Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Jenny Penn

  “My king.” Bowing his head, he accepted the rough handshake and waited while The Kragen greeted Davis and his father. Konor’s attention turned almost immediately back toward Chance, naturally returning to the strongest of the Dillons.

  “I hear your woman is safe.”

  “And asleep.” Chance nodded. “But it was closer than I liked.”

  “Closer than is acceptable.” Konor glanced around the slowly emptying room. “Come. We brought you toys.”

  Falling in step beside Konor, Chance left Davis and his father to follow. Normally it would have been Ron who walked beside the king, but the tides had already started to change. With Chance’s generation returning from war, the old one was slowly being replaced. The previous kings had already moved on, and soon so would Chance’s father.

  “Since we can’t sniff these fuckers out, we brought the motion sensors,” Konor explained as he led them out of the kitchen and down a tunnel toward the main control room. “They’re being set up now, should be online within the hour.”

  Chance stepped through the door Konor shoved open and came to a quick stop to bow his head at Konor’s twin, Gregor. “My king.”

  “Chance. Davis. Ron.” Gregor nodded to all of them before turning back to the monitor he’d been watching. “I assume Konor already mentioned the motion sensors. We have the first perimeter set up. They’re working on the second and third now.”

  “Your men will have to wear tags.” Konor chunked a bag full of small, metal buttons.

  Chance recognized them easily, having worn many tags in the past. The little microchips inside the buttons would be coded to each lycan and recognized by the system so they wouldn’t be mistaken as intruders. Even better it would allow them to organize and surround any interloper that broke their perimeter.

  “We’ll be able to monitor the situation from here.” It really wasn’t a question since Chance already knew the answer, but he also knew to always verify any assumption.

  “Yes.” Gregor glanced over at Ron. “And the feed will transmit through here so you can monitor back at the ranch. From there it will transmit to us, and we’ll also monitor the situation. If the feed goes down, the army comes out.”

  “So you’re expecting them to come back?”

  Chance understood why Davis asked that question even if the answer didn’t matter. To ensure Lacie’s safety, they had to assume a constant and immediate threat. That didn’t mean the stress of such an assumption didn’t wear on a man. A moment of hope, a small glimmer that things would eventually be better was sometimes all anybody had to cling to.

  Chance could see that recognition in Konor’s gaze as he cast a small smile in Davis’s direction. “There’s no way to know, but this all does smell like a distraction.”

  “In what way?” Chance narrowed in on that reassurance as nothing but alarm swept over him.

  “In the way that if the demon really wanted one of our mates, he wouldn’t need a list or an army.” Gregor smashed a button on the keyboard and then swiveled around to address Chance directly. “There are over a thousand registered lycan mates waiting for their men to return home. It wouldn’t have been hard for the demon to picked one off, but instead he puts on a show, sends zombies, keeps us busy.”

  “Too busy for what?” Ron drew The Kragen’s dark gaze in his direction.

  “We’re trying to figure that out.” Gregor sighed and lifted out of his seat. “And just because this is a distraction doesn’t mean the threat to your woman isn’t real.”

  “We’re not likely to forget that,” Chance assured him. In a hundred years from now, he’d still remember every detail of this day, and never would he forget the fear that now hardened in his gut.

  “Good. You keep that woman happy and alive. We’ll take care of Carver.” With another nod, Gregor sauntered off toward the exit.

  “Remember,” Konor hesitated before following his twin, “the future is everything.”

  Chance would never forget it. Things might be grim now, but there would come a day when he’d watch his sons grow up strong and proud. When that day came, Lacie would still be by his side.

  “We better discuss logistics,” Ron spoke up the second the kings disappeared. Catching Chance’s eye, his father smiled. “And how you’re going to keep your woman from running off into the night looking for things to shoot.”

  * * * *

  Lacie didn’t know how long she floated through the calming black abyss of unconsciousness, but she knew that it faded too soon, leaving her at the mercy of nightmarish visions that came to haunt her dreams. Even in her sleep, Lacie’s mind sought out the memory of Davis and Chance, feeling soothed by the mere thought of them.

  They brought her more than comfort, flooding her dreams with a warmth that had her body aching even in her dreams. Lust, sweet and thick, pumped through her veins, making her twist with a need that had her moaning with the pain of being left empty and unfilled. She needed her mates.

  Then there they were, whispering reassurances as they surrounded her with their heat. Even with eyes that couldn’t see, Lacie still knew the rough catch in Chance’s breath, the callused feel of Davis’s hand sliding over her waist, and the scent of both males as they bore down on her.

  Caught beneath them, Lacie welcomed the strong, heavy feel of their muscles keeping her pinned and stretched for their pleasure. For her pleasure, because with every soft kiss brushed over her shoulder and every tender caress dipping lower over her stomach, Lacie felt the rapture inside her magnify a thousand fold until it felt as if it couldn’t be contained.

  Lacie cried out in welcome and in agony as Davis’s blunt fingers finally slipped over her mound to forge between the swollen folds of her pussy. Her cunt creamed with excitement, gasping blindly in search of the thick treat teasing the outer rim of her opening.

  “Is this what you what you want, honey?”

  Davis’s ragged whisper taunted her with how close he was to losing control despite the finger that held steady, stretching her cunt open for barely a second and less than inch. But this was her dream, and he didn’t get to tease. Neither did Lacie have to beg.

  “Give it to me.”

  “That’s demanding, not begging, baby.”


  Because she couldn’t wait any longer. Like obedient fantasies they obeyed, proving that she might subconsciously like a little frustration but loved satisfaction even more. Gasping as a hot roll of rapture consumed her, Lacie arched up into the thick fingers that split her cunt wide and fucked her to full.

  Molten kisses branded her breasts with suckling, little nibbles that tormented her tender tits, making her nipples pucker and throb with the same heat flooding her cunt. Bucking under the extreme ecstasy filling her every breath, Lacie screamed as her release rushed her too fast and quick for her to brace against.

  Her eyes popped open as the extraordinary bliss crashed through her. For timeless seconds that could very well have been hours, she stared unseeingly at the white ceiling overhead. She floated boundlessly along with the vibrations of her climax until they simmered down and the world started to order around her once again.

  Then the mattress shifted, and Lacie realized what had been a dream had also been a reality. Watching in wide-eyed wonder as Chance rolled onto his feet, she tried to grasp on to some thought, but couldn’t get over the confused haze left by her release.

  “How you feeling, honey? Rested?”

  Turning her befuddled gaze on Davis, Lacie stared blankly at him until the cool, sticky feel of his fingers wrapped around her thigh registered. It really hadn’t been a dream.

  “You…that…how…” Lacie couldn’t decide if she was embarrassed, angered, or indignant. With her muscles still soft and warm with pleasure, she didn’t have much energy to pick one, either.

  “You were having a bad dream. We couldn’t let you have those, now could we?”

  Davis smiled down at her with such tenderness, Lacie couldn’t help but sigh. �
��I guess not, though I don’t think you really require an excuse, do you?”

  “You’re breathing, and so am I. I think that’s enough reason to get naked and celebrate.”

  If he’d woken her up before she came, Lacie might not have argued the point, but with the satisfaction still coursing through her veins, she didn’t exactly have any reason to agree. “Normally people celebrate with food, cake, gifts. Got any of those?”

  “They celebrate with a feast.” Davis slid off the bed, giving her a full view of the heavy erection engorged with blatant need. “And that’s just what you are, honey.”

  Lacie’s comeback caught in her throat as she tried to roll over and follow him out of the bed. Going stock still, Lacie didn’t have to stretch to see why her wrists and ankles refused to budge. She could feel the ropes rubbing against her skin.

  “Why am I tied to this bed?” Better yet, she should have told them to untie her.

  “So you’ll stay where we put you.” Chance offered that simple explanation along with a lecherous rake of his eyes down her naked and spread body. “Trust me, there are many, many positions we’d like to put you in.”

  “I guess it’s just a shame then that your toy room burned down, and you don’t have your table or saddle to put me in.”

  A disappointment for them but a relief for her. Maybe one day she’d have the courage to take on their idea of fun, but right then Lacie’s heart was having enough difficulty with the concept of being bound.

  “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll build you a new one.” Lacie heard Davis pop open some kind of door or drawer but couldn’t see what he fiddled with. “For now we still have this.”

  That didn’t sound good. “Have what?”

  Chapter 14

  Davis detected a small tremor of real alarm in her tone as Lacie shifted, arching her neck back to get a peek at what he was doing. He left her wondering even as he answered, knowing how arousing anticipation mixed with a little anxiety could be.

  “Thing about planning something for so many years is that it tends to help a man show up prepared for battle.”

  Davis pulled out a duffle bag from the bottom of the chest he opened. Settling it down on the foot of the bed, he let its sheer heft intimidate her. Lacie licked her lips, her eyes darting from the bag to where Davis watched her grow more nervous by the second.

  “What’s in there?”

  “Oh.” Davis unzipped the duffle and began rummaging around in it. “A little bit of this and a little bit of that.”

  Selecting a short-handled whip because he knew it would antagonize both her fear and arousal, Davis pulled out the toy in clear view for Lacie to see. Running his fingers through the velvety tassels, Davis was aware of her eyes tracking his every motion. Soft and subtle, the straps snapped stiff when he flicked the toy with a crack just to demonstrate his skill for Lacie’s wide, fixated gaze.

  “You’re not…uh, going to use that on me?”

  “You should try asking that without the stutter. It might actually come out as statement.” Davis shot her a quick smile before he returned his attention to admiring his toy.

  “You’re not going to use that on me.”

  She did better this time, her voice holding firm enough to make the words sound almost like a command. A very weak command that Davis delighted in challenging.

  “You sure about that, honey?”

  Stealing the breath she needed to answer, he danced the tips of the tassels over the pebbled peaks of her breasts, delighting at the way she gasped and arched up into the caress. Her whole body flushed with the tell-tale blush of renewed desire.

  “Because I remember being sure that when you promised to stay here unless under immediate attack, you would. Guess you can’t be too sure of anything.”

  “Damnit, Davis!”

  Lacie packed enough husky heat into that to make the curse sound like an endearment to his ears. Davis sure did like the sight of her straining against her binds as he tickled his way down over her quivering stomach to the pink bud left exposed and vulnerable by her splayed thighs. Teasing her swollen clit, Davis delighted in making her twist and moan on command.

  “There are consequences to every action. You disobeyed, and now you must be punished.”

  Lacie gasped, a flush searing over her stomach to consume her breasts as she writhed in wanton need beneath the tassels. “You sound like—”

  “Me?” Chance asked, smirking. “I guess we’re not that different after all, Davis.”

  “Not when it comes to keeping Lacie safe. You put yourself in danger, honey.”

  “That won’t be tolerated.” Chance managed to make that growl rumble through the room with enough force to still Lacie’s restless motions.

  “And if I promise to never disobey again?” The quiver in her question betrayed the desire thickening her voice, leaving any promise she might make empty of true conviction.

  “It would be a start,” Chance allowed. Pulling out a second whip from the bag, he paused to admire it before adding, “But it won’t change what needs to be done now.”

  “Now?” Lacie squeaked. “You’re not going to whip me there.”

  Davis had to give her points for getting the words out even if they barely scratched the air. “Why not?”

  “It’s our pussy, babe. We can whip it if we want to, almost have to when it disobeys.”

  “It’s my pussy,” Lacie dared to disagree despite the fact that her hips lifted, pressing her cunt up into the tassels Davis continued to tease her clit with. “And you’re not whipping it, so you can just pack up your little prop and untie me now because I’m not interested.”

  Davis took a pointed sniff of the air, savoring the heady scent of feminine arousal. “You sure about that? Because you smell kind of interested.”

  “Yes,” Lacie growled. “I’m sure. I’m a grown woman. I don’t need to be disciplined.”

  “You know, Davis. I think we should get that clit pierced.”


  “How about with a little bar? Always wanted me a cunt with one of those to play with.”

  “And maybe those tits, too.”

  “You are not piercing my—ahhhh!”

  * * * *

  Lacie’s curse cut into a scream that seared her throat with the same heat that enflamed her pussy. Flames danced over her swollen folds, ignited by the sharp crack of a fistful of tassels that licked over her intimate flesh. The instant sting melted into a molten pleasure that demanded more.

  Before the need could consume her, Davis prodded her temper with his taunting question. “Whose pussy is it?”


  Lacie panted through another sharp explosion as this time her tits flushed in ecstatic delight under the velvety lash of a whip. The sharp shudder rippled over through her as the pleasure flooded her pussy with a thick flash of heat delivered by another blow. She lost count after that as the tips of the tassels flicked over her body, making Lacie twist and writhe beneath the rapture each lash delivered.

  Mindless with wanton desires driving her body to dance on their command, Lacie gave herself shamelessly over to the wicked delight they forced her to endure. Moaning encouragement and straining within her binds, she’d have given them anything not to stop, to keep feeding the frenzy of spasms rippling through her pussy.

  “Whose pussy?” Davis prodded her with a snap of his whip right over her clit.

  “Oh, God,” Lacie moaned, unable to focus through the rapturous vibrations cascading over her sensitive bud.

  “No, not his.” Chance sighed. “This isn’t getting us anywhere, man. Maybe we should get the clamps out.”

  “No,” Lacie gulped, not sure what the hell that meant but knowing she couldn’t endure any more surprises right then. “I’ll say it’s yours if you make me come.”

  Pride be damned. She could always take it back later. What Lacie couldn’t do was survive another minute of this torture. She needed a release, the kind only they could g
ive her.

  “Then say it.” Davis issued that order, all motion with the whips coming to a stop.

  Without the provocation of those tassels tormenting her, Lacie began to wonder if they would live up to their end of their agreement. She didn’t have any choice but to hope and give in.

  “It’s your pussy,” she whispered, tense and unsure. Chance’s response did not ease her nervousness.


  “Yours and Davis’s,” Lacie ground out, his smug tone fueling her growing annoyance. “Now make me co—”

  Her command shredded into a squeal as it was met with instant action. Rapturous delight consumed her cunt as the whips lashed over her pussy, raining down an endless pleasure that drove her straight up ecstasy’s peak. With each sharp bolt of heat scorched over her cunt, Lacie’s sheath spasmed, clenching on nothing but air and making her moan as the need for something greater left her straining for a release she couldn’t claim, wouldn’t be able to claim. Not without something thick and hard filling her pussy.

  Just when her lips parted to beg for the cock she needed, the soft, subtle swirl of a tongue dipped into her sheath and stole her breath. Lacie arched on a silent shriek as her whole body bowed under the sudden, searing pleasure, her hips lifting to offer more of her cunt up for Davis’s ravishing kiss.

  He rewarded her by fucking his tongue straight into her pussy and tickling the spasming walls of her sheath. Lacie panted out little whimpers as that magical tongue danced deeper, brushing over the sweet spot that had her whole body jerking under the ferocious bolt of ecstasy that shot through her.

  Her world boomed with one rapturous explosion after another as Davis rolled his tongue, relentlessly fucking her right over the point of reason. Giving over to the shudders rolling out of her cunt, Lacie screamed as Utopia’s brilliant horizon finally crested over her. For a seemingly endless moment, she could do nothing but experience the pleasure, but in reality, the intense delight receded rapidly.

  Only instead of being relaxed back into a blissful sea of calm satisfaction, Lacie found herself caught in the chaotic crosswinds of a second detonating climax as Davis’s tongue pulled free of her cunt only to lick its way up to her poor, defenseless clit. Still throbbing from the whipping, her sensitive bud sent out sharp tendrils of pained rapture as Davis trapped it between his lips.


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