Play Dirty (The Devil's Share #2)

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Play Dirty (The Devil's Share #2) Page 15

by L. P. Maxa

  “Your mom. That would certainly make you an unreliable character witness, don’t you think?”

  My blood ran cold. I was just a kid when my mom died, but it was all my fault. Jared and my dad were ruthless bastards, so I knew he wasn’t bluffing. “It doesn’t matter what you say, what you tell them. I won’t turn my back on Lexi and the baby. And if you think I would, then you don’t know me at all. Don’t call me again, Jared.” I hung up and sat down on the edge of the bed. Man, my family was fucked.

  Dylan kneeled in front of me. “You okay?”

  I shook my head. “Not really.” I lay back on the bed, my hands resting on my stomach. “I hate that this happened. I hate that Lexi got hurt. I hate that Jared never got clean. I hate that all of this is out of my control.” And I hated that I had my mom’s blood on my hands. Three weeks ago, after a phone call like that? I would have already downed a handful of pills and chased them with a fifth of Jack. But that wasn’t who I was anymore. I held out my hand. “Come lie with me, Cher.”

  She settled in next to me and placed her head on my chest. “Are you going to…? How are you going to handle this?”

  I knew what she was asking. Are you going to go dark? Are you going to fall of the wagon and numb the pain? I kissed the top of her head. “I am going to spoon you so hard, while we take a little nap. Then I’m going to get up and get dressed and go to this stupid business meeting. After that I am going to meet my beautiful girlfriend’s parents. At the end of the night, and this is my favorite part, I am going to fuck you until you go hoarse from screaming my name.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.”


  I glanced at my watch again. I was going to be late for dinner with Dylan’s parents. The meeting with the label guy had dragged on way longer than I thought possible. They were still pushing for proof of the new album, and other than some ideas and riffs in our heads, we didn’t have it. It wasn’t fair of them to ask us to come up with new material while we were touring. They were being unreasonable and we were one “meeting” away from telling them to fuck off. But we had to be semi-pleasant to this dude. As of right now, he signed our paychecks. So I laughed at his lame jokes; I listened to stories about his stupid golf game. Now I needed to go and meet my girl.

  We finally stood and shook his hand, smiling until he was out the door.

  “Thank fuck that’s over. He has to be the most conceited person I’ve ever met.” Luke ran his fingers through his thick blonde hair and downed the rest of his scotch.

  “I have to get out of here, guys. I’m late for dinner with Dylan’s parents.” I stood and turned towards the door.

  Luke grabbed my arm. “Wait.” He took off his black blazer and handed it to me. “Wear this. You’ll look less menacing rock-star and more dotting boyfriend.”

  I chuckled and slipped it on. He was right. I was wearing a tight white tee that read DEVILS ALWAYS SHARE. Guess I should have changed before I left the hotel.

  “Thanks, man.”

  Dash handed me the keys to the rental we drove here. “Take the car. We’ll cab it back. It’ll be quicker that way.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “Good luck, bro.”

  “Bring one of her sisters back to the bus with you.” Jacks called to my retreating back. “I don’t care which one!”

  I was out the door before he could say anything else. The valet brought the car around. It was a red Lamborghini. Dash claimed he needed to get the flashy sports cars out of his system before the baby got here. I cringed as I climbed inside. I hated driving cars like this. Give me a black 1970 Dodge Charger any day. I pulled up the map on my phone and pulled away from the curb. About ten minutes later, I was almost there when I saw blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror. Perfect. Exactly why I hated red opulent cars. I grabbed my license and then looked around in the car for the registration.

  “Step out of the car, sir.”

  What? No good evening? No do you know why I pulled you over? I stifled an irritated sigh and climbed out. “I’m not really sure what I did, but I’m late for a really important dinner. So if—”

  “You were going fifty in a forty-five.”

  For real? I had to step out of the car for that? “I’m really sorry. I’m not from around here. I’m in a band and we’re just in town for a few—”

  “License and registration.”

  This guy was an ass. I handed him my I.D. “The car is a rental. I couldn’t find the registration.”

  “Do you have any illegal substances in that car? Any guns?”

  “No.” Was this because I said I was in a band? Or because this guy was just a dick?

  “Any drugs on your person?”

  Now I was getting irritated. I looked down at what I was wearing and patted my pants pockets. “Let’s see…none in there.” I opened Luke’s jacket and felt around in the inside pocket. “Nope, none there either.” The cop let out a pissed off sigh. I held up my hand. “Wait. Let me just check one more place.” I put my hand in the pocket by my hip and froze. Please don’t let this be what it feels like. Please, God do not let there be a baggie of pills in Luke’s jacket pocket. I quickly took my hand out. “Nope. All clean.”

  The cop’s eyes narrowed but luckily he let it go. He wrote me a couple of different tickets but then sent me on my way. The second I pulled away from the curb I took the bag out of my pocket and fingered the pills inside. What was this? X? Since when did Luke do Molly? Great. I’d dropped a drug habit and squeaky-clean Luke picked one up. I shoved the pills back in my pocket and focused on my GPS. Luke and I needed to have a talk, for sure. But I couldn’t worry about that right now. I was late for dinner with Dylan’s parents.

  Chapter Thirty


  “I’m so sorry that Smith is running late.” I pulled my phone out for the fifth time in five minutes and checked it for a message. “His meeting with the label must be running a little long.” I was trying really hard not to freak out about him being late like this. I was trying to keep thoughts of him standing me up out of my head. I mean, after that phone call with Jared…could I really blame him for not being up to the stress of meeting my mom and dad?

  “Hi, gorgeous. Sorry I’m late.” I smiled when Smith whispered close to my ear with his hand on my side. He straightened and held his hand out towards my dad. “You must be Mr. Hays.”

  My dad stood, shaking Smith’s out stretched hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” His voice was deep and his spine straight as a board. I couldn’t help but smile at his intimidation tactic.

  My mom took Smith’s hand next. “You are just as handsome as Dylan said you were. Please, call me Christie.”

  It wasn’t lost on me that my dad hadn’t asked Smith to call him Robert.

  My little sister was staring at Smith, studying his every move with a smile on her face. I nudged her with my leg. “This is my sister, Bryan. Bryan this is Smith.”

  He shook her hand and then sat down next to me. “I am so sorry I’m late. The band and I had a meeting we just couldn’t get out of.”

  My mom waved away his words. “Oh, sweetheart, that is just fine. Are you hungry? We ate, but do you want me to order you something?” My mom was one of the nicest people on the planet. She meant every word she said.

  “No, ma’am. I’m okay.” When the waiter came by Smith ordered a whiskey on the rocks.

  The table was silent for a few seconds. No one knew quite what to do now. Leave it to Bryan, “So, you’re into my sister, huh?”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head; I was about to tell Bryan to shut it when I heard Smith speak up. “I am, in fact, very into your sister.”

  Would my parents catch the horrible innuendo in their words? My mom was beaming. “Well isn’t that just so sweet.”

  Bryan smiled like the cat that ate the canary, “It is, isn’t. Dad? Don’t you think it’s so sweet that Smith is in Dylan?”

  Oh holy fuck. Bryan was a hand full, and I’m not sure why I failed to warn
Smith. It had been a few months since I’d been around her. That was my only excuse. My dad cleared his throat, clearly wondering what he was missing. “Uh, well, yes…Uh.”

  Smith chuckled, “You know Bryan, you should really meet my friend Jacks.”

  Bryan leaned closer to Smith, knocking her napkin onto the floor, “Oh yeah?”

  Smith shook his head and bent to grab the fallen cloth for her. He froze half way there and I glanced down to see what happened. Smith moved quickly to pick up what had slid out of his pocket, but it was too late. I’d already seen the bag of pills he was so desperate to hide.


  I waved bye to my parents and then climbed into the loud sports car Smith drove here. “This car is obnoxious.” What I really wanted to say was What the fuck are you doing with a bag of pills?

  Smith nodded. “I know. I hate flashy cars like this. I got pulled over on the way.”

  “Did you get a ticket?” Did they find the drugs in your pocket?

  “A few.” He reached across the console and took my hand in his. “I like your family.”

  I let out a little laugh, it sounded flat to my ears. “Sorry about Bryan.” Sorry that I saw your slip up. Lying bastard.

  “No, don’t be. She’s great.” He might have been being sarcastic about Bryan, but I didn’t care at this point. “Your mom is really nice, I can see where you get it. Your heart.”

  “Thank you.” I wanted to ask about his mom. I wanted to know what happened to her. I wanted to know if being around my mom was hard for him. I wanted to ask if that was why he’d turned back to the drugs so easily. “How was the meeting with the label?”

  “Boring and irritating.” He shrugged. “They are asking for more than we can deliver right now, and they know it. They are pushing us, seeing how we’ll re act. It’s going to blow up in their faces when we call their bluff though. We can find a new label in a heartbeat, and they are forgetting that.”

  “Are you okay? I mean, from earlier, when Jared called…” Or did talking to your cousin send you on a bender?

  He squeezed my hand. “Yeah, Cher. I’m fine. No worries.”


  Chapter Thirty-One


  I was on edge. I thought maybe Dylan had seen Luke’s pills fall out of my pocket at dinner. But she hadn’t said a word. She was a little quiet on the walk to our room, but she didn’t seem mad…When we got to our door my phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from Dash: COME TO OUR ROOM. LEXI ORDERED ENOUGH DESSERT TO FEED A SMALL ARMY.

  “You want some desert, Cher?”

  She shook her head. “I think I’m just going to shower and go to sleep.”

  I glanced down at my watch. “It’s only ten. Let’s go see Lexi and then we can come back and I’ll tuck you in.”

  She looked confused. “What?”

  I handed her my phone so she could read the text from Dash. “Oh. Okay, yeah I guess.”

  Shit. She wasn’t being herself. My dirty girl would jump at the chance to get some dessert to go. She must have seen the pills. We were both silent on the elevator ride to Dash and Lexi’s floor. I was afraid to talk, and she was probably too pissed.

  Dash wasn’t kidding. Lexi had ordered everything on the dessert menu. “Uh, Lex? Were you having a little craving?”

  Dylan’s eyes went wide when she walked in behind me and saw all the food. Lexi was lounging in bed wearing yoga pants and a tank top. She had a large bowl of ice cream balanced on her stomach and a big chocolate chip cookie in her hand. “Lexi…”

  Lexi took a massive bite and then struggled to talk around it. “I wasn’t sure what I wanted to eat. It all sounded so good when I was ordering. But once it got here, I realized I only wanted some ice cream and a cookie. It’s no big deal. I swear I haven’t eaten anything else…”

  Jacks was sitting on the floor eating an ice cream sundae. “How was dinner with the ’rents?”

  I chuckled, halfheartedly. “It was good. I can’t wait for you to meet Bryan.”

  “Oh yeah?” Jacks looked surprised.

  “Yeah.” I left it at that, waited until Dylan grabbed some cookies and then jerked my head to signal to her I was ready to get out of here.

  She walked to my side and we turned to leave. We were almost out the door when I remembered I wanted to return Luke his jacket. I wanted Dylan to know in no uncertain terms that those weren’t my pills, and giving Luke the jacket back would go a long way in my explanation.

  “Luke. Thanks for letting me borrow the jacket.” I sent him a hard look as I removed it. He stilled with a forkful of cake halfway to his mouth. I tossed it on nearby chair and turned to leave.

  “Uh. Smith?” Lexi called out before I reached the door. I turned and followed her gaze. The jacket had fallen to the floor and the baggie was hanging out. Dammit! That jacket had faulty pockets.

  Dylan’s hand tightened in mine.

  Shit. I used my hold on her to pull her towards me placing a finger under her chin to make her look at me. “Cher, listen to me. That is not what you think. You have to trust me on this. Please.”

  Her eyes went back to the pills and she shook her head. “I already knew. I saw them at dinner. Is…is…that why you were late?”

  I didn’t blame her for struggling. My eyes went to Luke. In no way did I want to throw him under the bus for this. I had every intention of talking to him about the drugs. But not like this, not in front of everyone. In front of Lexi.

  Dash reached down and grabbed the bag, bringing them closer so he could see what they were. He looked at me, disappointment clouding his face. “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you had all this under control?”

  I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair. I was between a rock and fucking hard place.

  Luke stepped forward and cleared his throat. “They aren’t his.”

  Lexi shook her head. “Don’t cover for him Luke. That isn’t going to help anyone.”

  That hurt. It really did. Luke walked across the room and took the pills out of Dash’s hands. “I’m not covering for him. He was attempting to cover for me.” Luke put his hand on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

  I looked down at Dylan. She opened her mouth to talk, but stopped when I shook my head and looked away. I wasn’t mad at her; I understood why she thought the worst…but it still stung.

  “I want to know what’s going on.” Lexi’s eyes were on Luke.

  Everyone was silent. No one wanted to cross a hormonal Lexi, especially when it came to something involving Luke. I looked at him. “You want to tell her or should I?”

  He hung his head, defeated. “I let Smith borrow my jacket…. I forgot that there was a bag of Molly in there.”

  Lexi looked confused for all of three seconds. “Why did you have a fucking bag of X in your pocket? What are you? An eighteen-year-old chick?”

  “I, uh, occasionally…like to take it before, um, well… Before—”

  I felt for the guy, I really did. Lexi’s opinion of him mattered, way more than it should. He’d never be able to get the words out, so I helped. “Lexi, sometimes taking E before having sex can make things a little more fun.” I looked across the room at Luke. “Although, it’s not like it makes your orgasm any better. If you’re looking for something to enhance—”

  Dylan threw an elbow to my gut, cutting off my words instantly.

  Lexi’s eyes got wide. “You’re doing what?!”

  Luke looked like he wanted to murder me. He held up his hands. “Not all the time, but yes, on occasion I do it. For fun.”

  Lexi opened her mouth to ream Luke a new asshole, but Dash covered it and pulled her against him. He kissed her cheek and whispered something in her ear that calmed her down.

  “Let me see that.” Jacks grabbed the bag from Luke and took out a pill. He licked it and then wrinkled his nose. “Smith, did you really look at these?”

  “Not too close, why?” He reached in, plucked out an
other pill and put it in my palm. I brought it close to my face and saw what he saw. I rubbed it between my fingers and then licked the chalk. I looked up at Jacks, smiling.

  He chuckled and tossed the bag on the bed next to Lexi. “Here you go, Lex. Next time you have a sugar craving, just eat a few of these.”

  I couldn’t hide the laughter in my voice when I looked over at Luke. “The next time you want to score some drugs, take a grown up with you.”

  Before we left Dylan walked back over to the dessert table. She looked at me, one eyebrow raised in question with her hand on a bottle of syrup. Great minds think alike. I nodded and she slipped it discreetly into her purse.


  It took fifteen minutes to get out of that room and back to ours. Lexi was pissed, Luke looked like someone ran over his puppy, Jacks was giddy with the drama…but me? I was just glad Dylan was still here, in my arms.

  “Cher, I am so damn sorry that you feared the worst…but I haven’t used anything in weeks.”

  She looked down, obviously ashamed. “I’m sorry I doubted you. I should have said something instead of just assuming the worst.”

  I shook my head. “No. You don’t apologize. I know why you thought what you did.” I sat down on the bed and pulled her between my legs, hugging her waist. “But I flushed it all, baby.”

  Her voice was quiet. “You did?”

  I nodded. “I don’t need it. You make me strong.”

  She put her arms around my neck and I rested my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. “No. You make you strong, I’m just here to remind you when you forget.”

  My heart clenched; she was so damn perfect for me. I gripped the edge of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. I leaned in and sucked on her nipples through the lace of her bra, my fingers working the button of her jeans. “I need inside you, baby.”

  She stepped out of her jeans and looked down at her silky thong. “Rip it.”

  I chuckled, “That’s my girl.” I grabbed one side in both hands and tore them in two and then let the pieces fall to the floor. I let my hands roam all over her perfect body. “You are so fucking beautiful.” I took her face in my hands and kissed her hard, unyielding.


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