A Vampire's Touch (The Red Velvet Trilogy)

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A Vampire's Touch (The Red Velvet Trilogy) Page 5

by Mina J. Moore

  “I get it. So what caused these other natural disasters?”

  Seriously, that was none of his business but I knew Cade and until you spilled he would not let it go. I’d rather get it out now and not when Sienna was around.

  “What the fuck do you think?”

  He chuckled. Here it comes….

  “Is she still there?”

  “Yes and I plan to keep her here until that bastard is dust.”

  “Yeah, well I have some extra surveillance over at Red Velvet and Got Fangs. There has been one vampire seen scoping the place. A Clairvoyant. Didn’t think those uppity kind liked to hang out with us mongrel folk.”

  “They come around every once in a while. Even they need a good fix from time to time. So what’s up with this one?”

  “He didn’t drink or much of anything else. Seemed to be looking for something.”

  “He’s gonna find it at the end of my fist. Next time, follow him.”

  “Roger that. Have a good night.”

  I ground my teeth at the teasing tone coming over the phone.

  “We might come in to Velvet tonight. I want him to see me. He shows up you let me know.”

  “What do you think I am, stupid? Of course I will.”

  “Fuck off.” I hung up and Cade was still talking.

  Looking at my watch, I saw it was getting late. I leaned back in my chair and let my thoughts run. My body was still humming with pleasure. I could have taken her ten times over by now but I had to be careful. Sienna wasn’t accustomed to that kind of power nor did she have reason to be. In time she would learn because she wasn’t completely human, this I knew for sure now. Just the thought of her blood in my mouth made me crave her again. I had to sate my lust now or I would attack her during our next time together.

  Getting up, I walked around my desk and unlocked the small freezer beside the bookshelf. Having a small kitchenette in your office was very convenient. After nooking the bag of blood for a minute I sucked it down, grimacing at the temperature. My phone went off with the general ringtone, meaning it was unknown. I pulled it out of my robe pocket and answered

  “Jaxon here.”

  “I know who the fuck I’m calling asshole.” The caller growled.

  I walked to the large window and looked out onto the balcony.

  “Too bad you don’t have the balls to identify yourself you miserable bastard.”

  He chuckled. “Always leading with yours I see, Jaxon. You always were a conceited prick. I hope Sienna enjoys her evening with you. Fuck her good. Maybe I can have her when you’re done.”

  “You wouldn’t know what to do with her you dickless wonder. Why don’t you leave her out of this and tell me what the hell this is about?”

  “That would be too easy. You have to pay for what you did.”

  I wanted to throw the phone across the room. “Stop with the bullshit and spill, asshole.”

  “I’ll be seeing you very soon.”

  The bastard clicked off and I was left with the urge to kill something.

  I dialed Cade. “Did you get that?”

  “Nope. Fucker probably knows we are tracing your calls. Can you be more creative next time?”

  I seriously didn’t need Cade’s sarcasm right now. “Listen, I will be there tonight for sure. I want you to beef up security.”

  “You know the Legion is at your disposal, bro. Anytime.”

  Cade was serious now. His bullshiting was gone. He knew this was important to me and it was getting critical. I clicked off and walked out of my office. Taking the stairs two at a time, I reached my bedroom in record time. Sienna was sound asleep in my bed, her hair fanned out behind her. And she was on my pillow, her body flushed in warmth. My eyes went straight to her jugular and I could feel the rush of her blood. It was sluggish with sleep but potent still. The close call earlier had me backing out of the room. My canines had elongated and I had wanted nothing more than to sink into her both at the neck and below.

  I wouldn’t allow that to happen. Sienna wasn’t prey and I would never treat her as such. I did, however, have to get my shit together because this relationship was not going in the short term direction. Sienna would need to be shown the truth, and very soon.

  My keen hearing picked up the sound of sheets moving against soft skin. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Her scent moved my feet forward and I opened the door. She sat on my bed, beautiful red hair draping her shoulders and covering her breasts. Damn. I swallowed in a vain attempt to pull back the urge to pounce. The tips of my canines pushed into my tongue, drawing blood. I smiled to keep from scaring the crap out of her, lips pressed together. I was sure my eyes were black. Striding quickly to the small bar conveniently located beside the entrance to the bath, I poured myself a shot of rum. The fiery liquid burned my throat, taking the taste of my blood.

  “You fell asleep.” I said, keeping my back to her. Two shots later, I turned.

  “Yeah, for some reason I was tired.”

  She smirked and I knew precisely what she referred to. “Well I hope you’re well rested.” I tossed back another because I was going to damn well need it. Taking her again was inevitable plus, I had a promise to keep. Putting the small shot glass down, I stood my ground as she rose from the bed, buck naked. Shit.

  Sienna walked toward me. Those silver eyes bore into me, tearing into my soul. Grasping the sash to my robe, she loosened and pushed it off my shoulders. I shuddered at her light touch. Soft hands trailed down my chest then she bent and flicked my nipple with her tongue. My head fell back and I groaned. I needed to take care of this quickly. My tolerance was limited. Clamping my hands at her tiny waist, I turned her body then pressed into her from behind. I propelled her forward toward the window until her breasts and thighs were flush with the cool glass. I smiled when she gasped.

  In this position, nothing barred your view from the rolling cliffside below and the twinkling lights beyond. This was better than that fucking Titanic moment in the movie where Rose spread her arms out at the bow of the ship.

  My hands moved to the juncture of her smooth thighs, testing her readiness with my fingers.

  “Spread your legs, sweetness. Time to fly.”

  Her whimper was music to my ears. She complied and I didn’t waste any time. My shaft plunged into her in one stroke. She screamed and I gave her time to adjust. Her walls squeezed me tightly. I gritted my teeth to keep from coming right then.

  “I am right there, Baby.” I warned.

  She pushed back, her sweet ass coaxing me to get with the program. So I did, slamming into her over and over again. One of her arms came back and wrapped around my neck. She turned her head, seeking my lips. I obliged, kissing her like a man gone mad with need. My tongue slid against hers in a velvety caress that left us both gasping for breath. The enthrallment of her blood sang in my ears like a wicked song. I released her lips, focusing on my pleasure and pushing back my urge to strike. I had to lay my forehead against the back of her head so she wouldn’t see my expression or the darkening of my eyes. Damn glass was a mirror.

  My fangs extended and my body exploded into hers. Sienna rested her head against the window, no longer able to support the weight, much less mine. My name tore from her throat in a lusty wail. Her spasms continued until her body finally went limp in my arms. The winds had picked up momentarily but died down rather quickly. I had managed to exhaust her to the point where her power diminished. I carried her back to the bed and lay beside her, stroking her back.

  “Do you want a shower?”

  She snuggled closer. “Can’t we just stay here forever? I don’t think I can walk.”

  “I’ll carry you.” I whispered in her ear.

  She was asleep within minutes. I slipped out of the bed put my robe back on. Padding down the stairs barefoot, I pulled my phone out and dialed.

  “Ronnie. I’m going out for a run. Keep your eyes open.”

  “Always do, boss.”

  Within minutes I was moving thr
ough the woods at the rear left of my property. In this form, I could decompress and relieve my urge to feed on whatever small animal unfortunate enough to cross my path. It was my only option at this point.



  A loud baying pulled me out of a delicious dream, my body felt used and sore when I stretched. Looking around, I found myself alone. I sat up when I heard the sound again. Slipping the robe over my nakedness, I smiled at how huge it was, trailing on the floor as I made my way toward the glass doors leading onto the balcony. The night was frigid and the smell of woods greeted me as I stepped out. This view was stunning, part rural and part city life. Hearing a slight ruffling of leaves, I moved my gaze to the ground level and was shocked at what I saw. A huge black wolf circled the area no more than thirty feet from the balcony on the first floor. My eyes could not move away from its beauty. Its snout came up to sniff at the air and I froze as wicked yellow eyes swung over to meet mine.

  What the hell….

  The wolf turned and launched itself back into the thick brush of the wooded area. My shaky legs got me back in the house where I plopped my numbed out body onto the black chaise beside the bed. After a few minutes, I decided a warm bath would do my used body good. Obviously, I was so tired I was imaging things.

  Padding over to the bathroom, I pushed the frosted glass doors open and walked into a fantasy spa. The floors were done in a crystal blue tile that had relax written all over them. The vanity was at least ten feet long and the double sinks were like small bathtubs! I sighed in ecstasy when the Jacuzzi tub made an appearance at the far corner. I promised myself the shower would be next.

  The hot water steamed up from the tub when I turned the fancy handle, ditching the robe and stepping in. I noticed the bathing salts in a tall crystal dish. Bringing one to my nose, my toes curled at the masculine scent. I dropped a few in the water and purred as I lowered my body. This was heaven. I twisted my hair up into a messy bun, securing it by pulling a strand through in a knot. It was definitely too long. I smiled just imagining the look on Jax’s face if I teased him about chopping the crap out of it. Shouldn’t it piss me off and come across as controlling?

  Nope. Not at all. I loved that he felt ownership toward me. Hell, I felt it toward him. Just the thought of another woman having him…

  “Sienna? Are you in the shower.”

  His sensual voice came closer and I trembled in anticipation. Because I felt adventurous, I raised both legs, spread-eagle and draped them over the side of the tub. That gave him one hell of a show when he walked in. He grinned and I knew I was in for it. The robe slide off his wide shoulders and hit the floor. Water sloshed over the side but really, I didn’t care one bit. He settled right between my legs and at my nipple.

  “Arrgh. You bit me,” I squealed, more water hitting the tile.

  “And you deserve much more for teasing me.”

  He sat down, pulling me astride his lap. Our bodies were soapy and wet, making the friction as we moved…exquisite. I knew this wasn’t going to be a drawn out session when he lifted his hips and entered me in one stroke. My inner muscles tightened around him and his groan empowered me. He reached up until his chest was crushing my breasts, his lips close to mine. Looking intently into my eyes, he whispered.

  “I’m all yours.”

  My stomach clenched at his words and a raspy breath left me. Running my hands down his incredible chest, I nudged until he leaned back against the walls of the tub. His fingers squeezed my ass, urging me to move. And I did, riding him into tomorrow.

  Within seconds, we flew apart. There was no kissing or caressing, just me moving at a frantic pace and him, never breaking eye contact until we both drifted back to the land of the living.

  I seriously wondered how we made it out of the bathroom without busting our asses on the floor which now resembled a shallow pool. Jax slapped my ass, moving me to jog into the bedroom.

  “What was that for?”

  His smiled wickedly. “Because it looked too tempting not to.”

  Putting my hands on my hips, I smirked at him. “Funny guy.”

  He grabbed me around the waist and lifted me. “Go put that sexy dress back on. I have somewhere I want to take you.”

  I scowled at him. “Now? It’s almost eleven thirty.”

  He picked my dress up and put it on the bed. “I thought you were a party girl.”

  Next came the shoes. I don’t know why but seeing my boots dangling in his hands had my hormones doing a little dance. Again.

  “Did I tell you how much I love these on you? Your legs...”

  I smiled as he struggled to finish.

  “I think I am going to buy you at least a hundred pair in every color.”

  I slid out of my fluffy towel and pulled my dress over my head minus my panties which lay shredded somewhere. Glancing over my shoulder, I wanted to squeal with glee at his smoldering expression. Instead, I pretended not to notice and hiked my leg up on the bed to zip my boots on one by one. Next thing I knew, he was pressed up against my ass, rubbing his erection into me. Leaning over, he spoke into my ear making me pant with anticipation.

  “You’ll pay for that later now hurry up and stop teasing me.”

  He walked back into the bathroom. He must have grabbed my clutch and brought it up because it was sitting on the nightstand. I pulled out my lipstick and eyeliner, making do with the limited makeup. When I walked into the bathroom to see about fixing the riotous mess of hair on my head, I stopped short. Jax was wearing a pair of black leather pants and a thin pewter grey sweater. Can anyone say Yum? He looked fantastic, his black hair still glistening from our time in the water. I found I liked it better short. It accentuated his extraordinary features. He was facing the mirror, finger-combing it when I walked up behind him, snaking my arms around his waist.

  “You smell delicious. What cologne do you use?”

  He smiled, clasping my hands in his. “I haven’t put any on yet.”


  After another dose of warm O-Positive to settle my urges, we hopped in my hot rod and started toward the city. A quick call to Cade confirmed what I already knew. Our mystery caller might very well be on site. The same vampire fitting the description had already made an appearance at my club and had now been spotted at The Red Velvet. Glancing at Sienna, I tightened my hold on her hand. I hated that she was about to be hurled into my chaotic world but it was her world too.

  Our species had managed to exist among humans for thousands of years. Turf wars had existed back then and continued to exist now. It was through careful manipulation we continued to coexist. In the past, people lived a more simple life with fields of land between them. Wars were bloody and superstitions more easily explained. If a body turned up with wounds to the neck it was attributed to acts of witchcraft or evil arts.

  As time progressed, it became more challenging to shield our race. Forensics came into play and questionable murders where investigated, in most cases, leading to dead ends. Vampires on both sides of the war followed one rule; Do whatever necessary to insure we were not discovered.

  At my club this was pretty simple. It was geared toward those who wanted to role play with vampires. The only caveat, they were getting the real thing. So if strange happenings were witnessed, it was attributed to the “show” we put on for our guests. The Red Velvet was another animal all together. Humans frequented as much as Vampires. They just had an extra check point added in with the ID, a retinal compulsion to forget anything out of the ordinary that happen in or around the club. Every human entering the place got one. Sienna would not. I didn’t know if it would work on her. “You’re very quiet.” She said.

  I gave her hand a squeeze and changed the radio station. The George Washington Bridge was still crowded at this time and it was nearly twelve thirty. This is why I lived in the wooded area of New Jersey. I loved the city but the privacy of being in your own home without hearing the blaring horns of taxis or bumper to bumper traffi
c? Wouldn’t trade it.

  “We’re almost there.”

  “Just where are you taking me?”

  I winked at her. “It’s a club. You’ll like it.”

  She gaped at me. “Clubs are not really my thing anymore. College burned me out.”

  “I want you to meet my brother. He practically runs the place.”

  “Don’t tell me you own this place too?”

  I loved her quirky smart mouth. I could think of plenty of ways to put it to good use. I cursed at my cock as it rose to attention. Moving in my seat, I adjusted the discomfort. Served me right for letting my thoughts travel down that gutter.

  “There are four others, including Cade .”

  She reached over and brushed my hair back. I loved when she did that. Leaning into her touch, I kissed the inside of her hand.

  “I would love to meet your brother.”

  Cade waited for us up front.

  “Sienna, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Cade was a flirtatious cad. I glared at him over her beautiful red hair. He smirked and winked at me.

  “I hope our drinks are ready in the V.I.P lounge?” I asked, sarcastically.

  “Onyx is all over it.” He answered.

  Sienna glanced at me and raised an eyebrow. “Who is Onyx?’

  Before I could answer, Cade swept in and took Sienna from my arms. I was seriously going to have to kick his ass.

  “Only the best bartender on this side of Manhattan. I’ll take you over to have a chat.”

  I glared after him as he walked over to the main bar. Sienna looked back at me and smiled reassuringly. Throwing both hands in the air I followed like a petulant child.

  Watching Onyx work was always a joy. She was professional and an expert at creating original drinks. It’s what kept people coming back. That and the show she put on. Two bottles went flying in the air landing right at her hand by the neck.

  “Love the hair.” She quipped, looking at me. I nodded my thanks.

  She flipped the bottles over and poured two more drinks as she spoke.


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