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by Anya Richards

  Jaguar in the Sun

  Anya Richards

  Book four in the Unveiled Seductions series.

  Cassandra Solinar has a bucket list and jaguar god Xbal Montegro is on it. About to undergo an essential rite she won’t survive, she wants to wring every ounce of pleasure out of the time left. Including discovering if Xbal’s sex magic technique is as good as rumored.

  It’s no hardship for Xbal to accept Cassandra’s invitation for one erotic encounter, but far more difficult to let her go once he gets a taste of the explosive passion between them. Now he’s determined to hold on to her, no matter what.

  Cassie can’t tell Xbal the truth about what she’s about to do. It’s illegal, but without her death the entire world will perish. It’s a job she’s been preparing for from birth, but the loss will be greater now. For in Xbal she finds a soul-deep connection she doesn’t want to lose, and the one thing she made a point of not putting on her bucket list—love.

  A Romantica® paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave


  Anya Richards

  Chapter One

  Cassie paused on the sidewalk outside the Music Roars offices and looked up at the sky. It was a weird day weather-wise. The sun shone but a light sprinkle of rain fell from just one small, innocuous-looking cloud, which seemed to be hovering right above her head.

  How appropriate.

  She didn’t want to think about the meeting she’d just come from but, as much as she tried to push it to the back of her mind, the effect of it lingered. Just like the cloud. Yet instead of deterring her from her plan, the knowledge time was running out just made her more determined. There wouldn’t be another chance.

  Since she’d been distracted when she left the temple, she’d forgotten to throw up a shield and the drizzle had turned her previously sleek hair into a mass of waves but she didn’t care. It wasn’t a big deal, just a small detail and one she didn’t think would really matter. In her experience a man didn’t care that much about how a woman’s hair looked when she was propositioning him.

  Her belly tensed and Cassie pressed her palm over it, trying to calm the sudden flutter of nerves. She was about to take a fierce, beautiful, unpredictable man by surprise, and she’d be an idiot not to be a little concerned. If he said no she’d definitely be embarrassed but if he said yes…

  This time her entire body reacted to her thoughts. Xbal Montegro was delicious to look at, had a voice like the richest, darkest velvet and a fluid, sensual way of moving that betrayed his feline nature. Then there were the rumors about his facility with sex magic, which in the hands of a master practitioner was guaranteed to produce a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Just thinking about the combination of all those attributes was enough to send a wash of heat through her entire body, leaving tight nipples and a low, thrumming vibration around her clit in its wake.

  Cassie had spent a great deal of time imagining what it would be like to sleep with Xbal. They’d known each other for a long time, and there’d always been sparks of interest between them—sparks she’d been unwilling to act on, or even acknowledge. She’d also spent a lot of time recently wondering why she’d shied away from exploring the attraction, but hadn’t found a definitive answer. In the end—and this was, in so many senses of the word, the end—she’d put the speculation aside. Like the condition of her hair, it was of little importance. If she ever wanted the experience of a hot fuck with the jaguar shifter, now was the time to make it happen.

  With a final glance at the sky, she smoothed the lapels of her leather coatdress and took the last step necessary to push open the unmarked door. Immediately she was bombarded by a blast of sound coming from a group of people lounging in the reception area, each one with an instrument in hand. This was music unlike any she’d heard before, with a driving, almost discordant backbeat provided by a couple of guys, one with a pair of Congo drums, the other with what looked like a plastic tub. Above it was overlaid the wail of a bagpipe and the counter-beat of a bass guitar. And flitting through it all were the high, sweet notes of a wind instrument—a piccolo by the sound of it—diving and climbing between the other sounds, weaving them all together into something magical and strangely compelling. Enchanted, she paused in the vestibule and let the door swing shut as the music washed over her, somehow soothing her nervousness and, at the same time, heightening her anticipation.

  Consumed in their jam session, most of the musicians ignored her, all except the young blond drumming on the plastic bin, who gave her a blatant once-over accompanied by a cheeky, inviting grin. Cassie raised an eyebrow at him and slid her gaze away, signaling her complete disinterest.

  I’m here for much stronger fare than you can provide, little man.

  The receptionist, Jana-Rose, caught her eye and shrugged. Cassie grinned in response, knowing it was more the norm than an anomaly to find random groups playing in the promotional company’s reception area. Some were already involved in shows Xbal had put together and were there for a meeting. Others wanted to be considered for future projects and, with true artistic oblivion, seemed to think it was fine to drop by and just start making music. Xbal had once told her he didn’t discourage it because he’d discovered more than one new group that way. Besides, it was a simple thing to get rid of the ones lacking the level of talent he wanted by simply translocating them out the door.

  He’d said that with one of his devastating, arrogant grins, and even now Cassie could remember the shock of mingled desire and apprehension she’d felt seeing it. Something about that smile told her he was a man used to being totally in charge, completely in control of every facet of his life and surroundings. King of the jungle. Master of all he surveyed. However you wanted to look at it, despite his charm and seemingly unfailing courtesy, Xbal wasn’t to be trifled with. She, on the other hand, would love to have him trifle with her, as much as he liked, today.

  Another thought that made her legs a little wobbly as she started toward the reception desk.

  Jana-Rose stopped her with a shake of her head and a wave indicating she should go right up to Xbal’s office. Cassie swerved away toward the elevator with an answering wave of thanks. She’d actually made an appointment to see him, which was unusual considering the length of their relationship. But she’d realized when you had a strict schedule and short timeline nothing should be taken for granted or left to chance, which rather pissed her off.

  Stabbing the button, she swallowed a sudden surge of anger, pushing it down and locking it away. Yeah, it was annoying to have to abandon her previous spontaneity and actually plan every little experience, but it had been necessary to get everything done. Especially now.

  The elevator doors opened and she stepped into the sleek, leather-lined interior to admire, as she always did, the murals stamped into the skins. Done in a primitive, Mesolithic style and colored with a variety of bright dyes, they were a feast for the eyes. Unable to resist, she traced the figure directly before her, a half-man, half-jaguar she always assumed to be Xbal. Her finger trembled as it struck her she may very soon be touching the real thing, discovering and exploring what she’d only dreamed of up to this point. The lurch of her stomach had nothing to do with riding the elevator to the tenth floor but made the breath catch in her throat and a shiver course over her back and shoulders.

  As the lift came to a smooth halt, she let her hand drop back to her side and took a deep breath, trying to put it all back into perspective. In a little while she may or may not be sleeping with a man she found entirely enthralling. In a short time she’d know whether or not this particular long-held dream would come true or not. Yet, as much as anticipation and trepidation crackled under her skin, and as exciting as the prospect of fucking Xbal was, it wouldn’t b
e a life-changing moment.

  Strange how knowing the end of your existence was imminent gave one the kind of cutting clarity that would be beneficial if you had more time to make use of it.

  That thought amused her, and she was smiling slightly as she stepped out onto the floor where Xbal’s office was located. In contrast to the din downstairs it was quiet, really serene up here. And instead of the colorful concert posters and modern furniture that decorated the reception area, the executive floor had a timeless, classical feeling. The dark wooden floors set off creamy walls and emphasized the crown molding and trim detailing. Armchairs upholstered in sedate, neutral fabrics were paired with occasional tables into pleasing arrangements on the huge Persian carpet. Instead of artwork, ancient instruments graced the walls. It was all a little too formal for her tastes, but she had to admit the man coming toward her with his customary grace looked right at home.

  Xbal Montegro wasn’t exceptionally tall in the world of the fey, being just an inch or so taller than Cassie’s five-foot-eight-plus-heels, but the way he carried himself made that unimportant. And although he wasn’t handsome in the way so many of the male inhabitants of the faie side of the Veil were, she found him more beautiful than any other man she knew. The broad forehead, high cheekbones and slightly hooked nose were balanced by a firm, determined jaw and sensual mouth, which had a deeply bowed upper lip and almost too-full lower. It was the kind of mouth that on a lesser man would look effeminate. On Xbal it simply looked delicious and gave his harsh, copper-hued visage warmth. Warmth that was now echoed in his eyes as he came to greet her.

  “Cassie.” His voice, just short of a growl, sent another little shiver down her back, and she tensed so as not to tremble when he put his hands on her shoulders and bent to lightly kiss first one cheek and then the other. “I was surprised to see you on the schedule for today.”

  He drew back, his hands remaining warm and firm on her shoulders, and Cassie smiled in return even as she noticed the slight frown between his brows, the sharpness of his gaze. By Sol, his eyes were amazing—light-brown around the edges of the irises then shading to milk-chocolate closer to the pupils. She only just stopped herself from licking her lips in delight, letting her mouth quirk into a half-smile instead.

  “I needed to see you but didn’t want to take the chance you’d be off on one of your jaunts.”

  “Hmmm…” Xbal’s gaze bored into hers for what seemed like eternity before he turned, dropping one hand to her waist to guide her toward his office. “I’m not sure what to make of that.” He slid her another searching glance, and Cassie tried her best to look innocent. “You know you’re welcome to drop in on me anytime. I can only assume it’s something important for you to make an appointment.”

  “Not terribly important.” She preceded him into his office and would have continued over to one of the chairs in front of his desk, but Xbal guided her toward the sofa instead. “More a matter requiring expediency rather than anything else.”

  He saw her settled on one of the soft, suede cushions before he sat too, turning slightly sideways so he was facing her. His arm was stretched along the back of the couch and she glanced at his hand, had to look away from the sight of the long, masculine fingers that she could oh so easily imagine on her skin. Every sense was heightened by his proximity. Xbal’s distinctively earthy, slightly musky scent lingered in the air, giving her goose bumps. Her palms tingled with the urge to touch the smooth skin of his cheek and the muscles not fully concealed by the long-sleeved dress shirt and perfectly tailored pants.

  Cassie folded her hands on her lap and crossed her legs, not bothering to adjust the edges of her skirt when they fell open to mid-thigh. Xbal’s gaze remained on her face. A little disappointing but not surprising. This was a man who didn’t ogle or stare, was as cool as the proverbial cucumber.

  “Another of your brainwaves for a concert at the Midnight Café, needing to be put together at a moment’s notice?”

  Amusement added another layer of richness to his voice and Cassie shifted, glancing down at her hands in case the heat of rising desire showed in her eyes.

  “You could say that, I guess, although I will tell you I’ve put a great deal of thought into this idea.” She couldn’t help the answering laughter in her tone, knowing what she was about to say. Looking at him through half-lowered lids, wanting to see his reaction, she said, “I actually came by to see if you’d be interested in having sex with me today.”

  Xbal had been absolutely sure he was shockproof. After an obscene number of years of existence he’d seen every facet of people’s natures, the good, bad and extremely ugly. What was left to surprise him?

  Cassandra Solinar, obviously.

  He thought his jaw may have sagged just for a moment before he got himself under control, but he couldn’t stop his body going completely still, his predatory instincts sharpening.

  Had Cassie just said what he thought she had?

  He’d scented her arousal when he’d bent to kiss her cheeks but wouldn’t have, in a thousand years, thought it was specifically for him. Cassie was a naturally sexual creature, with an aura of wildness just short of abandon, but she’d never treated him with anything other than teasing friendliness. He’d long accepted her lack of interest in him, although that hadn’t stopped him dreaming. Now he couldn’t help wondering what she was playing at.

  Her chin was dipped, but not in a position of embarrassment or uncertainty. Rather there was a sly twist to her lush lips and he saw a gleam of what he interpreted to be amusement from behind her lowered lashes.

  It was just a joke then.

  The acuteness of his disappointment wasn’t a surprise, but at least he was able to relax fractionally. All of him but his cock, which had decided it liked the suggestion very, very much. Not that the rest of him didn’t find the idea completely enticing, but his cock in particular thought having wild sex with Cassie would be the ideal way to spend the rest of the day. After all, he’d only been thinking about it from the first moment they met.

  “You shouldn’t tease me, Cassie.” His voice was more gravelly than usual, arousal and a flash of annoyance deepened it to a low grumble. “It’s not wise.”

  Her eyes opened wide then, the amethyst depths sparkling with mischief and something else he tried to interpret but couldn’t get a handle on.

  “Tease you?” She got to her feet with a motion as graceful as water flowing over a smooth stone. “Does this look like I’m in the mood to tease?”

  Before he realized what she was about, she loosened the sash holding her dress closed.

  The edges of the soft leather parted, and in his peripheral vision Xbal saw the lush contours of her body come into view. He tried to keep his gaze on her face, struggled for what seemed like eternity to resist looking, but willpower seemed to have grabbed his control by the balls and taken off at a gallop. With his body once more frozen with hunger, his gaze was the only thing able to move, and it snapped down to her breasts then did a slow, thorough sweep south.

  He’d seen the majority of Cassie’s tattoos before, or most of them anyway, at The Midnight Café anniversary party where she’d worn a dress so minuscule he swore he had pocket handkerchiefs larger. It had been impossible not to notice the delectable inner curves of her full breasts, the smooth lines of her back, arms and legs. He’d found himself staring, lusting and almost panting with the urge to touch, to trace the myriad sun signs dancing across the creamy skin with fingers, tongue and magic.

  Now, seeing her body displayed, just for him, tiny wisps of spidersilk hardly masking her most private flesh, awoke the primitive part of his soul and brought his libido to snapping, snarling life.

  Why then did his brain, even while struggling with the kind of craving a man feels far too infrequently in life, urge caution?

  It was only when he forced his gaze up, away from her body and back to her face, the full extent of what he was up against was brought home to him. Cassie’s eyes were still sparkling wi
th laughter and a sweet hint of desire, but it was the underlying emotion making him pause, searching, to be sure he was reading it correctly.

  She didn’t really care, one way or the other, if he said yes.

  That wasn’t quite right. She cared, but only because she wanted him physically. If he said no, Cassie would shrug and walk away without a second glance.

  Not surprising the knowledge should rouse his competitive spirit. In a way the challenge she presented with her thinly veiled nonchalance only increased his own determination to have her. Why it should also bring a spurt of anger, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was he wanted her to want him with as ferocious a need as he felt for her. Wanted her yearning, maybe even begging, for him to satisfy her lust.

  He sat back, willing his body to relax.

  “Well, that’s the best invitation I’ve had in a long time.” Despite his best efforts, his voice was still growly, and Cassie’s smile quirked higher. “Let’s discuss it over lunch.”

  Various expressions cycled across her face in quick succession. Surprise, disbelief, annoyance and, finally, hurt. She masked it all with notable efficiency, but not quickly enough to hide the emotions from his watchful gaze.

  “Oh.” Amusement still lingered in her tone, but now was completely absent from her eyes. “I didn’t know I’d have to use bribes to get you into bed, but I guess food is as good a one as any.”

  As she spoke her hands were already reaching for her sash, preparing to close her dress, but Xbal sprang up to stand in front of her before she could even get the chore properly started. She froze, her eyes wide and a little gasp of surprise escaping her lips at the suddenness of his movement.

  “Not a bribe.”

  He was close enough the sweet scent of her filled his head, made him want to pounce, to take, to gorge on her delicious body with ferocious greed. It took all his considerable control to remain still, staring into her now-flashing eyes.


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