Mended Hearts

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Mended Hearts Page 23

by Sarah Markel

  While the women sipped their wine and nibbled on the complimentary dinner rolls, Eric came over and asked "Well ladies, how are you enjoying your stay here at Snowy Owl Resort?” Smiling, Kelly answered "It's truly beautiful up here, Eric. I'm not really a fan of the slopes, but I would definitely like to come back.” Smiling, Eric thanked her and took her hand. When he bent down to kiss it, he situated himself so that he could tuck his other hand discreetly under the table. Seeing the man's hand, Alex took the silent cue and took the ring box out of her shoulder bag. Careful not to let Kelly see what she was doing, Alex quickly tucked the box into Eric's hand. Standing, he excused himself and walked toward the kitchen. “Honey, I want to thank you so much for this weekend.” Kelly said, taking both of Alex's hands across the table. “You don't have to thank me, Baby. I promised you from the start that I was going to treat you the way you deserved to be treated.” Alex replied with a smile. The two women sat, looking into each other's eyes for several moments until their meal arrived. “Our Chef has asked me to offer you ladies some of our award winning brownies for dessert.” Kenneth said, setting the plates on the table. With a nod, Alex accepted, thanking the man. “Mmmm, Honey you were right. These scallops are to die for.” Kelly said as she savored her first bite. Carefully cutting her own scallops, Alex nodded. The two talked as they ate, reminiscing about the last two days. As they were finishing their food, Alex caught sight of Eric as he motioned for her to join him. Excusing herself to the restroom, she met the man on the other side of the restaurant entryway.

  “Everything is all set. Kenneth is going to give you a minute to get seated, then he is going to arrive at your table with dessert. The ring will be on the tray, so all you have to do is get her to close her eyes before he gets there.” The man explained. “Thank you so much for helping me with this, Eric. I owe you one.” Alex said, giving the man a quick hug. Making her way back to the table, Alex nodded at the band leader. As she reached her seat, she said to Kelly "I asked the band to play a song for us.” Kelly smiled as the instrumental version of She Keeps Me Warm floated out over the diners. “Babe, I have a surprise for you, but you need to close your eyes first.” Alex said, taking Kelly's hand. Chuckling, Kelly did as requested and Alex motioned Kenneth over. “Just one more minute, babe.” Alex assured the woman as she let go of her hand. Taking his place between the women, Kenneth waited until Alex was in position. “Your desserts, ladies. Compliments of the Chef.” He said, holding the cloche covered tray in front of him. At Alex's okay, Kelly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion when she didn't see Alex in her seat. When Kenneth took a step to the side and removed the cloche from the tray, Kelly's hands flew up to cover her mouth. With tears in her eyes, was suddenly aware that the music had stopped and all eyes were on them. Sitting on bended knee at her lover's feet, Alex took Kelly's hand. “Kelly Taylor, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” She asked. Taking a moment to compose herself while the crowd waited with baited breath, Kelly answered. “Yes!” She squealed, adding quietly as she pulled Alex into a crushing hug "But only if I can take your last name.” Chuckling, Alex turned and took the ring from its perch on the tray. Sliding it onto Kelly's finger, she held the woman's hand up high and announced "She said yes!” As the room erupted with applause, the two women faced each other and sealed the deal with a kiss.


  (6 Months Later)

  “You better run young man!” Kelly yelled, chasing Zane around the yard with a water balloon. Laughing, the boy easily maneuvered around his cousins in an attempt to avoid the woman’s wrath. “Boy, he’s going to get it.” Angie said to Alex as the twins watched the spectacle in the yard. Shrugging, Alex replied with a chuckle “Oh well. He brought it on himself.” Moments before, Zane had hidden behind the garden shed in Steve and Angie’s back yard with a water balloon full of ice cold water. While Kelly was bent over picking up rock that had fallen out of a planter, the boy had stepped out from his hiding place, taken aim, and hit Kelly square on the butt with the balloon. While the others had laughed, Kelly had grabbed a balloon out of the bucket and started chasing the boy. When she caught him, Kelly popped the balloon over the boy’s head and walked away to join the adults on the porch. Sitting on Alex’s lap, Kelly leaned in and kissed her gently. “Hey! Your ass is all wet, why are you sitting on me?” Alex asked playfully. With a shrug, Kelly replied quietly so the kids wouldn’t overhear “Why are you complaining? I thought you liked it when I sat on you while wet.” Screaming with laughter, Angie and Steve both clapped and cheered at Kelly’s retort. “You’re gross.” Alex said as she playfully pushed her fiancée off her lap and covered her blush with her hands. When their laughter subsided, Angie held her wine glass up in toast. “Cheers Sis, you finally found the soulmate you thought you had lost when Callie died. And Kelly, don’t ever hurt my sister or you will have me to deal with.” With a smile, Kelly lifted her glass and clinked it with Angie’s. “Well then I guess I’m safe, because I will never do anything to hurt my family.” Beaming with pride, Alex pulled the woman down across her lap and kissed her.




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