Play Dirty (The Devil's Share #2)

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Play Dirty (The Devil's Share #2) Page 10

by L. P. Maxa

  I chuckled. “Jacks is going to start crying.”

  Dylan shrugged. “He shouldn’t have ruined my orgasm.”

  I grinned. “Don’t worry, Cher. I’ll give you another chance to scream my name.”

  Our food came fast, and we both turned to watch as food was delivered to the band’s table. They all looked so confused. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing as they called their waitress over. Her look mirrored theirs, and then she pointed in Dylan’s direction. Dylan smiled and waved at them with a piece of bacon in her hand. “That was cruel, Cher.” To my friends’ credit, they all ate their healthy breakfast like good boys and girls.

  After Dylan was done eating she pushed her plate away. “I really don’t want to be this girl, Smith…but what are we doing?”

  I raised an eyebrow, honestly confused. Was she talking about food? “About?”

  Her eyes flashed with irritation. “About us.” She motion between us. “What is it that you want from me?”

  Well, I knew she was direct. It was one of the things I liked about her in the first place. “I don’t think I’ve quite figured that out yet, Cher.”

  She rested her forehead in her hands. “You want me.” She said it as a statement, not a question.

  “Yes. You want me?” I wasn’t as confident.

  She nodded. “I want you…”


  “But, I want the healthy, happy you.” She took a small sip of her ice water then played with the condensation on her glass. “I’m not judging you. We all have our stories, we all have our truths and I won’t pretend to understand everything you’ve been through…but I can’t get involved with the drugs, Smith. I’ve been down that road before. I watched someone I loved kill himself, slowly and for no good reason.”

  Her words gave me chills. Was that what I was doing? Basically I had two choices here: stay clean, or stay away from Dylan. I wondered if she knew what she was asking of me. I wondered if she asked it of the other guy. I’d been able to stay sober for a few days now, but long term…? Could I do that? I studied her beautiful face, the way she wrung her hands together and bit the inside of her cheek. Her eyes stayed strong though, they never wavered from mine. I wanted her, no doubt about that. I’d chosen her over drugs, more times than I could count at this point. I’d kick myself if I let her go, let her go with never knowing how good it could be between us.

  “I won’t make you promises I can’t keep, Cher. But, I will try. You have my word that I will try my very fucking best to be the guy you’re asking me to be.”

  I searched her eyes, hoping that would be enough for now. After what seemed like an eternity, she nodded her head. I stood and pulled her to her feet. I took her face in my hands and kissed her for all I was worth. I heard my friends whistling in the background. When Dylan started to giggle against my mouth, I pulled away.

  Jacks came over to the table and slammed the bill down. “Smith, I’m not paying for that shitty breakfast your date ordered for us. This one is on you.”

  Kissing the hell out of Dylan had put me in a pretty good mood. Plus, I owed Jacks for setting me straight and sending me home last night. I reached for my wallet, more than happy to pay for breakfast. But Dylan put her hand on my arm, stopping me.

  She picked up the ticket and shoved it against Jacks chest. “You sure as fuck are going to pay for that breakfast. You came stumbling on to the bus, passed out, ruined our Walking Dead marathon and then puked all over the bathroom ruining…something else. Smith cleaned you up. I cleaned your vomit. PAY. FOR. BREAKFAST.”

  The restaurant was silent until Lexi started the slow clap.


  When we got back on the bus, everyone went back to bed. Jacks was still pouting because Dylan yelled at him, plus he was probably hung over as fuck. Luke was up all night with his ex; apparently he and Lexi got into it over breakfast about it. Dash took Lexi to bed, telling her if she wanted to edit photos all day, she was going to do it naked.

  Dylan and I stood in the middle of the empty living room for about three seconds before we jumped on each other. We were all mouths and hands. I couldn’t kiss her deep enough and she was basically climbing me like I was a fucking pole. I sat down on the couch with her tiny body in my lap. I fisted my hands in her hair and she raked her nails down my torso. We were both breathing heavy; if we were in a car, the windows would be too fogged up to see out of.

  Fuck, I wanted this girl. I wanted inside her so bad I could barely see straight. I grinned against her mouth as she tugged my shirt over my head. I spared a glance down the hall before I took her face in my hands.

  “Just like that, Cher? You just want to get naked and fuck right here in the living room?”

  She smiled down at me and then took in our surroundings. “I’m game if you are, rock star.”

  I narrowed my eyes. Was she calling my bluff? Or was she really okay with this? My question was answered when she pulled her sweater off, revealing a tight white tank top that left little to the imagination. All right, so sex where anyone could walk in was a go. I stood, lifting her and laying her down on the couch before covering her body with mine. She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me tighter against her core. I trailed kisses down her neck and whispered in her ear, “No.”

  She pulled back and gave me a what-the-fuck look. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “The first time I bury my dick inside you will not be in the living room where anyone could walk in.” I’m no choirboy; I’ve fucked with an audience plenty of times. That’s what sex when you’re high as a fucking kite will get you. But Dylan was different. I didn’t want anyone seeing her come except for me. Those screams, those were all fucking mine. I sat up, bringing her with me. “Two nights from now, we stay at a hotel in Missouri. You will be in my room, in my bed, naked.”

  “Are you asking me? Or telling me?” Her eyes were full of fire, both lust and defiance.

  “Telling you.” I took a gamble, betting that since she seemed to get off on my dirty words when I was touching her, she’d do the same with me taking charge.

  She leaned forward, took my lower lip in between her teeth and sucked on it before letting it go. “Okay.”

  I’d bet right. “Good girl.”

  I grabbed the remote and sat back against the couch cushions holding my arm out for her to join me. When she cuddled up next to me, I pulled her into my lap. “In the meantime, Cher…” I let my words trail off as I unbuttoned her pants and slipped my hand inside her panties. I covered us with a blanket with my other hand, just in case someone did walk in. I slid my finger through her folds, finding her center. “So fucking wet for me, baby.”

  I pumped in and out of her slowly at first, drawing out her pleasure. Since I found her spot last night, I had her panting in seconds. She was moaning and bucking against my hand. I turned her head and used my mouth to swallow her little cries of pleasure. I let my tongue mimic my fingers. I couldn’t help but thrust my dick against her ass as I played with her. The friction felt so good, I was afraid I’d come in my jeans.

  “Oh god, Smith. Don’t stop.”

  I smiled against her mouth. “Come for me, baby.” I gave one more flick of my wrist and she shattered against my hand. I kissed her one more time before I pulled my hand out of her jeans and shifted my body so that we were both lying on the couch. “Feel better?”

  She nodded, her head against my chest. “What about you?”

  I kissed the top of her head. “I’m okay, Cher. We’ll play tonight.”

  “So we can play on the bus, but we can’t have sex on the bus?”

  “The first time? The first time I want all night, no interruptions.” I shrugged. “After that we can fuck on the bus like rabbits.”

  She laughed. “So romantic.”

  I buried my nose in her sweet smelling hair. “You want romantic, you picked the wrong musician.” I don’t think there had ever been a time in my life when I’d tried to do something romanti
c for someone. I didn’t even date in high school. Didn’t have to. I was the town bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Do you have any idea how many cheerleaders fucked me to piss off their rich daddies? “Sorry, Cher.”

  “No worries. I don’t like sappy.” Dylan turned her face up and kissed my chin.

  I kissed the top of her head. Again. And rubbed small circles on her back with my fingers. Within minutes, we were both asleep.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I didn’t wake up until the bus stopped and all the guys came into the living room. All of us slept the day away. I was becoming nocturnal, just like the band.

  Smith kissed my lips softly. “I’m going to go shower real fast, Cher.”

  Lexi came in, already dressed for the night and looking smoking hot with her tiny bump. I waved her over. “Hey, Smith mentioned we have a hotel stop in two days. That would be a great time to do your next appointment. We can set up the sono machine a lot easier.”

  She clapped her hands. “We get to see the baby?!”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Her excitement was infectious. It was so heartwarming to see how in love with her baby she was.

  Dash came in and sat down on the recliner; Lexi crawled into his lap. “We get to the see the baby when we get to the hotel.”

  A smile lit up his face as he kissed her nose. “That’s great, Kitten.”

  I stood and headed to the bathroom. I showered that morning but I needed to change and get myself put together. I’ve always been more of a hot mess kind of girl, but Lexi always looked the rock star part. I felt obligated to do the same. After grabbing my clothes I tried the bathroom door and found it unlocked so I slipped inside.

  “Cher?” Smith called my name from the shower.


  “Just making sure you weren’t one of the guys coming in here to flush the toilet or steal all the towels.”

  I giggled. “Does that happen often?”

  “It happens.” He peeked his head over the glass shower door. “You coming in?”

  I kissed his wet lips, because we were trying this relationship out. And because I could. “No.”

  He pouted but finished his shower without whining. I put on my makeup and fixed my hair. Just as I peeled my shirt over my head Smith stepped out, soaking wet and so sexy. I licked my lips.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Cher. It makes me want to bend you over the sink.”

  I winked at him. “So do it.”

  He growled and left the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Two nights. I had two nights to play with him and make him suffer before we would have a room all to ourselves. It was sweet that he wanted to wait, yet another adorably nice thing that made me want him even more. I didn’t want to jinx it, but Smith had had a good day. Other than his bout of depression early this morning, he’d been okay. I hadn’t even seen that crazy look in his eye, the one that said he needed a fix more than he needed oxygen.


  An hour or so later we were all backstage, with security guarding the door like the Pope was inside. To their credit, we were swarmed on our way from the car to the back door of the venue. Reporters were shouting out questions a mile a minute, most of them wanting to know the band’s thoughts about the trial and if that was going to delay their new album. And that was only like a ten-foot walk. Smith was sitting at the bar, sipping a glass of scotch with Luke. Dagger was lying at their feet. Jacks was leaning against the wall, near everyone but quiet. Dash was behind the bar, taking a turn at making everyone’s drinks. Lexi had her camera out and was snapping pictures of the four of them. I stood behind her and looked at the images as she captured them. She has a really good eye.

  She straightened from her crouched position, rubbing a hand against her lower back. I didn’t need to tell her it wouldn’t be long before she couldn’t squat down like that anymore. She set the camera up on a table and made a bunch of adjustments. “Everyone get closer together, let’s take a group picture.”

  Jacks pushed off against the wall and leaned on the bar instead. Dash came around to the other side of the bar, pulling Lexi against his front and putting a hand on her hip. Luke and Smith spun in their barstools and faced forward. When I walked over to stand between them, Smith put his arm across my chest in his signature hold on me. We stood still, smiling, for a full minute.

  Without breaking his grin, Luke talked with clenched teeth. “Lex, did you set the timer?”

  She rolled her eyes and glared at him. “Of course I set the timer.”

  Luke gave her an annoyed look. “Stop taking that tone with me. You’ve been doing that all day.”

  Dash’s good picture posture sagged and he looked up at the ceiling as Lexi and Luke continued to bicker. Everyone broke rank right as the flash went off.

  Lexi went over to the camera, grabbing it to see what the picture looked like and glared at Luke. “Told you I set the timer.”

  He pointed at the corner of the display screen. “Yeah. You set it for two minutes, instead of twenty seconds.”

  Dash looked over her shoulder. “What do you think, Kitten? We need to take another one?”

  Lexi held the camera farther out so everyone could see. No one was actually looking at the camera in the photo. Luke and Lexi were looking at each other, arguing. Dash had his eyes heavenward with his hands firmly on Lexi’s body. Jacks was staring into his glass of whiskey. My eyes were cut sideways as Smith leaned in to whisper in my ear.

  Lexi smiled and shook her head. “No. Actually, I think this one is perfect.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  The show went off without a hitch, just like it always did. After Dash screamed his goodnight we all rushed off the stage, dripping sweat and bouncing with energy. I walked straight to Dylan and wrapped my arm around her waist, hauling her up for a kiss. She looked so fucking sexy. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her all night.

  I could feel Jacks’s gaze on me. “I’m guessing you aren’t coming out with me tonight?”

  I shake my head. “Nah, man.” I knew why he was asking, why he was checking in to make sure I wasn’t going to falter. Jacks was a good man; he deserved more credit than we typically gave him.

  Luke threw his arm around Jacks shoulder. “Come on, bud. I’ll go out with you tonight.”

  Lexi’s eyes got big. “You’re going out?”

  Luke shrugged. “I go out.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since always.”

  Lexi rolled her eyes but let it go. Luke did used to party, so did Dash for that matter. Lexi joining the tour changed both of their habits. Although only one of them was getting the benefits of staying home every night. Luke and Jacks headed off in one direction while Dylan, Lexi, Dash, Dagger and I headed off in another.


  After three more episodes of The Walking Dead, Dylan yawned and stretched her arms above her head—revealing a delicious strip of skin. “I think I’m all walkered out for tonight.”

  I rested my head against the arm of the couch and folded my hands on my stomach. “Oh yeah? You ready for bed?” I waited until she looked at me before I gave her a wicked grin.

  “You really think sleeping in the same bed is a good idea? You couldn’t even watch me change earlier without wanting to break your ‘first time in a real bed’ rule.”

  I smiled. I was smiling a lot lately. “I told you, Cher. We can play; we just can’t fuck.”

  She gave me an exasperated look. “Fuck, bang, nail, bone, screw…can’t you guys ever call it something that sounds halfway nice?”

  I’d never called it anything nice, because I’d never done it in a nice way. But she didn’t need to know that. With her, I’d do it differently. She wasn’t some whore I would never see again. “What would you like me to call it, Cher?”

  She was quiet for a while, thinking, her lips pursed. “Sex?”

  I chuckled. “It took you that long to come up with sex?” I wrinkled my nose.
“Sex sounds too clinical.”

  “Sleeping together?”

  “Oh we won’t be doing any sleeping, Cher.”

  “Doin’ it?”

  “What are we? Sixteen?”

  “I give up.”

  I let out a silent sigh of relief that she hadn’t tried making love. I sure as fuck didn’t know how to do that. I stood, then picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, slapping her toned ass on the way down the hall. “Fucking it is then.”

  “I’m such a lucky girl.”

  I laid her down in her bunk. “Oh, you have no idea, baby.” Playing the guitar and screwing—the only two things in life I ever excelled at. Practice makes perfect and all that shit. I didn’t climb in beside her right away. Instead I just stood and stared at her. I stared at this smart, sexy girl who decided to give my broken, addicted, moody ass a chance. I told her I’d try, and I was. And today was a good day. I wasn’t stupid; I knew not every day would be this easy, this light. I’d been on and off drugs since I was fourteen years old. This time it’d be easier to put them down. I hadn’t really been on anything hard. Yet.

  “You going to stand out there all night?”

  Dylan snapped me out of my inner monologue. I took my shirt off and threw it on the floor before getting into bed and lying down right on top of her. Dylan spread her legs, making room for my body like it was the most natural thing in the world. “You feel so fucking good underneath me.”

  Her eyes closed and she arched up into me, my words turning her on. I loved that she got off on me talking to her like that. I fisted my hands in her hair and brought my mouth to her. I kissed her, hard and without permission. She moaned. I ground my dick against her pussy. She was right; being in bed like this was going to be torture. I wanted inside her so fucking bad.


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