Mended Hearts

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Mended Hearts Page 12

by Sarah Markel

  “Zane! Breakfast! Now!” Alex called up the stairs as she set the food on the table. The two women had worked together to get the day started. While Alex made eggs, sausage, toast, and a morning salad of apples, oranges, and bananas, Kelly had gotten Dej dressed and ready for school. The two now sat at the table, Dej waiting patiently for her brother to join, and Kelly sipping coffee at the seat next to the little girl. “Alright already, sheesh!” Zane grumbled as he took his seat and stared at his food. Noticing that the boy was wearing a pair of ear protectors, like the ones used by hunters, Alex asked, “What in the world? Why are you wearing those?” Glaring at his mother, Zane took them off and replied, “Because all night it sounded like you two... I mean the neighbors... were going for a world record. It's impossible to sleep when all you hear is screaming.” He finished, noting that Dej was listening intently to him. “A record for what?” She asked. Snorting into her cup at the look of momentary panic, Kelly answered for him, “For wrestling. When people wrestle, they tend to get loud and they forget that other people are trying to sleep. Mommy and I will ask them to keep it down.” Smiling with approval, Alex took her seat and whispered an apology in her son's ear.

  The group ate their breakfast quietly, Zane exchanging glares with the two women, and Dej picking at her food. “What's wrong, Sissy? Do you not want that this morning?” Alex asked, noticing the girl was not really eating. “I'm not that hungry, Mommy, my tummy hurts.” Dej replied. Mildly concerned, Kelly pressed the inside of her wrist to the child's forehead. Alex saw the other woman's brows knit momentarily and asked, “Is she warm?” Getting a nod, Alex went to get a thermometer. “Does it hurt anywhere else, Dej?” Kelly asked gently. Taking a moment to think, Dej replied, “I'm achy all over. My tummy is all that really hurts, but I just don’t feel good all over.” Taking the thermometer from Alex when she returned, Kelly took Dej's temperature, her eyes growing wide at the reading. “Alex, she needs to go to her pediatrician.” She said, showing Alex the 103 degrees displayed on the screen. Panic gripped Alex's face. “Dej, baby, when did you start feeling yucky?” She asked her daughter softly. “When I woke up.” The girl replied. Relieved, Alex patted Dej's knee and went to get her phone.

  While Alex was on the phone, Kelly sent Zane up to get ready for school, and picked Dej up, taking her over to the sink. Wetting a cloth with cool water, she laid it on the child's forehead. “Alright, I have to take her to the ER, her doctor's office can't get her in.” Alex said, coming back into the kitchen a few moments later. “Judy from across the street is going to take Zane to school for me.” She added, picking Dej up. “Okay, honey, let me get my stuff. I want to go with you. I'll call Tina and Jack and let them know we won't be in.” Watching Kelly hurry up the stairs, Alex couldn't help but feel amazed at Kelly's concern.

  When Zane came back down stairs ready to go, Alex explained. “I'm taking Sissy to the hospital, son. Colton's mom is going to take you to school, so why don’t you head over there. After school, either Judy or Lauren will bring you home.” Kissing her son on the cheek before he left, Alex took Dej into the living room. “Okay, all set.” Kelly said when she came back down. “I thought you might want him.” She said, handing Dej her unicorn. Picking the girl up and holding her close, Kelly said to Alex, “I'll get her in the car while you lock up, honey.” More and more amazed with each caring gesture, Alex suddenly realized, I could easily fall in love with this woman. When she got in the car, Alex turned and looked at Kelly. Studying the woman for a moment while Kelly got herself seat belted, Alex made a decision. Better wait until after we see the doctor. She thought to herself, remembering that her daughter needed medical attention.

  Chapter 30

  "Alright, ladies,” The Emergency Room doctor said as he came back into the room, “Marissa's labs are back, and it looks like she has a slight case of the stomach flu.” Alex looked relieved. “I want you to give her lots of fluids and watch her for the next few days. Try to stick with soups, juices, and water for now, and it should clear up quickly.” The Doctor said, handing Alex the discharge papers. Before leaving the room, he added. “Don’t forget to make a follow up with her Pediatrician for Monday, and bring her back if she gets any worse.” Letting out a sigh, Kelly flipped the man off as the door closed behind him. “That man has no bedside manner. He didn't say two words to Dej. Oh that makes me mad!” She vented, helping Dej down from the gurney. Chuckling, Alex placed her hand on the small of Kelly's back as the threesome headed for the exit. “Calm down, Babe. It's busy in here and I'm sure he was just trying to be expedient.” Kelly gave Alex a sideways glare. “That's no excuse. He still should have engaged her at least a little bit.” She grumbled under her breath. Shaking her head, Alex kissed Kelly on the cheek before helping Dej into the car.

  Once her daughter was situated, Alex slid into the car and reached for her phone. After she had made the follow up appointment for Monday, She put the car in gear and backed out of the parking space. “Do you mind if we stop at the store after we swing by your place?” She asked Kelly, turning onto the freeway. “No, I don’t mind, that's a good idea actually, I want to pick up a few things myself.” Kelly replied. During the visit to the ER, the two women had decided that Kelly would stay at Alex's for the rest of the weekend to help out. At first, Kelly was hesitant to agree, concerned that Alex may start to get bored with her presence. After she had voiced her concerns, Alex had swept them away with a wave of her hand and a happy smile. She had assured Kelly that she would love to have her there and that she missed her too much when she was gone. Dej had weighed in too, telling the two women in no uncertain terms, that she wanted Kelly there while she was sick. “We'll come in too, that way if Dej needs the bathroom, it will be right there.” Alex said as she pulled in front of Kelly's house. Each woman took Dej's hand and together they walked through the gate. “Stop.” Alex commanded suddenly when the trio reached the porch, “Wait out here.” She said, pointing to the front door which stood ajar.

  Taking out her phone, Alex quickly dialed Steve. “Hey, Steve, it's Alex. Kelly, Dej, and I are here at Kelly's house, and it looks like someone broke in.” She said when the man answered. Waiting before she went inside, Alex listened as Steve instructed her to stay outside and wait for an officer. Feeling a flush of panic, Kelly took Dej and went back to the car while Alex was on the phone. When she finished her call, Alex went out to join the others while they waited for the police. After about fifteen minutes, a patrol car pulled up beside the SUV. Getting out of the car to meet with the officers, Kelly and Alex walked over to the gate. After explaining the situation, and her fear that Lily may be the culprit, the two women waited once more while the officers cleared the house. “It looks like a tornado hit the inside of your house, Doctor Taylor.” The younger officer said when the duo came back outside. After taking statements from both women, the same officer offered to escort Kelly back inside to gather some of her things. “No thank you, Officer Daniels, I will just go buy some stuff to get me through.” She declined politely, sliding her hands into her pockets so no one could see them shake. When the officers said the women could leave, they got back in the SUV.

  After pulling away from the curb, Alex set her hand on Kelly's thigh, making the woman jump. “I'm sorry babe, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said, glancing over at the other woman and seeing for the first time the tears Kelly was fighting to hold back. Checking the rearview mirror and finding Dej asleep in her seat, Alex pulled the car over and turned to face Kelly. “Baby, what’s wrong?” She asked, pulling Kelly into her arms. “I'm tired of this, Alex. First she follows me across the country, then she vandalizes your house, and now she's broken into mine! I'm tired of being scared of her. I'm a grown ass woman, I shouldn’t be afraid to be in my own home! No one should. I'm so sorry you were pulled into this, honey.” Kelly sobbed into Alex's shoulder. “Hey, hey, hey, there’s no need to apologize, babe. If I thought there was a need for an apology I would have said so.” Alex assured her. Hearing K
elly voice her fears made Alex's heart race. I can't let her feel scared. This isn't her fault and I don’t want her to be constantly looking over her shoulder. She thought to herself. “Sell it.” She said, ready to give voice to the question she had previously decided to ask as she stroked Kelly's back gently. “What?” Kelly asked, sitting back in her seat and drying her eyes. Alex met Kelly's eyes, hoping to convey some sense of security with her next offer. “Sell your house, or rent it out. Move in with us, Kelly. I don’t want you to feel unsafe in your home. At my house, you won't be alone and with what happened before, Security has gotten tighter in my neighborhood, so you won't have to be afraid.” Alex searched the other woman's eyes when she didn't respond. Worried that Kelly might say no, Alex pleaded, “Please Kelly. I want you to come live with me. If you would feel better about it, I have an extra bedroom. I need you to feel safe, and besides...” She trailed off, suddenly afraid to voice her thought. When Kelly laid her hand on the side of Alex's face and smiled encouragingly at her, it was all the bolstering Alex needed to finish the statement. “Besides, I kind of like the idea of a live in girlfriend.” Saying nothing, Kelly leaned in and placed her lips on Alex's in a gentle kiss. “I would love to be your live in girlfriend, Alex.” She said, gazing deep into the other woman's eyes. Smiling like a fool, Alex put the car in gear and the group headed off to run their errands so Dej could get home to rest.

  Chapter 31

  "Alright, Honey, everything is put away.” Kelly said when she reached the living room. As soon as they had pulled away from the curb after Kelly agreed to move in, Dej had woken up and demanded a bathroom. Worried that they might not make it to the store without the child having an accident, Alex had taken a shortcut through town to Angie's house. While Dej used the bathroom, the three women decided it would be better for the girl if she stayed at Angie's while Alex and Kelly went shopping. After making a quick run to the nearest grocery store to buy disposable underpants for Dej, just in case she had an accident, the two women had gone to the mall to go shopping.

  Worried about leaving Dej while she was sick, Kelly had sped through the stores, quickly picking out clothing, shoes, toiletries, and makeup. As the two were heading towards the exit, Alex had stopped and smirked at Kelly. Looking from the woman to the window display of the store they were in front of, Alex had said, “Babe, I think you forgot some things.” Confused, Kelly had started looking through her bags when Alex let out a laugh and pointed to the mannequin in the window. Blushing, Kelly realized where they were. Sighing with fake resignation, she had rolled her eyes and let Alex pull her into Victoria's Secret. The two had spent almost an hour in the store, Alex making suggestions, and Kelly giving her opinion. At one point, Alex had picked out a black and magenta lace negligee and G-string set, showing it to Kelly with a mischievous smirk. Glaring at her, Kelly had firmly declined, stating that she was most definitely NOT there to pick out that kind of underwear. Alex had pouted and playfully begged to no avail. Once they had made their purchases and left the store, Kelly realized she had forgotten one of her bags and ran back inside to get it.

  After their shopping trip, Alex had called to check on Dej, and when she was assured the child was sleeping, had decided that they would grab some take out for lunch and go home to put away their purchases before going to pick up Dej. “Sheesh it took you long enough, the fried rice is getting cold.” Alex said playfully as she handed Kelly her chopsticks. The two women sat and talked about what to tell the children as they ate their lunch. Once they had finished their meal, Kelly offered to stay and clean up while Alex went to get Dej. While Alex was gone, Kelly busied herself cleaning up the remnants of their lunch. Once she had finished, she realized that she didn't know what to do with herself. She knew it would be at least a good 30 minutes before Alex returned, and she didn’t yet feel comfortable making herself at home. Deciding to relax in the hammock swing and read, Kelly took herself and the newspaper out back. As she was getting ready to climb into the swing, she looked up and saw the gazebo. Inspiration struck and Kelly took out her cell phone, bringing up the photos she had taken of the butterfly lights before the police had taken them as evidence. Alex had said she didn’t know where to start looking for the artist, so Kelly decided to try and find something that might indicate who had made them. After looking through all of the pictures twice, she was just about to give up when she spotted something. Expanding the image, Kelly did a little happy dance when she saw the miniature three lettered signature on the wing of a purple butterfly. The letters "QJF" were placed just right so that they would appear to be part of the wing accents. She took a moment to recheck the other pictures, enlarging them when needed, to make sure it wasn't just her imagination. Feeling excited by her discovery, Kelly googled the initials, and found only one artist in the entire Northwest who specialized in glass work, with those initials. After a quick internet search, she made the phone call.

  “Hello, may I speak to Quinn Fairchild?” She asked when a woman answered the phone. “This is Quinn.” The woman replied politely. “Oh, okay,” Kelly responded happily. “My name is Kelly Taylor, and I was wondering if you might remember gift you made for someone eleven years ago.” The woman on the other end laughed, then replied. “Eleven years ago? Honey I have made so many things as gifts for people over the years, I highly doubt it. Can you describe the item?” She asked. “Yes, Ma'am, I sure can. It was a set of handcrafted glass butterfly LED lights. They were all different colors, and they were ordered by a man for his daughter's wedding.” Kelly waited with baited breath as the other woman stayed silent. After what seemed like an eternity, Quinn asked. “Were they for the Walker-Baxter wedding?” Kelly let out laugh as relief flooded through her. “Yes, that's right. So you remember them then?” She asked. Kelly felt elation as Quinn confirmed that she did. “I only remember them because that is the only set of butterfly lights I have ever made as a custom order. I remember the old man said his daughter was marrying another woman, and that they both liked colorful butterflies.” Kelly hesitated a moment before voicing her request. “Ms. Fairchild, would it be possible for you to make another set of those lights? It's not for me,” she said hastily when the other woman started to object. “One of the two women, Callie Baxter, died a few years ago in a car accident, and her widow is my girlfriend. Alex, Callie's widow, kept those lights as a kind of memorial for their children, and last weekend they were vandalized and ruined. I am willing to pay whatever you feel like charging, and I would really, really, really like to be able to replace them for Alex and the children.” Kelly finished pleadingly. She again held her breath as the artist gave it some thought. “Alright. I will make another set, but it will take about six months to do it. I keep blueprints for all of my designs, so I will find them and get started on them this weekend."

  Thanking the woman thoroughly, Kelly gave Quinn her contact information and hung up. Just as she was about to climb into the hammock, she heard someone shut the front door of the house. Suddenly fearful, she slowly went back inside. Sighing loudly, she grumbled quietly when she saw that it was Alex, carrying a sleeping Dej in her arms. Going to them, she carefully took the sleeping child and whispered to Alex, “I'll go put her to bed.” Once she had put the girl in her bed, Kelly went back downstairs and joined Alex in the kitchen. Walking up behind the woman, Kelly wrapped her arms around Alex's waist and hugged her. Alex smiled and turned in Kelly's arms. “Hi.” She said with a smile and leaned down to press their lips together. “Hi, yourself.” Kelly replied, returning the kiss. Before the two could get any further with their intimacy, the front door swung open, and two different male voices made their presence known.

  “Mom! I'm home! Colton came over to do homework,” Zane hollered as the two boys entered the kitchen. Slightly embarrassed at having been caught by him, Kelly dropped her arms and stepped back. “Colton, this is Kelly. She's my mom's girlfriend.” Zane said by way of introduction. Smiling, Colton stepped forward with his hand outstretched. “It's nice to meet y
ou, ma'am. I'm Colton Parker.” Kelly returned the handshake, impressed with the boy's manners. He was a few inches shorter than Zane, and outweighed him by about ten pounds. Zane chuffed the boy on the back and told him follow him upstairs. “You guys can do your homework at the kitchen table, son. Dej is sleeping and she is really sick. I don’t want you two waking her up by accident.” Alex said, stopping them before they reached the stairs. Kelly noticed the immediate concern on both boys' faces. “What's wrong?” Zane asked. “She's alright, just a touch of the stomach flu, but she needs to rest.” Alex said, reassuring her son. Agreeing with Alex's recommendation, the two boys began to unload their backpacks and start on their homework.


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