Leigh Sparrow

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Leigh Sparrow Page 25

by In Pursuit of the Black Swan

  In the far corner, two sailors watched them leave.

  “Looks like it’s time to make a move,” one said.

  “Shall I go nab the girl?” the other asked softly.

  “Aye, and be swift about it.”

  “But keep her out of sight until we get the say-so from Sharky.”

  They both rose and exited.

  McPhee and Winston sipped mugs of ale at another table. As Edward and Ian left, they silently looked at each other. The barkeep immediately went up the narrow staircase in the corner of the room. Shortly, he reappeared, followed by a tall blonde man in well-tailored clothes and a middle-aged woman in a blatantly elegant yellow gown and matching cloak.

  McPhee chuckled softly. “Nothing like sticking out like a goose in a hen house with those fine togs.”

  “Should we follow them?” Winston asked.

  “In a moment, My Lord. Don’t want to put ‘em on the scent.”

  After a few more moments, McPhee and Winston casually rose and exited the tavern.

  The elegant couple approached the quay. “How the hell did the Black Swan get involved with this?” the woman asked in French. Her thin lips pressed into a scowl.

  “Don’t know, ma belle. Nevertheless, it makes no difference. If he has the jewels, he’ll get the girl. It’s just a matter of notifying our Captain Pike where to deposit her.”

  “You sure you know what you’re doing?” she asked. Her eyes quickly perused the harbor.

  “If you like, you can wait at the inn. I’m perfectly capable of collecting the jewels myself. I have three men placed by the quay already. There’s no need for you to be present.”

  Her confidence bolstered at the mention of additional men. “No. I want to collect the jewels. And I want that little beetch killed after we get the jewels. She’ll recognize me and know how to trace us, Francois.”

  “Let’s get the jewels first, cherie. First things first.”

  Shortly, they arrived at the quay. They approached a sailor carrying a crate to the dinghy. “I have business with your captain. Is he about?”

  Edward walked up behind them. “I’m the captain.”

  The couple was startled from his unexpected approach and Edward gloated at catching them off guard.

  Jonteau smiled smugly. “So the rumors are indeed true, Monsieur Devon. You are the Black Swan after all. I trust you found my little Gabrielle is quite lovely, is she not? She proved to be more entertaining than my previous whores.”

  “Where is she?” Edward asked frigidly.

  Ian stood next to Edward, obviously using all his restraint not to shoot the Frenchman on sight.

  “We will deliver Mademoiselle Demerre once we have received the jewels.”

  “No girl, no jewels,” Edward countered firmly.

  “No jewels, zee girl dies!” the woman screeched.

  Edward casually rubbed his chin. “She’s a nice bit of fluff, but perhaps I’ll just keep the jewels.”

  Jonteau’s face turned purple. He narrowed his eyes. “As you wish, Captain. I can always turn her over for the ransom. A sizable amount for a whore,” he uttered coldly. They turned to walk away; the woman’s eyes fluttered in panic.

  “Halt.” Edward said. “I need a guarantee. You’ll get your jewels but I must see Gabrielle first.”

  Jonteau exhaled and turned back to him wearing an arrogant sneer. The woman had no blood left in her face.

  Then Captain Shark approached, strutting like a rooster. “Well, if it ain’t my old friend the Black Swan!” He stepped between Edward and the Jonteau.

  “Sorry, Sharky, I’m in the middle of urgent business.”

  The couple glared at the intruder.

  “Ho ho!” Shark drawled. “What are a couple of Frenchies doin’ right here on English soil?”

  “I have important business, Shark . Get out of here,” Edward enunciated, gritting his teeth.

  Captain Shark chuckled. “Well, I’m guessin’ you’re dealin’ with the wrong ones, Swan.”

  They all looked at him curiously.

  “Because I’m the one who’s got the girl.” Shark’s voice changed to stone. “Found this little dearie napping quietly in yere cabin.”

  Alexandra was led forward by some of Shark’s men. She was gagged with her hands tied behind her back. Two giant sailors held each of her arms.

  Jonteau paled. The woman appeared ready to swoon.

  “You double-crossing bastard, Shark!” Edward’s face burned with rage.

  Shark chuckled, but his eyes were cold. “As I always say, there’s just no honor among thieves any more. Now, Capt’n, I’ll take the jewels.” He gripped tighter on Alexandra’s arm and she shrieked behind her gag.

  Edward’s eyes looked into Alexandra’s, conveying an unspoken reassurance. She had another gawd-awful rag stuffed in her mouth. Tears streamed down her face and muffled wimpers came from her throat. Her hair was tangled and her dress was covered in dirt.

  “Untie her and place her in the dinghy with my men.”

  Captain Shark gave a swift nod to the men.

  Alexandra was ungagged and released. She bent forward and took in deep gasps of air. Then she lunged forward to kick out at Shark’s shins, but his men pulled her back. “You bloody traitor!” she shrieked. Her face was flushed with fury. As she was led by, she spat in Shark’s face.

  Shark gave a hearty laugh, wiping his face with his sleeve. “The little missie’s got spunk, I’ll give her that. Wouldn’t mind keepin’ her for myself. She’d be a fine one to tumble.” His eyes leveled with Edward’s and his voice turned to steel. “Now hand over the jewels.”

  Edward walked over to the dinghy in which Alexandra had just been placed, and picked up a package the size of a loaf of bread wrapped in brown paper. He tossed it to Shark. “Watch your back, Shark. I won’t forget this. You’ll be in hell very soon.”

  Shark grinned. “I’ll be savin’ a spot for you, if that’s the case.” He opened the packet. Inside was the ice-blue gown. He shook out the gown and the flowing skirt tumbled to the ground.

  “That’s my propertee!” Jonteau exclaimed. His face was mottled red with fury. The group ignored him as Shark inspected the blue diamonds in the bodice.

  Shark’s jaw twitched. He narrowed his eyes at Edward. “These diamonds are paste!” he bellowed. “That was very untoward of you, Swan. No one pulls the wool over the Shark’s eyes.” Shark pulled a gun out of his coat and aimed it at Alexandra.

  “No!” Edward shouted.

  Shark pulled the trigger. A loud shot rang out, an echoing boom over the harbor. Alexandra jerked forward and shrieked, and then slumped in the dinghy.

  “What have you done?” Edward said to Shark. He raced for the dinghy, plunging into the water to catch up to the small boat, which had just shoved off.

  “Just a piece of fluff, eh, Swan?” Shark said, nodding with heinous satisfaction. He hurled the gown to the ground and stalked away with his men.

  At that moment McPhee pulled out a gun and aimed it at Jonteau. “Freeze, Jonteau. Now my guess is this woman is your sister. Madame DuBennet, I presume, the seamstress in Paris?”

  “Leave us be,” Jonteau ordered with an arrogant sniff. “My men have this place surrounded.”

  “Not bloody likely, you French maggot.” McPhee nodded toward the trees behind them. On the ground lay three men, bound and gagged. Winston stood over them, broadly smiling and waving, while holding a pistol over them in the other hand.

  At that moment, a brigade of British soldiers rode up on horseback. They circled the entire group of men standing on the quay, with their guns aimed. “Drop your weapons. All of you. Hands in the air,” the officer-in-charge ordered.

  McPhee dropped his gun as did the other men from Edward’s crew. Jonteau reluctantly tossed his gun on the ground and slowly raised his hands. Madame DuBennet stood her ground. Her jaw thrust forward and her hands tightened into fists at her sides.

  The British officer looked at her pointed
ly. “Hands in the air, Madame, or I will not hesitate to shoot you.”

  She raised her hands and scowled.

  “Identify yourselves,” the officer ordered.

  “Lieutenant Thomas McPhee, sir, First Officer under Captain Edward Devon. This is Francois Jonteau and his sister Madame Jeanette DuBennet. They are responsible for the kidnapping which led to the shooting of Lady Gabrielle Demerre, Sir. They are also wanted by the Crown for being members of Les Nouveau Liberterres in France.”

  The officer arched his brows at the couple with surprise and disdain. “Where is your Captain, Lieutenant McPhee?”

  “In the dinghy, Sir, with Lady Demerre. She has been shot and is in dire need of a physician.”

  “She’s dead!” Ian cried out. His voice rang out in painful despair from the quay. “My God, she’s dead!”

  A hushed silence descended over the gathering.

  The officer peered out to the dinghy to see the distressed Captain clutching a woman to his chest as she hung limp in his arms. Then he took note of the menacing sloop-of-war anchored in the harbor.

  “I presume that the shot to Lady Demerre was the one I just heard fired. I shall send for the magistrate at once,” the officer said to McPhee. He turned to Jonteau and his sister. “Arrest these two!”

  Francois Jonteau and his sister were swiftly taken into custody by the British soldiers.

  Chapter 45

  Back aboard the Black Swan, Edward stared down at Alexandra as she lay on the large bunk in his cabin. Her long eyelashes swept over her cheeks and her skin was pallid white. It was strange to think how much death and sleep could look alike. There would never be another like her. He thought his heart would burst at how much he loved her. Sitting on the edge of the bed beside her, he pressed his lips to her forehead.

  After a moment, her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him.

  “You are officially dead, my love,” he said, softly stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers. “That should be the end of Gabrielle Demerre, as much as I admit I shall miss her. Word has already spread like wildfire from all the spectators on the quay. Jonteau and his sister are under arrest, and on their way to Newgate. We allowed his other men to escape so they could go back to France and spread the word. Our couriers will also strategically place some false dispatches to that effect. Soon it will be confirmed by the authorities that Gabrielle Demerre is in fact dead, and that ridiculous bounty will be rescinded.”

  “So does this mean I’m in heaven?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “Not yet, sweetheart. I fear you’re stuck in this world just a bit longer—with me.” He lowered his face to hers and kissed her tenderly. “Madame DuBennet was also mistress to a French officer, a Colonel Fontaire. As to whether he was in on the conspiracy, he was obviously a player, intentional or not on his part. She spotted you at your couturier in London when you came in for a fitting. The London couturier coincidentally happened to be owned by one of her relatives. She was delivering garments to that shop when you were trying on gowns. I’m sure she must have fallen through the floor when she saw you in your blue debutante gown. That is how Jonteau managed to follow you to your debut.”

  She sighed. “Men follow me everywhere when I wear that color.”

  “Don’t I know it!” He grinned. “Although Jonteau discovered your true identity, he could not divulge it to the French if he wanted to collect the bounty for Gabrielle Demerre, without his own involvement in framing you being disclosed. Apparently it is in bad form to accuse an innocent debutante raised by an English Duke of being a French dissident.”

  “And I am such an innocent, as we both know.”

  “By the bye, I thought you might be interested in a clean gown, since your only other one at the moment was soiled during your murder. As much as I adore looking at your pretty derriere in trousers, if we’re going to get married in ten minutes, I’d quite prefer my bride in a gown.”

  She shot up to a sitting position and gasped. “What do you mean, ten minutes?”

  Edward toyed with a lock of her hair. “Captain Shark has put his ship broadside next to ours. He is awaiting our arrival to perform a wedding ceremony. Although we are a mile off shore, he’s anxious to get going. He’s complaining that he hasn’t got all bloody day.”

  She swung her feet to the floor and dashed to the mirror. “Good God, Edward! Where’s a gown? My hair is a mess, and I need to get this white powder off my face.”

  Edward strolled to the wardrobe and removed a fluffy garment. He shook it out and held it up for her. “This one will have to do, darling. You must also settle for me as your lady’s maid. There is no one else on such short notice.”

  Alexandra’s eyes widened as she saw the ice-blue gown from Paris. “Are those the real diamonds? I’m not wearing that gown if they’re the genuine ones,” she said warily.

  “The jewels have been securely placed in the hands of the British treasury. But, for sentimental reasons, I had them replaced with paste copies. And as it turned out, the gown fit in quite neatly with our little ruse, don’t you agree? Now let’s put this on you and I’ll find a comb for your hair before Captain Shark decides to sail to Copenhagen.”

  Alexandra exited the cabin ten minutes later with Edward at her side. The deck of the ship was almost barren. The water was calm enough for the ship to be tied broadside next to the Black Swan. “This doesn’t look like Captain Shark’s ship,” she said. “It‘s larger—and familiar.”

  “Look more closely. I gave him Pike’s brig as a reward for his part in our little drama. He was more than happy to oblige.”

  Edward crossed over to the other ship and then lifted Alexandra in her billowing gown across. “I have another surprise for you.”

  “I’m not sure I can survive any more surprises this day,” she said.

  Captain Shark met them with his usual toothy grin. “Welcome aboard, missy! Good to see ye back among the living. ‘Tis a fine looking dress ye’re wearing, a fine one indeed for a weddin’.”

  “You don’t think it’s too gaudy, do you, Captain?”

  “Bloody hell, no! Ye look just like a princess to me. Now let’s get this weddin’ over with. I need to put out to Copenhagen before dark.”

  As Alexandra peered across the deck, she saw Ashford and Lady Bertha.

  She looked up at Edward in amazement. “Please excuse me for just a moment?” She dashed over to Ashford and threw herself into his arms.

  An emotional Ashford sniffled. “So it appears our Black Swan has brought you back to us safe and sound, thank God. It’s so good to see you, my dear.”

  “Oh, Uncle Ash, I’m so glad you’re here! It seems I’m getting married and I would hate for you not to be here.” She hugged him again tightly.

  “There, there! Ashford doesn’t get all the hugs, my dear girl!” Bertha exclaimed. She wore a garish turquoise gown, with matching turban and an ostrich feather protruding from the top.

  Alexandra then hugged Bertha. “Oh, Lady Bertha, I am finally marrying Edward.”

  “I can’t say everything went exactly according to plan, but we did prevail,” Bertha proclaimed with smug satisfaction.

  They climbed the few wooden steps up to the quarterdeck of Captain Shark’s newly acquired brigadine. The afternoon sun waned low in the sky, promising a brilliant sunset. Alexandra looked up to see Ian, Winston, and McPhee waiting. They all looked quickly bathed and shaven.

  Ian strolled forward to give her a tight hug. He gazed down at her lovingly with the same bright blue eyes. “You look magnificent, Alex. And I agree with Captain Shark. That’s quite a dress.”

  “Who would have thought today would be my wedding day?” she said. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

  “Now that Edward has you back, he’s not taking any more chances of losing you. And I, for one, don’t blame him, given the recent turn of events,” Ian said.

  “Are you going to give me away?”

  Ian’s face tightened with emotion. “It would be
my honor, Alex.” He took her hand in the crook of his arm and led her toward the grinning Captain Shark.

  Alexandra approached her husband-to-be, the Black Swan. He was again dressed in black, with his long cloak flapping in the breeze, as if echoing the ebony sails of the proud ship bearing the same name. His cloak had become one of her favorite articles of his clothing. Fondly she recalled how wonderful it felt wrapped around the both of them, that first time he held her in Paris, and the many times since aboard the Black Swan.

  His tousled brown hair framed his beloved rakish face and the gold hoop twinkled from his ear. Gazing up into the shining brown eyes she so adored, she noted with unmitigated pleasure that he was, in full pirate form, ogling her like a rogue.

  Chapter 46

  Brilliant shades of orange and violet streaked the western sky. Alexandra stood at the helm of the Black Swan firmly holding the wheel with Edward behind her, his arms encircling her. “Now keep her steady, Mrs. Devon, and watch the wind in her sails,” he said softly in her ear.

  “Oh, Edward, I can never get over how beautiful it is out here. I can see why you love it so.”

  “Yes it is wonderful. But you must know you were the one who inspired me to sail. It all started with your imagination when we were kids, fighting the pirates, pulling up the anchors, and walking the plank.”

  “Aye, we did walk the plank once or twice, did we not?”

  “And you had the Dauntless and I had the Black Swan,” he added softly.

  “That’s right, the Dauntless! What ever happened to her, Edward? The French were trying to blow her to bits the day I found you shot.”

  Edward kissed the top of her lovely head. “Thanks to you, my sweet little wife, she is safe in my cove. That message in Paris you sent to Jacques Fritte was enough to enable him to get her out of the harbor before the French army arrived.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him with amazement. “I did that?”

  “Yes, my love. It was you. You indeed saved her.”


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