? Get real Jacks; she is in hard labor. I don’t think even the best-trained spy would be able to do anything in her condition.”

  Jacks looked down at Emma’s girl parts like there was a possibility of that actually happening.

  As Dalton came back into the room he stated, “I’ll stay. I am the one that brought Emma here. Cash already said she is my responsibility."

  “Fine. Cash, get your ass out here and tell me what the hell i
s going on.”

  Jacks started to leave with Cash following behind, but stopped right when he got to the door.

  Looking over his should Jacks said “Lady, I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but you better be on the up and up because I will be right out in the hall. You sure as shit better not have anything up there that isn’t a baby, got me”.

  Chapter 18

  Emma was scared to death. Not only was she sitting virtually naked in a room full of strangers, but also the big monster of a man’s comments cut her to the core. What the hell! She was about to give birth. What did he honestly think she was going to do? The next contraction hit and the pain was actually a godsend because while she was dealing with the pain, none of the other stuff seemed to matter. She would store her mortification of being practically naked, sprawled out on an exam table with her girly bits exposed to a bunch of strange scary men, till a later date.

  When Dalton came up, she was grateful for the calm he seemed to bring to her.

  “It’s going to be okay, honey,” Dalton guaranteed her. “Ryleigh, Mia, and I will help. You’re not alone and regardless of what Jacks just said, you are safe.”

  Dalton’s words meant so much to Emma. She was scared, but when he caressed her cheek and looked directly into her eyes, everything else seemed to melt away. Emma couldn’t believe the comfort she took from his words. Ryleigh and the woman she assumed was Mia had been talking the entire time in the corner, out of the way. It wasn’t until the big man shut the door that Emma noticed that fact. The woman that had come into the room with the guys stepped forward. She was small, like Ryleigh and herself, but she had an elf-like quality to her. All her features were tiny except for her eyes. They seemed huge, but not in a bad way. They were also a color Emma had never seen before; probably hazel but more on the blue-green scale, odd, but beautiful just the same.

  “Emma, my name is Mia James. I am a medical doctor and have delivered hundreds of babies. I know you're in a lot of pain right now but it's imperative that you do not push. As Ryleigh informed you, your child is in a breach position and we are going to have to move him into a better position. I’m not going to lie; this is going to hurt. We need to check some things first. Do your best to hold out until we are done. If you get the urge to push, let Dalton know so that he can help you through it. Okay? Ryleigh, get the Doppler and let's get a heart rate on the baby.”


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