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Arise Page 2

by Michael Dean

  Adding to Agrelia’s elusiveness is her ability to portal jump. Portals are spiritual tunnels. Some take you to the heavens, others take you to the underworld. Only angels can make the heavenly, white-bluish tornado looking portals appear when they need them to, while only the hell sirens and extremely high ranking demons like Christian can make the swirling yellow and red portals appear. These pathways can take spiritual beings all over the earth in an instant and can also take them to Heaven or Hell if they choose to leave the physical world. Only those permitted, like those in the council or Heaven’s elite, can jump between the planes of earth, Heaven or Hell. But no demon can enter into a heavenly portal, nor can an angel enter into a demonic portal for the purposes of entering Heaven or Hell, but they can ‘leap’ between earthly places using the other portals if need be, if they catch one open.

  These portals are hidden all over the earth, only to be opened and revealed by those who are permitted to use them. Usually the most haunted or spiritual places known to mankind on earth are the places where portals are hidden among humans. This is where beings from either side can come and go freely to and from the physical world. Spirits can transport themselves anywhere on the planet, portal to portal, in an instant. Portals are also present in areas, or even homes, where evil or darkness may be taking place among humans. Like human on human crimes that are so dark, so vile, that it attracts the worst of beings from the underworld like Agrelia, Christian, or Drift Demons like myself. Hell is always looking to claim a new soul if they can. When I battle Agrelia, I must be sure to stay as close to her as possible. Because if she opens a portal and enters it, I’ll only have a short period of time to follow her into it before it closes, leaving me guessing where she went and costing me more precious time. It’s easy to see that this is a huge tactical advantage for her that I must be smart enough and fast enough to overcome. One mistake with Agrelia could spell the end for me.

  Every single moment that I could spare since the meeting on Eagle Peak with the council, I have tried to mentally calculate and physically prepare for the siren leader. But like all the other nights, spending time with Shade cut into my training. I can only hope that these breaks in concentration don’t lead to my downfall. Regardless if it does, hanging out with Shade is a must and is the main reason why I’m rebelling in the first place.

  The hours passed quickly and I felt it was dark enough for me to break into flight and head on over to spend the night with Shade. I took my time flying to her so her family was in bed before I arrived. Once I was at her home, I did a quick fly over to make sure that Shade had put a candle in the window for me. This was her way of telling me that her parents were down for the night and the coast was clear for me to enter her room.

  As usual, I approached her window with extreme caution. I dematerialized into smoke and shadow so not only could her parents not see me, but nosy neighbors wouldn’t see this winged, human-like figure gliding through the night air. I entered through the extremely thin opening at the base of her window. Being that it was cold out, Shade wasn’t about to leave her window wide open waiting for me. I guess she could completely close it and I could knock on it when I arrived and she could let me in, but she feared that I could still be seen standing out there waiting for her, so this was the best thing we could come up with.

  I floated into her room like a dense, ominous fog enters a forest, slithering onto her bed like a sneaking snake. But like always, Shade seemed to be aware of my presence.

  “Hey, baby, glad you made it. It’s about time,” she said softly.

  Instantly, I materialized out of the darkness on her bed right next to her. I was lying on my side, greeting her with a smile when Shadow jumped from her feet and in between us when I appeared.

  “How do you always know when I get here?” I questioned her curiously while petting my loving cat.

  “I don’t know. I can just…feel you near at first, but then I see this weird, dark fog...then I know it’s you. Shadow can sense you too, it seems. He always growls right as you show up, then when you get real close, he stops, starts purring, and looks around all wide-eyed.”

  “Yeah, he always knows when I’m around. Guess I’m gonna have to do something about that…eh, little buddy?” I playfully threatened my feline friend with a friendly tug of his whiskers.

  “You leave him alone.” Shade pushed me on my shoulder and hugged our kitty.

  “So, how is Sandra and Scruffy doing?”

  Shade sat up on the bed and propped her back against the headboard.

  “They’re doing well. Naturally, they’re still asking questions about why you haven’t hung out with Mark lately. It looks like you not being around is really bothering him, he’s even getting a little mad.”

  “Well, there’s nothing I can do right now. But I promise, when I feel it’s safe, I’ll make it right with him…with both of them.”

  “I know you will,” she kissed on my head, “So, are we going for a ride or what?” Shade asked playfully as she hopped off the bed and put a sweatshirt and a jacket on.

  “Are you serious? It’s freakin’ cold out there. I mean, of course the weather doesn’t bother me, but I thought for sure you would cancel tonight’s ride.”

  She just looked at me and smiled while putting on her thick winter gloves and sliding on her beanie. She loves our rides together. Almost every night, no matter how cold it’s been lately, Shade would have me hold her and fly over our town and the nearby mountain range. We also fly to some neighboring towns as well. Sometimes we chat the entire way about nothing in particular and other times we remain silent, just taking in the sense of tranquility that being together in such extraordinary circumstances gives us. I think she also likes our escapades because it gives her the ability to do something that no other human on the planet can do, fly without the help of a mechanical object of some kind.

  “I’m ready. C’mon, demon boy, waiting on you.” She leaned down to me on the bed and gave me a friendly swat.

  “You’re going to catch the flu with all of this exposure to the cold, glad I’m not human. No worries for me,” I teased standing up.

  “Yeah…well…don’t brag, lackey, we’ll make it a short ride tonight if you’re worried about me.” She came over and hugged me. “Now let’s go. Bye, Shadow.”

  I shook my head and watched her open the window waiting. She was looking at me suspiciously as she bit her lip. I knew what she wanted me to do.

  “I have to carry you out the window again?” I raised my voice.

  She reminded me to be quiet by placing her finger over her lips, “You know you love me.”

  As usual I couldn’t resist the sweet temptation of Shade. “Fine, fine, fine.” She happily squealed and clapped her gloved hands together a couple of times in excitement. I shook my head and turned myself into a shadow once again. Very lovingly, I stood behind her and placed one of my smoky arms around her waist and picked her up. If anyone was in her room, able to see this action, it would appear as if Shade was levitating herself out of her window. As soon as we glided out of the open exit, I turned her so she could fully close it.

  We rose high up into the moonless sky before I materialized again.

  “Why do you like that so much?” I asked.

  “I think it’s cool when you just disappear like that. Not everyone gets to see the things I get to see. It’s pretty neat seeing this weird, foggy looking shadow surround me and not being afraid of it. I love being able to also feel you without seeing you. I just like that.”

  I didn’t reply. I carried her slowly through the patchy clouds as we looked down upon our quiet town. For more than a few minutes we remained silent as we took in the beautiful sights. Shade finally broke the stillness between us by telling me what was on her mind.

  “I want to go with you.”

  “Go with me where?”

  “You know, when you go find Agrelia.”

  There was no way that I could allow her to go with me to Arizona. It was t
oo great of a risk. Not just her getting hurt, or maybe something even worse happening when I encountered the hell siren, but how could she explain her disappearance to her family? I didn’t know how long it was going to take me to deal with Agrelia and there was no place she could be that was safer than staying put in Mountainside, especially if I have to portal jump after Agrelia. There was no way she could go with me if that situation arose.

  I wasn’t sure how to sugarcoat telling her that she couldn’t come along, so, I just shot straight with her.

  “Shade, you can’t go. I can’t keep my head in the game and keep you safe at the same time. You’re better off here. Whatever happens, will happen. I can’t risk both of our lives.”

  Expecting a friendly rebuttal to my request, I waited to hear a sharp negative reply. Instead, I was answered by brief silence. Her silence spoke volumes, it told me that she conceded to not going, and not knowing. She wouldn’t know if I’d won unless I returned to her; if I never did, she’d have to draw her own conclusions on my fate. I hated to do that to her, but it was the only way.

  Shade, respecting my decision, seemed to let it be and quizzed me on my strategy, “So what are you going to do?”

  “Do about what?” I answered, playing dumb. I didn’t really want to talk any further about my fight with the council; it already consumes me enough as it is. Being with her helps me get away from that worry for awhile, but I understood and respected her concern.

  “What do you think…the council.” She giggled uncomfortably.

  “Take them out one by one, I guess.”

  “I know that, but how? What are you going to do about Agrelia?” My vagueness was making her impatient.

  “I don’t really have a concrete plan. The only thing I can do is face her and see what happens from there. Being prepared is my best defense and offense. Same thing really when it comes to any of the council members. All I can do is give them everything I have, maybe use their weaknesses against them, if they have any, and if that turns out to still not be enough…then…it will not be enough.”

  “Game over,” Shade concluded.

  “Game over,” I added.

  “I don’t think you’ll meet your end; at least, I hope not.” I felt her stomach rise and fall against my arms as she took in a deep, stressful breath. I didn’t reply as I had no answer to give.

  We remained in silence for the rest of our short ride. Shortly before we arrived back at her window, I changed into shadow again, not just for the reason of Shade’s personal entertainment. She opened her window and we drifted inside. I placed her onto the floor and she quickly shut the window behind us as I reappeared.

  “Brrr, I’ll be glad to get into my warm bed. Between the freezing Colorado winter air and your chilly touch, it’s hard to stay warm around here,” she teased.

  “Hey, there’s nothing I can do about my touch, but it was your choice to go outside tonight.”

  Shade stuck her tongue out at me and disappeared into her bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I sat on the edge of her bed. Shadow jumped up from the floor and started rubbing against me. I slowly petted my friend for a minute or two before Shade dashed out of the bathroom in her pajamas. She quickly yanked open the many layers of covers on her bed and slid in, covering herself in a rush.

  “Better?” I smiled at her.

  “Much,” she replied through lightly chattering teeth.

  Shadow leaped from my grasp and climbed onto her stomach. She freed one hand and began to pet our buddy briefly before putting it back underneath the covers.

  “Are you getting in here with me?” she asked.

  “If you wish, but you know it’s like inviting a bag of ice into your warm cocoon.”

  “That doesn’t matter, I like having you near me. You make me feel safe and help me sleep.” She smiled at me as she patted the empty spot next to her from underneath the covers.

  I reached down and took off my shoes. When I stood up from the bed and approached the side next to her to get in, Shadow stood up from her stomach with a stretch and walked down between her feet, nestling himself into a warm spot to rest for the night.

  I pulled the sheets back and slowly slid under them. Instantly Shade placed her hands around me and pulled me to her. I inched up next to her as our bodies met and she rested her head into my chest. She shivered a little more intensely as the chilled touch of my skin met hers. I scratched her back as we held each other tightly before she looked up into my eyes.

  “I love you, Leo. You’re the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I don’t ever want to lose you.”

  “I love you, too,” I replied, purposely not answering the latter part of her statement. She wasted no time in pressing her lips to mine passionately.

  We cuddled together, locked in a loving embrace under the covers, which finally began to warm her up, kissing and rubbing one another for hours. We had yet to make love. She was waiting for either marriage or a time when she felt it was safe to let herself go in that manner with the right person. I, of course, had nothing to wait for being a demon, but I was still very afraid, afraid for more than one reason. I didn’t know how this shell I was embodied in would react to the ultimate display of passion and love between two souls. I was frightened of the pain I would feel if I actually went through with such an act. Kissing was hardly bearable; a loving embrace might be more agony than I could deal with. Plus, if we did make love before all of my issues regarding Christian’s council were over, what would become of Shade if I lost? I didn’t want to destroy her any more emotionally than was necessary. So for now, this is what we did in bed together, which was just fine with the both of us.

  Before I knew it, I felt her passion slow down, and in mid-kiss, she slid into sleep. This wasn’t the first time she did that and I chuckled in a whisper. I kissed her cheek and positioned myself enough to cradle her within one of my arms. She adjusted herself so she was resting her head on top of one of my pectoral muscles.

  All night long I held her, scratching her back, running my hands through her hair while I aimlessly stared at the ceiling in empty thought. This was a heck of a lot better than spending nights alone at my spot. But much to my dismay, and just like the few nights before that we spent in one another’s arms, I had to break our snuggle when I saw the very faint glimpse of morning light cresting through the window. Very slowly, I slid my arm out from underneath her. Before sliding out of bed completely, in an effort to not wake her, I gave her a light kiss on her slightly parted lips. I stood up and bid Shadow a silent farewell and quickly disappeared out the window.

  I purposely leave my kitty with Shade because I know that after she does her usual Sunday afternoon family things, she’ll end her day by coming to see me, toting Shadow along with her.

  Life as a demon wasn’t as lonely as it once was now that I have Shade to look forward to every day; even though loneliness never seems to truly leave me. I no longer question why I feel emotions like a human does anymore, I embrace it.

  Chapter 3


  Even though school wasn’t a part of my original game plan anymore, I still kept going. It was one more thing that made me feel like a normal young guy. I loved the social scene and I enjoyed the structure that school brings into my life. The only thing that was making my days a bit uncomfortable was avoiding my best friend. I kept my head down in the class I had with Scruffy and hurriedly left the class when it let out. I even changed my seat so as not to sit close to him. Shade moved with me so that I wouldn’t be completely alienating myself.

  Scruffy tried numerous times to get my attention, even throwing his hands up in the classroom as if to ask me non-verbally what my problem was. I only could answer him by looking away. I hated to keep doing this to him and Sandra, I absolutely despised it. The guilt was eating me up inside. But I had to do what I had to do until the storm passed. The less they knew about me, the safer they were. Like I told Shade, I would make it right when and if I could. Hopefully, Sc
ruffy and Sandra would still have me as a friend when the time came.

  But just when I thought I had accomplished one more successful week of staying away from Scruff, he decided to confront me after English class.

  In very un-Scruffy-like behavior, he approached me from behind, forcefully grabbing my shoulder and pulling me around to face him. We were right smack in the middle of one of the busiest hallways in the school. People were darting all around us as they dashed off to their next class. Shade was about to catch up to me for our usual after-class meeting when she saw Scruffy grab hold of me. I could see her standing off to our side, leaning against the lockers when he yanked me around to face him.

  “Dude, what the hell is going on with you? Did I do something to piss you off? You’ve been avoiding me like the black plague. I know you’ve seen me trying to talk to you…what’s up?”

  Naturally my friend had every right to be inquisitive about my recent behavior towards him. I was acting like a jerk, but for good reason. I couldn’t just explain to him that I was a Drift Demon from Hell that was here to make Darryl Kite a murderer by killing Shade, then I suddenly changed my mind by saving her and now I was on the run from Hell; he’d recommend that I be committed. How was I supposed to tell him that knowing me could get him hurt, or even killed? There really was no way of explaining my circumstances to him, so I did what I did best, avoided his inquiries.

  “Look, Scruff, you wouldn’t understand…I…I promise to tell you when I can, just not right now.” I turned to walk away from him but he circled around me, cutting off my path.

  “Leo, we’re supposed to be best friends, maybe I can help. Whatever the deal is, man, you can tell me. Is it something I did…or someone else? Is it Shade…what?” He pointed over to my girlfriend, who looked at the floor, signaling that he knew we had onlookers.

  “It’s not like that, Scruff, you wouldn’t understand.” I tried to walk around him.

  Again, he stepped in my way, this time shoving his hand against my chest, stopping me.


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