Shadowing Me (Breakneck Series, Book Three)

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Shadowing Me (Breakneck Series, Book Three) Page 12

by Crystal Spears

  “Well, look who's done his fucking homework,” Prez growls without standing up. He doesn’t greet the bastards. Alec might have three scary fuckers with him, but we have Smokey and Sniper standing back. Sniper isn’t called that just for the hell of it. He’s earned his name.

  “When you get a whiff of Breakneck MC having a problem, you gather insurance. Lucky for me, your insurance was in the newspaper months ago in the form of the Russians.”

  That smug ass, sorry, son of a bitch! I knew I smelled grey!

  “Having to gather insurance speaks highly of us, man. I appreciate it.” Prez chuckles and looks back at Smokey and Sniper in the background. “I happen to have my own,” he says as he points to our brothers. “That blond man is my brother, Sniper. I don’t have to tell you that his name means something.”

  Alec goes to sit in our booth, and the Prez stops him right in his tracks. “Don’t bother. You won’t be here long.”

  I chuckle. This is the Prez that gets my respect. Good to see he is back.

  “Here’s how this works. It’s real simple. I want something, I take it, but I’m a business man after all, and I can negotiate. In a way.” He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. “I’ll give you five hundred thousand dollars for your club, right now. I know it seems like a small offer, but if you don’t take it, that offer goes to less than pennies. You get me?”

  The Russians’ stance stiffens as Alec replies to my Prez. “You must be outta your fucking mind if you think I’m selling my club, much less giving it to you.”

  Jesus. You dumbfuck.

  “Suit yourself. Go gather some more Russians, cause your ass is gonna need them here real soon.” He points to the door. “Now get your fuckin’ ass outta my wife’s club.”

  They don’t move until they hear Smokey and Sniper cocking their guns. Prez lets out a roar of laughter when Alec flinches. “You pussy, take your bodyguards and get the fuck outta here before I let my brothers rain fire on your dumbass!”

  When they attempt to be casual and stroll out the way they came in, it shows a sign of weakness to us. Even with four of them, they are scared of the four of us. They should be. We’ve killed close to thirty people in the last year alone. That should make the motherfuckers piss themselves in cowardice.

  “Angel is gonna be fuckin’ pissed that the Russians are back. I thought we had handled them fuckers. Someone in the mob is still holdin’ a damn grudge, because they wouldn’t be here if not. More importantly, he got that info from somewhere other than the papers.”

  I agree. He couldn’t get in contact with our enemies from reading a newspaper clipping. He got that information from someone else.

  “Keep one patched member on each woman that leaves the compound. I don’t think they’ll go after them because of what happened the last time, but just to be safe.”

  Motherfucking Christ. Tatiana is already pissed off, and this shit is just going to make it worse. She isn’t speaking to me, and once she hears this news, she is going to be extra bitchy. She hates, and I mean hates, being escorted, but the words that come out of my mouth are still… “I’ll watch Tea.”


  “I figured as much,” Prez says as we gear up and leave.


  Chapter Seventeen


  I can’t believe I’m stuck with Shadow as my Patch escort. After what happened between us, I don’t know how I feel about him watching my every move, and me knowing he’s doing it. It is different when I can’t see him, but when he is right there in my face, all up in my shit, how am I supposed to get over what happened between us? I think my Godfather hates me. That is the only explanation I have. He said Braxxon ordered him to keep watch on me, and if I know my Godfather, that is only partial truth. If he knew I didn’t want Shadow around me right now, then he wouldn’t be. And I have half a mind to fucking let him know I don’t want Shadow within a hundred miles of me. I was supposed to meet Haden for lunch today, but no, as soon as I get up this morning, here comes Shadow with a grin on his face.

  A fucking grin! As if this shit is at all funny, and to top it off, Winter is whispering about Russians.

  But even though I have this fine ass, southern guy following my every move, it isn’t going to stop me from seeing Haden. He needs a friend right now, and I am that friend for him. If I am being honest with myself, I need him just as much. I love my family, and I hate to admit, I even love Shadow, but I need a friend that doesn’t know half of what is going on so I can get it off my mind.

  When I smirk and let Shadow know where we are headed, I expect a pissed off look. Instead, he eyes the shit out of that ho, Sabine. It infuriates me because, even though I understand him pretty well, I can’t read what the hell he’s thinking when he does this shit in front of me. It proves that I made the right call to ignore his it was a mistake speech the other morning. I am so glad I didn’t put myself through all that shit. A person can only take so much rejection and hurt. I am young, beautiful, and open to trying new things. He’d be lucky to have me. So with my blood on fire and my even more new determination, I plan to leave this fucker in his own shadow.

  As he drives to Ma and Pop’s, I refuse to speak to him for two reasons. First, he didn’t hide the fact that he was checking out Sabine, and that is fucking bullshit. And two, instead of allowing me the freedom to walk down the street to the restaurant, he insisted he drive my damn car.

  The vehicle isn’t even in park when I throw open my door and rush inside. He knows better than to yell for me to stop. The confusion I’m feeling over the bullshit between us makes me furious, and the fact that it bothers me so much makes me even angrier. I deserve better than this bullshit.

  So what does a girl do when she wants to get out from under a guy? I’ll tell you what. She gets under another one. And what better way to do that than fuck an ex she’s already been with.

  I have never been more excited to see Haden waiting on me than I am in this moment. A chair screeches behind me as Shadow takes a seat, and I hurry towards my glorious ex-boyfriend. When he stands like a gentleman to greet me, it makes me even more dead set to fuck him while Shadow is around. I grab Haden’s hand in mine and take off towards the women’s bathroom with a protesting Haden dragging behind me.

  “Woah, babe, what’s going on?”

  I jerk him through the door, shut it behind us, and move a big metal trashcan in front. It won’t stop anyone from entering, but it sure as shit will alert me if someone tries.

  “I need to fuck,” I growl as I grab his shirt and push him into the nearest stall. “I need it so bad, it hurts.” Okay, it really doesn’t, but I wish it did. God, I wish I hurt right now.

  “This isn’t like you,” he mumbles as my lips descend on his. “Dammit, babe!” he shouts and pushes me away. “Tell me what the fuck is going on, and I won’t mind helping you with your little problem. But only if you tell me the damn truth right now!”

  Sighing, I lean against the side of the stall. “I’m on partial lockdown again. I’m so fucking tired of men ruling my life, and for once, I want to make my own damn decision. I didn’t know that my one decision would deny me.”

  Haden pulls me into the tightest hug I have ever been in, and holds me while tears spill down my cheeks. “You need a friend, babe, not a fuck,” he murmurs into my hair.

  I lose it, because I miss this part of us the most. Even when Haden was a douche, he knew me, and his words prove he still does. “I also know you well enough to know that look of love on your face, and it isn’t directed at me, babe.” I cry harder against his chest. “You’re in love with that guy back there, aren’t you?”

  At this point, I sob uncontrollably into his shirt while he comforts me. “Yes,” I choke out.

  “Look, this is what I know about you when you love a person, Tatiana. You love so damn hard, and you don’t ever give up on that person. You only gave up on me because I screwed up bad. I cheated, but deep down, you know it ran deeper. You knew it was because I
couldn’t handle your lifestyle. I’m so damn ashamed to admit it, but I was a pussy, and I needed to feel as loved as you did, at the time.”

  “That man out there is just plain stupid if he doesn’t love you back. You deserve so much, and I sure know he looked pissed when I turned my head to look at him when you were dragging me off. That look was the look of straight up jealousy. If you listen to anything I say, listen to this. He lives the lifestyle you have grown up in. He understands it far better than anyone else could. So, if you’re thinking about asking me for advice, listen to everything I said.” He chuckles into my hair and pulls my face up to look at him. “And listen to this, too. Know that I think you’re foolish if you give up on him. Men are stupid. Yes, I’m admitting that for all of us. We do stupid stuff. We don’t admit our feelings until it is too late or close to being too late.” He murmurs, his hands squeezing my cheeks with each point he tries to stress.

  “So dry off that beautiful fucking face that I fell madly in love with when we were kids, finger brush that hair like you girls do, and get out there and show him what he’s missing.” He laughs before ruffling my hair. “Hell, on second thought, clean up your face. Let him think that I fucked you in this bathroom. It might stir up some good for your situation.”

  As I back up, I look at his shirt and see snot all over it. How embarrassing. “I’m so sorry about that.” I point as I wipe my nose with the back of my hand. This is gross. Last year, I would have cried myself to sleep if Haden saw me like this. How the tables have turned.

  “I have another one underneath it. You should know this.” He smirks as he lifts his tee to reveal a plain white one.

  “You Hanes lover.” I laugh as I back out of the stall, walk to the sink, and turn it on to let the water heat so that I can wash my face. Warm water always feels good on my swollen eyes when I cry. “I swear, you better stay in contact when you go back to school.” I say as I wet a paper towel to clean my face, and he tucks his other shirt in his back pocket.

  “You wanna fuck with him some more?”

  Of course I do. He eyed Sabine like he wanted to do with her what he did with me, and that breaks my damn heart.


  “Good, I’ll rumple this tee up as you wash your face.”

  I smile in the mirror as I wipe my ruined mascara away. “I love you, Haden. I do.”

  Haden stops pulling his tee in all directions, “I love you, too, babe. Always will.”

  When I’m satisfied with my appearance, he decides the appropriate amount of time has passed. We walk towards the door, but before I move the trashcan, I freak out.

  “Fuck, this is gonna sound crazy, but you need to bite me hard on the neck, if this is going to work!”

  Haden makes a what the fuck face and mouths the words at the same time.

  “Fuck, I’ve been introducing myself to the world of masochism, and he knows this. I like pain, no, I love pain, when I’m being fucked. You need to bite me!”

  Haden grabs my cheeks hard. “Are you telling me you’ve turned into a kinky little witch, and I passed on that shit,” he says with a serious face. I almost feel bad for the guy. “Motherfucking hell, I have a feeling that I’ll regret telling you no later on in my life. In fact, my cock is already starting to scream at me. How do I know if I bite too hard or not hard enough?”

  Hmm… he took that news easily. “Until I say so. Bite so that you leave a lasting mark and almost draw blood. You can draw blood if you want, but we’re in a hurry here.”

  He shakes his head like he can’t believe he is about to do this, tilts my head to the side like a vampire readying his victim, and sinks his teeth into my neck. I let out a loud moan, and he groans, pushing me against the trashcan, and we almost tumble to the floor. His mouth never leaves my neck, and he bites me so hard, my pussy clenches. This moment lets me know I will always like pain. When my ex bites me on the neck and makes my legs tremble and moans escape me, I need no further proof. Shadow isn’t the cause of these new feelings that have come over me. It is the pain itself.

  Minutes go by before I push him away, panting from him getting me so worked up.

  “That was so fucking badass!”

  I smirk at him as I gain control over myself. “It’s hot, right,” I breathe as I move the trashcan out of the way. “You should experience it during sex. It is unfuckingbelievable.”

  “I must say that I like this grownup you a lot more every second.”

  I punch him on the arm as he opens the door for us.

  “Game on,” I hiss with a smile.

  Oh, what I would give to be in Shadow’s head right now.

  When we get in the hall, we stop dead in our tracks at the scowling Shadow, standing there with a beet red face.

  “You, get the fuck out of here before I slam your brains into that wall behind you,” he hisses to Haden.

  Who the hell does he think he is?

  “Look, man, no hard feelings.” Haden laughs him off. “She and I are becoming friendly again, is all.”

  I inwardly snicker. Love this guy!

  “Take care of that love bite, babe, and call me later since your shadow,” he air quotes, “is forcing us apart.”

  I lean in and wrap my arms around his neck, whispering a thank you. “I’ll call you later. Love you.”

  My first love chuckles as he walks away from me, and Shadow grabs my arm and jerks me against him.

  “When I take that pussy of yours, I swear to god I’m going to make it bleed!” he growls into my ear. “You thought your ass hurt, I’ll show you hurtin’.”

  That should terrify me, but it only turns me on. Fuck! I jerk away from him.

  “That’s the thing. You are. Never. Touching. Me. Again.” Since Haden has left, I forget all about getting lunch and walk towards my car.

  Think on that, you Sabine-loving asshole!


  Chapter Eighteen


  No words! None fucking at all for the way she treated me at the restaurant. What in the fuck did I do to make her go and fuck that dipshit! I wanted more. Isn’t that what all chicks want? Shit, I was ready to hand my relationship balls over to her. I was ready to hurt her and no-one else. I haven’t committed to a female since I was a teenager. And here is Tatiana, a woman who wanted me so fucking bad a few months ago, and who finally got me this week, and now she won’t even let me get a word in edgewise. I don’t understand this shit!

  What in the fuck did I do wrong? I took care of her afterwards, stayed in bed with her, and woke up beside her the next morning. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do when you want more than hot kinky sex?

  When I see my Prez, I decide I need to clear my head of all Tatiana related things. The best way I know how is to stay the fuck away from her confusing ass.

  “I don’t want to follow Tatiana anymore,” I say in an aggravated tone.

  It isn’t until the Prez doesn’t say anything that I truly look at him. “What happened?”

  He shakes his head as he pulls out his phone and hammers out a text. “I have to take Winter to the hospital. Something isn’t right.”

  Oh shit! Not good.

  “Look man, we knew this could happen. We didn’t want to talk about it, and fuck, I still don’t want to talk about it.” The Prez drops his head as he finishes typing the text. “She had so much scar tissue from the rape that they didn’t think she could handle a pregnancy this soon. Goddammit! I gotta go. Tell no one, cause we aren’t for sure, but we have an idea. I shot Pyro a text. Go make sure he got it. If not, tell him to give me a call. Winter is waiting in the Rover.”

  What in the fuck do I say to that? There isn’t anything I can say. Fuck, hasn’t she been through enough shit already. Haven’t we all! There is some seriously messed up karma working on this club. The women are cursed for loving a bunch of fucked up men. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to worry if the baby your wife is carrying inside of her has died.

  I scrub my face a
nd let out a roar towards the sky. Emotional pain has never, and I mean never, fucking pleased me. It is messed up, considering I love inflicting physical pain, but this shit hurts even my heart.

  I spot Pyro and open my mouth to speak, but he holds up his phone. The look on his face is the saddest I have ever seen, even worse than after Lana passed away. He got the message. Fuck did he get the message. When a member of our family hurts, we all hurt.

  I turn away and cross the parking lot towards the clubhouse building. I need a stiff drink. We’re on lockdown, and since I know Pyro and Sniper will be guarding this place, I am getting drunk. Not only do I have my Prez and my first lady’s hurt laced inside my heart, I think the other pain I am trying to mask is seeing Tatiana walking out of that bathroom with that asshole with the scorching hot red bite mark on her neck.

  Oh yeah, I need a drink or ten. This is not something I am used to feeling at all. It isn’t jealousy. This is straight up caring. I think I want Tea in more than a friendship way, and I don’t know what to do with that shit since she won’t even speak to me. With the club on lockdown, some Russians in town, Winter possibly losing the baby, and the damn club takeover, I don’t have time to be discovering these feelings right now. I reach for the moonshine instead of bourbon because fuck do I need something that will straight up make me forget right now. One hundred proof moonshine is the key to getting to the ignorance I so desperately crave.

  I pop the cap and chug. It burns its way down my throat into the pit of my stomach. I sputter as I pull the bottle away. Shit! Oh, I am going to be lit up like a campfire.

  “Can I have some of that?”

  I turn towards the voice, my vision blurred, as my senses fight to recover from the rush of burning heat.

  Dammit! I want peace right now!

  “Sure, but if you get stupid and drink yourself to death, I ain’t helping you.”

  The blonde, beautiful, evil bombshell smirks at me. “I think I’d know my limits,” she flirts with her thick accent.


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