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JaguarintheSun Page 4

by Anya Richards

  And this had nothing to do with atraspa and everything to do with the man holding her, looking down at her with an expression she’d never seen before. There was the unmistakable look of desire in his eyes, in the set of his mouth, as well as the barely leashed tension in his body. But there was something else too, and she couldn’t interpret it. Only knew whatever it was made her blood quicken in her veins and almost caused her to look away as a frisson of fear tickled across her senses.

  “Are you ready, Cassandra Solinar?”

  Even the way he said her name, in a deep, velvety growl, heightened her awareness and lust. And her fear. But that only added a sharper edge to the moment, to her eagerness for what was to come.

  Tilting her face up, so there were only a couple of inches separating their lips, she whispered, “So ready that if you don’t get me out of here now, I may have to have my way with you right here, in front of all these people.”

  The sound he made was indescribable, part snarl, part huff of laughter—all male, all agreement—and Cassie felt the rush of magic as he cast his translocation spell.

  She had a brief moment to realize, by the warm humidity and lack of noise, they hadn’t reemerged anywhere in the city, before Xbal cupped her cheeks, holding her head tilted up to his. The darkness of his eyes, the intent in his gaze, made her shiver again, made her desperate for the sensation of his body over her, in her.

  “I’m going to make you scream, Cassie. Make you beg me to take you again, make you come again.”

  She shook her head, although she couldn’t force her lips to fall into their habitual confident, slightly dismissive smile.

  “You can try, and I have no doubt I’ll enjoy every moment of the effort, but don’t be disappointed when it never happens.”

  His expression didn’t change. He didn’t smile, or frown, or look challenged, only held her gaze with the predatory stare that did such destructive things to her control.

  “It will happen.” It wasn’t a boast, just a statement of fact. “You can’t beg for what you don’t know you can feel, what you don’t know you can have. I’ll show you how it can be between us, find all your hidden secrets, the places and positions you never knew would make you wild. Then you’ll want me enough to beg.”

  Swooping in, he claimed her mouth, his hot and hungry, his tongue sweeping over her lips, demanding entrance. Unable, unwilling to deny him, craving his kiss, she opened for him, expecting the plunge of his tongue, a claiming of her mouth. Instead he began a slow, thorough exploration that seemed to seek more than just the physical pleasure of mouth on mouth.

  Increment by thrilling increment he deepened the contact until she was breathless, needy, her body arching and rubbing against his. A low rumbling growl came from his throat, an untamed, feral sound so out of character with the urbane façade he presented to the world it weakened her knees. When he lifted his head she clung to his shoulders, needing his strength just to stay upright.

  “If you come inside with me, Cassandra, expect no quarter.” The velvet was gone from his voice, leaving it raw and ravenous. “I want you, want to glut myself on your sweetness, on your pleasure.”

  Fear—no, terror—drove through her. Not enough to make her back off but sufficient to take the wild edge off her desire, and she was able to reply, although she had to lick suddenly dry lips to get the words out.

  “Is this where I start begging, Xbal? Because I’m not inclined to do that.”

  One side of that delectable mouth tipped up, and he shook his head. “Not yet, Cassie. Not yet. There’ll be time for that later, if you come in with me.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the house behind her, finally able to give attention to something other than him. The long, single-story structure, with its row of arched windows set into smoothly plastered walls, glinted in the early-afternoon light. With the sun high in the sky it was impossible to see in through the windows, and the tall, arched, wooden double doors were closed.

  Looking back at him, ignoring the insistent thrum of arousal, the urge to drag him closer and end the discussion with another mind-altering kiss, she smiled slightly.

  “It doesn’t look too dangerous.”

  With one of his swift, smooth, surprising movements, he bent and picked her up, eliciting a gasp from Cassie as she found herself being carried sideways against his chest.

  “It isn’t dangerous.” Impossible to miss the hint of laughter in his tone. “As long as I’m out here.”

  Cassie chuckled, winding her arms around his neck and tunneling her fingers into the black satin of his thick hair. Wanting to tease him, make him want her just a little more, she leaned against his shoulder and put her lips close to his ear. “I’m willing to risk it, if you are.”

  Using the tip of her tongue, she traced the inner whorl of his ear and was rewarded with a rumbling vibration from his chest as he began to stride toward the house. There was a tingle of magic while they were still a few feet away from the door, and Cassie leaned back slightly so as to be able to see his face.

  “You ward your house?”

  He shrugged slightly. “An old habit. A holdover from the days when things weren’t as peaceful as they are now.”

  Cassie contemplated his words, thinking back on what she knew of their world’s history, the conflicts that had occurred over the millennia past, wondering how old he was, exactly. It wasn’t the kind of question considered polite to ask, but she was tempted nonetheless. What had he seen, experienced? Which of the figures, now consigned to the mists of time, had he known or seen personally?

  As the double doors swung open, she also found herself wondering how many other women had crossed the wards and entered his home, knowing they were about to be thoroughly, completely seduced?

  It was none of her business, just as the men she’d been with were none of his, yet the thought made her bristle slightly, even as she was chastising herself for what could only be described as a flash of jealousy. This was a one-time thing, hopefully a fuck-fest for the ages, but not a love story. There was no need to tangle any emotion into it.

  Inside the house was cool but bright, with light streaming in through the multiplicity of windows to illuminate the white walls of the corridor he was carrying her along. Outside she could see a swathe of grass leading to a tangled jungle beyond. Inside, through arches set in the wall opposite to the windows, she saw what looked like a courtyard complete with a fountain, the tinkling of the water a musical underscore to the beat of his footsteps on the stone floor. There was an almost dreamlike quality to the moment, a sensation of coming home, as though the house welcomed her not as a guest but as a long-awaited resident returning from a distant place. She tried to shake the feeling away but the movement of Xbal’s muscles against her side, his heat and scent, which both enfolded her as tightly as his arms, only intensified it.

  She glanced up at him, found him watching her in turn. The tender set of his lips was at odds with the heat in his eyes, and the contradiction made her heart stutter.


  The word was combative, but she couldn’t help it. Suddenly she knew she was entering even deeper waters than she’d anticipated and it made her want to pick a fight.

  “I like having you here.” The intent in his gaze was unmistakable, and her body tightened in response. “I don’t usually invite women to my home.”

  She raised her eyebrows in disbelief, even as a tingle of warmth shot through her at his words. “Why do I find that hard to believe?”

  His lips quirked and he shrugged slightly as he turned into another corridor. “Believe what you will, but it’s the truth.”

  “Why don’t you?” She glanced ahead and saw a door open for them, making her pulse begin to pound at the thought it would, finally, be his bedroom.

  Turning into the doorway, he paused, holding her gaze in that effortless way he had. “Any person who enters your home leaves a residue of themselves behind, no matter how innocent their visit, or how little tim
e they spend there.” For a moment there was a flash of something in his expression, sadness, she thought, or weariness. “I have enough ghosts here. I’m careful about adding any more.”

  Her heart dropped into her toes. If what he had said was true, he was about to add another and she just couldn’t allow him to do it. As much as she wanted him, she couldn’t let him add her to whatever list of regrets he was carrying around in his heart.


  He stepped forward into the room and let her legs swing down to the ground, but before she could finish what she wanted to say, the door slammed closed and he had her backed up against it. The heated expanse of his chest and strong arms caged her there, and his mouth was so close to hers when he spoke Cassie swore she could feel the vibrations in her lips.

  “Oh, no, Cassandra. It’s too late for second thoughts.”

  “You don’t understand…”

  And how could she explain it? He wouldn’t understand—no one outside of The Children of Sol would. If he wanted an explanation for her sudden change of heart, she couldn’t tell him she didn’t want him. Her body wouldn’t support that lie. Just being close to him made her breathing grow shallow, her heart race. The heat between them was unmistakable, inescapable, and growing hotter every moment they were together.

  “I want you here, Cassandra. I want to see you spread out in my bed, your hair like fire over my pillows, your body coated in sweat, your lips red from mine. I want to lick every inch of your skin as though it were cream, sink my cock into your mouth, your cunt, your ass. The next time I walk into this room I want to smell your sweet scent in the air, hear the echo of your pleasure in the wind, close my eyes and be able to see you, sated and spent, on the sheets.”

  “Even—” By Sol, she could hardly speak, his words robbing her of breath, making her burn. “Even if the memory is all you have? This is a one-shot proposition, Xbal. That’s all I have to give you.”

  He drew back slightly, so his eyes came into focus and he could search her face. She wasn’t sure what he saw, but whatever it was, he obviously didn’t believe it, for he shook his head and repeated what he’d said before.

  “It’s too late.”

  There was no time to ask anything more, say anything more, for his lips found hers again and Cassie lost breath, thought and the ability to articulate under his potent, concentrated kiss.

  Xbal had said he wanted to devour her, glut himself on her, and it was impossible not to think this was the beginning of the feast. Their lips were the only point of contact between them but she felt consumed, as though he were trying to absorb her into himself through that kiss. He tilted his head, fitting his mouth over hers even more securely, their tongues tangling in glorious combat. Cassie felt her head begin to swim under the forceful, erotic onslaught and she loved the sensation, the feeling of being overcome, overwhelmed by what should just be a foretaste of what they were about to do.

  Fisting her fingers into the sides of his shirt, she yanked it out of his waistband, seeking the skin below. The need to touch him was atavistic and her hands were trembling as they plunged beneath the fabric.

  Hot. His flesh was so hot. And smooth. Like the richest satin. Beneath her palms his muscles coiled and flexed, hard, masculine and enticing. Cassie pressed her fingers against his sides and then slicked around to investigate the ridges of Xbal’s stomach, earning a low growl of approval. Spreading her fingers wide over his abs, she dipped a thumb into his navel while using the other to ruffle the thin line of soft, straight hair running up toward his chest.

  Xbal hadn’t moved. He still held his body slightly away from hers, arms braced on the door, and Cassie made full use of his position, learning through her fingertips the contours of his chest and back, the width and strength of his shoulders. He let her, signaling his pleasure with echoing, primitive sounds coming from deep in his throat, each one sending a shiver of lust through Cassie’s body. When she found his nipples with her fingertips, pinched them lightly between forefinger and thumb so they puckered to tiny points, a hard shudder fired through him.

  Without thought, with only the flaring need to feel his body against hers driving her, she pulled her hands from beneath his shirt to reach up and grasp the front. With one strong, desperate yank, she tore the placket open, sending buttons flying everywhere.

  Maybe he felt the same way, for the edges of her dress suddenly sagged apart, the tie undone with a swirl of magic. Putting her arms around his waist, Cassie tried to reel him in, but Xbal was immovable, holding himself away, kissing her with a mingling of finesse and wild abandon she found unbearably erotic.

  Tugging harder got her nowhere, and she dug her nails into the taut muscles of his back, earning a rumbling moan from Xbal. He pulled his head away just enough to break the kiss, staying so close his lips brushed hers as he said, “Wait.”

  “For what?” Cassie made sure her mouth caressed his in return as she asked.

  As though unable to resist, Xbal sipped at her lips—once, twice, a third time—before replying.

  “For me to get your beautiful body naked. For me to look my fill, touch you, taste you.”

  As he spoke he straightened and slid his hands beneath the parted edges of her dress, above her breasts. The heat of his skin on hers made Cassie gasp silently and arch into his palms, but instead of sliding his hands down to cover her aching nipples Xbal moved them up, pushing her dress off her shoulders. As much as she wanted to get naked with him, it was almost painful to let him go to facilitate getting the sleeves down her arms. All she wanted was to have him as close as possible.

  He got the tight sleeves partway down and paused, his gaze slipping down to devour her body just as effectively as his lips had consumed her mouth. The tightening of his fingers on her upper arms, the flare of desire in his eyes and his low moan of appreciation made her shiver with anticipation. It would be easy to pull the sleeves the rest of the way off herself but she stayed where she was, arms trapped slightly behind her body, basking in the heat of Xbal’s perusal. Passivity wasn’t her usual style. She liked being an active participant during sex and still wanted, oh so badly, to experience the feel of his body against hers. Yet here, now, it felt right to let him take the lead, to lie back against the door with her back slightly arched, breasts thrust out, offering herself up for his delectation.

  Xbal took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring slightly as he did.

  “Gorgeous,” he growled. His gaze still tracked along her body, flicking over her legs and torso, bringing the sparks of arousal beneath her skin to full burn. Cassie couldn’t remember ever feeling as beautiful—or as wanted—as she did in that moment. Couldn’t recall ever craving a man as much as she craved Xbal.

  “Are you just going to look?”

  Try as she might to make the words amused and inviting, they came out rushed and breathy—far needier than she intended.

  Releasing her arms, Xbal flicked open the clasp at the front of her bra, holding on to the edges of the cups to slowly let them part. The spidersilk got caught on her nipples, the soft brush and minute drag making her gasp, and he left it clinging there. His eyelids lifted, and she found herself once more held captive by the dark enticement of his gaze.

  “No.” Stark need and blatant intent made the word scrape across her consciousness, sending a shock of fire along her spine. “Now I make you mine.”

  Chapter Five

  Xbal’s words echoed between them, but he gave Cassie no chance to respond. Between one heartbeat and the next she found his lips next to her ear, felt the soft caress of his fingers at her neck.

  “I’m going to learn your body now, Cassie. Touch and kiss and lick every inch of your flesh, as I’ve wanted to for so long. No atraspa between us, just my lips and tongue and fingers on you, your scent and taste and softness filling my senses, making me crazy.”

  She shuddered at the words, the warm, moist heat of his breath and brush of his lips, her body clenching with a shockwave of pre-orgasmic
strength. Her head started to swim and it was only then she realized she’d forgotten to inhale. All she had time to do was drag in a tremulous draught of air before his lips drifted to her neck and he spoke again.

  “I’ve watched you so often, wondering what your skin would feel like against my lips. Stood next to you, inhaling your sweet scent, wishing I could get closer, hold you, know you wanted me the way I wanted you.” He brushed his mouth in a soft, searing motion from the sensitive hollow beneath her ear down to the base of her throat. When he continued the words vibrated into her bloodstream, like a drug she couldn’t resist. “You’re everything I dreamed and more. So much more. You overwhelm me. Bring out the beast in me.”

  Oh she wanted that beast, the one she heard snarling beneath the words, the one she was sure would take her body to heights she didn’t know it could reach. But she’d lost the ability to speak from the moment he’d begun this slow, inexorable seduction and her lungs had forgotten how to take in air or let it out in even, brain-sustaining breaths. All she was capable of were these short, desperate gulps rushing in and just as quickly back out. All she could do was stay still, letting him take whatever he would, surrendering to the overwhelming demand of his mouth.

  He circled her neck with kisses and hot, tender flicks of his tongue, his hair brushing her cheeks and shoulders as he moved from place to place, the harsh rush of his breathing filling her ears and adding to the sensations.

  Lingering over the sun sign low on the side of her throat, he murmured, “How many tattoos do you have?”

  It was a mark of how far gone she was already that she had to force her brain to come up with the number. “Twenty-six.”

  “I’m going to find and kiss each one.” He slicked his tongue around the tiny symbol, then continued. “And if I lose count, I’ll just have to start again.”

  But it seemed he was in no hurry to start cataloging her ink. A lifetime seemed to pass as he explored just that one part of her body, and the escalation of desire was measured in almost torturous increments. A small rise when his teeth scraped the now-straining tendon at the side of her neck, a little more as his lips feathered along the line of her jaw. A swift rush as he moved to where her shoulder began, finding a spot she never knew could be an erogenous zone and sucking on it until she arched in silent desperation.


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