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Promises Page 32

by Lisa L Wiedmeier

  “Are you and Colt twins?” It wouldn’t have surprised me if this was another secret they’d kept from me.

  Koda shook his head. “I know we could pass as twins, but actually, Colt’s my cousin. Our mothers were sisters.”

  I gazed at the fire, watching the dying flames.

  “Where are Callon and Daniel?”

  “They’re on the other side of the mountain. The plan was to take you from Marcus on this side before you reached the treacherous parts. If we failed, then Callon and Daniel would catch you on the other side,” Koda replied.

  “They’re on their way here. They should come soon. Then we’ll leave immediately.” Colt’s hand wrapped over mine. “We’re going home.”

  I tensed and clasped his hand tighter.

  “Marcus will find me if we go home. He told me he wouldn’t give up.” I started to hyperventilate.

  “We’re not going back to the cabin,” Colt said, stroking my back. “We’re going home to Ireland. You’ll be safe there. Marcus won’t follow. It’s too risky.”

  “Then why didn’t we go before?” I asked. “Why did we stay in the cabin?”

  Colt sighed.

  “Callon thought it best if you remained with us where we’d been staying. The risk was too great to move you to Ireland at the time. Not so soon after your parents…” He trailed off.

  I swallowed back the memories. I couldn’t be distracted by grief now.

  “But Marcus knew I was with you this whole time.”

  Colt shook his head.

  “We didn’t know that until now. We didn’t realize Maes was relaying information. We’d been tracking his movements since the moment he joined us, but he must’ve had a really discrete method.”

  “Maes…” I murmured.

  “The traitor,” Colt snarled. “Why Callon allowed him to come with us I’ll never understand. He led you straight to Marcus.” The veins in his neck began bulging, and his muscles tightened around me. “When I see him again, he’ll pay for what he’s done. With his life.”

  “Colt, no!” I said.

  “Why not?” Colt snapped. “He threw you into the arms of his master! He stalked you every day, reporting your movements to Marcus, and how we tried to keep you safe. He doesn’t deserve your pity!”

  “He still saved my life,” I said. I lowered my head. “Killing was what started this mess in the first place. Please, I don’t want to add to the bloodshed anymore. Promise me you won’t kill Maes.”

  Colt’s gaze softened. He gently tilted my head up, so he could look into my eyes.


  “Quiet, both of you!”

  Koda was suddenly on his feet, looking into the trees. Colt gazed in the same direction, and his jaw tightened. He stepped away from me, joining Koda, and spread his arms, ready for a fight. I searched the dark forest around us. I couldn’t make out anything, but then the scar on my back began to burn.

  “Tresez!” I whispered. Had Maes sniffed me out already? But my back didn’t burn when he was around…

  I stood up, my legs sore from the awkward position I’d been lying in, when three monstrous creatures burst through the shadows. Two sets of fur and fangs jumped on Koda and Colt, while the third began to stalk me.

  My ears caught the grunting and snarling as Koda and Colt faced off their opponents, but my eyes remained riveted on the beast before me now. I took a light step back. Would it come at me from an angle or straight on? Did it really even matter?

  The adrenaline pumped through my body, heightening my awareness. Slowly, I raised my hands. The Tresez tilted its head, unsure of what I was going to do. I seized the chance and thrust my hands out. At the same moment, the Tresez leapt. My wind attack caught its flank, but it wasn’t strong enough, and the beast collided with my right arm. Pain rang through my forearm, and I yelped, but then the air became trapped in my chest as its mouth clamped onto my throat. I choked. Its jaws tightened, and I felt the putrid drool trickle down my neck. I fought to free myself, pinching its snout and struggling to poke its eyes, but without my powers, I was no match.

  The world became deathly quiet; Koda and Colt had stopped struggling and turned their attention to me. My breathing became more constricted, and the pain in my arm threatened to overtake me. I closed my eyes and let my arms fall to my side—I needed to concentrate on getting the air into my lungs.

  More menacing growls echoed in the trees, and I flinched as the Tresez’s grip loosened, only to reposition across my neck and shoulder. It was going to drag me off!

  A moment later, my neck and shoulder began burning. My blood and the creature’s saliva were mingling. I now couldn’t move my right arm at all. A haze began to fill my mind, and a strange dizziness overwhelmed me.

  I was suddenly yanked backwards. I screeched; my collarbone felt close to breaking. My vision cleared, revealing the forest flying past at an impossible speed. The creature suddenly turned left, and my knee hit a pine tree. Whimpering, I fought to grab hold of its neck with my left hand. My fingers laced through its fur, and I caught Koda and Colt running after me with more Tresez.

  I was being thrown around the forest like a rag doll in a dog’s mouth. I released my grip and latched onto its ear, my nails taking hold. It cried out, and then came to a halt.

  The sudden change in pace sent ripples across my shoulder blade and down my arm. I grimaced. It was now dragging me in a slow circle, but I didn’t see what had stopped its escape. The forest canopy was too dark, the firelight was gone, and I was unsure what was going to happen next.

  I also couldn’t see Colt or Koda.

  A loud snap made me flinch, and suddenly my head hit the ground. Seconds later, a heavy weight crushed my chest, pushing the air from my lungs. I groaned, trying to shift the Tresez, but its body had gone limp and unmoving.

  It was dead.

  Quickly, the Tresez was shoved off from me, and I saw Koda’s worried gaze. He helped me up, only to duck as another Tresez shot past. It skidded in the dirt, its jade-rimmed eyes intent on Colt, who stood a few feet away. Its fangs were dripping blood; blood from the Tresez that had been carrying me.

  Maes…he’d…saved me?

  “Colt, stop!” I shrieked. “It’s Maes!”

  Colt didn’t acknowledge me. Instead his gaze hardened. His chest heaving, he stared with cold hatred as Maes shifted back to his human form.

  Roaring with rage, Colt shot towards him. Maes did the same, and they collided in mid-air. I struggled to shake Koda off, but he held firm. I could only watch in horror as they grappled with each other, then started to punch and kick, drawing blood.

  “Colt, please, stop this!”

  I didn’t know what to think. All the recent events whirled through my mind. Maes had protected Daniel and let him escape Marcus’s grasp. He stood up against Marcus for me, to stop him from hurting me further. He’d done so many horrible things…but I’d seen there was a trace of something brighter in his darkness. I couldn’t let Colt kill him; I couldn’t!

  Once again I tried to break free from Koda, but the blood seeping down my neck and shoulder continued to take its toll. The Tresez’s fangs had done their damage, but I had to stop this. To prevent a needless death.

  I opened my lips, about to scream his name again, when a deeper voice thundered: “Colt! No!”


  Colt ignored his brother’s protest as he had mine; he was not backing down. He would fight until one of them could fight no more. Somehow, Callon’s voice filled me with resolve, banishing my fatigue. I shoved Koda off and ran towards them.

  Maes collapsed, holding his right shoulder. His arm was caked in blood. His jade-rimmed eyes met mine; he was struggling, losing hope. He wasn’t going to last much longer. Screaming, I leapt over him, only to be knocked aside as Colt’s elbow caught my chest.

  “Colt!” I rolled to my side, desperately trying to catch my breath. Before I could move, Koda jumped across me to Colt. Snarling, Colt shoved his cousin aside, and in
the next moment Maes was thrown into the trees. He hit the ground awkwardly and slumped over, barely breathing. Colt tried to follow, but Koda held him back.

  “Colt! Stop!” Callon bellowed, stepping into the clearing. He started to help Koda, but Colt’s anger was too much, and he swatted them both aside. Daniel jumped in, too, latching onto his brother’s arm.

  I fought to get up. The pain in my shoulder was unbearable, but I gritted my teeth and pushed through. Colt broke from Daniel’s hold, his eyes filled with bloodlust. Stumbling, I burst into a run, then collapsing over Maes’s chest.


  “Stop,” I whispered. “Just stop.” Colt wiped the blood from his face, puffing, as Koda, Callon and Daniel braced, ready to grab him if he moved. With a trembling hand I touched Maes’s shoulder, shaking him awake. His eyes slowly opened, and he watched me silently. “I have to know…” The tears were coming freely now. “I have to know!”

  “Cheyenne,” Callon said my name quietly, kneeling beside me. “What do you have to know?”

  “Why?” My eyes fell upon Maes’s bloody face. “Why did you betray me?”

  Maes looked away.

  “It had to be this way. I’m sorry.”

  “But why did you save Daniel? Why did you challenge Marcus for me? Why do it if you were only going to take me back to him!”

  “I’m not here to take you back, Cheyenne.”

  “But you took me to Marcus. You made me his prisoner…” I winced as a sharp pain ran down my arm.

  “I had no choice. When you ran off, that changed everything.”

  “What do you mean, she changed everything?” Colt growled. Daniel pushed at his chest, prepared to jump him away if he lost control again.

  “I was playing a dangerous game with Marcus. I’d seen from the start that I could never let him have her power.”

  “So why did you…” An angry retort was on Colt’s lips.

  “Because it was the only way to get him off track,” Maes said. “He knows about your cabin. The only way to give ourselves room to breathe would be to force him to recall his network of spies. And the moment Cheyenne was in his arms, he did exactly that.” He sighed. “Callon planned to rescue her on the rear incline of the mountain, with my help. After that, we would have made it straight to the airport before Marcus could relocate his men, and we would have fled to Ireland and out of his reach. Of course, she then ran off with his horse, which changed everything.”

  My breathing hitched. Was this the truth, or another lie?

  “Prove it!” Colt pushed Daniel away and grasped Maes by the throat, pinning him against a tree.

  “It’s not possible,” Maes replied. He cast his gaze downward. “I can’t prove anything. So kill me if you must. I’d never want Cheyenne to think I betrayed her.”

  Maes’s words hit me hard.

  I changed everything…

  A rescue plan had already been put in place, but once again I’d altered the outcome because of my actions. Another failure to add to my ever-growing list.

  My vision began to cloud. I was swept away into a dreamy state, into a different place. I was with Colt again. We were camping and sitting around the campfire with my parents, laughing over Dad’s stupid jokes. Colt was next to me, our shoulders touching, and I saw my mom smile and lower her head so I wouldn’t see her approval. This was where it was perfect, where everyone I loved surrounded me and I felt whole. There was no pain, only laughter and joy. My heart was content, and I was happy…

  “Cheyenne?” Callon’s voice broke through the memory. “Cheyenne, stay with me now.”

  I opened my eyes again. Why was Callon here? My sight came into focus, and I saw his stubbled jaw hovering above. With a pang, I realized I wasn’t with my parents. I was with my guardians, and I was wounded.

  “Keep your eyes open, love. I want to make sure you hear me,” Callon said.

  I turned my head slightly. The others had formed a circle around me.

  “I need to check your injuries,” Callon went on. “I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

  Everything became fuzzy as I was rolled to my stomach and my shirt ripped apart. Callon inspected my bloody back, and a cool substance was pressed into my shoulder.

  I worked on taking in small breaths to ease the pain.

  A hand grasped mine, and instantly I knew it was Daniel. He worked as good as any painkiller, giving me the sense of peace he always did. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep. I wanted to drift back to camping with Colt and my parents, but I knew it would only hurt more when I woke and realized it was a dream.

  “I’m here, sweetheart,” Colt said as he cupped my cheek. He lowered himself so I could see his eyes, which had returned to their soothing blue. But now he looked lost, hurt that once more I’d been left to suffer. It wasn’t just this recent attack; it was the whole series of events that had led to this moment. If he’d possessed the ability to turn back time, he would have, just for me. He would have taken me back to where I was the happiest. That was all he ever wanted to do…

  Colt stroked my cheek before he moved away.

  “Daniel told me what you did for him, Cheyenne,” Callon said. “You shouldn’t have. Marcus could have killed you.”

  “You’d have done the same,” I whispered.

  Daniel squeezed my fingers. “Regardless of what we’d do, your life is more important. You should’ve let me die. I’d have gladly died for you.”

  “No,” I said. “You’re the one who’s important, Daniel. Don’t you ever forget it.”

  The conversation died, as I listened to them moving. I was really noticing the cool night air now, and I began shivering.

  “Sweetheart, there’s a creek close by. I’m going to carry you there and try to clean you up. I was able to stop the wound from bleeding, but you’re not going to be able to move your right arm for a few hours. I’m counting on the fact that the Tresez didn’t sever your muscle. It appears just bruised.” Callon lightly squeezed my good arm.

  Nodding, I closed my eyes. I was too weak to do much of anything else. I knew it would take hours before I’d recover.

  “Colt,” he said. “Help me please.”

  Colt brought me to a sitting position as Callon removed what was left of my shirt. The change in posture was disorientating, and I nearly passed out. Colt grasped my ribs, trying to hold me steady. Once I’d caught my breath, he lifted me as we moved towards the creek.

  Colt set me down, and helped me sit forward. I sucked in a sharp breath as Callon poured the freezing water across my back. “Sorry,” Callon said.

  Colt held me as Callon used the remains of my shirt to wipe away the dirt, blood and salve off my skin. I was vaguely aware I still had my swimsuit on. When he was done, Colt shuffled back, and Daniel engulfed me in a warm blanket.

  “The camp’s not far,” Callon said. “Don’t worry.”

  I was still weak, so Colt carried me through the shadowy branches. Soon we came to a pale fire. Colt dropped me off on a fallen log, close to its warmth. Callon knelt beside me, drying me, before he helped me dress. It took much longer than it should have. The others moved around, preparing for our departure.

  “I’m sorry, Cheyenne, but we can’t stay and let you rest. We have to keep moving.” Callon ripped a section off the blanket and opened it, creating a sling for my right arm.

  “I know,” I replied. I knew Marcus was already hunting for us, but I needed to know more about Maes. “Did you know about Maes?”

  He shook his head. “No, none of us did.”

  “But you yelled at Colt to stop. How did you know Maes hadn’t betrayed us?”

  Callon sighed.

  “Maes left the main party and found Daniel and me on the other side of the mountain.” He lowered his eyes. “My reaction wasn’t much different than Colt’s. I was more than willing to rip his head off.”

  “But what stopped you?”


  I blinked.

stopped you?”

  “Daniel told me what both you and Maes did to save his life.” His hazel eyes met mine, holding an expression I’d never seen in him before; fear. “Daniel and Colt mean the world to me. They’re all the family I have left, and if anything ever happened…” He trailed off and looked away. “Maes has always been cold-hearted. I’ve seen him in battle. He doesn’t save lives, and he doesn’t make mistakes. He wouldn’t have let Daniel go unless he meant to.”

  “So now what?”

  “Maes will be coming with us to Ireland. He’s going to help.”

  “But he just wants me to free him, and I don’t know how.”

  Callon brushed the hair from my cheek. “It’s more than that, love. He told us everything after he’d found us. Maes wants this over. He’s tired of the fighting. And he’s giving up everything and putting his faith in us. He wants to make things right for his people as well.”

  I lowered my head.

  “I don’t know if I can be what everyone wants me to, Callon. I’ve made so many mistakes. All of this now is because I ran away…” I swallowed. “I’m such a failure.”

  He drew me close. “You’re no more a failure than the rest of us.”

  “We need to get moving,” Maes said, breaking the moment. Callon lifted me into his arms.

  “Cheyenne,” Callon said, “you’re riding with Koda. I need you to remain still to allow your body to heal properly. We’re going to need your strength later. It’ll be safer this way, as he can hide you in his cloak.” His concern was evident. “We’ll be moving across the mountains quickly to avoid Marcus before we head back down.” His brows creased. “More are coming to help, but they won’t be here until daybreak.” He hesitated. “It’s going to be very dangerous.”

  “We’re going to need my strength?” I asked.

  His lips twisted.

  “Yes, I’m afraid you’re going to have to help out.”

  “You want me to be a weapon.” I looked away.

  His warm lips brushed my cheek. “I want you to be safe.”

  “And Marcus destroyed.”

  “Cheyenne.” Callon gripped my cheek and made me look deep into his eyes. “You are the most precious thing to me right now. And I don’t know if I can protect you alone.” He grasped my hand. “Just lend me your strength, like we’ve lent you ours.”


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