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Don’t You Dare: A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Romance

Page 28

by Claire St. Rose

  Vinny frankly couldn’t believe Junior would be able to do it. Getting back in the Devils’ good graces, enough to do a run to Cattleman’s Ranch and take some pictures to prove Johnson’s double selling, was pretty impossible. He had no idea what kind of bridge this ignorant, naïve kid had burned when he turned his back on the Devils for the Horsemen. He didn’t even know if the Devils knew what their young’un was doing behind their back.

  But if Junior failed to perform, or worse, if he got caught, Benni was going to come after them both. Vinny wasn’t about to let that happen. Instead, he had come up with a plan. Vinny knew the tavern was primarily Devils’ territory. Sure, there was some intermingling of the two clubs, but he was more likely to find an unfriendly face drinking there than one of his own people.

  All Junior had to do was be seen at that booth long enough to attract some attention from a Devils’ color holder. If he could plead his worth, he could get on a runner assignment tonight and grab the intel he needed before anyone brought up the red flags. Vinny just needed to secure an “in,” a regular who didn’t claim allegiance to one club or the other, someone who didn’t draw much attention…

  As he scanned the room eyeing each and every person for some familiarity or a sign, a figure appeared before him. She was lanky, almost too skinny. Her bright blonde hair stood out in the room of smoky blacks and reds. But it was her voice, and the way that she talked almost like she was still singing that caught his attention long enough for him to gaze up into her gray blue eyes. Without a pause, she lowered her voice to coolly ask, “Can I get you gentlemen anything to drink?”

  Just then, an idea struck Vinny. Impossible and improbable, if it worked, not only would Junior be able to complete his mission, but Vinny might even get to enjoy some of the spoils of the evening himself.


  Vinny slipped towards the far end of the booth as he used a hand to silently gesture for the bar singer to take her place next to him. Before Gloria could sit, she hesitated ever so slightly as she gave him one last, suspicious glance. She knew how this went. If she sat down next to him, there was no going back, there was no turning this around. In that moment, she had to make a decision to go all in on this or to back away like it had never happened.

  She had pushed it too far once and paid dearly for it. Now, before she took on any chance on blackmail, she made sure she trusted her gut and instincts. Everything told her to turn around, to try for smaller pickings. This man had trouble written all over his scarred and bruised face. Every inch of him seemed like it was waiting for a fight as it slowly worked its way to a hot boil.

  But she didn’t follow her own rules and instinct this time around. A bigger voice in her head wanted to know more. And that part of her body that tingled with anticipation wanted much, much more than information. So Gloria took her seat and her place beside the man. The side of his arm arched over hers as he turned his large body towards hers. Heat radiated off of his frame, and the motion made her cheeks turn a quick blush while she turned away to release a grin. Something about him was making her feel like it was her first time at this rodeo.

  “Now, what kinda woman asks a man if he wants a drink? If anyone in this booth is gonna buy anyone a drink, it’s gonna be me.” He outstretched his other arm to her, offering it as a greeting, “I’m Vinny. This is my associate, Cal.”

  Gloria giggled devilishly. Any hint of chivalry was few and far between in this bar. This man was winning her over just as much as he was throwing her off her game. This wasn’t going to be easy. She steadied her voice as she replied quietly, her voice lowered, with, “Gloria. It’s nice to meet a true gentleman.”

  Vinny laughed heartily, almost with a hint of mocking in his voice, “Ain’t no one called me a ‘gentleman’ in my entire life. I guess it was bound to happen someday.”

  Gloria caught his eyes, staring at them as they flashed a bit of a humor. She turned her head again to study Junior. He looked uncomfortable and totally off put. Vinny inviting a woman, let alone the most notable one in the bar, to sit with them was not exactly expected. He thought he was supposed to be lying low, working on a plan. He couldn’t see how Vinny getting some tail could be part of the equation of breaking through Devils’ territory again.

  Vinny flagged down a waitress and ordered another round of beers for the table. Gloria was never a beer drinker; it was way too light for her liking. But, tonight, she was prepared to take anything that came to her as long as she kept in Vinny’s good graces. It was all tit for tat.

  “So Gloria...“ Vinny was searching for a way to get the information he needed to test if the pretty lady was as valuable to him as he thought her to be. “How long you been singin’ at Jackman’s?”

  “Four years, goin’ on five this winter. Best place to sing in this shit town.” Gloria sipped the frothy yellow beer as it was placed in front of her. It wet her lips, but it certainly didn’t do much more than that.

  Vinny quickly responded, “I can see why they keep you around—pretty girl like you with a huge voice. You must have quite a following around these parts. I’ve never heard a bar singer with pipes like that.”

  The way he said that as both a compliment and a question was giving Gloria a pause. She could feel he was searching for something as much as she was for him. It was her turn to get some background, “Yeah, I suppose I have. I know everyone in this town—leastways, every face that comes in this bar. I know where they work, who they run with, and who they’re with.”

  As she said this, Junior instinctively turned his head away from her. Had she noticed him? Had she been so astute as to see he was his father’s son? He couldn’t think that this woman was not exactly there to help him out.

  “Really?” Vinny was pleased. She had fallen into his trap. “Then maybe you can get me some help. Junior here needs to connect with some old friends, but he needs an introduction. Could you help us out?”

  His request was odd and her haunches rose at the mere words that came out of his mouth. “Depends,” she said nonchalantly. “This place ain’t too kind for introductions. You either know somebody or you don’t. It’s not kind to networking, if you know what I mean.”

  Vinny couldn’t be this stupid, Gloria hoped. While most of the Tuesday crowd at the tavern were mostly harmless career drunkards and bar sluts, there were some truly dangerous people lurking the stools and backrooms. Even Gloria knew better now than to mess with men who wore colors or who traveled in gangs with titles and affiliations.

  “I know that, believe me. But Junior is with most of the men, but he’s young and his face ain’t too familiar. He just needs someone to speak for him. You know of anyone who wears purple?”

  Wearing purple. That term scared the crap out of Gloria. She knew it was Devils’ colors, and she knew from blackmailing his father that Junior was no longer part of the gang. He was riding with the Horsemen now… Instantly, the scenario was coming to light. The puzzle pieces were falling slowly into place as Gloria was starting to see where this was headed. Vinny wasn’t just some mysterious man who walked into her bar and happened to know Junior. Vinny was with the Horsemen and was there to see that Junior would cross over to Devil’s territory once more to get more information or to start a war.

  And the men wanted Gloria to play a part.

  She had to make a quick decision once again. Playing around with biker clubs was not her forte, nor was it something she wanted to risk her own life over. But the payoff for knowing about a double-cross could potentially be huge. Besides the massive paycheck it would guarantee her, she could be in for more opportunities down the road if she managed to get Vinny to tell her more once she had him in her grasp. It was an advantage she could not pass up. This was major, a total game changer. Now she just had to get through the night.

  Gloria turned back towards Vinny and smiled brightly. She had to play it dumb or risk him figuring her game out. “I do know some of those riders. There are a couple at the bar there.” She gestured at
two men chatting merrily. “That’s Pedro and the other is Jason. They’re nice guys, and I’m sure they’ll say a couple words to a friendly face. Do you know them?”

  Gloria had posed the question to Junior. If he knew them, this may not work. However, if they were unknown or just acquaintances, the two men may be worth it for the introduction.

  Junior looked at the men hard. Jason was a complete unknown while Pedro looked vaguely familiar. His handlebar mustache and straight dirty brown hair made him easily recognizable as one of the leaders of the drug runners. But despite Junior working under him, he doubted Pedro knew him. He was too much of an underling to get Pedro’s attention for the short time he rode with the Devils.

  Junior turned and looked at Vinny. He was starting to see Vinny’s plan come together. This girl was just the starting point. Now it was time to do his part. His hands trembled a bit as he struggled to move on to the next step. With a heavy, beat down sigh, he looked back at Gloria and said, “Nah, I don’t think I know them. Could you introduce me?”

  Gloria continued to keep a plastered-on overly cheerful smile on her face as she slid out of the booth and back on to the floor. Without turning back, she walked up to the men and flashed an even bigger grin as she worked up to flit. Luckily, she knew Jason had always had his eyes on her. She placed her arms on his shoulders and went in for a hug, “Oh Jason! It’s so nice to see you. Did you come all the way out here on a Tuesday to hear me sing?”

  Gloria positioned herself so as he hugged her closely, his head could see the mounds of her slightly covered chest. His hand rested on her butt as he gave it a gentle squeeze, “You know it darlin’. I wouldn’t miss any of your shows if I didn’t have to. I was workin’ tonight, but I convinced Pedro here to stop in and have a couple.”

  Pedro held up a glass to her in acknowledgment as she continued to embrace Jason’s neck and back. Both looked so pleased to have her grace their company. Gloria cooed at Jason, “You really shouldn’t have. I wasn’t that amazing tonight. I mean, I was good, but not great. But you know, I don’t know what you do for work—”

  He followed her lead like a chicken to its feed, “Gloria, doll, I do a real man’s job runnin’ with the Devils. Let’s just say I’m their resident importer.”

  “Well, I knew you were with the Devils. Don’t tell anyone, but I love a man who wears purple.” She winked dramatically at him as she squeezed harder up against his neck. “I actually just met a youngster. Great guy. Looking to do some running, too. Do you know him? I think his name is Cal...”

  Gloria made a split second decision to call Junior by a pseudo name. If she had referred to him as Junior, it may ring more alarm bells. Going by Cal gave him a bit more of a shield, some anonymity with a bunch of brothers who really only went by nicknames. But more importantly, it took her out of the “know” if the introduction came back to her in the end. She could play dumb if asked if she knew who he really was.

  “Cal?” Pedro seemed to think earnestly on the name. He knew better than to say yes or no too quickly without trying to remember if there was some affiliation. “The name sounds familiar...”

  “Yeah, he mentioned that he’s been out of the game for awhile but wants to come back. He keeps talkin’ ‘bout how much he loved it and wanted to learn more from the big guys like you two.” Gloria stroked their egos like the professional she was. Knowing how to read men like this had come in handy. Plus, she knew all boys just wanted to hear that they were special. Tonight, she was going to do what it takes to make sure they felt it.

  “Darlin’, you know I’d love to help a kid out. Go get him, and maybe he can shadow tonight. What you think, ‘Dro?” Jason was almost too eager to please Gloria. He couldn’t keep his eyes or his hands off of her.

  Pedro nodded in his direction as Gloria broke her embrace and walked slowly, sashaying away towards the table where only Junior sat now. He looked nervous, a complete wreck. She said a silent prayer that he could keep it together.

  “They wanna meet you, kid. You up to it?” Gloria asked him honestly. He could back out of this now and they would both lose. But she knew whatever he was playing at was far more dangerous than hers. His was probably life or death while hers was still business. Despite her being all about the money, she wasn’t one to get someone killed or maimed.

  Junior slipped out of the booth with his youthful eyes trained to the floor as he walked his death march to where Pedro and Jason were now standing. Gloria broke the awkward silence first, “Pedro and Jason, this here is Cal.”

  Junior startled at hearing himself be referred to as “Cal.” He paused when Pedro reached out his arm first, but he eventually picked up Gloria’s game. Plus, Pedro’s handshake was a sign that there was not too much suspicion in their meeting. It was a show that brought much relief to both Gloria and Junior.

  “Hey there, son. I hear you’re looking for a bit of experience with the club.”

  “I am.” Junior cleared his throat and made every attempt to gain credibility—and their trust—as he continued. “I don’t know much about the import game, but I’m lookin’ to learn from the best. Y’all know anybody who could, y’know, teach me the ways?”

  Jason laughed as he patted Junior on the back, “Eager, ain’t ya! Well, son, what you think? You up for a ride tonight? We’ve got something going down startin’ in about an hour—”

  He was in. Gloria had done it. If that hadn’t earned Vinny’s trust and brought her some key blackmail material, she didn’t know what else she had to do. Now, all she needed to do was find Vinny and get some definitive proof on who he really was. She looked back to their booth where it sat unoccupied. Scanning the bar, there was no sight of him. But the backdoor, the one leading to the far end of the parking lot was propped open a bit, and from her spot on the floor, she could see the glimmer of a man’s leather jacket.

  Gloria slipped from Pedro, Jason, and Junior as they talked details. No one noticed as she walked back towards the somewhat open door and slipped outside. As she turned, she ran straight into Vinny who was conspicuously peering in towards Junior. Gloria played it cool, “Oh! There you are. I thought you might’ve left.”

  Vinny stuttered. He wasn’t expecting her to follow or find him. “Just needed some air. I ain’t one to sit still.”

  “Me neither,” she said warmly. It was the truth: Gloria couldn’t stand to be in one place for more than a few minutes at a time. It made her vulnerable.

  “That surprises me. You seem like the settlin’ kinda girl.” Vinny’s attention was now squarely on Gloria. For some reason, he could feel that she was more than just a decoy. She was someone of importance. Everything about her read that. Maybe it was just her ego. Maybe it was just the way she stood with her hands resting on her slight hips. But he wanted to know what made her so candid, so fearless.

  What Gloria said next sealed the deal for Vinny, “I don’t settle for nobody. I go hard and fast and then I move on.”

  Vinny looked at her once more, weighing his options. She stood silently waiting for his reply until he offered with his husky, languid voice, “You want a ride?”

  It wasn’t exactly an innocent proposition, and Gloria was too smart and experienced in this area to think differently. Vinny’s eyes were lustful, dangerous, wild. But Gloria needed a bit more info. If she was going to get it, she had to get close. Very close. A ride may be just the route she needed to take to get inside.


  Vinny walked backwards, his eyes fixed on Gloria as he waited for her to turn and run. It would not surprise him one bit if she did. She would not be the first woman who turned back once things became heated. Yet, it surprised him to see that she was keeping up, almost rushing him to get to the action. She wasn’t playing around. Whatever she wanted from him, she wanted it now.

  Still, he kept heading back, back towards the row of motorcycles parked against the brick wall of the tavern. He found his ride, a slick, polished black Harley, as he reached inside his storag
e to grab a single, matte black helmet.

  “This one’s yours?” Gloria called as she grabbed the helmet out of his outstretched hands. He nodded as she pulled her hair back and submerged her head into the darkness. He moved closer to her as she could feel him assisting her with the lid. He pulled ever so slightly on the makeshift ponytail she had made as she let out a small yelp. Vinny’s hands and fingertips then traced her spine, sending sparks racing up and down her body. She was more than ready to go.

  Vinny hopped on the saddle first and turned to Gloria where she stood. She wasn’t a huge fan of riding on the backseat of a motorcycle. It just wasn’t her thing. Sensing her momentary reluctance, he patted the seat behind him gently. “You comin’ or not?” he teased her innocently.

  “Oh, honey, I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Gloria laughed, attempting to further hide her doubts. “You ain’t gettin’ rid of me just yet.”

  With that, she jumped to her place behind him as he only gave her a quick moment to grab ahold of his thick hips and stomach before his cycle jumped to life and lurched forward into the empty street. The cool, autumn air whipped against the silk of her black dress as it waved like a flag in the breeze. As she let up on his grip, he would speed up, forcing her to rest her body closer to his, her legs wrapping tighter against his own thighs. The sensation for both of them was thrilling.


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