Conquests & Consequences

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Conquests & Consequences Page 22

by Lee Watts

  "What's your location?"

  "Edge of the system, Admiral. As ordered."

  "Are you detecting anything unusual?"

  "Not yet. I know you expected the Hateeg to have some cloaked ships, and we've been sweeping the area, but so far nothing."

  "It's not the Hateeg I'm worried about. There's someone on the station."


  "Sosimo LaRouche."

  "The pirate? What's he doing?"

  "Serving drinks."


  "I don't know what he's up to, but if he's here, he's after something, and it means his ship isn't far. Call up the file on the HMS Fortune, and load it into your sensors. The Realm used it for black ops several years ago. It must be nearby. We've got him this time."

  "Are you going to arrest him?"

  "Not yet. I want to see what he's after first. Balin out."

  Seething while watching Vivica, Mara lifted a glass from the tray of a nearby waiter and took a sip.

  "Ew," she groused in revulsion.

  Sosimo turned to the Duchess.

  "This is disgusting," she snipped while replacing the glass. "It's far too warm. Take it away and bring something chilled."

  "Ma'am, I can-"

  "I didn't say I wanted a conversation. Servants are to be invisible and silent, understand? Now, go back to the kitchen or wherever and bring out something chilled."

  Using his cybernetic hand to grasp the glass, Sosimo activated his robotic fingers that quickly cooled the flute causing the class to become frosty. He extended the drink back to the Duchess, who only looked at him with irritation.

  "Is that supposed to impress me? It doesn't. In fact, it's repugnant. Now, go do as I've instructed."

  As the Hateeg delegation entered, the crowd quieted. The Hateeg Ambassador, with his shaved head, would have been easy to spot even if alone, but the quartet of encounter suit-clad guards with him garnered all the more attention. Balin took his eyes off of Sosimo for a quick moment to study the green-armored warriors surrounding the alien ambassador. Each elite holy warrior held a shoulder high pike, comprised of various devices within and was completely encased by their ceremonial uniform that was the same dark hue as Hateeg starships. Helmeted, the bulky guards were statue-like, except for the soft light emanating from the thin strip of glass at the level of their eyes. Rumors abounded as to why the Hateeg elite guard never showed any part of themselves. It was rumored they were touched by their gods of light and had to wear the coverings to keep from blinding others. Balin doubted this, but his curiosity, as everyone's in the room, was piqued.

  Capitalizing on the distraction, Sosimo tapped his artificial hand, sending a signal to his crew. Making his way to one of the corridors leading away from the main room, he stopped at the doorway to glance back. He was searching for something. Balin, watching the pirate, wondered what LaRouche could possibly be looking for. Suddenly, Balin realized it was himself as Sosimo caught sight of him and with a beaming smile, waved.

  As the pirate darted down the corridor and out of sight, Balin kicked himself for not arresting Sosimo when he had a chance. Rushing to the stairs to the lower level, the Admiral pulled out his communicator.

  "Dauntless, this is Balin, LaRouche is making a run for it. Get here as quick as you can."

  "What about the orders to keep the Dauntless out of sight during the gala?" Commodore Chandler asked.

  "Belay those," Balin answered as he pressed through the crowd. "I'll take responsibility. Just get here."

  "On our way, Chandler out." Balin closed the communicator and clicked it onto his belt as he struggled through the crowd.

  Sosimo's men hurried to the airlock where the Hateeg ship was docked. Crimson activated the sensors in his cybernetic eye to scan the Hateeg guards on each side of the passage tube.

  "Evening Gents," Crimson said then quickly pulled from behind his back a pair of heavy blasters shooting both guards through the chest. Sosimo rushed over, took a pass card from one of the guards as the pirates hurried inside the airlock.

  "Captain, how are we going to find those other cloaked ships?" one of the pirates asked.

  Sosimo swiped the access card through the door's activation panel and held up a finger.

  "Don't worry," he assured. "I have a plan. The Hateeg will fly us there."

  "That's crazy, but as long as you know what you're doing, Captain."

  "Know what I'm doing? Yes, that's it. I know. Oh, I know what I'm doing alright,"

  The passage hatch indicator light switched from red to green as the door slid open. Several Hateeg guards were inside the entrance. Sosimo tossed in a small grenade and hit the door's emergency containment switch, causing it to instantly close. A second later, a rumbling thud sounded then Sosimo keyed the door again; it hissed opened revealing smoke and downed Hateeg. He stepped into the ship motioning for the raiding party to follow.


  As Vivica took a break from the party to freshen up, Mara crossed to Salazar.

  "She's using you, you know."

  "I know. She's using me to get what she wants, and she knows I'm using her to get what I want. It's a neat arrangement. Besides, what's the good of having power if you don't have pleasure too?" He grinned devilishly then took a sip of his drink.

  "Pleasure is going to get the best of you, Salazar. If you're not careful, she'll be the one who winds up with the power."

  "I'm just having a good time. I won't lose my power."

  As Salazar walked off, Mara mumbled, "Yea, that's what Darius thought."


  As a door to the Hateeg bridge opened, Sosimo's group entered with weapons drawn. To their surprise, the bridge was unoccupied. Wary by the oddity, they kept their weapons extended.

  "Captain LaRouche," came a voice over the speaker. "You worthless, conniving, thief."

  The insult and voice seemed familiar to Sosimo.

  "Wait a minute, I know that voice… what's the name, no, no don't tell me… Hurl in a Bowl? Hurls a Ball?"

  "Herlius Bol!" the voice blared over the speaker. "Executor Herlius Bol, special attaché to the ambassador."

  "I knew the Hateeg had conquered the Pelerite Consortium, but I didn't know things were that bad."

  "Cut it, LaRouche! Drop your weapons, or I'll blow the ports and space you all."

  Crimson and the others looked to their captain for instructions. Sosimo winked then placed his pistol on the ground. His men followed suit then Hateeg guards flooded into the room followed by the gloating Herlius Bol.


  As Saqir Nexos and other Hegemony dignitaries headed to the second level platform, the crowd quieted. Jambrek, the ornately-clad Ramillie high priest was there too. His deep scarlet robes were adorned with odd symbols in gold. He began singing an ancient mantra to the Ramillie gods. A cappella, his voice was strong and deep. Though no one else understood the ancient dialect, Jambrek sang with such passion that it stirred everyone's emotions. By the time the song ended, the spectators were completely silent and captivated. Jambrek gazed down on the crowd, smiled then in a wide swing slapped his hands together creating the sound of a loud, cracking whip. No one could detect it, but the sound was amplified unnaturally by the unseen Dridmor spirit standing by the priest.

  Everyone jolted from the pop of sound. Then, as the priest pulled his hands apart, a ball of multi-colored light appeared. The oblivious crowd gapped as light emanated from the dark sphere of energy. Jambrek chanted as he spread his hands wider. The energy coalesced and burned through the barrier separating the two realms of existence. The more Jambrek separated his hands the faster and louder he chanted, and the more the ball of light grew. Fascinated by the incantation, the onlookers gazed in awe at the sphere, which in addition to light, seemed to emanate chords of strange, disjointed music. Repeating the ancient words, Jambrek spoke faster and faster and increased in volume till at last, he was shouting over the thundering incoherent music of the immense sphere. It flickered and changed c
olor at an ever-increasing rate till at last, it was at a frantic pace then the priest hurled it outward where it exploded into shimmering flakes of light. With the soft tinkling of wind chimes, the particles descended as falling leaves and then evaporated into nothingness. The people erupted in laughter and applause as the priest stepped aside and Saqir Nexos took the platform.

  "Citizens of the Hegemony, you'll see greater things than this tonight," Saqir exclaimed. As Province Administrator, let me officially greet you and offer a special welcome to the Hateeg ambassador."

  The crowd gave courteous applause for the standoffish Hateeg delegation. Expressionless, the ambassador nodded in response. The armored faces of his entourage remained inscrutable.

  "This marks a great night for the worlds of Theera and Enty," Saqir continued. "Your entry into the Hegemony has brought you great riches and security. In addition, not only is this station operational, but in collaboration with Regent Yorin, the Global Security Net for Theera and Enty now online. We Ramillie have increased your safety by removing dangerous weapons from the hands of potential criminals, rioters, and terrorists. Hegemony citizens of Theera-Enty can rest assured in knowing they are even more protected. With this new satellite system, these worlds are safer from invasion, crime, and terrorism. Enjoy the demonstration."

  A holographic projection of Enty appeared in the air. Magnifying the image revealed a net of house-sized spheres surrounding the planet. Nexos narrated as a drone-ship was activated and launched high power bolts at a major metropolis. Almost instantly, a pair of the spheres spun and fired bolts of their own. These intercepted and neutralized the weapons of the drone ship, which rendered the attack moot. Next, the ship accelerated rapidly in an attempt to enter the atmosphere. Again, the security spheres reacted. This time they sent beams of energy into the craft - quickly destroying it.

  The Hateeg ambassador's expression narrowed. Though his government hadn't been mentioned, he knew the purpose for the display, and for his invitation to the gala. The invisible Dridmor standing beside the ambassador whispered thoughts of hatred to him.

  They only invited you to show you your place. They think the Hateeg are weak. You must show them they're wrong.

  "ENOUGH," shouted the Dridmor Cyketh from the upper level of the room. "You're pushing too much. We don't want the Ramillie and Hateeg at each other... yet. Build the animosity, but keep their strength focused on the others for now. When it's time, we'll have them destroy each other. Not before!"

  The underling spirit gave a low growl but knew its place.

  "As you command, Legatus," it answered, emphasizing Cyketh's title. The creature was envious of the authority Cyketh was granted and awaited opportunity to depose him.

  Turning from the display, Edric lifted his eyes and noticed the pleased, snow-skinned faces looked down on the admiring crowd. He realized the entire scene was a microcosm of what the Realm had become. They were a people mesmerized by Ramillie power and culture. Their influence and control were now in politics, entertainment, education - everything.

  The Hegemony's tolerance permeated the Realm. It sounded so good at first, no limitations or judgment. Traditional morals were seen as outdated. Genetic manipulation was now common. Athletes were more capable, celebrities more beautiful, and babies engineered to the parents' wishes. Every desire, no matter how base or depraved was seen as a right, and any who said otherwise was labeled as dangerously intolerant. Speaking against the new rights was banned. Those who opposed such progressive views formed a group called The Remnant. It was a mixture of followers of the Narrow Way and patriots calling for re-establishing the Realm Charter.

  Snapping Edric out of thought was Saqir's announcement the official ceremony was ended, and for everyone to indulge themselves because the real fun was about to begin. The crowd grew silent as the lights extinguished with a clank. A pair of heartbeats later, colored spotlights illuminated the many pedestals with Ramillie statues. As loud, synthetic percussion began rhythmic thumping, the statues began to move. Not inanimate statues, as everyone had assumed, the figures turned out to be people; the spotlighted dancers began thrashing to the music. As the beat reached crescendo, its frenzied pace abruptly stopped. Half a second later it resumed, now accompanied by a full blast of fast-paced techno music. The lights of the main hall flashed in a strobe effect, and a whoop from the crowd signaled that the party had begun.

  Edric wanted nothing more than to leave. He looked for Vivica. Flickers from the lights reflected off her shimmering red dress, adding to its sparkle effect. He saw her gyrating with arms raised, a beaming smile on her face and having the time of her life. Deciding it was pointless to go to her, he chose to let her be. Pressing his way through the crowd, he tried to avert his eyes from the unabashed nude dancers moving wildly on the pedestals. Several people danced in circles around the base of the pedestals, spurring on the performers.

  As Edric made it out of the crowd, he looked back at the reveling throng and glanced up at the Hegemony officials who were watching those below with placid amusement. For some reason Edric's mind flashed to the final time Caedmon was before the Council and the words he had quoted from the Codex, Thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.


  "Riches profit not in the day of wrath…" – Psalm 11:4

  Why is LaRouche here? Balin grumbled to himself. It didn't make sense, but when it came to Sosimo LaRouche, few things did.

  With a score of Hateeg weapons trained on Sosimo and his crew, Herlius sauntered in with a confident smile across his powder blue face and was almost giddy with delight. After the Pelerite Consortium fell to the Hateeg, the Executor had shaved his head in an outward display of devotion to the stars the Hateeg worshiped.

  "Nice haircut," Sosimo quipped.

  "Can it, LaRouche. Your luck's run out. Recapturing you is going to be a big boost for my career, and I'm going to enjoy beating out of you the location of everything you've stolen."

  "I don't think so."

  "Don't think you'll break, huh? Everyone breaks. Sooner or later, I'll get the information."

  "Ah… no. See, I'll be leaving soon."

  "Planning your escape already? It's not going to happen this time."

  "It's not that. See, my Dear Executor, I don't need to escape because they're coming for me."


  "The Hegemony."

  "The Hegemony? They don't like you any more than I do. Why should they set you free?"

  "I didn't say they were setting me free. I said they were coming for me. See, they know I'm on the station and are searching for me right now. When they can't find me, they'll broaden their scan, and I'll show up bright as day on your ship. You can't hide me from their sensors. So no, I don't think you'll have enough time to break me."

  Infuriated, Herlius growled at the inescapable logic, but then something occurred to him.

  "Put the prisoners in a shuttle, and fly them to one of the cloaked ships. That'll keep them off the Hegemony sensors." Turning to Sosimo, Herlius sneered. "Make yourself comfortable LaRouche, we're going to have a long time together."

  As the pirates were taken away, Sosimo activated the homing beacon inside his artificial hand and smiled knowing everything was going according to plan.

  On the Fortune, Mei issued orders.

  "That's the signal. Lock onto it and set an intercept course. Docking Bay, standby. Helm, engage stealth mode."

  Originally designed to sneak up on unsuspecting ships, the Fortune could deploy sensor absorbing material on its hull; while it didn't render the ship physically invisible, on sensor screens, it did make it virtually disappear. The only drawback to the stealth feature was while it was engaged, the ship couldn't power up its shields or weapons. In the docking bay of the pirate craft, Shen Lei and almost half the ship's company eagerly waited in assault shuttles.

  The small Hateeg
shuttle with LaRouche's group entered the great void heading toward a cloaked Hateeg ship. Sosimo looked out of the front window and guessed he would at least see some kind of distortion from the cloaking device, but there was none. When they passed through the other ship's cloaking field, a Hateeg frigate came into view.

  "That's it," reported Giovani, who was manning the Fortune's sensors. "We just lost his signal."

  Mei ordered those precise coordinates downloaded to the waiting shuttles.

  "Coordinates received. Good work," Lei reported to his daughter over the radio.

  Smiling, Mei cleared the shuttles to launch. Assault shuttles zipped from the port side of the Fortune heading for… nothing. At least nothing they could see. Without warning, they passed through cloaking field and almost collided with the Hateeg frigate. Jerking the controls, Lei barely avoided smashing into the capital class ship.

  "Here we go," Lei said while guiding the shuttle through the magnetic field of the Hateeg ship's docking bay.

  Pirates stormed out of the shuttles taking the unsuspecting crew completely by surprise. Within moments, Lei and three other pirates burst into the ship's brig opening the cell doors and freeing Sosimo, Crimson and the others.

  "Thank you, Commander Shen," Sosimo said. "What's our status?"

  "The ship is ours, Captain."

  "Did they send a distress signal?"

  "No. I think they knew if they did it would give away their position, and since they're not supposed to be in the system anyway…"

  "Excellent," Sosimo said as he rubbed his real and his artificial hand together. "We'll be famous after pulling this one off."

  "That's a good name for the ship," Lei suggested. "The Fame."

  "I like it," Sosimo declared. "Like I always say, a pirate's life is fortune, fame, and glory? Now, a ship needs a captain. Lei, you're promoted. I'm heading back to the Fortune. You'll need the crew that came with you to man this ship. We'll meet at the normal rendezvous point then go make the trade with The Hammer."


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