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Emerald Page 27

by Garner Scott Odell

  Two days later gathered in Inspector Peit Servette’s living room were Levi Benesch, the legendary Mossad Katsa; David Bernstein and Miriam Wagner, Mossad Agents; Max, friend and confident of Servette; Simon, Munich Mossad, Case Officer; and Josef of course, listening and watching over the evening and the needs of the guests in Geneva.

  Servette looked around with pride at those gathered in his living room. “Isn’t it interesting that although we have been working this emerald case for several years we have never all gotten together, until today? In spite of that I think we have been an amazing team and I am honored to be part of this quest.

  Now, with Levi’s permission and all your help let’s see if we can come up with, first, a plan to put this emerald in its proper place so it will not cause the mayhem it has caused anymore and second take care of “The Dagger,” better known as Hans Huber. I certainly want him out of my city, either on a cold slab somewhere, or at least in prison for the rest of his miserable life. Third, I think we are all aware that the Munich situation with our “friend” Chief Bruno Beinschmidt and his Nazi buddies is pretty well in the hands of the German GSG 9. I have also informed them of the arrival of our friends, the ‘Three Stingers’, and they will be on the watch for them. But just to make sure let me go over all that I know about their particular situation. If you have any questions or any details to add that I am not aware of, just chime in.”

  After the discussion of the Munich Police affair, David asked, “I guess that leaves the emerald and Hans!”

  Miriam spoke up, “What does Christies want to do with the emerald?”

  “Forget the emerald. I want to take care of that bastard, Hans, forever. Forget a trial and prison,” David said as he quickly got up and walked to the window overlooking Geneva.”

  “All in good time, David,” Levi said as he looked at Miriam with eyebrows raised. Do you think the GSG 9 will be able to handle the “Three Stingers” for us?

  Inspector, that will not be a problem at all.” With a laugh, Simon continued, “I think the GSG 9 boys will arrange a very nice ‘Welcome To Munich’ party for their arrival. They have the approximate arrival time and there aren’t that many flights from Orly to Munich where they might be missed. And besides I have arranged that two of my people with also be part of the welcoming team, just to keep us on the inside, so to speak”

  “That’s great,” Peit broke in, “I think we can erase them from our list of problems. Josef, would you please get us something to eat and drink while we save the current world?

  Levi asked, “What about the emerald? What is our responsibility concerning that gem? It seems to be the main source of the trouble we have been having, especially if Hans is doing all this killings, just to get his hands on it, I might add.

  Would it be wise for you, Peit, since this is your town, to get in touch with Dr. Franz at Christies and talk to him about what we can do to help resolve the emerald situation?”

  “I can certainly do that and see if he has any information about the final resting place for our emerald. How does that sound?”


  Munich - - - Geneva

  They drove through the outskirts of Augsburg and began looking for the signs to the AB autobahn, Karloff looked at the sky from the back seat of the Mercedes and remarked, “It looks like rain will be with us soon. Why don’t we stop and put the top up before we hit the autobahn. Find a place also where we can empty our bladders and this would be a good time to call Bruno, let him we’ll be there in about an hour, least according to this map.”

  Werner pulled into a large truck stop, stopped beside gas pump, turned to the others and said, “My bladder’s fine, why don’t you two empty yours and call Bruno while I put the top up and fill her up.”

  Coming out of the restroom, Adolph spotted a pay phone and asked Karloff if he had any marks. “All I have is paper money,” he remarked. Karloff handed him some coins and started looking at the magazines in the rack nearby as Adolph entered the phone booth.

  After only a minute or so Adolph joined Karloff at the magazine rack and remarked, “That was odd.”

  “What’s odd?”

  “Someone named Kirk answered and immediately asked who I was.”

  “That seemed so strange that I hung up. I called right back thinking I had dialed the wrong number and Bruno’s secretary, Lillianne answered and said Bruno was no longer Police Chief, could she help me. Again, I hung up. What do you suppose is going on?”

  “I don’t know but we’d better talk with Adolph and decide what we do when we get to Munich.”

  Climbing into the Mercedes, they mulled over different possible case scenarios as they drove on towards Munich, nervous to find out what was going on.

  After checking into the small hotel that Bruno had arranged for them, they called the only other phone number they had been given for Munich and asked for Gottschlag.

  “Who are you and why are you calling my husband?”

  When Werner explained they were friends of her husband, from Argentina, there was a gasp at the other end of the phone.

  “Then you don’t know? Chief Beinschmidt was arrested yesterday along with my husband and several others. I don’t understand why, something about corruption in his department, but that can’t be my husband. He called from jail after he was arrested and all he said was not to worry, it was all a big mistake, and he would be home soon.”

  “Did he say anything else at all?”

  “Oh yes, he did say that if anyone called asking for either the Chief or him and say anything about Argentina they were to get out of Munich as fast as they could and head for Geneva. I don’t know what that means, but that’s all I know. When you get to Geneva you are to call 41 22 715 1600 and ask for Klaus. Does that make any sense to you?

  “Yes and no, but I hope it will when we get to Geneva. Thank you very much and when you see your husband tell him we called and are headed to Geneva. You’ve been very helpful, but please don’t tell any authorities about this conversation, especially where we are headed.”

  Hanging up, Werner told the other two about the conversation.

  “So what do we do now?” Adolph asked.

  “We do just as she told us to do and get the hell out of Dodge.”

  “You’ve been watching too many American cowboy movies, Werner, but whatever is going on here in Munich, I sure don’t want to be part of it. I think we’d better go down the back stairs and not even tell the desk we’re leaving. That may give a little bit of a head start, especially if the police are watching this hotel.

  Gathering their brown robes and trying up not to trip as they dashed down the stairs, they pulled their hoods up to cover their faces as the three Franciscan monks hurried out the back entrance of the hotel. Walking sedately to the parking lot they put their suitcases into the trunk of the car, climbed in and drove onto the street.

  “Drop your hoods, fools. We don’t know if Franciscan monks drive Mercedes in Germany or not. I certainly don’t want to get stopped by a, too curious, Catholic cop. I hope our Italian passports will fool anyone who stop us.”

  “Yeh, as long as we don’t to have to say anything in Italian. Werner, get the map out and get us the hell out of this city and on the highway to Geneva. This trip is turning out to be a fiasco already.”

  “Ok, we need to take this road down a few miles and get on highway A95 going south. Then after a few miles we take exit 39 onto A96 and that takes us all the way down to the German/Austrian border. How’s our gas?

  “It’s fine and should hold us for a while, least until we get to Switzerland. I’d sure like to get out of these brown dresses, they make me feel creepy.”

  “Me too, but they are our best disguise, especially if anyone taken in Munich has talked about the three of us arriving. Let’s get across the Swiss border and then we can change.”

  “Where do we cross into Switzerland”?

  “According to this map we have to get into Austria first, and it looks li
ke in less then two hours. We cross into Austria near Oberhochsteg, but we’re only in Austria for a little while then we get into Switzerland near Hōchst. That’s the border I’m worried about, so I think we’d better not get out of these Catholic dresses till we’re a ways into Switzerland. Then we stay on route #1 all the way into Geneva.”

  “Who do you suppose Klaus is?” Adolph asked.

  As Servette walked down the hall in the Police Department, he heard his private office phone ringing and dashed in just in time to answer it.

  “Inspector, I’m so glad you are there. I’m Jacob, one of Simon’s men in Munich. We’ve got trouble! The Stingers weren’t on any flights into Munich from Paris. The GSG 9 watched all the flights into Munich very carefully, and they weren’t on any of them. Did we get the date wrong?”

  “No, I’m certain you had the right date because their reservations were confirmed by your Buenos Aires station and by Levi. I wonder if they missed their connection in Paris.”

  “What if, for some reason, they decided to drive from Paris to Munich? They could have been spooked by the Police situation if they got a lead.”

  “That would be a logical reason not to have been on that flight. Just to be on the safe side I’d better ask the GSG 9 to watch for them at the border crossings into Austria and Switzerland.

  As Servette walked past the radio room he heard his name called followed by “Inspector, something just came in on the wire that you might be interested in.”

  He walked into the radio room and one of the operators came forward and said, “Something about a Doctor in Munich committing suicide,” and handed him a sheet of paper. Without looking at it Servette asked, “What has this to do with us, James?”

  “Read it, Inspector. It says that that Doctor was about to open a new medical clinic or something that would heal people using emeralds.” Laughing a little he continued, “Everyone around here has heard about your hunt for that big emerald.”

  As Survette turned to walk out of the radio room he responded, “Thanks, James. That stone was just for my secretary.”

  “Sure Inspector and elephants fly!”

  Returning to his office Peit sat at his desk and read the communiqué.

  Late yesterday afternoon police were summoned to the Munich University Hospital where a staff member, a Dr. Chan Yang had reportedly committed suicide. The hospital representative told this reporter that Dr. Yang was a distinguished staff member who for years had been doing important research on the healing properties of emeralds and other gemstones. It was rumored that Dr. Yang was planning a new facility, but no specific plans were known at this time. The hospital is very confused and in mourning. No other details are known at this time. The hospital will hold a public news conference tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.

  “I wonder what caused Dr. Yang to do that,” Peit thought as he leaned back in his chair. He picked up the telephone, dialed, and said to the voice that answered, “Max, glad I caught you.

  Did you see that small article this morning about the suicide of that Doctor at Munich University Hospital? Check into it, will you? Don’t think it’s of too much importance, but that name does ring a bell for some reason. Thanks, and it will be so good to see you Max - - - talk to you later.

  “We should be almost to the Austrian border about now. As much as I like Germany, I’ll be glad to get out of it this time. Too much bad stuff seems to be happening, at least in Munich.”

  “Werner agreed and then responded, “What’s that up ahead? It looks like a roadblock of some kind.”

  “Probably only an agricultural inspection before the border.”

  They slowed down and then realized that it was a type of military blockade and began looking for somewhere to turn around. Suddenly a military jeep drove from the side road they just passed and began following them.

  “What do we do now?” Adolph asked, exasperated.

  “I don’t know, but let’s stay calm. Our passports are in order and we just have to act like priests or monks or whoever we’re supposed to be.”

  As they approached the road block they saw that the military were all holding machine guns.

  “My god, those are H &K battle rifles, just like what we got at the compound last month! That’s some impressive fire power! We’ve got to stop and the only thing we can do is bluff our way through.

  As soon as the Mercedes stopped at the check point they were surrounded by a dozen of the black suited military and one man walked over to that car and ordered everyone out.



  Emily wiped her wet hands and picked up the ringing phone.

  “Klaus, how nice to hear your voice. You’re in Geneva? Are you coming by? Yes I’ll be here all day, and it will be so good to see you. In about an hour, that will be fine. I can hardly wait.

  When Emily opened the door she was startled to see a stranger standing in front of her. “Who… You’re not Klaus.”

  Pushing his way past Emily, her mouth opened in surprise, Hans replied, “Yes I am, Emily, just let me in and I’ll explain everything,” and slammed the door behind him.

  “Now sit down and shut up you little slut while I talk. My name, at the moment is not Klaus, it’s Hans - - - Hans Huber, and I am going to stay with you for a few days - - - least until I can figure how to get my emerald and go home to Argentina.”

  “What emerald - - - Argentina - - - what are you talking about?”

  Hans walked over to Emily and slapped her across her face. “I told you to shut up and listen.” Emily’s terrified eyes filled with tears and her fingers gripped the arms of her chair like the claws of a bird of prey gripping it’s catch. Pacing back in front of the terrified woman Hans almost shouted, “I am not who you think I am, but that doesn’t matter - - - you are just here to help me get the emerald that Christies has because it belongs to me … nothing more, nothing less. If you continue to do this - - - do just what I say - - - I may let you live. But believe me if you call the police or do anything to screw up me getting my emerald I will squash you like the vermin you are. And one thing more. All that sweet talk, all that love making before was just to mold you into my little helper. I do not love you; I do not even care for you. You’re body is disgusting and I do not want to touch you again except maybe to remind you every once in a while that you belong to me and I control your destiny, your very life.

  Hans went over to Emily bewildered and cowering in the chair, her eyes wild with fear.

  “Do you understand my little cherub slut?

  Emily nodded quickly and tried to cover her face with her arms. Hans pulled her arms down and slapped her again leaving a bright red mark on her cheek.

  “OK fine, now that we understand each other, this is what I want you to do. Call your boss at Christies, that Dr. Franz, or whatever his name is, and tell him that you have taken ill and won’t be in for a couple of days. I’ll listen to that call so don’t try anything funny. Then I want you to go to that little market on the corner and get enough food and beer for my little visit. That should take you only about 20 minutes. If you are gone more that it will the end of your life, so enjoy your last twenty minutes. And, if you make any calls or try to tip off anyone that I am here, I will find out, you can be sure, and I will make your prelude to death so painful you will scream for it to end.” He grabbed Emily’s chin and forced her to look at him as he smiled viscously at her. “Now get going and make that phone call. Oh and one more thing. If your phone rings at any time, I’ll answer it, do we understand each other?”

  Trembling, she could hardly pink up anything in the small market near her apartment. Near the display of apples, she looked longingly at the telephone on the counter near the cash register.

  “Is everything all right Miss Emily?” Startled at the clerk’s words she dropped the box of cereal on the floor.

  “Oh yes, all right, I’m just not feeling very well and need a few things before I go to bed.”

  “Well let me know if I
can help.”

  Her shopping basket filled with whatever her troubled brain could envision, she walked over to pay for the groceries. As the clerk started ringing the items up she reached for the telephone. “May I make a quick call, please?” Without waiting for an answer she dialed Dr. Franz’s private number. When Dr. Franz answered Emily whispered loudly, “Call Inspector Servette, Hans is in my apartment and is going to kill me!” She quickly hung up, and trembling, paid for her items to the bewildered clerk, snatched up the two sacks of groceries and ran out of the store.

  Emily rushed into her apartment, slammed the door and headed for the kitchen.

  “You had just 30 seconds or I would have blown you head off. Well, not really, because you see I rarely use a firearm. I would take much more pleasure in slitting your throat from ear to ear. What took you so long?

  “I couldn’t remember what kind of beer you liked,” Emily responded as she opened the refrigerator door and began to put things inside.

  Hans walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. “I really don’t care, just so long as it will give me a little buzz. What’s wrong with you? You seem a little nervous. Didn’t get any ideas about telling anyone about me did you?”

  “No I didn’t Klaus, or Hans, or whoever you are. I just want you out of here and out of my life.”

  “Now is that any way to treat your old lover?”

  Emily tried to walk back into living room, but Hans caught her arm and twisted it behind her back. He walked her into the living room and threw her down into the green, faded, overstuffed chair. She cowered in that chair afraid to look at him. Hans walked over to a matching chair and sprawled into it.

  “Let’s get another thing straight lady - - - I love hurting people and you can be sure I am very good at it, so don’t get any ideas about escaping out that back door either.


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