Forever Young: Blessing or Curse (Always Young Trilogy)

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Forever Young: Blessing or Curse (Always Young Trilogy) Page 6

by Morgan Mandel

  Roman signaled for his wireless lavaliere mike to go live. As the cameramen took position, the air crackled with anticipation. “Welcome to the Garden of Eden, the beginning of a new and wonderful life for everyone.”

  For emphasis, he opened his arms wide. Cameras clicked. Applause thundered.

  When it died down, he assumed a suppliant pose. “I’ve worked long and hard to ensure the arrival of this momentous occasion. Today, I humbly stand before you, the vessel of hope for mankind.”


  Protected by guards on the apron, Dorrie watched Roman’s performance in awe. He’d make a great actor, but that would be a waste of his talents.

  “Many of you have already benefited from the fruits of my labors.” He turned to pluck an orange off an adjacent tree. The audience gazed spellbound.

  “You’ve lost weight, lowered your cholesterol, some have even brightened your teeth.” He flashed a glittery smile. The audience tittered.

  He threw out the orange, resulting in a mad scramble. When the commotion had died, he continued. “This time, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve discovered something far more valuable than anything I’ve offered in the past. What I have in my possession, which I’m willing to share, will make every health aid obsolete. Forget about growing old, with all its debilitations. From now on, you can possess the power to regain your lost youth and become whatever age you desire. Not only that, you’ll retain that age and never grow old.

  “You may ask, ‘How is that possible?”

  He paused for effect, then whispered, “Because I’ve discovered an age-reversing drug, a veritable Fountain of Youth.”

  As his words sank in, whispers began. Did the audience believe him or doubt his sanity? She’d not thought such a miracle possible either, but her own body proved otherwise.

  “Let me show you an example. Draw the blinds, please.”

  At Roman’s command, stage hands rolled down the shades over the windows and skylight. As the room darkened, a screen appeared. He clicked the projector’s remote. The first illustration, one of Dorrie’s before photos, flashed into relief. Roman trained his infrared pointer on portions of her anatomy. “Here you see a shot of our pioneer model, Dorrie Donato. Note a normal, somewhat attractive woman with typical aging factors, evidenced by a thickened waist, spider veins, wrinkles, loss of skin suppleness.”

  Had she looked that horrid? Dorrie’s face grew hot. She glanced toward the doorway, wishing she could escape, but knowing it was impossible, even if she weren’t flanked by guards. More embarrassing photos followed the first. After what seemed an eternity, the lights flickered on, the blinds opened, and once again sunlight poured down.

  Roman motioned to Dorrie. She stepped forward onto the stage. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, here’s the after.”

  As instructed, Dorrie turned slowly. Then, with a flair, she loosened the kimono’s sash and handed the garment to Roman. She pirouetted gradually, revealing her supple body in the buttercup bikini, doing her best to ignore the “Oohs and Ahs” arising from the audience.

  What parts of her did they stare at? She knew she looked better than before, but the sensation of being gaped at felt strange.

  “Thank you, Dorrie,” Roman said, coming up behind her and sliding the kimono back over her shoulders. She tied the sash with trembling fingers.

  He stepped beside her. “Now, Dorrie, would you like to tell the audience how Forever Young has changed your life?”

  This part was easy. She’d gladly sing the praises of the miracle pill. “Words can’t express my gratitude for being chosen as the first recipient of this marvelous invention. The Forever Young pill is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m now young and vibrant, and no longer the victim of aging.”

  “Do you see any reason why someone would not to take the pill?”

  “I confess at first I was hesitant, wondering if there’d be some kind of horrible side effects. I’m happy to say it’s been over three months since I started the young pill, and I’ve suffered no ill effects whatsoever. I’m so glad I listened to my heart and went ahead. I love the new me. I feel so much better, and people can’t believe I’m the same person as before.”

  “Thank you, Dorrie, for your sincere testimony.”

  As the guards escorted her back to her mark, she breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, that was over. How could she ever learn to be an exhibitionist? It wouldn’t be easy, but she must do her best. Her looks and money were at stake.

  She watched Roman resume center stage. With a flourish, he removed the tiny vial from his pocket and held it high for the audience to see. “Need I say more? Ladies and gentlemen, may I present, Forever Young.”

  Excited murmurs greeted the revelation, followed by a ten minute ovation.

  “What’s in it,” a television reporter asked, shouting above the din.

  Roman smiled slyly. “That’s my secret.”

  “When will it be available?” another wanted to know.

  “Because of the anticipated demand, at first I’ll target specific markets. During that trial period, though, I’ll be taking reservations and deposits. Once the operation is in full swing, everyone will get a chance at it.”

  More questions rang out, but Roman shook his head and waved his hand. “Sorry, but I must leave. As you can imagine, a tremendous task awaits me. The sooner I finish, the sooner everyone will enjoy the benefits of my pill. Thank you all, for coming today. I’ll keep you apprised of any future developments.”

  The audience as one stood up and broke into applause. Roman gestured for Dorrie to return to the stage. As she stepped up, the response grew deafening. Warmth filled her at being a participant in such a grand venture.


  The guards flanked Roman and Dorrie in their escape to the confines of the elevator. After seeing her safely to the dressing room, Roman dismissed the guards and slipped down to the sub-basement. At the third door to the right, he knocked the special pattern for admittance.

  The squat dark-haired man with the three-inch thick glasses smiled from behind the metal desk. “You had them eating out of your hand, even before you tossed that orange. And, I must admit, the widow as our first guinea pig is quite a boon.”

  Roman smiled. “Yes, I believe the widow is proving most useful in more ways than one. The audience claimed her as its own. I predict drooling men and eager women clogging the phone lines, anxious to share in her good fortune.”

  The man nodded. “We’ll keep her on for promo, but don’t forget our original plan to get our hands on that iPhone. A synced computer doesn’t lie. That phone must be found.”

  “I’ve brought up the subject more than once, but in each instance she denies knowledge of its whereabouts. If she’s holding out on me, I don’t foresee a problem. She’s in our camp now. She knows how good she’s got it. She’d be a fool to risk reversion.”

  “Probably so, but I abhor loose ends. Dig deeper and draw her out. Women are soppy creatures. I suspect she’s keeping it for sentimental reasons to remind her of her husband. Soften her up a bit and find out.”

  The man reached into the bottom drawer of the desk and pulled out a small container. With a sly smile he held it out. “Here’s something to help the cause. A few drops of this and she’ll do anything you want. I use it myself occasionally.”

  Roman frowned. He didn’t need drugs to attract women. He wasn’t misshapen like the man behind the desk.


  Still wearing his Angel costume, Roman strode back into Dorrie’s office. His protégé looked fetching in her day outfit, a grey skirt suit with a white frilly blouse peeking from the collar and wrists.

  “You were excellent, my dear. The waiting list has already begun. First the test markets, then the world.”

  Once hooked, only a scant few could escape the pill’s mind and body alterations. In the meantime, his accounts would fatten.

  The day he’d stumbled on this venture had been the luckiest in his life. He smiled, thi
nking of the infinite wealth and power awaiting him. It took genius to create a miracle pill, and genius to convince people of its legitimacy.

  According to plan, he’d softened up the population by building a level of respect through non-essential products. Then wham, he’d unleashed the youth pill. At first he’d been skeptical of its effectiveness, but its effect on Dorrie had convinced him of its efficacy.

  “You’re the one who’s wonderful. Your pill is such a marvelous invention, and you’re so generous to share it with everyone,” his nubile assistant said, breaking in on his thoughts.

  “I’m glad you like it. I might add it looks very well on you, as I’ve mentioned before, on quite a few occasions.”

  He flashed an appreciate smile. Her answering blush rewarded him. He enjoyed titillating the love-starved widow, but danger lie in getting sidetracked by the diversion.

  “No slacking. It’s tour time for the test markets. I’ve booked a charter flight to New Mexico.”

  “When do we leave?”

  “This coming Monday afternoon, June 4. We’ll shoot the next morning.”

  Her signature lip bite after the nod told him she still had trouble assimilating the changes in her life. The death of her husband followed by her reversion to an earlier age had to have spun her world full cycle. She still didn’t comprehend the freedom she’d been bestowed, or the untold pleasures awaiting her.


  Roman decided to shoot the first tour commercial outdoors by the High Road to Taos Scenic Byway, using the Santuario de Chimayo Church with its famous El Posito’s healing earth hole as a backdrop.

  In the shots near the church, he’d not risk offending the residents with visions of a voluptuous Dorrie strutting her stuff in a wispy bikini. Instead, for the first cut, he’d rely heavily on his own looks and talent, as well as respectfully clad shots of the before-and-after Dorrie taken from the library of conservative clips. The staid commercials would prove a sharp contrast to the ones following, by the river. His breath hitched at thought of a wet Dorrie revealing her spectacular assets.


  A round of appearances at retirement communities, nursing homes and shopping malls followed the church shoots of Dorrie in a flowing muslin gown and the Rio Grande ones in the microscopic bikini.

  The more she promoted the young pill, the more enured to scrutiny she became. That didn’t keep her from enjoying the dawning rays of hope on the seniors’ faces as they grasped the significance of Roman’s invention. She could only pray the pill would work for them as well as it did for her. Goose bumps broke all over her arms at thought of the countless broken bodies restored to their former glory. What a glorious, worthwhile cause. To think she’d been allowed to play even a small part in such a magnificent undertaking made her face glow. The whirlwind tour sped by, with Dorrie high on the cusp of doing good for others.

  By Friday, she again sat at her desk in the office, trying to handle the dictation while constantly interrupted by eager callers begging to hear details about her experience. Side effects seemed to be the major concern, and she hastened to reassure everyone she’d not suffered any. If her calls were any indication, the waiting list with accompanying deposits had to be elephantal.

  Dorie had just hung up from another call when she glanced up to find Roman leaning over her desk with a light in his eyes. “Our New Mexico trip was a crowning success. Judging from the stats, as soon as the pill’s available, Albuquerque’s entire senior population will be gone.”

  She cast a mock frown. “Oh, dear, what about the retirement homes and AARP? Whatever will they do?”

  “They can peddle sex toys and birth control pills.”

  Warmth spread over her face. She quickly glanced away from Roman’s perfect features. She didn’t want to think about sex, especially in the vicinity of such a virile male, yet her new body had a way of testing her resolve. From the way Roman looked at her, she had a feeling a simple yes could lead her down the path of no return, a place she did not wish to travel.

  She’d not enter into any relationship lightly, since it would be a betrayal of all she’d held dear with Larry. Sex had been beautiful and special with them, and that’s the way it should be.


  Roman didn’t miss the blush. Though he knew Dorrie had been married for years, she still seemed an innocent. Her naiveté charmed him, making him want her all the more.

  Too bad her heart still centered on her dead husband. Whenever she spoke of him her eyes softened and a shadow crossed her face.

  Witnessing the depth of her emotions amazed him, making him ponder the meaning of love. He’d heard of it, but not witnessed it. His father had knocked up his mother and fled, without sticking around to see what his seeds had sown. His helpless drunken bitch of a mother had accused Roman of taking after his father. Accepting the challenge, Roman had done his best to live up to her expectations.

  When he so much as glanced at Dorrie, with her full breasts, tiny waist, and innocent brown eyes, habit reared its head. It would be simple to break her down. Not only that, it was his job. The longer he delayed, the more the operation remained in jeopardy.

  “By the way, Dorrie. We’re leaving again. Next stop, Hollywood, so pack your bags.”

  “How soon?”

  “I’ve booked a redeye for Monday night.”


  Only a short while to get ready. How exciting, to take off again on short notice. She loved her new job and her new life, though sometimes she felt guilty about being happy so soon after Larry’s death. When the melancholy hit, she told herself to be practical. She had no means to bring her husband back, so she may as well live life to the fullest. It’s not like she’d been given a choice in the matter.

  “I’m off to Hollywood Monday,” she told Kelly at lunch.

  At first her friend had been aloof when she’d discovered Dorrie’s deception over her age. She’d caved in after learning the heartbreaking circumstances behind it, and they’d remained fast friends as if there were no difference in their ages. Practically speaking, Dorrie found it easier to relate to people in her present age group, than the older one.

  With news of Dorrie’s new trip in the offing, Kelly almost choked on her hot dog. “I’m so jealous. While you’re flitting about on grand tours, here I am stuck in Dullsville entering boring numbers into a never-ending database.”

  “Think of what the numbers represent. All those people will get a new lease on life because of one man’s marvelous invention.”

  Kelly sighed. “I know you’re right. And, really, my job’s not that hard to do, and, it does pay the bills. Doug’s such a darling, but his policeman’s salary is peanuts.”

  “Money shouldn’t matter. Your husband’s a good man and you love him. Larry never made much either, except near the end, but we were so much in debt by then his new salary didn’t make a dent.”

  Dorrie frowned and set down her suddenly dry sandwich. She couldn’t eat another bite, not with the awful memory of Larry sprawled on the asphalt flashing through her mind. The thing about sadness was it obeyed no timetable, striking at any given time, even in her happiest moments. She could never blot out memories of her husband and didn’t want to. He’d been too much a part of her life to forget he’d been there.

  Kelly gave Dorrie a telling look. “You’re right, of course. I should be thankful for what I have. It takes a tragedy like yours to remind me of my good fortune. I do love my husband. Also, Doug’s a saint for serving people. I only wish he were home more often to service me.”

  “I know what you mean,” Dorrie said, blinking back a sudden tear.

  It had been way too long since she’d made love to Larry. God, she missed the feel of his arms around her and the oneness of being joined together. If she hadn’t known how good it could be, she’d not know what she was missing. Some women never experienced such closeness, and had no idea what it could mean. At times like this, she knew she should be grateful for the love they’d sha
red, but still it slashed her heart to know she could never get it back.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t complain. Your situation is much worse,” Kelly said.

  “That’s okay, Kelly. You have a right to your feelings.”

  “Thanks, friend. I know it’s way too soon for you to even think about such a thing, but I hope someday you’ll find someone special again.”

  “Larry would be a tough act to follow. When you experience love like that, you can’t settle for less. Right now all I can do is take it one day at a time, and try not to think about sex.”

  Dorrie picked up her tray. “Well, I better get back to my desk. I’m sure I’ve got a pile of dictation waiting, not to mention countless telephone calls from prospective customers. We’ve been really busy lately, with all those reservations pouring in.”

  After a few hours of alternating between telephone calls and transcription, the intercom rang, with a call from Roman to come into his office.

  “Dorrie, you’re doing a terrific job. Why don’t you sit down here and rest for a minute. I have a few items to go over with you before you get back to your desk.”

  The words were casual, but something in the way he said them didn’t sound right. She braced herself for what might follow.

  “I know anything to do with your husband is a sensitive subject. I’m sorry to bring this up again, but I need to know if you have any idea where his iPhone went. It hasn’t turned up anywhere on the Institute’s grounds, and we’ve scoured them thoroughly. That phone contains sensitive data belonging to the Institute, and it’s essential I get it back. If such information got into the wrong hands, you can imagine what a disaster that would be, especially at this stage of the operation.”

  Dorrie swallowed hard. Should she tell him the truth? No, it wasn’t as if she’d give the phone up to anyone who’d harm the Institute. Besides, it would be way too embarrassing to admit now that she’d lied in favor of keeping the phone for sentimental reasons. She’d have to brazen it out.


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