Going The Distance (Ringside #2)

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Going The Distance (Ringside #2) Page 9

by Jennifer Fusco

  She followed him up the steps onto the front lawn of the Inn. A few more feet and they’d be at the door of the cottage. A few more feet and . . . Oh God. Oh no. Caleb?

  Mr. Buzzkill stood on the front porch waiting for them.

  “Hello,” she said, as they approached.

  Lines marked Mike’s face. Annoyed wasn’t the word for how he looked. He stared at Caleb how she imagined he looked at his opponents in the ring, like someone he wanted to knock out.

  “Good evening,” Caleb greeted them. “The mechanic called. Your SUV will not be ready tomorrow. So, it seems you’ll be staying another night with us. Tomorrow, I’ll have a room available so you won’t have to share. Come by in the morning and we can take care of the paperwork.”

  “Great. Good night,” Mike interjected. He shoved his key inside the door, cutting off Caleb’s ramblings. Still holding her hand, he pulled her inside the room. He closed the door, and she stood with her back against it. He leaned in, and Ava knew it was time to make a choice and the choice was hers. Him or the door.

  “There’s a room available tomorrow,” he said as he closed in. His hot breath teased her skin. His scent seduced her, sending a swirl of sexual tension racing through her body.

  “I know,” she replied. “Too bad you won’t need it.”

  And with that, she crushed her lips to his. She lifted her hands and cupped his face. A small groan left him. The sound was something primal, something that struck a chord down deep inside her. It was as if a beast was on the verge of unleashing. He teased her mouth with his tongue until she opened for him. He pushed his tongue to hers, deepening their connection along with their kiss. And she accepted him willingly. He kissed her, harder and deeper than she’d ever been kissed before. Mike was like no one else, taking her, ravishing her mouth. Her connection to him felt so strong, so real. Her heart raced as she settled into the rhythm of their tongues’ dance. And it was then that he settled both hands on her hips. Right then, right in that instant, she couldn’t deny the achy feeling that told her how much she wanted him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  He kissed her. Oh fuck. He kissed her and he didn’t want to stop. Ava still had the sugary-sweet taste of the cake on her lips when he took a step back, breaking their connection. She lifted her hand to her mouth, as if kissing him might have been a mistake. It wasn’t.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I shouldn’t have . . .” Her emerald eyes widened.

  He allowed her words to trail off. “If I hadn’t wanted you to kiss me, you wouldn’t have.” Even though she kissed him, he still maintained control as a pinkish hue flushed her cheeks.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve wanted to do that since you walked into Stamina.” He laid out the truth plain and simple. “Sure, I had my reservations about you. People who do what you do can’t be trusted. But that doesn’t keep me from thinking you’re hot as hell and it doesn’t stop me from wanting to get you naked.”

  She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as his feet threw her off-balance and his words kept her there. He centered his stance. “I’d kiss you again, but that would only lead to trouble. Trouble I don’t need. Sleeping outside your door is going to tear me up.”

  “You don’t have to sleep out here. We’re adults. I think I can control myself,” she teased.

  He pressed his hand against the wall, cornering her. “It’s not your self-control that worries me.” He pushed off the wall and turned around. Then, he found his bag and fished around deep inside for a pair of shorts, something he could sleep in.

  If, after their kiss, he could sleep.

  Silently, she walked inside the bedroom and removed two pillows and a blanket from the bed. Then, she walked back into the small area where he stood. “Reconsider.” Her voice sounded almost pleading. “You’re training for a fight. We’ve got a long trip ahead. Take half the bed. All we’ll do is sleep.”

  He took the bedding from her hands and dropped the pillows and blanket on the floor beside the bearskin rug. His jaw tightened. A warm sensation rolled through his body, and the lines separating himself and Ava blurred. “Baby, when the day comes that I take you to bed, the last thing we’ll do is sleep.”


  Mike hit the ground running at four a.m. Outside the tiny cottage, he breathed in the cool Oklahoma morning air. The stillness. The quiet with only the sounds of crickets in the distance. He could get used to life in the Midwest. Life seemed cleaner here, miles away from the filth of Las Vegas. He’d always lived in big cities, and he wondered how small-town life could be. Maybe after he retired from boxing, one day he’d find out.

  Dressed in his gray sweats and hoodie, he kept his head covered, trying to work up the most perspiration possible. His body needed to handle heat, something Vegas provided and the chilly Oklahoma morning took away. The lights in the Garden were sure to beat down on him, dehydrate him, and he needed to be ready for it.

  To keep his thoughts off Ava, he concentrated on his upcoming bout. Littleton, an emotional fighter, tended to let his feelings get the best of him. If his opponent showed a few surprise moves, much like Ava had showed him hers, that’s how he’d beat him.

  He practiced a few punches while running, stopping in the street to shadowbox, practicing his footwork. Still Ava’s kiss crept back into his mind. He tried to push the memory of how soft her lips felt against his from his mind, yet there she was, a contender for his heart. How’d that happen? When did he stop hating her?

  She still had the same job, ruining athletes for a paycheck and a headline, but he’d seen no evidence that she was trying to ruin him. She’d asked a few questions. Pried a little. But after sitting in the car with her, talking, he couldn’t imagine doing this trip alone.

  Truth be told, he didn’t mind the company.

  When did she start to grow on him like some sort of cancer? Her effect on him killed his desire for solitude and sent his otherwise dormant libido into overdrive. He feared she was a disease for which no cure existed. Eventually, he’d succumb to wanting her around and asking her stupid shit like How was your day?

  He had to fight his feelings for her as hard as he planned to battle Littleton in the ring. His body and his mind clashed. As much as his body wanted her, his mind warned him to keep his distance. Still, everything within him wanted her by his side.

  Running eased the tightness in his back and thighs. Sleeping on the floor had wrecked his muscles. He awoke, feeling like he’d fought ten rounds, and maybe he had. During the night when sleep abandoned him, Ava’s offer slipped into his mind.

  We’re adults. I can control myself, she’d told him.

  She tested every inch of his restraint, pushing his command of his body to the brink. He had to get her off his mind. During their time together she’d crawled into places, like his heart, and settled there. He’d seen what the wrong woman could do to a fighter. Hell, he’d even experienced it firsthand. His ex, Tiffany, if she deserved to be called an ex-girlfriend, had tricked and manipulated him into a relationship he never wanted. He couldn’t allow Ava to do the same.

  No. His rejection of her offer to take her to bed was the right call, the only call to keep a guy like him sane. He had to keep strong. Stay focused. With enough determination, warding off feelings for her would be easy. Eventually, thoughts of her would dissipate, along with images of her long, copper-colored hair, her dazzling emerald eyes, and the understanding that if he ever touched her again, he might lose all control. He mustered the internal fortitude to push Ava out of his head. That was it. She was gone. Done.

  His pace quickened. He rounded the corner on Green Street, and from his run the previous night, he’d learned the road eventually looped around to Main, a half mile from the Inn. He ran past early risers and dog walkers. Each person lifted their hand and waved hello. He waved back cordially, but trained his mind on Littleton and his opponent’s mad right hand.

  After rounding the corner onto Main Street, Mike evened out his pace, tak
ing in the scenery and the scent of roasting coffee beans. Ah. Small-town living. He ran in the direction of the addictive smell. While he didn’t drink the stuff, roasting beans smelled like a piece of Heaven on earth. Lights flicked on in the shop on the corner. He read the sign as it came into view. Burt’s Beans. Mike slowed his run into a jog and made his way up the sidewalk and into the shop.

  “Can I help you?” a man, presumably Burt, asked.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Do you guys have cinnamon lattes?”

  And just like that Ava Phillips snuck back inside his heart.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ava didn’t worry when she woke and found herself alone in the tiny cottage. She’d never been one to question Mike’s schedule and knew his morning runs took priority over everything else. She admired his dedication. With as many hiccups and distractions as he’d experienced, he never let it stand in the way of his upcoming fight. He even turned down an offer for sex. Heat filled her cheeks at the memory. It may take a while before she’d forgive herself for coming on to the guy. All he wanted was a fight at the Garden, not a road-trip quickie.

  But that kiss. Along with his parting words, that hot, steamy kiss told her differently. Baby, when the day comes that I take you to bed, the last thing we’ll do is sleep. Anticipation caused gooseflesh to break out on her arms. There was something there, something primal burning between them. Simple attraction. Maybe? But when she was with him, she never felt as if he was a one-night-stand kind of guy. Lasting relationship? He didn’t seem like that type, either. But she knew one thing. His kiss sent her body ablaze. The deepest parts of her tingled with hope of one long naked night together. Come what may.

  Her cell phone buzzed, interrupting her thoughts before her daydreams turned X-rated and forced her to retreat to the shower and exercise her desire for Mike against a hard stream of water. She glanced down at her phone’s display. Ed Harris. Yep. Nothing could rid a sexual desire from her body like her balding, coffee-swilling editor.

  “Hi, Ed.” She greeted him as she always did.

  “Why the hell didn’t you return my email? You’re supposed to be checking in.”

  A jolt ran through her body. With all the commotion and car trouble, she’d forgotten to check her email. “Sorry, Ed. We had a bit of car trouble and had to scramble to find a place to stay.”

  She dared not tell him about the festival. He’d already accused her of making this trip out as some kind of vacation.

  “So,” he said with an edge, “what have you got?”

  Her hands shook. She couldn’t tell him she had nothing. “I’m working on it. He’s not much of a talker,” she replied. However, he was one helluva kisser.

  “Well, if you want to keep your job, you’d better chat him up. Time is money, and I need to update the publisher on your progress.”

  “I’ll have something for you soon. Very soon. I promise.” She lied. Hoped, but still lied. She had no idea how much time would pass before Mike felt like talking, if he talked at all.

  “And another thing. A woman keeps calling me, trying to get to you.”

  “Oh?” Ava felt her face harden. “Who is it?”

  “Some gal by the name of Tiffany Longoria. I gave her your number. I’m not your answering service, Ava. She wanted to talk to me, but I don’t have time for this shit.”

  “I know. I got it.”

  “Update me by Friday,” he huffed into the phone. “And check your email every day. There’s a goddamn Starbucks with free Wi-Fi on every corner. Make use of it.”

  She gulped. “Yes, sir.”

  With a click, the call ended. She lifted her eyes and glanced toward the sound coming from the next room. Her heart swelled. Her lead story just walked through the door.

  Mike’s head, still covered by his hoodie, didn’t hide his body drenched with sweat. He held something in his hand—a cup.

  “Need help?” she asked, walking out of the bedroom.

  He shut the door and stopped short. His gaze penetrated her.

  Ava glanced around. What could’ve caught him off guard? Then, her glance traveled down to what she wore. She didn’t know why she had packed the short satin nightgown, but she’d thrown it on before she went to sleep in case Mike changed his mind about her offer.

  He didn’t.

  Now she stood before him wearing a black spaghetti-strap number that stopped just below the part of her she longed for him to touch. She may have looked seductive, but she felt like a fool. She caught him staring at her breasts. “Excuse me,” she said. “I need to change.”

  His mouth dropped open. She’d known Mike’s affection for silence, but this was as if he didn’t know what to say.

  “Wait,” he finally blurted out as she turned to leave. “This is for you.” He outstretched his hand.

  “What’s this?” She took a few steps toward him.

  “Cinnamon latte.”

  She took the cup from his hand and smelled the wonderful cinnamon. She lifted the cup to her lips and drank. “Oh, this is sinful.”

  “No.” He pushed his hoodie from his head. “Looking at you is.”

  The feeling was mutual. Some women wouldn’t find a man whose body was dampened with sweat appealing. Not Ava. She longed to run her fingers across his back slick with perspiration. And the smell of him. God, it was something primal. His scent was strong and spicy and all man. She had to leave before she allowed her desires to get the best of her, before she did something stupid like kiss him again.

  “I’m sorry.” She noticed her free hand starting to fidget. “Excuse me while I change.” She walked to the bedroom, but stopped as he followed her. She turned around. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” he answered.

  He wasn’t following her because something was wrong. He enjoyed the view. A sly smile spread across her lips. She was getting to him without even trying. She wondered what would happen if she turned up the heat.

  She stopped at the side of her bed and placed her coffee cup on the nightstand. Then, she sat down on the corner of her bed. The mattress dipped under her weight. She pushed her body onto the bed. “Seems like a good morning to have coffee in bed, don’t you think?”

  A low growl emitted from his throat.

  Her lazy smile broadened.

  She took hold of her coffee and drank, leaving a splash of latte on her lip. Slowly, seductively, she dragged her finger along the edge of her lip, and then her fingertip disappeared inside her mouth as she sucked off the remnants of the coffee.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a taste?” she asked as innocently as she could muster, lifting her coffee in his direction.

  His body stilled, but his sweatpants didn’t hide his reaction to her. Like he’d said, she was chipping away at his control, breaking him down. Her attempt to wear away his defenses wasn’t about getting a story. He’d tell her whenever he was ready. It was about making him realize there was something happening between them, she knew it and he knew it.

  His stare darkened, deepening his connection to her. Something intimate passed between them, and once his head caught up with his body, he’d be hers.

  In the meantime, teasing him to his limits heightened her senses. God, she loved tempting him. Luring him closer to the bed set her skin on fire. The thrill sent her pulse racing, and a flood of need rushed to her sex. And, oh, she had need. Lots of need. Just for Mike.

  No other man turned Ava into a seductress the way Mike did. Never before had she climbed onto a bed and risked making a fool of herself to entice a man. But, never had she wanted a man this badly. She ached for him. If only he’d press his lips to hers again.

  She took another sip of the latte. Then, placing the cup on the table, she licked her lips, taking in every taste of the warm, sweet beverage. “It’s so good,” she said in a breathy voice. “I think I need more.”

  And with that, he crawled on top of her and let go. He crushed his lips to hers and, oh, God, oh how he drove his tongue inside her mouth
. Their lips locked in an urgent, needy, hormone-laden kiss. He took what he wanted and she gave, oh she gave him everything. His scent, mixed with the feel of his lips on hers, freed her from all her surroundings. She focused on him, matching his tongue’s dance with hers. Nerve endings tingled awake. God, she wanted him. Wanted him to touch her. If he’d slip his fingers inside her panties, she’d come on the spot. Burning, achy desire pounded through her. Dampness coated her thighs, and she gave a light moan. Mike pulled back. His tongue grazed her lips. The needy sound broke the spell.

  He gave her a hard stare, filled with wanton desire. Then, he slowly backed away from her and lifted himself from the bed. His gaze traveled down her body, starting with her eyes, passing over her breasts. He glanced lower, running his stare over her midriff, and settling on her sex.

  His jaw tightened. She could tell his body and his mind had declared war, and as he moved back from the bed toward the bathroom, his mind had won. He closed the bathroom door. Presumably the cold shower would take care of his body.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mike stretched out his hand, turning off the cold water. Damn. Ava sure knew how to make his dick ache. Fuck. The woman nearly caused him to self-combust. All that adrenaline mixed with his desire, and he almost came undone. He had to give her props. She’d taken morning coffee to a whole new level.

  He stepped from the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. In his haste to avoid doing something crazy, he’d forgotten to grab his clothes before he shut himself inside. He chuckled.

  Now it was his turn to tempt the temptress. He laughed a little louder.

  Payback was a bitch.


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