Mended Hearts

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Mended Hearts Page 20

by Sarah Markel

  Chapter 47

  The rest of Thanksgiving Day went peacefully. J.J. finally apologized for deliberately hitting Zane with the ball, and while Zane refused to play with him, he accepted the apology and forgave his cousin. During dinner, Kelly had been subjected to the third degree by Alex's brothers and step-father. While occasionally embarrassed by a question or comment, Kelly felt as if she had been a member of the family her whole life. She had been accepted immediately, and while she had just met most of the family that day, Andrea had no qualms about putting the woman to work with the others. “Honey, I really like your family. They are great people, and your mom and step-dad are a hoot and a half!” She told Alex later that evening as the group headed home. Smiling from ear to ear, Alex nodded. On the drive home, the two women talked about their opinions of the other family members, while the two kids slept soundly in the back seat. When they arrived home, Alex helped Zane into the house and up to his room, while Kelly took a sleeping Dej and did the same. After the children had been tucked in for the night, Alex and Kelly decided to go to bed as well.

  Once Kelly had stripped down to just her panties, Alex slid her hands around the woman's waist and over her abdomen. “You know what I'm thankful for, baby?” She whispered seductively into Kelly's ear. On a moan, Kelly shook her head no. Pressing feather soft kisses to her lover's neck, Alex said softly "I'm thankful that I get to be the one to touch you at night.” Shivering with arousal, Kelly whimpered as she pressed her ass back against Alex's crotch. It was Alex's turn to moan softly as she slid one hand up to cup Kelly's breast while moving the other hand down into the woman's panties. Working her fingers in slow circles Alex massaged Kelly's delicate bud until she heard her lover's breath hitch. Easing her hand out of the panties, Alex turned Kelly to face her. Looking down into blue eyes that had turned a hazy with want, she pressed her lips to Kelly's. Moaning into the kiss, Kelly pressed herself against Alex, wrapping her arms around the other woman's neck. When the kiss broke, Kelly whispered against Alex's lips, “Make love to me, Alex.” Feeling her own arousal soar, Alex lifted Kelly into her arms and carried her over to the bed. Laying the woman down gently, Alex lowered herself on top of Kelly. Situating herself between her lover's legs, she propped herself up on her arms so she didn't crush Kelly. The two women stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Kelly raised her head to capture Alex's lips. Moaning softly in unison, the pair lost themselves in each other.

  For almost an hour, Alex subjected Kelly to blissful torture while she explored every inch of the woman with her lips, tongue, and finger tips. Each time she felt Kelly getting close to climax, she backed off, finding another spot for her attention. When Kelly finally tipped her head back and growled in frustration, Alex slid up the woman's body and nibbled her ear. “What's wrong, baby?” She purred teasingly. Whimpering, Kelly pleaded "Please, baby. I need you to take me.” At her lover's request, Alex nipped lightly on the other woman's collarbone before kissing her way down between Kelly's legs. When she reached the apex between her thighs, Alex slid her tongue lightly over the swollen nub. Crying out, Kelly fisted the bed sheets as her hips surged forward to meet Alex's lips. Taking her time, Alex teased and tortured Kelly until the woman was writhing with pleasure. “Are you ready, baby?” Alex breathed, meeting Kelly's eyes. Silently, Kelly nodded, catching her lower lip between her teeth. Alex smiled as she lowered her head and took the engorged bud into her mouth, sucking lightly as she used her hands to massage the other woman's breasts. “Oh God!” Kelly exclaimed, fisting her hands in Alex's hair as her orgasm flooded through her. After urging Kelly past the first wave of ecstasy, Alex slid up the woman's body and took her lips in a fiery, need-driven kiss. Tasting herself on Alex's lips pushed Kelly closer to the next wave. Suddenly remembering the item she had bought a few days prior, Kelly reached into the night stand drawer. Looking back into Alex's eyes, Kelly whispered "Please?” Looking down, Alex asked "Are you sure, baby?” Nodding with her lip once again caught between her teeth, Kelly handed over the strapless phallus.

  Taking the toy, Alex sat up on her knees and inserted the shorter end inside herself. Mindful that this would be Kelly's first time with penetration, Alex reminded herself to be gentle and go slowly. Repositioning herself over Kelly, she leaned down and kissed the woman again. “If I'm hurting you or you want me to stop, just say so.” She said, caution evident on her face. Nodding in agreement, Kelly took a deep breath as she felt Alex teasing her with the toy. When Alex was confident that Kelly was wet enough to keep from tearing, she slid the shaft slowly inside her. Watching her lover's face for any signs of discomfort, Alex began with a slow, gentle rhythm. Careful not to cause pain, Alex increased her speed when she felt Kelly's body begin to tense. Moaning loudly, Kelly reached up and pulled Alex down, crushing their lips together. “Is this alright?” Alex asked as she continued her pace. Kelly nodded as she matched her hips to Alex's, making the sensations stronger. When she saw Kelly's eyes go wide and her head tip back, Alex knew the woman was close. Quickening her pace a bit, and thrusting just a little bit harder, Alex pushed Kelly over the edge. Screaming with pleasure, Kelly gripped the headboard as the pulsing orgasm shot through her. When Alex felt the juices of her lover's climax against her own throbbing sex, she let herself go over with her.

  When the shudders of pleasure subsided, Alex slowly withdrew the toy from inside Kelly and collapsed onto her back beside the woman. Panting, Kelly said "Oh my God. Oh wow.” Chuckling, Alex rested one hand behind her head and pulled Kelly close with the other. “So I take it you're a fan then?” She asked. Nodding, Kelly turned onto her side and draped one leg over Alex's hips, careful not to disturb the toy that Alex had not yet removed. “Thank you, honey.” She said, kissing Alex softly. Confused, Alex asked "For what babe?” Wiping a tear from her eye, Kelly replied "For being gentle and remembering that it was my first time.” Alex pulled the other woman on top of her, gasping when she felt the heat of Kelly's center pressed against her belly. Looking up into Kelly's beautiful blue eyes, Alex replied "Baby, you never have to thank me stuff like that. Of course I was being gentle, you asked me to make love to you, not fuck you until you couldn't walk.” She added with a chuckle. With a twinkle in her eye, Kelly whispered "Well, we could do that too.” as she lifted her hips and lowered herself onto the toy.

  "Oh holy crap! Would you two put some clothes on?” Startled from their sleep, Alex and Kelly both opened their eyes to see Zane standing at the foot of the bed with his eyes closed and a box in his hands. Grabbing the sheet and pulling it over herself and Kelly, Alex blushed scarlet. “Is it safe?” The boy asked. “Yes, we're covered.” Kelly said, her blush rivaling Alex's. Slowly opening his eyes to make sure they were covered, Zane handed Kelly the box. “Alan and Terry just got home and found this on their doorstep.” He said. Looking down at the package, Kelly noted the word Fragile stamped all over the top and sides. “Who's it from babe?” Alex asked. Looking at the return address, Kelly smiled. “If I tell you, I would have to bury you where no one will find you.” She said, setting the box on the floor next to the nightstand. Rolling his eyes, Zane left the room, closing the door behind him. “Hey! That's my line.” Alex said, pouting playfully. Laughing, Kelly kissed her before getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom.

  Once she was showered and dressed, Kelly went downstairs to make the kids breakfast. Setting the box Zane had brought her on the counter, she pulled Dej's food from the fridge and gathered what she would need to make the rest of them fruit and yogurt granola bowls. After everyone had finished showering and dressing, they joined her at the table. Once they had all finished their food and Dej had been given her medication, Kelly spoke up. “Don't run off, guys. I have a surprise for the family.” Looking at her with curiosity the trio sat back down and waited. Kelly retrieved the box from the counter and set it on the table. Opening it carefully, she took the envelope off the top of the contents and put it in the back pocket of her jeans. While the others looked on expec
tantly, Kelly stopped and looked at each of them. “Alright you guys. I know how hard it was for all of you when Lilly ruined the butterfly lights. So I did some digging and I found the artist who made them.” She said, explaining to them about Quinn Fairchild. When she finished, Kelly carefully pulled out twelve perfect replicas of the original lights. Each butterfly was individually wrapped in bubble wrap and labeled with its color. After removing the protective wrap and carefully setting each light on the table, Kelly looked up to see three faces staring back at her with tears in their eyes. Suddenly afraid that she may have overstepped, Kelly dropped her eyes. “I hope you aren't upset with me.” She said to Alex. Chancing a glance at the woman, Kelly was surprised when Alex stood and leaned across the table to kiss her. “Thank you, baby.” She whispered, caressing Kelly's cheek. Smiling, Kelly cleared her throat and went back to the box. Seeing that there was another bubble wrapped item inside, she pulled the envelope from her back pocket. When Alex and the kids went outside to hang up the lights, Kelly opened the letter and read:

  Dear Ms. Taylor,

  I hope this package reaches you safely. While I understand these butterflies cannot be expected to replace all of the years of memories the original set invoked, I hope that they will bring you and Ms. Walker many years of new ones to cherish. I heard on the news about what happened to Ms. Walker's son and I have enclosed a gift for him as well. From what you told me on the phone, the young man cherishes everything his mother represented. I hope this gift will bring him happiness and joy, instead of sadness and grief. I want to thank you, Ms. Taylor, for inspiring my renewed interest in glasswork. Before you called me, it had been many years since I had done it and because of that phone call, I have stopped feeling the depression and loss I felt after losing my own wife to cancer. I wish you and Ms. Walker all the happiness in the world, and hope one day to meet with you both.

  May your holidays be filled with blessings,

  Quinn J. Fairchild.

  Folding the letter back into the envelope, Kelly set it on the table and pulled the remaining item from the box. Carefully taking the bubble wrap off, she gasped at what she saw. In her hands Kelly held a beautiful night light shaped like a baseball. The base was made of polished cherry wood, and the globe was crafted of white frosted glass. On top of the globe was a stencil-like etching of the Portland Peacocks logo. Similar etchings in the shape of butterflies zig zagged around the ball in a random pattern. Carefully, Kelly inspected the rest of the light and found a switch on the bottom of the base. Flipping the switch, Kelly listened as the chorus from the song Angels among Us played softly. Setting the light down on the table, she pushed the small button located on the front of the base. With stunned admiration she watched as the globe spun slowly, casting butterfly shaped light spots on the wall and a peacock on the ceiling. Every few seconds, the flickering light changed color, making it appear as if the butterflies were flying. Turning the device off, she re-wrapped it and took it out to the gazebo. Watching quietly as Alex embraced her children while the trio looked at the newly hung set of lights, Kelly debated with herself about intruding on the moment. Deciding against it, the woman walked back into the house and sat at the kitchen island.

  A few moments later, the others came back inside, shivering from the chill in the air. “Why didn’t you come join us, babe?” Alex asked, kissing Kelly and whispering her gratitude one last time. “I didn’t want to intrude.” She answered. Before Alex could say anything else, Kelly turned to Zane. “Hey son, come over here for a minute.” She said, motioning the boy over. When he stood next to her, Kelly explained as she pulled Dej up into her lap. “The lady who made the butterfly lights heard about you getting shot on the news.” She said, pointing to the bubble-wrapped gift. “She said that she knows how much you loved your Mama and she wanted to make you something special.” She continued, trying to ignore the lump in her throat. Gently, Zane removed the protective wrap and stared motionless at the light. Alex draped her arm over Kelly’s shoulders as she watched her son reach out with tears in his eyes and press the button on the base. “Oh wow.” The boy breathed as he watched the butterflies dance across the walls. “There’s more.” Kelly said, lifting the light and flipping the switch. The tears in Zane’s eyes flowed down his cheeks when he heard the music. Smiling, Alex gave Kelly’s shoulders a squeeze and leaned down to whisper, “I think he likes it.” Nodding, Kelly leaned against Alex and sighed happily. When Alex helped her son up to his room with his new gift, Kelly gathered the bubble wrap from the counter and the table and went to put it in the box. While stuffing the plastic bubbles into the box, she noticed another envelope. Retrieving it, she opened the envelope which contained a note and a pair of jeweled butterfly barrettes. Reading the note, she handed the barrettes to Dej. “These are for you, Princess. Ms. Fairchild sent them so you would have some butterflies too.” She explained to the child who happily took the gift and thanked her as she ran up the stairs to show her mother.

  Chapter 48

  "Doctor Taylor, Mrs. Green is here for her appointment.” Jack said, tapping on Kelly's half open door. Sighing Kelly told him to set her up in the exam room and she would be right in. For the last five days, Kelly had been doing physical exams on all of the residents at Serenity Home as part of the end of year routine. She had appointments from the time she walked in each day until the time she went home. She had been lucky twice this week and been able to take a lunch break with Alex. Today, however, was not to be one of those days. Kelly had only three more days to finish up the last thirty exams before she was scheduled to take her Christmas vacation time. The only thing that had kept her spirits up all day was the fact that after Mrs. Green, she was done for the weekend. Thank God it's Friday! She thought to herself as she stood and donned her lab coat.

  While Kelly examined her resident, Alex sat in her office with her hands fisted in her hair. She had gone into work early and stayed late every day for the last two weeks. While Kelly was doing her end of year tasks, Alex was doing hers. She had until the following Thursday to have her files completed, bill the insurance companies, and have all of the resident medication requests sent to the pharmacy in order to meet her December 23rd deadline. If she didn't have everything done, her big plans for the holidays were toast. The only time Alex took a vacation each year was during Christmas and New Year’s. She took the ten days between December 23rd and January 2nd off to spend the holidays with her family. This year, her family included Kelly, and Alex couldn't have been happier. This year, Alex had reserved a private cabin at a nearby ski resort for New Year's weekend. She had already made arrangements for Steve and Angie to take the kids so the pair could be alone. But before anyone got to take a vacation, they just had to make it through until next Thursday. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Alex let go of her hair and went back to filling out her forms.

  “Honey, are you hungry?” Startled, Alex looked up to see Kelly holding a plastic bag. Frowning, Alex studied the woman. Why did she change her clothes? She wondered, noting that Kelly had swapped her silk blouse and linen skirt for a pair of jeans and a pink and black flannel shirt. “What's wrong?” Kelly asked, looking down at her clothes. Shaking her head, Alex smiled. “Nothing. And yes, I'm starving.” She replied. Clearing a spot on her desk, Alex made room for Kelly set the food down. “Good, I was getting pretty hungry too and eight o'clock was as long as I was willing to wait.” The woman replied as she pulled Chinese take-out boxes from the bag. “Eight o'clock?” Alex asked, checking her watch. “Baby, I'm so sorry. I got caught up and wasn't paying attention to the time.” Alex said apologetically. Waving her off, Kelly smiled. “It's alright, honey.” She said, leaning over the desk to give Alex a kiss. “The kids were both invited to stay the night with Colton and Carrie, and when you didn't answer your phone, I went ahead and told them it was alright.” Kelly said, taking a seat in the visitor's chair. Using her chopsticks to gather a bite of broccoli beef and noodles, Alex said with a smirk "Look at you getting your mommy on. Hey
!” She added when Kelly threw a fortune cookie at her. “Keep it up, woman. You'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.” She warned, pinning Alex with a playful glare. Raising her hands in surrender, Alex replied with a confident smirk "If I sleep on the couch, then who will make you moan?” Chuckling, Kelly shook her head "Sex, sex, sex. That's all you think about Alex Walker.” With a triumphant smile, Alex stood and took a bow, making Kelly snort into her Won-ton soup.

  While the women ate, they talked about work. “So how many more exams do you have left?” Alex asked. Taking a moment to finish the food in her mouth, Kelly did the math. “Well, I stayed and saw two more after Miss Green today, so I have twenty-eight left. Barring any complications, I have half of them scheduled for Monday and the other half on Tuesday. That will leave Wednesday open for any paperwork I have left. How about you? Are you going to be able to finish before we leave for your Mom's house?” She asked, referring to Andrea's demand that they spend Christmas with her this year. “Yeah, I should be fine. Angie stopped by when she got off shift and agreed to help. They can't head up to Mom's until after Steve gets off work on Christmas Eve, so she is going to finish what I can't get done.” Alex replied, tossing her food container into the trash can under her desk. Sitting back in her chair, Alex laced her fingers behind her head and surveyed Kelly as she finished her food.


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