Ameer (The Brothers Ali Book 5)

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Ameer (The Brothers Ali Book 5) Page 18

by Celeste Granger

  Although Ameer enjoyed the game, he was somewhat preoccupied. He had a lot on his mind. But he needed to wait until just the right time. In this situation, timing was everything.

  “Flag on the play!” Daniel blurted. The game was tense, with twenty seconds left until halftime. The opposition had the football and was in a position to score.

  “Flag on the play,” Messiah repeated, just as animatedly as his grandfather. Daniel was on the edge of his seat, watching the game intently. Messiah scooted to the edge of his seat, mimicking his grandfather.

  “It’s countdown,” Daniel said to no one in particular. “Don’t mess this up. Hold the line team! Hold the line!”

  The last twenty seconds seemed like minutes as the home team played defense.

  “Yes! Interception,” Daniel exclaimed as the time on the clock ran out. “This has been an outstanding game so far, hasn’t it, Ameer?”

  “Yes, sir, a great game,” Ameer replied.

  But Ameer’s response wasn’t as enthusiastic as Daniel expected.

  “You alright, son?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Ameer replied, not realizing he was more nervous than he anticipated. “There is something I want to speak with you about, Mr. Greer.”

  “Should I send Messiah in the other room?”

  “No, sir,” Ameer replied. “This concerns him, too.”

  Daniel noted the seriousness of Ameer’s tone. He turned the television down and gave the young man his full attention.

  “What’s on your mind, Ameer?”

  Ameer could feel his heart pounding behind his ribs.

  “Mr. Greer, your daughter is very important to me, as is Messiah. I know she is extremely important to you. I love your daughter, Mr. Greer, yet I can’t fully act on that love without your blessing.”

  “You love my mommy?” Messiah asked.

  “I do,” Ameer replied. “And I love you, too, Messiah. That’s why I wanted to talk to you and your grandfather.”

  “I appreciate you asking for my blessing, Ameer,” Daniel began. “Nowadays, so many have lost touch with traditions, those things that bind us together as a family. I know you’re a good man. I see how much my daughter smiles since you’ve been in her life. I also see how you treat my grandson. That’s just as important to me. They are all I have, outside of my wife. So, I don’t take it lightly, and I can tell by how nervous you are that you aren’t taking it lightly either. I believe I speak for both Catherine and myself when I say, you have our blessing.”

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Greer,” Ameer replied, standing up and extending his hand to Siobhan’s father. “Your approval means a lot to me.”

  “We’re going to be family, son,” Daniel replied. “Bring it in.”

  Daniel pulled Ameer into a hug, which Ameer reciprocated.

  “What about me?” Messiah asked.

  “I’ll hug you, too, Messiah, but first, I need to ask you a question,” Ameer said.

  “Sure, what is it?”

  Ameer squatted down so he could look Messiah in the eyes.

  “I love your mom, Messiah,” Ameer began. “And I know it’s been just you and your mom for a long time.”

  “Yeah, I heard you tell grandpa you love my mommy.”

  “I do,” Ameer smiled. “And I want to ask her to marry me, to be my wife because I love her and you just that much. But I want to know how you feel about it,” Ameer continued. “Is it okay with you if I ask your mom to marry me?”

  Messiah was contemplative, placing his index finger on his chin as he thought.

  “Does that mean you would live with us like all the time?”

  Ameer chuckled. “If she says yes, then yes.”

  Messiah paused again in deep thought. “Does that mean you’ll be my dad? ‘Cause I already have one.”

  Ameer smiled. “I would never try to take your father’s place, but I would be like a bonus dad if that’s okay with you.”

  “Two dads? And you’d live with us all the time?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Well, then I say yes,” Messiah smiled.

  “Excellent,” Ameer smiled. “Bring it in then,” he suggested.

  Messiah willingly hugged Ameer.

  “There’s one more thing,” Ameer said as he hugged Messiah.

  “What is that?”

  “We have to keep it just between us, me wanting to marry your mom, just for a little while. I want her to be surprised. Do you think you can do that?”

  “I’m good at secrets,” Messiah whispered.

  “That’s my man,” Ameer said, giving Messiah some dap as they eased from the hug.

  “You might not have to worry about Messiah keeping it to himself, but it’s going to be hard for an old man,” Daniel laughed.

  “I promise you won’t have to keep the secret long,” Ameer chuckled as he returned to his full height.

  “Good,” Daniel smiled.

  The Greer women outdid themselves with the spread they put on for brunch. From pancakes to muffins of every variety, scrambled eggs, turkey sausage and bacon, grits, fresh fruit, even fried chicken, and waffles. Messiah did very well not saying anything. It was Daniel who struggled. He was happy for Siobhan. he recognized the sacrifices she made in taking on Messiah when she didn’t have to. He wanted the best for his daughter, a good life, and Daniel was confident that with Ameer by her side, both she and Messiah would have just that, a good life. Catherine and Siobhan noticed stolen glances between the men. They asked what the looks were all about, but no one gave it up. Siobhan even tried to put maternal pressure on Messiah to let her in on what was going on. But the young prince had an excellent comeback.

  “Uh-huh, mommy. My lips are sealed.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  One Week Later

  “Hey, pretty lady,” Ameer’s sexy voice crooned through the phone.

  “Hey there, handsome,” Siobhan said, patting sweat from her brow with a towel.

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “No, babe,” Siobhan breathed. “Your timing is perfect,” she continued. “I’m just finishing up with a class.”

  “Hate, I missed it,” Ameer smiled.

  “Oh, so you’re ready for another private lesson?” Siobhan purred.

  Flashes of their last private dance flashed in Ameer’s mind. Siobhan shared that same memory.

  “Do you even have to ask?” Ameer replied.

  “No, I don’t,” Siobhan smiled. “If you keep talking like you’re talking, I might give you a standing appointment.”

  The sultry lilt in her voice didn’t soothe the savage beast in Ameer. Her voice was the consummate tease daring the beast to be unleashed.

  “Siobhan, I’m trying to stay focused on why I called, okay?”

  “Are you sure?” She taunted him with a sexy laugh.

  “Okay now,” Ameer warned. “I was hoping I could swing by and pick you up, but if you keep it up, I’ll swing by, but we won’t be going anywhere.”

  “I’ll behave,” Siobhan grinned, “and I’ll be ready in twenty minutes.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Siobhan knew Ameer well enough that he made the call from the car while he was most likely already en route. That twenty-minute window she gave him was only about fifteen since that man was never late. After waving goodbye to the last of her students, Siobhan locked the front door and padded off to the back for a quick shower and a change of clothes. She kept her eye on the clock. As much as Ameer prided himself on timeliness, Siobhan did, too.

  The doorbell to the studio rang. Siobhan took one more moment to check her reflection in the mirror before padding out to answer the door.

  “Of course, you’re early,” she smiled, walking into Ameer’s open arms.

  “I miss you when we’re apart.”

  There was absolute conviction in Ameer’s tone as the words barely passed through his delicious mouth that came coaxing down onto Siobhan’s. She willfully su
rrendered to the crush of emotions that drew them together as Ameer smiled against her mouth, kissing her again, and again.

  “We should stop,” Ameer whispered against her mouth.

  Siobhan didn’t need to ask why. She felt rising desire inside that only a scintillating touch from Ameer could quench.

  “One more for the road,” she whispered back against the full of his lips. “Please,” she cooed.

  “You never have to ask,” Ameer crooned through the whisper-like contact of their lips. Siobhan’s mouth was smothered by his heated lips, blazing a trail of liquid fire through her, penetrating her core. Even though they mutually agreed they should stop, it was hard to separate. But eventually, they managed, continuing to stay close as Siobhan locked up the studio.

  “Do you want to know where we’re going?” Ameer asked as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

  “It doesn’t matter to me,” Siobhan smiled. “As long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter.”

  That was an even better answer than Ameer could hope for. After starting the car, he reached for Siobhan’s hand. The ease with which she melded her hand into his was the reassurance that everything he thought about her and where they were in their relationship was right.

  It wasn’t long before Ameer pulled his car into the underground parking garage at Lenox Square. True to form, their destination didn’t matter. Siobhan was happy to spend time with Ameer, especially after a hectic week. For a Friday afternoon, the mall seemed rather crowded, with people moving in and out of the luxury shops.

  “You just finished teaching all afternoon. Are you hungry?” Ameer asked.

  “Famished,” Siobhan replied, rubbing her hand against her belly.

  “Let me feed you,” Ameer smiled as he took her hand.

  They rode the escalator to the second floor where the food court was.

  “Decisions, decisions,” Siobhan sighed as she contemplated what she wanted to eat.

  “Any preferences, babe,” she asked Ameer as they strolled through the court.

  “You decide, and I’ll follow your lead.”

  Siobhan was hungry, and all the delicious smells wafting into her nostrils only made deciding on what to eat even more difficult.

  “Okay, I think I’ve got it,” she said, narrowing her eyes as she focused on the menu. But her tightened eyes softened as she felt the press of Ameer’s frame behind her and the warmth of his thickly corded arms around her waist.

  “What did you decide?” Ameer asked, leaning down, and whispering in her ear. She felt a heated shiver surge through her.

  “I want a black bean burger with everything, spinach instead of lettuce, no onions please, a large order of sweet potato fries, sweet tea, heavy on the ice, and,” she sang, pausing as she perused the menu again.

  “And,” Ameer echoed, heating her ear, and kissing her sweetly on the neck.

  “Mmm,” Siobhan hummed, “and, a warm oatmeal cookie.”

  “Anything else I can get you,” the cashier asked, flushing as Ameer kissed Siobhan’s elegant neck again.

  “Yes,” he smiled after looking up and seeing the cashier’s rose-tinted cheeks. “I’ll have what she’s having.”

  Ameer released Siobhan long enough to pay for their food and carry the tray to their table. Like a gentleman, he pulled out her chair and made sure Siobhan was comfortable before sitting down next to her.

  “Will you say grace,” she asked, placing an upturned hand on the table.

  “Absolutely,” Ameer agreed.

  He caressed her hand as they both bowed their heads.

  “Creator, please bless the food that we are now about to receive. Let it be nourishment to our bodies. Bless the hands that have prepared it. We ask these things in your name, amen.”


  Before they started, Siobhan reached into her clutch and pulled out sanitizer for their hands. She squeezed some into Ameer’s and then her own.

  “Now we can eat,” she smiled, picking up her sandwich and taking a hearty bite. “Mmm, mmm, mmm,” she hummed. “This is so good.”

  Ameer loved to watch Siobhan eat. He loved it when she was happy. He smiled to himself. He loved Siobhan.

  “Taste these, babe. Oh my God they’re so good,” Siobhan gushed. “But blow it first because it's hot.”

  Before he had a chance to say no, Siobhan lifted the steaming fry to his mouth.

  “Blow,” she suggested, her thick lashes accentuating her beautiful chestnut brown eyes.

  She watched as Ameer’s lips pursed just enough for him to blow lightly, cooling the food. Siobhan guided the warm sweet goodness into his mouth and folded her lips, releasing them slowly as her eyes remained inextricably focused on his mouth while he chewed.

  When she had her fill, Siobhan leaned back in the chair. “Perfection.”

  “Don’t forget dessert, babe,” Ameer smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite,” she fussed.

  “Just one bite for me,” he persuaded, breaking a piece of the oatmeal cookie, and lifting it to her lips.

  She gave Ameer the puppy dog eyes he found hard to resist. But Siobhan couldn’t resist his gentle coaxing. Opening her mouth, Siobhan accepted Ameer’s offering. The light touch of her lips against his fingers was powerful enough to soften his eyes and increase his desire.

  “Ready?” He asked, resisting the urge to ravish Siobhan’s mouth again.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  As the two made their way down to the first level of the mall, Siobhan’s ears piqued.

  “What’s going on,” she uttered as sexy salsa music filled the air. “Let’s go see,” she said with a smile.

  Ameer took her hand and guided Siobhan towards the music. A crowd had already gathered, and Siobhan was already shaking her hips to the sultry sounds.

  “May I have this dance?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Siobhan smiled.

  She followed behind as Ameer guided her by the hand onto the dance floor. He swung Siobhan into the circle of his arms, the press of his athletic body melding into hers. The pressure of Ameer’s hands, the firmness of his sinewy body, sent fire through every nerve of hers. His gaze was entrancing as he moved her, rhythmically, singularly, her form a perfect refrain against his. Siobhan’s senses throbbed with the strength and feel and scent of him as he moved her body in response to his, reflecting the spicy beat of the rumba song. There were other couples on the dance floor with them. Yet, Ameer’s entrancement was so potent, Siobhan didn’t even see them. Her eyes remained focused on his.

  “I love you,” Ameer whispered against her ear.

  Her heart surged and then dropped into her belly as she felt the penetration of his words in her soul. And she knew. Siobhan knew he meant what he said because she loved him, too. And when she echoed the sentiments of Ameer’s heart, he kissed her again, claimingly.

  “Hearing you say that has made me the happiest man in the world, beloved.”

  The song came to an end, and the crowd that encircled the dancers clapped and cheered. Siobhan rested in the cradle of Ameer’s arms. Her brow arched as she thought she saw someone she knew. As Siobhan looked at the couples that had been on the dance floor with her, the realization of who they were set in.

  “What in the world?” She beamed, seeing the members of her dance studio. “Ameer,” she uttered excitedly. When she inclined herself to him, she felt Ameer easing from her. When her eyes found him, Ameer was on one knee in front of her. Siobhan’s hands immediately covered her mouth, and her body trembled. The noise of the crowd fell silent.

  “Babe?” she uttered behind her hands.

  “Siobhan, you are perfect for me. You are everything I ever thought I wanted, and more than I could ever dream. Your countenance fuels my soul, and your kindness soothes my heart. Your energy is infectious, and your smile brightens my every day. I can’t imagine living the rest of my life without you in it.”

han noticed movement on the dance floor, and Ameer’s averted gaze encouraged her to look that way. She hadn’t noticed before, but her dancers had letters on their matching shirts. As Ameer reached into his pocket, the dancers rearranged themselves. Tears filled Siobhan’s eyes as she read the message – will you marry me? As though it hadn’t quite sunk in, she read it again, and then returned her misty-eyed gaze to Ameer.

  “Will you?”

  Siobhan nodded because the lump in her throat kept the words from forming. But Ameer wanted to hear her say it.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes, Ameer,” Siobhan uttered as the tears that danced on her lids spilled onto her cheeks. Taking her by the hand, Ameer placed the ring on her finger. Siobhan’s clouded eyes could barely take in the four-carat emerald cut diamond.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she wept. With one smooth motion, Ameer lifted his frame from the floor and lifted Siobhan into his arms, holding her tightly. She laced her arms around his waist and held onto the man that made her so happy. The crowd erupted again, cheering the newly engaged couple on.

  “It’s merely a reflection of how beautiful you are.”

  Siobhan couldn’t believe it. She was going to be Ameer’s wife.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  When Cheri entered the secretarial suite, there was a buzz all around the office, little huddles of women gossiping and grinning. She wasn’t sure what happened, but she could tell it was something big. Because she wasn’t the friendliest coworker, there wasn’t a group she could merge into with a bright hello and ‘what ya’ll talking about.’ So, if she wanted to know what the gossip was about, she would have to lurk just outside the group but close enough to hear. Cheri looked around the suite, deciding who’s group she would eavesdrop on. She was a little surprised to see her supervisor mixing with her subordinates, clearly gossiping like the rest of them.


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